↳ 𝘡𝘰𝘦 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦
Zoe Elizbaeth Grace
16 (Trident Thief- Trail of Hades)
17 (The Traitor's Sister)
18 (Present)
Daughter of Zeus
Princess of Olympus (by fellow gods and goddess)
Daughter of one of The Big Three
Holder of The Sky
Most Powerful Demigod Child (by Chiron)
Apirl's Daughter
Sweetheart (by Apirl)
My Daugther (by Zeus)
ThunderHead, AirHead (by Priscilla)
Sparks (by Phoneix)
Olympus's Destoryer, Fool, Girl, (by Hera)
Z, Zo, (by friends and family)
Zozo (by August)
Cousin (by Thalia and Jason)
Puny (by Leona)
Self-Absored Daughter of Zeus (by Percy)
Baby, Babe (by Henry)
Champion of Olympus
Hero of Olympus
Saviour of The Gods
A True Hero (by Ren)
Zeus {Father}
April Grace {Mother}
Hera {Step-Mother/Aunt}
Beryl Grace {Aunt}
Thalia Grace {Cousin}
Jason Grace {Cousin}
Henry Stanigo {Boyfriend}
Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Hercules, Athena, Ares, Persephone and Aphrodite {Parternal half- siblings}
Ren Stacie {Paternal Step- Sister}
Hades, Poseidon and Chiron {Paternal Uncles}
Percy Jackson, Priscilla Jackson, Alex Stangio, Henry Stanigo, Nico di-Angelo, Bianca di-Angelo, Hazel Levesque {Paternal Cousins}
Hesita and Demter {Paternal Aunts}
Kronos {Paternal Grandfather}
Rhea {Paternal Grandmother}
Camp Half-Blood
Camp Jupiter {short period of time}
New Rome University {future}
Thunder Strike (spear)
Lightning Bolt Necklace
Lightning Engravged Shield
Hunting Knives {borrowed from Thalia, formely}
Warm Brown {before claiming}
Electric Blue {after claiming}
Golden Blonde {before claiming}
Black {after claiming}
Blonde with highlights {Trail of Hades}
Black with Blue Highlights {Traitor's Sister, Ombre}
Platinum Blonde {Book Five}
Black Curtain Bangs {Book 6-8}
Blonde Bob {Future, Spinoff Books}
149 cm (4'11)
The Demigod Chronicles
Sabrina Carpenter
The Trident Thief {Book 1}
The Curse of Hephaestus {Book 2}
The Trail of Hades {Book 3}
The Traitor's Sister {Book 4}
The Forgotten Hero {Book 5}
The Mark of Hecate {Book 6}
The Daughter of Juno {Book 7}
The War of Olympus {Book 8, Final Book}
Zoe can be described by friends and family as a brave, strong and caring, aswell as a natural born leader, though like her father Zeus she can come of as stubborn, prideful and assertive.
Due to her personality, Zoe likes to be in charge and is usally leading and calling the shots in the books and taking charge and she can get upset when her orders are disobeyed.
She can be very short tempered when she is challenged in that way shown as she argued with Priscilla during a game of Capture The Flag, causing the two legendary fight to began (The Trident Thief) along before Percy steppted in, aswell as her many arguments and bickering with such characters as Leona, Alex and August.
Zoe is also a extremely good figther, and is loyal to her loved ones and those who respects and is willingly to protect and ultimately lose or put her own life in danger, and protect Cabin Half Blood at any coast necessary. Zoe can also come off as jealous and a bit hostile at new indivuals such as her experiences with Reed Dorain (when she called Priscilla out for her crush on him, and got upset at their relationship) though now the two have mainted good heathly bond, Reed calling Zoe a good friend and Zoe doing the same even with a few bit of bickering.
Another example of this was with the arrive of Ren Stacie, as Zoe is shown to be closed off, cold and rude to Ren, after Priscilla's disapearrence from Camp for the last 9 months (The Forgotten Hero)
Zoe is also extermly prideful which happens to be her fatal flaw, as shown as she prides herself in being the "Daughter of Zeus" and "King of The Gods" showing herself as self-absored giving the nickname by Percy.
Zoe can also be very emotional at times, showing that she listens to her heart more than her head, putting herself in diffcult situations. This can also be assoicated with her expolsive temper.
Zoe is shown to be very similarity to her best friend Priscilla Jackson, though at times Zoe is self confident while Priscilla is shown to be less sure of herself at times.
Hubris (deadly pride)
❝She was a girl, looking around my age, she had bright eletric blue eyes that remind people about lighting along with long golden blonde hair. She was thin and was average height as she wore the same oragne shirt with ripped black jeans and a blue bomber jacket with sneakers❞
― Alex describing Zoe, in The (Trail of Hades)
Zoe is a teeange girl, before her claiming at Camp Half blood, she had long straight blonde hair and warm brown eyes, but after her claiming her eyes were eletric blue and her hair turned a jet black.
As described by Jason, Zoe even has freckles that goes across her face and they can be seen when she stands in the light.
She is also described as being "very pretty" by fellow campers, and Aphrodite describing her as "beautiful" just like her mother April Grace, saying she gets known of her good features from her father Zeus.
Zoe's style can be described as "casual." and sometimes "punk." when she wants too, her style of clothing can varies throughout the series along with her changes of hairstyles.
In (The Trident Thief), when seen by Priscilla, Zoe was wearing a Supermen Hoodie with black ripped jeans and black and white converse, but saying the thing that stood out the most about Zoe was her lighting bolt diamond necklace which turned out to be a gift from her father given to her when she was a baby.
When in Olympus or called by the gods, Zoe describes herself to be seen in "fancy greek goddes clothes" her attire being a white layered dress with gold trim, her hair being put into big bouncy curls and a gold green crown with golden greek sandals (The Curse of Hephaestus)
Throught the series, Zoe can be seen wearing punk like clothing and such colors and shades of dark blues and sliver such as sliver boots, blue jackets and shirt's and ripped up black jeans and chain jewerly as well as alawys wearing her singature "black leather jacket.
Zoe is the daughter of Zeus, one of the Big Three, this makes her extermerly powerful and as said by Chiron "One of the most powerful demigod children" he has come across since Percy Jackson. Zoe is also very skilled with a spear (as shown when she defeated many skilled demigods in combat, multiply times) Additonally with the blessings giving to her by the Greek Gods.
Genereal Abilites~
ADHD- Like all demigods, Zoe possesses inborn supernatural battle reflexes and senses that she uses to analyze the fighting style of her opponent, she can also sesnse iminent danger, like she does in The (Traitor's Sister) in the grocery store.
DYSLEXIA- Her brain is hard-wired for reading Ancient Greek instead of modern languages.
FIGHTING SKILLS- Ever since her arrival to Camp Half Blood, Zoe quickly learn and adapt her own fighting style, which is a mix of hand to hand combat. She is able to take out army's of skeletons from Hades, defeat gorgons, aswell as many other monsters. Zoe is also shown to increidbly skilled with her spear and shield. Chiron considering her one of the best swordswoman in the last 300 years of Camp Half Blood, nobody coming close to matching her apart from Priscilla and Ren Stacie.
SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH- As a demigod daughter of Zeus, one of the Big Three. Zoe's strengh naturally considerable and surpasses most other demigods, along with the her blessing of increased strength from Ares.
SUPERHUMAN SPEED- Zoe was able to evade the razor sharp claws of the Feather-Shooting Birds in The Curse of Hephaestus
MIST CONTROL- Zoe is also able to manipulate the Mist, which means she can make things appear as she wants them to appear to the eyes of a mortal (taught to her by Thalia, in The Traitor's Sister) She only has limited control of this ability.
INTIMIDATION- Zoe is said to be very scary in battle, something enhcanced by the aura her shield generates, When angered her glare is almost shown to be " million eletric bolts of lighting."
4TH WALL AWARENESS- As shown in The Trident Thief and throughout the book series. Zoe along with the other main nine characters (Prisiclla, Phoenix, Alex, Henry, Reed, Spencer, August, and Ren) of The Demigod Chronicles are able to break the fourth wall, though it is limted. Zoe is aware that her universe is "fictional" which allows her to carry out acts that within the Universe would be otherwise be impossible, though it is limted as she is shown speaking to the audience sometimes.
Demigod Abilites~
Being Zeus's daughter. Zoe is exteremly powerful demigod. She holds divine authority over the creatures of the sky as well as weather, having powers that are much greater than the children of nearly every other god, and is rivaled only by Prisiclla, Alex, Henry, Thalia, Jason Percy, Nico and Hazel.
ATOMKINESIS- Zoe has minor degree of control of the weather, granting her power over lighnting and thunder.
STORM GENERATION- A small stor of lighning raged around Zoe when she fought of Priscilla (The Trident Thief)
ELECTROKINESIS- As a daughter of Zeus, Zoe has a great amount of control over electricity and lightning.
ELETRIC SENSE- Zoe can sense incoming lightning bolts, as shwon when she got herself, and her mother out of the car, before a lightning bolt obiliterated it.
STATIC SHOCK- Zoe can send powerful amounts of static shock throughout another person's body on contact. She can emit blue static sparks when she is angry.
ELECTRIC ARC- Zoe can generate and discharge powerful electric bolts of energy.
ELECTRIC SHIELD- Zoe has shown the ability to utilize her control over static electricity defensively.
LIGHTNING BOLTS- Zoe's most powerful ability is to summon lightning bolts from the heavens (though this is much more draining than static). She usually utilizes her spear to direct her blasts.
ZEUS'S LIGHTNING BOLT- Zoe is able to call down Zoe's lightning bolt from the heavens as well, this being her father's singature weapon, though calling down the lighting bolt has shown to weaken Zoe and leave her unconscious, due to it taking all of energy, as the series process, Zoe is able to summon her father lighting bolt with ease, even being able to do it accidently at times and with a snap of her fingers or a simple thought.
ZEUS'S AUTHORITY- Things that belong to her father's domain can do as she asks.
IMMUNITY TO LIGHTNING BOLTS- She is able to survive a regular lightning bolt without much effort although it is confirmed a lightning bolt from Zeus will still kill her.
Blessings From The Gods~
❝Yes. And so with all hope loss Athena had the idea to have all the gods and goddess bless you. This would help you live❞
― Chiron, explaning the origin of Zoe's blessings in (The Curse of Hephaestus)
APHRODITE- Given to her by Aphrodite, Zoe has enhanced beauty, possess grace beyond that of the peak members of any other being.
ARTEMIS& APOLLO- Given to her by Artemis and Apollo, Zoe is able to posses mastery and ability in wielding a bow and arow.
APOLLO 2ND BLESSING- Her 2nd Blessing by Apollo was the power to be a master of music and musical instruments, besides this he gave her limted control to maniupate light.
ARES- Given to her by Ares, she has enchnced strength, adding to her strength of being a daughter of Zeus and a Big Three member, Zoe's strength is to be consider godlike.
HEPHAESTUS- Given to her by Hephaestus, Zoe has limted contrl to create weapons she's ever wanted.
DEMETER- Given to her by Demeter, Zoe has limted control of the maniuplation of plants.
ATHEHA- Given to her by Athena, Zoe is consider to be a tacitcal genuis though not to be level of children of Athena.
HERMES- Given to her by Hermes, Zoe has the power to run and fly at high speeds.
HADES- Given to her by Hades, Zoe has limted control of the dead not to the entired of Alex, Henry, Nico and Hazel.
DIONYSUS- Given to her by Dionysus, Zoe has monetary manipulation, which is the ability to manipulate money, wealth and anything related to them, she is able to have money on her at all times, along with limted leviation.
POSEIDON- Give to her by Posiedon Zoe has limted control of water, though not to the entired of Priscilla and Percy.
HESITA- Given to her by Hesia, Zoe has limted control of "bond manipulation"
Magical Items~
. Her lighting engraved shield, crafted for her by Leo Valdez as a gift to April when Zoe was born, it hides itself as a sliver band and when pressed it can will become the spear.
. Thunder Strike is her collaspible iron spear, Zoe is able to use it directly to her powers.
. She is given two hunting knives, she can direc eletric blasts from giving to her by Thalia.
Love Interset ~
Henry Santiago
❝Trust me, I know it's going to be dangerous quest and I tottaly don't mind having to sit on the sidelines, as my herocilly awesome powerfully girlfriend kicks the butts of every single monster and gods that comes our way❞
― Henry talking to the others in the Rec Room, about Zoe in (The Traitor's Sister)
Henry Santiago is the current boyfriend of Zoe Grace and her primary love interset.
It was hinted in the early chapters of The Trail of Hades that when Henry came to Camp Half Blood, he had shown to think Zoe is very pretty and beautiful. As shown when he reunites with Alex inside the Rec Room, he sees Zoes standing next to Priscilla describing her as a "beautiful girl with lushy's blonde hair" along with subtule flirting such as calling Zoe's name pretty and calling her "Princess" Henry devloped a crush on Zoe later during their quest once they learned more about one another and their common quests with one another.
As told by Aphrodite in The Trail of Hades with her power of love, she was able to sense Zoe and Henry's crush on eachother as being more than friendship, with Zoe and Henry both quickly denying their feelings for one another even if Aphrodite knew both of them were lying.
Henry worried that Zoe would never like somebody like him, and postive that the daughter of Zeus wasn't even attractived to who he was.
Priscilla even admitted to how cute she would have been with Henry along with Alex liking the idea of the pair. In Chapter 36, it is shown that Henry finally admits his feelings for Zoe when the pair was alone.
Zoe giving Henry a kiss on his check to reward him for being a godo friend to him to where Henry responded by cutting off Zoe and giving her a kiss, the kiss cuasing Zoe to lose control of her powers and for the two to float in the air as they kissed.
And even since then both Zoe and Henry have been a officaly couple and have contuined to be one in the recent books and onging series.
They had moments in the book series showcasing their tender, romantic and loving moments.
Priscilla Jackson
❝No ! No Hades please don't take her anyway from me. I know it's not Zoe's time. Please let her stay on this earth. She's my best friend. She the person who brings out the best in me. I know we have our arguments but no matter what she's my best friend and I'm going to be there for her till the end. She's the person who make me feel strong when I'm weak. I love her Hades. Please don't let her go just yet. ❞
― Priscilla pleading to Hades about saving Zoe's life (The Trail of Hades)
Priscilla Jackson is Zoe's best friend. Both Zoe and Priscilla were destined to be apart of the Prophecy of Nine, before the two were born.
At the beginning of the Trident Thief it was shown that both Priscilla and Zoe had a deep hatered for one another, as shown to be because of their father's rivials with one another. Going as far as to have fighting during Capture The Flag, bickering and aruging with one another several times, even during the two's quest to find Poesidon's Trident which he claimed Zoe had stolen from him.
There were moments in the series, where Priscilla tried to be kind to Zoe and put the two's rivial aside but Zoe stayed hostiled because of Zeus's telling her to trust nobody not even Priscilla, Percy, etc.
Even if times were Priscilla and Zoe have saved eachother lives during certain situations even if Zoe had shown to pride herself on being able to take care of herself.
It was only until the end of the book that Zoe was able to put aside her rivial with Priscilla to able complete their quest and it later deepend into the two's friendship.
In many suituations and throughout the book series, Zoe and Priscilla realtionship had grown the two rarely argued and they had gotten closer, as Priscilla liked to stick up and protect Zoe from the bullies they fanced at Yancy Academy and protect Zoe throughout the quest aswell as Zoe doing the same.
In the Trail of Hades, it is shown that their relationship went to the height of it's challenge as due to Priscilla's relationship with Reed Dorain and Zoe's jealous and feeling that Reed was getting in the way of their friendship and Zoe feeling that she would be left behind. This causes them to argue more frequently and bicker throughout most of the quest alawys as Priscilla's sercets.
It wasn't until Nemesis's Court of Honesty where both Zoe and Priscilla came clean about their relationship as Priscilla told Zoe she felt as though Zoe never cared about her or her problems and Zoe feeling jealous that Priscilla was "perfect" and had the life she alawys wanted which she also said was the true reason she hated Priscilla at the start.
After this, the two matured with one another and grew their relationship showing to be more supported of one another and more understanding.
As told by Hera, Priscilla and Zoe are eachother's main weakneses and the two's livelyhood mean more than anything to eachother as shown as they would risk their lives to protect one another.
It is also stated by other camp members where every Zoe is Priscilla is as well, and as told by Percy the two are inseparable.
As told by The Nine, and The Seven along with Will and Nico and heavly by Spencer, she alawys sees Priscilla and Zoe as a eldery couple and see them as more than best friends.
In the future, it is told by Spencer that both Prisicilla and Zoe are attending New Rome University and are dormmates.
Phoneix Carson
❝Someone's got their big girl voice now." Zoe told her as she rolled her eyes and said "Aw, You realized black hair isn't your thing ?" Phoenix asked Zoe.❞
― Zoe and Phoenix making fun of eachother in the Big House (The Trail of Hades)
Phoenix Carson is one of Zoe's best friends. Zoe first learned about Phoenix's existence during a meeting in the Big House.
She was ask to go find Phoenix along with Priscilla and Leo, by Rachel and the others, they also recieved a new prophecy about Phoneix. This lead the three to Mrs. Wilson Foster Home for Girls, when they comforted Phoenix about her demigod nature to where Phoenix was hesited about the new information and didn't trust them, their converstion getting cut off short due to a monster chasing them away.
Phoenix demanded answers and Zoe, Priscilla and Leo expalined, to where Phoenix was excited about being a half blood after Festus crashing they ended up in Camp, after Phoenix ended up being claimed by her father and her ended getting introudced into Cabin 9.
Zoe describes Phoenix as being a "girl verison." of her friend Leo Valdez, both of them being very jokey and both of them having similar appearances to one another, Zoe got along with Phoenix right from the start of her times in Camp Half Blood and the two bonded even more greatly during the quest to find stop the curse on Cabin 9.
During the quest, It was shown that Zoe felt a need to protect Phoenix during the monsters and challenges they faced, and Phoenix felt the same in return.
Zoe also feels sympathy for the childhood Phoenix had to go through, with the lost of her mother during childbirth and her years spent in Foster Home, this shown in the Thanksgiving Special when Zoe invited Phoenix over.
Zoe and Phoenix equally make fun of eachother either, Phoenix calling Zoe "Sparks" and Zoe calling her "Latino Elf"
Alex Santiago
❝No Al, you don't. I know I don't know you and Henry well or I know the whole story, and I only know a little bit of what you've told us, but it's not your fault Alex. And as for all of us, were okay. And we all love you Alex." as Zoe walked up to me and held her hands out and asked me "Are we there yet ?" I sobbed as I embraced Zoe's hug. I really needed it.❞
― Zoe and Alex have a comforting conversition after discovering Alex's self harm (The Trail of Hades)
Alex Santiago is one of Zoe's best friends and her one of her greatest alley's. Zoe first learned of Alex's existence (along with her brother Henry) after getting attacked by Gwen, Empousa in her and Priscilla's school.
After, Zoe returned to Camp Half Blood to learn about the next phase of the Prophecy of Nine had started and it was Zoe and the others's job to resuce and bring Alex and Henry to camp.
Zoe was unware of Alex being a daughter of Hades, until Hades vistied Zoe in her Cabin and was very worried of both Alex and Henry life. It was until two days later that Alex and Henry arrived to Camp for the first time.
During there time at Camp, Alex explained her story to her along with the others, and when Zoe offered her sympanthy, Alex turned her away not wanting any of her sympanthy or coming for friendship, Zoe is shown however to try and help Alex open up Camp, to where many times she' unsucessful.
Only when Henry after getting bullied by some male Ares Cabin members accidetnly destoryed Camp Half Blood, resulting in Alex pulling out her shotgun in order to protect him, put a strain on Alex's and Zoe relationship.
Alex feeling that Zoe lied to her saying that Camp was a safe plae where neither her or her brother could get hurt, and Zoe apolgizing say none of them knew anything about the suprise attack.
This resutled in Alex using her powers of Bone manipulation to break some of the bones in Zoe's and Priscilla's body leaving both of them several injury and revaling Alex to be a daughter of Hades, one of the Big Three.
Once on their quest for Hades Trail, it is until then that both of them could really bond. Zoe again feeling a need to protect Alex even if she explained she was fine and didn't need her help, or when Alex and Zoe where making fun of one another and teasing playfully.
Though there are moments that both Alex and Zoe do not get along, like the time where after Zoe paired Alex with Phoenix unware of Alex's crush on her, it made Alex upset and her threatening to break Zoe's shoulder, before Priscilla stopped the two to where Zoe told her not to do it again and Alex doing the same.
When the group went to find Artemis in the Junkyard, it was reavaled by Phoenix to the others that Alex self harmed, and it was also revaled that Alex was a lesbian and had a crush on Priscilla and had made out with Phoneix after their fight with the Manitcore.
After coming together to fight off Talos, and after Zoe used her energy to defeat Talos, Alex was one of the people to rush to Zoe's aid and help her.
Once coming back to Camp, and Alex telling the others about her self harm coming clean that it was something she had done for a while, Zoe was one of the first people to hug her and support her telling her she was here for her, and it resutled in Alex fully embracing Zoe in a hug and Zoe doing the same.
Zoe was also in full support of Alex's coming out and her crush and now relationship with Phoenix Carson.
Alex has said she was very thankful for both Zoe and Prsicilla and thankful for them not giving up on her and showing her the true meaning of friendship and family, though she stills call both of them idiots.
Reed Dorain
❝Reed was a eighteen year old son of Apollo. He was also my best friend's boyfriend. Now me and Reed are friends of course but of course I like to make fun of him and he likes to make fun of me as well you know, when I let him❞
― Zoe describing Reed in (The Traitor's Sister)
Reed Dorian is one of Zoe's good friends. Zoe first learned about Reed, during the Curse of Hephaestus after Will brought up Priscilla's crush on him, to where both Phoenix and her made fun of Priscilla for it along with the others brifely.
Zoe doesn't meet Reed in person until the attack of the a Colchis Bull on Camp, to where Priscilla got distracted by him having to have Zoe knock her out of so they could fight.
It was told by Will that Reed was one of the people to help nurse Zoe back to health after her battle with the Bull, and it was the only times Reed showed up in the book only being mentioned briefly by Zoe or Priscilla.
Reed didn't return in the Trail of Hades, when after training both Zoe go to the Infimary to where Zoe noticed Prisicilla go into Reed Wonderland, and Priscilla crush on him resutled in a small rivilarly of the two's to see who Prisiclla loved the most.
This restulted in Zoe frequent teasing of Reed, calling him names such as "Huckleberry, or Yeehaw." and the most common "Mr. Perfect." due to the fact that Reed is a Apollo Kid who seemignly has no flaws and is good at everything including archery, music, art and doctory.
Zoe is shown to be jealous of Reed due to the fact that she felt as though now that Reed and Priscilla where together Priscilla would forget about her and leave her by herself, which showed to be one of the biggest strains on Priscilla and Zoe's friendship though it ended and Priscilla explained that she loved both Zoe and Reed equally and felt they both mattered alot to her.
But even when Prisiclla got offered a date by Reed, Zoe was fully supported and when the two started dated Zoe casually threatend Reed that if he ever hurt or threathen or broke Priscilla's heart she would BBQ Reed and throw him across Long Road Island and give Hades a new soul to torture.
Even so Reed respect's Zoe as a daughter of Zeus, a leader and half-blood, he also respect Zoe due to how much she cares for Prisiclla and her wellbeing even tellign Zoe to promise to her that when he's not there to comofort Priscilla and be there for her to where Zoe agrees.
To this day in modern time, Reed and Zoe get along greatly and are shown to bond, even if they have moments of bickering, Prisiclla pushes them together to get closer to where Reed and Zoe do in honor of Priscilla.
Spencer James
❝I know, I know she does. I just never tell her how munch she means to me. But she'll always care for me, no matter what I do. And you know what that what makes her freaking amazing. I do love Zoe. You all better not ever tell her I said that❞
― Spencer talking about Zoe to the others (Trail of Hades)
Spencer James is one of Zoe's good friend and one of her greatest alleys. It was told by Spencer that she had know about Zoe during the events of the Trident Thief, though she hadn't spoken to Zoe until The Trail of Hades, when Zoe needed Spencer to track down Alex and Henry.
When Zoe first meet Spencer, she realized how all the other Hecate Cabin fears Spencer because of how she is the most powerful member of the Cabin, and before meeting Spencer Lou Ellen warned the others that Spencer wasn't the talkative type and that evn if Lou Ellen was her half sister, she wasn't going to ruin her mood that was going to go to them.
When they met Spencer fully, Zoe introudces herself to Spencer to where she ask her why her cabin members fear expalning how she shouldn't want to be fear by her family, though Spencer expresses that she doesn't like any of her siblings and say that them fearing her is the best thing for them to stay out of her way.
After expressing the fact she didn't want to help them track down Alex and Henry and after bickering she kicks Zoe along with the others out of the cabin completely, this putting a strain in Spencer and Zoe first time meeting.
After her demons demands her to help them, Spencer apolgizes to Zoe and the others for kicking them out of the cabin and offers to track down Alex and Henry using Zoe blood to find them.
Lou Ellen also pushes for Spencer to get to know Zoe saying Zoe would be a great start of friendship for her.
Spencer and Zoe contuine to bond with one another, such as Spencer expalning to Zoe about her childhood and how she came to Camp Half Blood, and Zoe opening up in return though when Zoe tried to comfort Alex, she pushed her away and told her she didn't want Zoe to feel sorry about her, showing her similar personality to Alex.
Spencer is shown to be a great help of Zoe's during her quests, and Zoe calls and checks in on Spencer during her quest in order to make sure the daughter of Hecate was ok, when even if Spencer didn't express to her in words, she told Zoe she was grateful for her care.
When asked about Zoe, Spencer talks about Zoe's selfless, and how she the others were alike how, willgnly to risk their lives for their friends even if that means dying in the process, and the others agreed to where Percy agreeed saying all of those traits is what make Zoe herself and what makes her a great hero, and how Will says that Zoe does love Spencer to where Spencer knows and says she loves Zoe too.
This is also shown when Spencer comes clean to Zoe about her hybird half, herself being half demigod half demon scared Zoe wouldn't expect her other half to where Zoe provids her wrong and contuines to love Spencer as a friend, and Zoe admits she didn't know being a hybird was possible and admits it only made her respect Spencer more not just as a person but also as a halfblood carrying another half of herself along with with.
After returning to Camp it is said that Spencer was one of the first people to welcome Zoe back and help tend to her wounds, and Spencer was one of the first people to hug Zoe goodbye after she left Camp to go back to school for Junior year.
Zoe and Spencer later woul reunite in The Traitor's Sister to where Spencer also compained her on the quest to go find August and take on the Titian's Curse.
August Castellan
Ren Stacie
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