πππππ. ππππππππ πππ ππππππ ππππππππππππ
Ya'll are so impatient it's
hilarious lmao.....
but if I sped things up
it wouldn't be as good
now would it?
Any ways, no ghost readers
please, all is welcomed.
( with ya'll impatient asses,
i better see ya'll commented
the hell out of this )
Happier chapters will be
coming soon, actually.
love you and happy reading!
Β Β Β Β "I still don't understand why you had to come with us?" Shimesu said as he, Shigaraki and Dabi made their way to Tomomi's cellar. "In fact, why are the both of you coming? I said I would check on her."
Β Β "And leave you alone, unattended with an underaged girl who's chained to a table? Not a fucking chance." Dabi said, rolling his blue eyes at him.
Β Β "I said I would behave."
Β Β "And I need the two of you to shut the fuck up." Shigaraki said, growing rather irritated with the two's constant bickering. "Besides, I asked Dabi here to come with us because the room she's in is now coated in three layers of ice. We need her blood to not freeze in the room so he's here to turn the temperature up."
Β Β "Ugh, I hate the cold." Shimesu groaned, shivering as Shigaraki opened the metal door, a gust of snow and cold air blew past them as he did so. "Fishes don't do well in sub zero temperatures."
Β Β "You're actually a fish?" Dabi scoffed as they walked into the room. "No wonder you smell like bottom feeders."
Β Β "Fuck you, Dabi." Shimesu growled at him as he opened a bottle of water.
Β Β "Are you seriously drinking while we are supposed to work?" Shigaraki asked, standing right next to Tomomi's unconcious body, giving him a irritated look.
Β Β Shimesu shrugged before drinking a little. "What? My mother had a fish quirk, we have to drink water at certain periods of time to survive."
Β Β Dabi looked at the water bottle as he sat it down right on a wheeled surgical tool table, which was right next to the lock that kept her chains. Unopened, as well. He remembered something from the forest fight.
Β Β Tomomi was able to freeze liquids to do whatever she wanted. Being a smart man, that could only mean she was probably able to make things move if they were frozen to a certain degrees, right?
Β Β Β Hmmm......
Β Β His eyes went from the lock to the water bottle as an idea sprung up in his mind.
Β Β "Looks like her vitals are still erratic." Shigaraki said, looking through a scanner he had with him. "Her organs are still healthy. Once we are done draining her, we'll start to cut out her organs to also sell."
Β Β "Wait, you're selling her organs?" Dabi asked, not knowing this part of the plan. "When did you get yourself into organ running?"
Β Β "Since I found out this girl's body can make us millions." Shigaraki said, glaring at him a little. "If you would bother to make it to the meetings on time, you would know that."
Β Β "I'm apart of your little boy band, that should be enough."
Β Β "Should we really be talking about this in front of her?" Shimesu asked, looking at her. "Couldn't she hear us or whatever?"
Β Β "No, she's out like a light, watch." Shigaraki said, smacking her face a little. As if to try and wake her up. But she didn't budge at all. "See? The side effects of the poison took it's toll on her so she can't hear us, she can't feel us."
Β Β "Nice." Shimesu said, smirking down at her.
Β Β "Don't even think about it." Shigaraki said, knowing what he was thinking. "We may be criminals but we're not pedophiles, unlike you."
Β Β Dabi snorted, making Shimesu glare at him. But he didn't care as he looked back at him with a smirk. "He said it, I didn't...Of course, it's expected that you would react to that.....I mean, look at where your brother is-"
Β Β Shimesu spun around, knocking his water bottle off of the table, making it spill all over the chain and coating most of the lock. Dabi smirked inwardly, looking as the water kept spilling all over the chains.
Β Β Just as I planned Dabi thought looking back at Shimesu. The clumsy dumbass did exactly what I wanted.
Β Β "You mention my brother one more time, Dabi." Shimesu threatened with a menacing glare.
Β Β "Or what? You got your shit rocked by a 15 year old girl twice. What are you going to do, Davy Jones?" Dabi antagonized him on purpose, making him mad.
Β Β He really had a natural talent in pissing people off. It runs in the Todoroki family. Everyone was just so manipulating in the family.
Β Β "Out! Now!" Shigaraki said, picking up the water bottle while pushing them out the door. "Go fight like bitches somewhere else! We're done here anyways."
Β Β Dabi scoffed, stuffing his hands in his pockets as the three began leaving. "Not my fault he's a sensitive pussy."
Β "I'll literally shred you to pieces, Dabi."
Β Β "First, get that black eye checked and while you're at it, don't you have court date to get to for touching a little boy? Oh shit....I forgot, that was your brother who is too busy being someone's little bitch in prison." Dabi continued on. "If I were you, I'd tell him to stay away from the tenticle gang. I heard they love reenacting hentai."
Β Β "Shut up, the both of you!"
Β Β Dabi chuckled as Shimesu stormed off in an angry manner. Shigaraki rolled his eyes, leaving him in the hallway by himself.
Β Β He took the oppurtunity to take one last look at the door leading to his little sister.
Β Β I may be a lot of things.....But your safety always comes first to me..... Dabi thought before leaving. Don't get yourself caught, Toto......
Β Β Β In the room, Tomomi still laid still as the water from earlier drenched her chains and the lock completely.
Β Β Her finger began to twitch when she heard their voices disappear completely. Once they were completely gone, Tomomi's eyes shot open as she froze the water ontop of her chains and lock.
Β Β Β "Remember, Tomomi." Yukina said. "Anything you freeze, is at your will. Take a lock, for instance. Once you freeze it enough, the metal becomes like breakable dust. Meaning, it's easily crushed."
Β Β Tomomi's eyes shot from the ceiling to the door and to her lock. Wiggling her hand from under the chains as best as she can, she tried to move her fingers.
Β Β Her hand glowered as she struggled to freeze the lock to near 23 degrees. The lock soon became coated in ice that gradually became whiter and whiter the longer she concentrated on it.
Β Β She moved her flexed her fingers under the chains, making the lock break into pieces. The chains around her fell off of her and she was set free. She slid off of the table and onto the floor, still in a lot of pain as the poison was still in her system.
Β Β Groaning, Tomomi weakly lifted her hand to use the chain rope to help her up. Heaving, she pulled herself up on her feet. Once she was standing, she began walking towards the door, feeling dizzy but was determined to find Bakugou and get out of there.
Β Β "Ngh!" She winced, feeling a sharp pain in her neck and side. breathing heavily, she limped to the door and turned the locks, opening the door with her quirk.
Β Β Once she was out in the hallway, she leaned against the wall, closing the door behind her. "I have to find Bakugou." She croaked out, gaining some of her engery back. Or enough to start running a little normally.
Β Β Huffing out cold air, she quickly ran the other way, ignoring the pain in her neck and side. Disappearing in the dark.
Β Β Β After a few hours or so, Shimesu was ordered to inject Tomomi with another round of the poison. So happily, he took the syringe and made his way to her cellar.
Β Β But when he got there, there was nothing left but her chains, a broken lock and an icy room.
Β Β Growling, Shimesu immediately got angry and nearly crushed the syringe before pocketing it. "I'm gonna kill that little bitch."
Β Β Tomomi, though bleeding and in excrutiating pain, walked through the labrinth that was the hallways of the League's base as it seemed like no matter where she turned, there seemed to be more halls.
Β Β She leaned on the wall for support as she tried evading villains that were walking through idly.
Β Β "Agh!" She winced, placing a hand on her collarbone. Blood from the carving marking her hand. She looked down at her hand and saw how much blood she was loosing.
Β Β Thinking of a way to stop the bleeding, Tomomi made crystalized ice cover the wounds so that the blood wouldn't seep into her sweater anymore. She kept pushing past the pain, leaning on the wall every few minutes or so when no one was around. To try and regain her energy.
Β Β "The wonderful and terrible thing about our condition is that we get energy from it but never at the right time."
Β Β "Yeah....I can see what she meant." Tomomi mumbled to herself, continuing on. Only stopping when she heard talking coming from a corner.
Β Β "The heroes are here!" Someone said urgently. "Shigaraki wants us to get the girl and get out of here."
Β Β "Damnit." She mumbled. Judging by how close their voices were, they would spot her immediately. "What to do....What to do..."
Β Β The building began to shake violently as pieces of the ceiling fell down. Because of the rumbling, Tomomi fell to the ground with her back against the wall. Making pain shoot through her side and collarbone.
Β Β "I think she's somewhere underneath this place!"
Β Β Was that.....Mountain Lady? Tomomi thought, frowining as she looked up. She must be underground. No wonder this place seemed like a labrinth.
Β Β Groaning, she steadily pushed her self up just as the effect of the poison began to take hold. "Ah!" she exclaimed, clutching her stomach. Breathing heavy, she pushed past the excrutiating sensation and kept moving.
Β Β I have to find a way to alert them of my location. She thought, limping through the hallway as fast as she could. Before anyone find me here.....but first, I have to worry about Shimesu
Β Β Β Back in the city, Kurayami sat on his fire escape, bundled up in his hoodie and black jeans and converse as he felt his ears ringing. He closed his eyes, listening to the ringing.
Β Β With a very small grin on his lips, he mumbled to himself, "Third Wave has begun.....Now, comes death...."
Β Β "Where the hell is that little bitch?!" Shimesu growled after he discovered she had escaped. He was now roaming the halls, looking for the severely poisoned and injured child limping around. "She couldn't have been gone that far....Damnit! I knew we should have-"
Β Β In came a huge ice berg moving faster than he has ever seen. He almost didn't see it as he turned the corner but dodged at the right time.
Β Β The ice berg zoomed past him so fast, it caused a burst of wind to blow over. The ice berg destroyed the entire wallspace in the hall, leaving nothing but rubbles and devestation.
Β Β Shimesu's eyes widened as his body shook. He looked down the hall and saw Tomomi Todoroki standing there, looking so haunting and animalistic as her hair was in her face, her eyes glowed and even though she was in need of a hospital, she had enough energy to fight him.
Β Β Not wasting any time, Tomomi slammed her hand against the wall, making ice quickly surround the entire halls into her own arctic eviroment.
Β Β "Cold air helps me gain energy." She said darkly, inching close to him slowly. Despite the pain she was in, she was way angrier than she was in pain. "!"
Β Β Shimesu growled, making his hair into his tenticles. "Round three?" He asked, facing her. "Fine....By the time your precious heroes find you, You'll be dead anyways."
Β Β Wasting no time. TomomiΒ began hurding ice bergs at him as Shimesu blocked them with his tenticles. But soon, it was proven to be hard as he kept getting even more damaged the more she threw her ice at him.
Β Β "What's the matter?!" She roared at him. "You're so less of a man, you can't beat a 15 year old?!"
Β Β "Now you've done it," He said, taking the chance to send one of his tenticles after her.
Β Β Tomomi was quickly wrapped into his tenticles. Fighting through his tight squeeze, she made ice spikes poke out of her skin, stabbing him badly.
Β Β "Agh!" He yelled, dropping her as his tenticle spilled blood. He looked at her like she as quickly ran and delivered three super hard ice punched, making him slam against the metal wall.
Β Β He spat out blood as he pushed himself out of the crate she created and glared at her, touching his now bleeding forehead.
Β Β "You see, at first, this was fun." He groaned out. "Now....I'll take pleasure in ripping you apart....By the time those Heroes find you, you'll be dead with the amount of poison in your body, I'm willing to bet that you are still feeling the after effects."
Β Β Damnit...He's right... She thought, looking down at her darkened veins around her wrists. They were getting gradually blacker and blacker the longer she was still there and she didn't know how long she has before one of the heroes found her.
Β Β But be that as it may, she would rather die by her own hands than to let him get the honors.
Β Β "Heh....looks like you're too tired to stand." he chuckled out, walking towards her. "No matter, that just means you're easier to kill."
Β Β He made three of his tenticles shoot through her stomach, head and heart. Thinking he won, Shimesu smiled before noticing something. He didn't really stab through her.
Β Β Her body turned into snow. "Wha-" He didn't have time before Tomomi appeared behind him, blasting his back with an ice beam, making him stumble. Trying to catch him off guard, she jumped and swung her leg to kick him in the face.
Β Β But she missed when he narrowly dodged her just in time, making her kick land on the metal wall. Which created a big hole, letting the snow fly in from another part of the building.
Β Β Jumping down, she looked at the blizzard that was flying in. The storm she somehow caused. It was still baffling to her and she didn't believe she did it still but all of that didn't matter now.
Β Β "Don't leave yourself open for me!" Shimesu yelled psychotically, appearing right in front of her.
Β Β She quickly crossed her arms as he kicked her, sending her tumbling on the ground. "Agh!" She groaned, landing on her front.
Β Β Shimesu used one of his tenticles to wrap around her entire body and pull her up to face him.
Β Β He laughed maniacally as he pulled her body close to him, his tenticles squeezing her entire body. She winced and tried to break free but it was no use. She was trapped.
Β Β "Looks like your band of idiots are here." He said, listening to the fighiting going on above them and outside. "Oh, look...your brother is here."
Β Β Tomomi's eyes widened when she was moved to show the outside of the facility. Sure enough, there was Shoto and Momo, dressed rather weirdly but it looked like they were hiding somewhere. And it looked like they wouldn't be able to see them from where they are angled.
Β Β "How sweet! He came to save his twin sister." Shimesu taunted in a sickeningly sweet voice. "To bad you'll be dead before that happens!"
Β Β Tomomi's eyebrow twitched as he moved her close to him again. "And there's nothing you can do abou-"
Β Β She cut him off by spitting ice shards into his eyes. Making him yell out in pain and drop her on the floor.Β "AH FUCK!" He yelled super loudly as he covered his bleeding eyes.
Β Β Taking advantage of the momentary blindness, Tomomi got up from the floor and ran away on pure adrenaline as she ignored the effects of the poison. I have to get out of here before he finds me....
Β Β It seemed like hours as she ran through the labyrinth of the underground cellar. Her body was getting weaker, her veins started pulsing and her vision began to blur as she finally found a door.
Β Β There! She rant to the door, hoping it was a way out of this part of the building. I never done this before....But it's worth a shot...
Β Β She quickly opened the door and ran out of it, which lead to an even bigger rom with more space and an empty chair with metal gauntlets. This place was like a maze. Like an impossible maze that only lead to dead ends.
Β Β Taking a quick break, she leaned against the door and closed her eyes. Shoto......Shoto, can you hear me?
Β Β Β Outside, Shoto, Midoriya, Kirishima, Momo, Bakugou and Iida were thinking of a way to get Bakugou out of there before any of the heroes could see them. They successfully got Bakugou free but he refused to go anywhere without seeing if Tomomi was okay.
Β Β "We have to get you out of here first!" Midoriya argued with him.
Β Β "Not without Frostbite!" Bakugou stood his ground. "And I'm not leaving you idiots to it, either!"
Β Β "We really don't have the time to argue, you two." Kirishima said, rather annoyed with them in that moment.
Β Β Shoto sighed. They were never going to save his sister in this rate. The Blizzard was getting worse, Mountain Lady saw them already and Tomomi could be dying right now.
Β Β "Calm down, you tw-"
Β Β Shoto.....can you hear me?Β Shoto paused, hearing his sister's voice in his head. "What?" he mumbled, looking behind him.
Β Β "What is it now, Half and Half?" Bakugou growled at him.
Β Β "Shh!" He shushed him. Tomo?....is that you?
Β Β Β ....Shoto, you have to hurry.....
Β Β Β Where are you? I'm coming for you right now!
Β Β Β I'm in the cell where they kept Katsuki......I don't think I can stay awake for too long.
Β Β Β Without warning, Shoto took off running the other directing and away from the group. Which stunned them completely.
Β Β "Todoroki!" Midoriya yelled after him. "Where are you going?!"
Β Β Shoto didn't listen as he disappeared into the snowy weather. The only thing on his mind was finding Tomomi before it was too late.
Β Β Tomomi fought the urge to pass out as she began advancing to the other side of the room, where she spotted another door. Hopeful that it was an exit, she limped over to the otherside but was stopped when the door she came from bursted open, breaking completely. Crashing and breaking in impact.
Β Β Shimesu, a bruised and bloddy mess, ran in with a crazy grin on his blood drenched face. His eyes zeroed in on Tomomi just as he entered.
Β Β "You think you can run away from me, little bunny?" He said, darkly and cockily.
Β Β Tomomi turned to him, flashing him a weak grin. "I think you just got beat up by a 15 year old."
Β Β Shimesu sarcastically laughed before pulling out a detonator from his pocket. Her eyes widened as he waved it at her teasingly. "Look what I got." He said playfully. "This is a detonator connected to three tons of C4 right underneath us. It was for when you got clever and decided to try and escape. We were going to kill you before you got away. And now, since your brother is back in here, might as well send him to heaven early."
Β Β "DON'T!" She screamed at him just as his thumb landed on top of the button.
Β Β "Oh?" He said, feigning shock. "Is that....desperation I see? How cute."
Β Β He walked closer to her as she began walking backwards, away from him. "Of course, we can make a deal." Shimesu offered as he pulled out the syringe from his other pocket. "You calmly and quietly come with me and get this injected to you or you can kill me before I bury your brother alive with this, the choice is yours. Because one of us is going to make it out alive and I'm not planning on going to jail."
Β Β Tomomi looked at him as tears began to swell up in her eyes. She was too weak to fight and she couldn't run away in time before the explosion. Shaking and finally feeling afraid, she contemplated on everything.
Β Β If Shoto dies, it would be her fault. She led him to here and she never anticipated on them actually placing bombs inside of this builing. It was a miracle they didn't blow up yet.
Β Β Her heart was growing fainter by the second and the painful side effects of the poison began growing and growing.
Β Β "I'm giving you five seconds to choose."
Β Β If I try to fight him, I will surely die
Β Β "5"
Β Β But I can't let him kill Shoto or anyone else.
Β "4"
Β Damnit, Tomomi, think of something! You don't have time!
Β "3"
Β Maybe if I can stall him, help will come
Β "2"
Β Fuck! Tomomi, think!
Β "Times up!" He yelled, laughing crazily. "Say goodbye to your brother!"
Β Β "NOOO!" She screamed, throwing a hand out as he was about to press the button.
Β Β But when she waited for the impact, it never came. Opening her eyes again, she felt herself grow paler and her stomch felt sick at what she discovered.
Β Β Shimesu's body was suddenly pinned to the wall, a huge spike of ice impaled him through is heart and blood began to fall from his mouth and body. He choked and coughed out blood as he slowly looked at what happened to him.
Β Β Tomomi felt tears fall down her face as she watched Shimesu take his last breaht before falling limp, dropping the detonator and syringe, making it crash onto the ground, spilling all of the lethal poison onto the ground.
Β Β "Oh my god..." She whispered as her entire body shook like a leaf. "Oh my god....What did I do?"
Β Β She killed him.....She really killed him......
Β Β She didn't mean to kill him. She didn't want him dead! She just didn't want her brother to die but in doing so, she murdered someone.
Β Β As soon as it sunk in, Tomomi began to cry under her hand as she couldn't stop staring at his dead body against the wall. What did she do? What was going to happen to her?
Β Β "Ah!" Tomomi yelled, as pain began to spread all around her. "AHHHHH!"
Β Β She fell to the ground, holding her chest as she screamed. She nearly forgot that the poison was still in her bloodstream. It was a mixture of sobbing and screaming as the pain got worse and her veins became darker.
Β Β But as she screamed and cried, her hearing was gone. She felt like she was being engulfed into fires as her world slowly faded to black. She could hear her own heart beat in her ear as her eyes slowly began to close.
Β Β If this was death.....
Β Β Β It wasn't peaceful, at all.....
Β Β Β Β Β When Shoto found his sister's body, he almost didn't see Shimesu's limp body impaled to the wall beside the door he came in. He looked at him and saw the ice that stabbed through his body was still frozen and intact. But his eyes looked to see Tomomi's unconscious body a few feet away from him.
Β Β "No..." he mumbled, thinking he was too late.
Β Β He ran to her and immediately kneeled beside her. Tomomi's body felt extremely cold as he held up her head, hugging her limp body. "Tomo, wake up." He said urgently, patting her face.
Β Β But when she didn't respond, he began to freak out. "TOMOM! WAKE UP!" He yelled, tears falling down and onto her forehead. "Tomomi....Don't leave me....Please, don't leave me."
Β Β Any attempt to wake her up was failed as all he could do was hold her and cry. "Tomo...don't leave me..."
Β Β Β Kurayami felt a string of life break as he paused and looked over the city. That usually meant a life was lost.
Β Β With a grim look on his face, he stuffed his hands in his pants pockets and sighed almost sympathetically. Almost.
Β Β "Goodbye, little brother......My harebrained, vapid little brother....." He said before turning to leave the rooftop. "Tell dad I said hi, for me."
Β Β Β It was all a blur to Shoto. He didn't rememeber leaving that place and he didn't even remember getting back to the city or getting to the hospital. But he found himself in the hallway, waiting for whatever it was he was waiting for.
Β Β Fuyumi wouldn't stop crying as Natsuo tried his best to comfort both of his siblings. After the frenzy with the heroes and the police, the doctor ordered everyone to leave while they worked on Tomomi in the ER. Only immediate family was allowed in the waiting room.
Β Β Once the pro-heroes apprehended some of the villains that didn't escape, the students that were there took Bakugou to the police, which wasn't an easy task.
Β For when the police came to take him in for questioning, he fought with them as soon as he saw Tomomi's body laying on a stretcher.
Β Β He began to panic, trying to get to her but officers held him back. Which made him curse up a storm and fight them.
Β Β "Get the fuck off of me!"
Β Β "Sir! You have to cooperate with the police!"
Β Β "I don't have to do shit! I need to see her!"
Β Β "You will see her after we've questioned you, I promise!"
Β Β After hours on end, the doctor came back to the waiting room where the Todoroki family stayed.
Β Β "How is she?" Fuyumi asked, still in tears and shaking.
Β Β "We were able to stablize her heart rate, have Recovery Girl completely heal the carving on her collarbone and completely drain out the rest of the poison from her veins." She sighed out. "But I'm afraid due to the extreme damage she endured, mostly to her heart, she fell into a deep comatose like state...she'll probably wake up two week from now. The latest being a month. But she will be just fine. She has a heating blanket to keep her from freezing and getting hypothermia."
Β Β "Thank you." Natsuo thanked her, kindly.
Β Β The doctor pursed her lips and nodded. "Of course, you may all see her now, if you'd like. She's in room 342."
Β Β As soon as she said that, Shoto wasted no time in making his way over to her room. His older siblings not far behind.
Β Β When he got there, he immediately opened the door to see Tomomi's body in a hospital gown, laying so still in the bed. Her collarbone was bandaged and her mouth and nose was completely covered underneath a breaking mask as her heart monitor beeped at a steady pace.
Β Β Fuyumi couldn't help but cry as she made it to her sister's bed side. Placing her hand on her hair, she gently caressed her cold forehead. She looked like she's been through hell and that hurt them the most.
Β Β "The important thing is she's home and she'll be alright." Natsuo said, taking Tomomi's hand in his. Though he had to be the strong one for the both of them, it was still difficult to see his baby sister in such a state.
Β Β Shoto walked over to the other side of her bed and took her other hand in his. He felt how cold it was so he heated the palm of his hand to warm her. He felt like someone ripped half of him and decided to throw it away. He felt like it was his fault.
Β Β Because he wasn't fast enough, she is now in this state. But Shoto promised to himself and to Tomomi that he would never leave her side. Not until she woke up and he didn't care if the nurses or doctors would try to tell him to leave.
Β Β He was staying right next to her until she woke up. And no one was going to change his mind.
Well damn....
So she's going to be okay,
you guys lol? I don't know.
I still suck at fight scenes
and action scenes so i am so
sorry that was terrible ahaha.
but I hope you enjoyed it so far.
don't forget to comment and vote!
love you all and be safe!
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