19. walmart flag & impromptu sleepovers
❝ NINETEEN | walmart flag & impromptu sleepovers
at the police station | 12:48 pm
a shiver is pulled from your body by the cold breeze that drifts through the waiting room, making you bury yourself deeper into the blanket that you have wrapped around your still trembling body. it was somewhat lively at the police station despite it being nearly one in the morning, a few pro heroes wandering out of rooms every few minutes. the buzzing sound of people talking is comforting to you, but not as comfy as the position you're in; wedged between two warm bodies.
todoroki is sitting beside you on your right so his left side is pressed against you, obviously his fire side seeing as heat seeps through the hoodie and the blanket you have wrapped around you. his heterochromia eyes are gazing downwards at a magazine he had picked up to distract himself, eyebrows creasing when he reads something either disturbing or weird.
kaminari sits on your left, one of his legs bouncing up and down while his other is crossed on top of his thigh. though his hands are interlocked, his fingers still twitch and every three seconds he either wrings them out of cracks his knuckles. his blonde hair is messy from the breeze but even though he's the closest to the door which is letting in the breeze, he doesn't move nor say anything about it.
it's silent between the three of you but you don't know if that's because they don't know what to say or want to leave you to your thoughts. even in the car to the police station they had both been silent, opting just to press the sides of their bodies against your shaky one as you try to calm down your harsh breathing.
you're sure you look like a mess; a disgusting one. eyes red and hazy from crying, cheeks puffy with tear stains on them and lips chapped from stuttering and running in the cold. your throat burns from all the sobbing you did and every minute your chest heaves as if it's reminding you of the complete terror that took control of your body just moments ago.
you had been sitting down on this plush couch for the past ten minutes, waiting for someone to interrogate you which is annoying as all you want to do is go home, crawl into a ball and simply cry yourself to sleep.
sounds like a good plan.
there's a small television on the wall in front of you that gets turned on and a video comes up of the number one hero—endeavour, making you glance at todoroki who tenses up when he hears people crying out his father's names as he fights a villain from a few weeks ago. he had saved gang of low lying villains from kidnapping someone and had been on every channel a few weeks ago.
kaminari said something in the group chat that todoroki didn't like to be associated with him despite him being his son. judging by the dual-coloured boy's rigid shoulders and furrowed brows, it didn't take a genius to know he wasn't a big fan of his father.
all three of you are focused on the screen, blankly staring at the flashes of orange and red as endeavour's flames take up the majority of the screen.
then kaminari speaks, "you're father is one ugly man, todo."
the silence between the three of you is destroyed, but a small smile tugs on your lips at the blonde's absurd words and the way todoroki looks extremely confused.
"i don't remember asking you," todoroki says bluntly, not being petty but genuinely confused on why kaminari randomly said it. "but i won't disagree. he's disgusting."
kaminari grins and turns his honey eyes to you. "you're lucky you haven't met him. he's weird, incredibly tall and looks like those bodybuilders who inject themselves with those weird drugs—"
todoroki rolls his eyes.
"please don't tell me you'll be that tall and buffed up when you're older, todoroki." kaminari pleads, eyeing his friend who just closes the magazine and faces the two of you with an exasperated expression.
"i won't," he grunts, glaring at the television is distaste. "and if i do i will throw myself off a building."
kaminari looks horrified by his words. "or just get plastic surgery?"
"throwing myself off a building would be much more fun though."
a small chuckle leaves your chapped lips for the first time that night and you snuggle more into the blanket when kaminari's grin softens as he looks at you and the way todoroki's gaze becomes tender when he also looks at you.
you're totally okay. two hot guys are practically sandwiching you between them and caring for you, no big deal. everything is okay, this is normal.
breathing is optional.
"why can't your laugh sound as cute as that, todo?" kaminari whines, head twitching which he quickly clasps a hand around to massage.
todoroki doesn't blink. "because i don't laugh."
"you just don't have a sense of humour." the blonde grumbles under his breath and stretches out his legs with a satisfied grunt.
"no, i just don't have a funny friend."
"hey! i'm funny and the only friend your antisocial ass has!"
todoroki shrugs. "i beg to disagree."
kaminari looks ready to launch himself over you to attack the calm male sitting on your right. "you don't even have another friend!"
todoroki stays quiet.
"do you?"
no answer.
"you're fucking with me— you do not have another friend!"
todoroki leans back in the chair with a sigh.
"motherfucker, answer me you walmart canadian flag—"
you wheeze at kaminari's insult that sparks off a heavy bickering between the two of them. a small smile settles on your lips as you listen, chiming in to say something that fuels the argument even further.
but the smile drops the minute you see two people come down the hallway. two males, one of them dressed in a police uniform while the other is in a white shirt with some black dress pants. you unconsciously curl into the blanket more and the two boys beside you take notice of your discomfort and look up to see the two men come to a stop a few metres away from you.
"(l/n) (y/n)?" the one in the police uniform asks and it takes a few seconds for you to nod.
in all honesty, you're terrified about what's going to happen. the thought of trying to reminisce your panic and what you heard frightens you, fear rears its ugly head and forces you into the dark corner of your mind again. you don't want to remember anything of what happened tonight. you're tired, exhausted—drained from the emotional day you have had.
you barely have the strength to speak anymore.
you nod hesitantly at the officer, heart warming up a bit when kaminari presses his leg against yours in a sign of comfort while todoroki turns his body slightly towards yours; as it protecting you from their cold gazes.
"this is detective noritaka and i'm officer tadashi," he gestures towards noritaka, the tense detective who offers you a simple nod of acknowledgment but otherwise he stays silent. "we know you've had a rough night but we'd like to ask you a few questions."
define rough. you think bitterly before the sound of kaminari's voice drifts into your ears.
"shouldn't you wait for their parents to come?" the eccentric blonde asks. "i know (l/n) is eighteen but they should have an adult with them to answer these questions."
tadashi looks taken aback by kaminari's comment and clears his throat. there's a harsh glint in his eyes that wasn't there before and it makes dread creep back up you like a spider.
"well, yes. we've contacted (l/n)'s parents and their father is on the way. do you want to wait for your father or do you want to answer them now?" the officer turns his dark, blue eyes to you and you nearly squeak at the annoyance in them.
"uhm," you would like your father to be there but you also want to get gone as quick as possible. besides, kaminari and todoroki are beside you so they're providing the most comfort for you as of right now. "i'll— i'll answer them now."
tadashi's face changes to a bright smile. "great! noritaka will take it over from here and ask the questions since his quirk is designed for these types of things. i'll be writing up a report so don't mind me, (l/n)." he then casts a glance at the two boys sitting beside you, as if they're warning off danger.
"though, the two of you will have to stay outside while noritaka carries out the interrogation—"
panic sinks it's sharp claws into your chest and you nearly shoot out of your seat had it not been for your death grip on the arm of the chair.
"n-no! please— please can they stay? i... i'd feel more comfortable with them there—" oh God, are you get hysterical again? your chest tightens up again and your breathing is coming out harsh for the second time that night.
not again, not again, not again!
"i'm afraid not, (l/n)—" tadashi looks confused but he doesn't look like he's letting up on the situation so easily. "your story is vital for a report and we can't have any outsiders leaking information or disrupting the interrogation-"
"oh come on!" kaminari's hand is placed on your arm and his twitchy fingers begin to glide up and down your limb in a small effort to calm you. "they obviously don't feel comfortable being in a room alone with a stranger with after what happened toni— shit. we won't say anything at all, we swear! it'll just be easier for all of us."
tadashi's shoulders are rigid and he's clasping the clipboard with more vigour than he should. "i have told you—no. it is not allowed—"
"and we call bullshit," todoroki's monotone voice is heard loud and clear over your hiccups and soft sobs. he's taken on the role of communicating with the hard-headed officer so kaminari can help calm you down. "do you only care about that stupid report or (l/n)'s mental health? it's unfair to force someone to go into detail without someone there to help them along."
tadashi nearly growls out his next station. "stop being stubborn. i understand you're concerned about them but for the last time, you cannot come with them—"
"tadashi, shut up." a smooth voice that has a slight husk intertwined with it commands the officer who shuts up immediately.
all three of you look over to see noritaka who's gazing at you with a stoic face. a large strand of his blonde hair falls over his forehead but he makes no effort to push it up, instead he takes a few more steps till he's closer to the three of you and crouches down on his haunches so he's at somewhat eye level with you.
"if (l/n) wants to have them present during the interrogation, then they'll be there during the interrogation," noritaka drawls and peers behind his shoulder to glare lazily at the stunned officer. "get the stick out of your ass and leave them alone. all three of them had a rough night and the last thing they need is you yapping like a tone-deaf banshee who has no regards to people's mental health."
his lack of respect for the officer has your racing heart calming, kaminari grinning and todoroki relaxing against the seat. you're thankful noritaka understands your panic and eases all three of you into a relaxed atmosphere.
"nori— i, you can't just—" tadashi stammers for a response and the detective merely raises an eyebrow and raises his hand to shoo him away.
"unless you're going to say something useful to me, which has never happened before and isn't going to happen by the way you're blabbering on— leave. you're disrupting the interrogation and making them uncomfortable. go eat donuts or whatever you officers eat when you're doing fuck all."
kaminari snickers and you splutter out a wheeze at his words, making tadashi snarl and stomp away. the detective has a small smirk on his face when he turns around to face you all again, eyes soft and encouraging as he glances at the three of you for a few seconds before speaking again.
"i'm going to tell you straight out. i won't ask you questions either tonight or tomorrow," your eyebrows furrow in surprise and a frown settles on your face. "you may not feel like it but you're not in the right headspace and the last thing i want to do is put you in more distress. so i'll give the three of you a day to rest and collect yourselves before you'll either come back to the police station or i'll meet up with you. whichever one suits."
his consideration has you smiling softly, internally thankful that you'll get a day to breathe and process what happened before asked to relive it again. you nod against the blanket and quietly thank him as do kaminari and todoroki.
"when your father comes i'll give him my number so we can decide when to do the report," he stands up and stretches his legs out with a sigh. "and don't worry, tadashi won't be with me when we meet up."
a sigh of relief escapes your lips but you slap a hand over it when you realised noritaka had heard it. too your surprise, the detective chuckles and shakes his head at you.
"don't worry, i have the same reaction when i find out he's not coming into work."
kaminari's head jerks and noritaka's eyebrows crease in curiosity. you notice the way the blonde looks away in embarrassment but before anything else is said, the door swings open and in steps your very panicked father who locks his frantic eyes with you.
"(y/n)!" he yells, almost tripping as he runs over to you and traps you in a massive bear hug that has your lungs almost popping out of your chest.
"hi d-dad," you cough, weakly punching his chest. "let go of me before i deflate please."
your father immediately let's go, allowing you to suck greedy breaths in which amuses kaminari and todoroki who have stood up and stood off to the side to allow your stressed father to assess you, babbling on at how worried he was for you and that your mother won't be home till the early hours of the morning due to being in the intensive care unit for her work.
your cheeks are squashed together as he spills out his worrying thoughts about the phone call he got from the police. lips pushed into the most horrifying way and you're pretty sure you look like a pufferfish mixed with elmo—judging purely by the hearty snickering leaving kaminari's mouth as he points at your face to todoroki who's trying to pry his arm off his shoulder.
idiot. you think but are quickly brought back to your father turning to noritaka who's going through a small booklet in his hands.
"thank you so much for all you've done tonight," your father says sincerely. "i've never been more terrified in my life when i heard what happened to them."
he still has your face squashed together, but you don't have the energy to push him away. your hands dangle on your lap and you attempt to sigh thought it comes out as a weird splutter that sends kaminari into hysterics again.
noritaka puts down the booklet, raising an eyebrow at your face to your annoyance. "it's no bother at all. they're lucky they got away as they did. besides, those two boys got there before us and saved (l/n) from whatever was following them."
your father turns his gaze to the two idiots who stop fighting and stand stoic still, bowing respectfully and grinning at him. well, kaminari grins, todoroki just purses his lips together and you're pretty sure he thinks he's smiling.
"those boys?" your sense father asks and you would roll your eyes if you could; your face is still squashed up in his hands.
"that would be us, sir." kaminari states, hands twitching wildly at his side and you can see him physically trying to resist his head from jerking.
"(l/n) called us and— oomph!"
one second your father is in front of you squashing your cheeks, next minute he has kaminari and todoroki enveloped in a massive hug that takes both boys by surprise—seeing as they're lifted off their feet and being squeezed to death by your very emotional father who probably isn't realising his own strength by now.
you rub at your cheeks, scowling at the soreness that throbs on them but can't help but gaze at the scene in front of you tenderly. kaminari is laughing or wheezing, you can't distinguish between the two of them while hugging your father back.
todoroki looks like a mannequin. he's as stiff as a board and looking around wildly for help, not knowing what to do with himself. but he doesn't look uncomfortable, just awkward and confused on what's happening which seems to be his normal state of mind.
"dad, please put them down," your raspy voice sounds horrific in your ears. "you'll either pop their lung or scare them away."
your father huffs but reluctantly puts them down, affectionally ruffling both of their hair, drawing a chuckle from the eccentric blonde and a wide eyed gaze from the dense dual-coloured male beside him.
"how could i thank you guys? i mean, you were probably in bed when they called—" your father is amazed that they would do such a thing and then you remember that he doesn't understand the concept of friends; literally.
he really doesn't.
"i mean, i wouldn't get out of bed if my friend called me. hell, my phone is off at night so if someone's dying, that's their problem—"
the fact that he's openly talking about his lack of care for people in a police station, in front of a detective and you—his child that nearly got kidnapped and was stalked is highly suspicious and you need to stop him rambling before he lands himself in jail for speaking his mind.
your father rubs a hand around the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. "i mean— i'm a heavy sleeper! so—"
"please stop talking," you beg, eying noritaka who looks slightly concerned at your father who is acting unhinged. but you blame his actions for the lack of sleep and worry that's probably running through his veins right now.
"anyways! not the point i was getting at. just, thank you for what you did tonight. tell me what you want or need! it's what you deserve for what you did for my child." your father grins at them so brightly that you're scared that he'll scare off the two boys in front of him.
a mischievous smirk creeps up kaminari's face. "well, there's this new diner and—"
he hisses because todoroki smoothly steps on his foot and elbows him in the ribs harshly.
"we don't want anything," he begins to say, casting a glare at kaminari who's muttering curses under his breath. "(l/n) is our friend and that's what friends do."
"get up at night to go save them?" your father asks incredulously before flinching at the stone cold glare you give him while nodding frantically to noritaka who looks like he's four seconds away from arresting him on the spot.
"i mean— of course that's what friends do, but you deserve to be paid back for your generosity!"
kaminari goes to say something but todoroki slaps a hand over his mouth this time. your father, ever innocent just grins at them and ignores the way they're trying to murder each other with their eyes.
"hey, dad," you call out to him and the three turn to you. "why don't you talk to the detective to fix some stuff up? i'll talk to kami and todoroki and maybe they'll have something in mind by the time you're done?"
the younger male looks at you in relief while the older blonde huffs against his hand, rolling his eyes and dramatically putting all his weight onto his friend who struggles to keep the both of them upright.
"oh yes! good idea, (y/n)." your father then drags noritaka down the hall no more than a metre to talk, eyes darting down to you every few seconds to make sure you're still there.
guilt seeps into your heart at the way your father looks so relieved every time he sees you sitting there and the horrible truth sinks into you. today could have been the last time you've seen him, talked to him or hugged him. same goes for your mother, for the friends you still stick around with at school. today could have been your last day of a normal life.
and that terrifies you.
your life was so close to being snatched away from you tonight and if todoroki hadn't picked up the phone— no. don't think about it, just leave it be. you'd send yourself into another panic filled haze if you just thought about the events that happened; how you almost lost your life right then and there.
you're lucky to be sitting on the plastic chair, you're lucky to be talking to them with no slur or injuries, you're lucky you're even alive right now.
you're so fucking lucky that you escaped death's hands tonight.
"the diner has nice food! of course i was gonna say that!"
you snap out of your thoughts when kaminari's voice enters your mind, watery and tired (e/c) eyes look up to see the two boys standing in front of you, arguing as normal.
"why would you even say that?" todoroki grunts, rubbing his hand against his eye and the guilt hits you harder when you realise that they're just as exhausted as you are.
"'cause he asked us if there's anything we wanted?"
"doesn't mean— i'm too tired to talk to you." the younger male huffs before planting himself in the seat beside you lazily.
kaminari rolls his eyes and mocks todoroki before sitting down in the opposite chair. "you're always too tired to talk to me."
todoroki's bangs hide his eyes but you're guessing they're closed. "for a good reason."
"i will electrocute you."
"and i'll throw this cup of water at you."
"that's suicide you idiot."
"hence the reason i'm doing it."
"are you okay?" you ask the moody male beside you, worryingly scanning his face that is scrunched up tightly. "you're making me nervous."
"don't mind him," kaminari waves his hand nonchalantly. "when he gets tired he gets more moodier than he already is somehow."
you look down at your lap, cruel thoughts eating you up. "sorry about that." you whisper quietly, almost pitifully.
the playful mood surrounding the three of you disappears and kaminari sits up straight to look in your eyes. "what are you— shit, sorry for?"
"i'm the reason both of you are tired and are probably going to be out of it at school tomorrow. i dragged the both of you into this mess all because i stupidly decided to call todoroki. i should have left you alone, i'm sorry." why did it hurt so much? you feel like a massive screw up, a huge pushover and now a weakling who can't fend for themselves.
if insecurity was a person, it would look exactly like you at this moment.
"hey, hey, hey," kaminari's gentle voice makes you rub your eyes roughly to clear them of tears. "don't blame yourself for shit like that, (l/n). we're glad you called us, it shows you trust us to help you and it makes us happy because that's what we're training to be. pro heroes that help others, people who help others. if something had happened to you and we could have done something— shit, i know we would have blamed ourselves for not doing enough to gain your trust so you'd allow us to help you."
your silent after kaminari's speech, content with watching his fingers twitch and dig into his hoodie to stop them from jerking around.
then todoroki speaks up and the words are so quiet that you barely hear them. "we consider you as a friend, you know that right?"
you choke on a sob and a laugh, burying your face into your hands as they place warm hands on your back and shoulder to comfort you.
"friends who actually get up in the middle of the night to help each other? those types of friends?" you joke through a sob, referring to your father's words earlier on and pulling a laugh out of the two of them.
"yeah," todoroki quietly whispers from beside you, a gentle grin on his face though you can't see it.
"we're friends that have the right to call todoroki a walmart flag," kaminari mutters under his breath.
you laugh as todoroki sits up to sneer at his friend who's lounging out on the chair. "kaminari, shut up."
"people only say the last names due to sexual tension or that person being in trouble. and seeing as the way you're looking at me i'm guessing it's due to sexual tension—"
todoroki slaps the rolled up magazine over his head, hard.
"due to me being in trouble, definitely due to me being in trouble."
the relaxed atmosphere is back and time flies by as the three of you joke around for a bit. the past events momentarily are forgotten and you focus on the fact that todoroki and kaminari are trying their best to keep you happy.
which they're doing incredibly well at, judging by the sore cheeks you have from laughing.
"i don't want to go home," you say after a moment of silence. "i'm scared. even though i have my father with me, i just feel like someone is going to be there and waiting for me."
the boys stare at you sadly, pondering over their own thoughts before kaminari speaks up (like usual).
"i mean, i would offer to stay with you but i don't know if your dad would like that." the two boys share a look and todoroki nods slowly, eyes dropping with tiredness. "i'd be able to convince our home room teacher to let me stay as well."
your eyes widen as you take that into account. you know your father, he won't care at all if they stay over for the night. he'd probably request for you guys to stay on the living room or in the bedroom on different blankets and stuff, but he wouldn't have any complaints. especially after tonight, he wouldn't deny you anything you asked for.
do you really want to have them stay over? when you've met them once before this whole situation and have been talking to them for a max of three to four weeks?
the answer is yes, because you trust them more and feel more comfortable than your friend group of over six years—which is shocking.
the fact that you rang todoroki over kaito, that kaminari and todoroki are sitting there beside you when it could have been kaito is all you need to know that you're pulling away from the cobalt male. slowly but surely, your friendship is beginning to crack with each hit it takes.
and it's only because you've stopped caring for the friendship he destroyed.
so yes, you do want kaminari and todoroki to stay over.
"my dad would allow it," you mumble and you watch as kaminari's eyes light up in triumph. "are you guys sure though?"
"i'd be worried for you and wouldn't sleep if we went back to the dorms," kaminari admits almost sheepishly, though his head jerks violently and you miss the pink that begins to blotch his cheeks.
"as long as i get to go to sleep, i don't care." todoroki grumbles through a yawn.
you smile to yourself. "then, if you get permission from your teacher— you can stay at mine tonight."
todoroki opens one eye to look at kaminari who somehow got his phone back. he's guessing that the blond stole it yesterday using his usual tricks before hiding it somewhere in their dorm room so aizawa can't find it.
"how are you going to convince aizawa to let us stay?" he quirks an eyebrow at his friend who grins almost sadistically at his phone.
you've gone to get yourself a drink, leaving the two boys alone and able to have a conversation about their teachers without anyone else heading them.
"you know the way all might annoys aizawa and literally bends to our every will?" kaminari taps furiously on his phone. "well, we'll ask him and then he'll tell aizawa for us!"
todoroki doesn't blink. "you mean you'll tell aizawa tomorrow when he notices that we have yet to arrive back at the dorm room?"
"you do know i'm blaming you when we get back to u.a tomorrow right?"
"oh, i'm very much aware."
todoroki rolls his eyes and closes them, hearing your feet patter back to them before you sit down in the chair, subconsciously pressing against his left side to get warm which makes his face feel slightly hot for some unknown reason.
"this impromptu sleepover is going to kill us." todoroki says to distract himself from the feeling of you pressed into his side.
"that's what makes it fun." kaminari cheers from your other side, making you laugh and having his heart pick up speed just a tiny bit.
idiots. todoroki thinks, though there's a small smile on his lips that's just reserved for the two of you.
i would love to question my past self and ask myself why i thought making certain things happen would be good. what knocked me around in the head to consider making todoroki and kaminari best friends? to make midoriya unhinged? to make dabi's backstory redeemable?
lack of sleep will probably be the answer. and the fact that i have a strange love of destroying canon.
also i had a second job interview last week so hopefully i'll have a trial run this week. then i'll be working 2 jobs but i NEED money so it'll be worth it as times are very much tough rn for me 😒
hope you're all staying safe <33
WC: 5K
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