Pumpkin Boy. (teenage!D. Weekes x Reader)
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note: this ending is so terrible i'm so sorry
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"Fuck!" you swore, sucking on the thumb you had accidentally pricked with a pin as you and Sarah decorated her house. It was her annual Halloween party, and as her best friend, you were tasked with helping set up.
Sarah was busy spraying cobwebs into the corners, while you balanced on a barstool and pinned pumpkin fairy lights to the ceiling. "Tonight is gonna be so great!" Sarah enthused, "This is the first year everyone is able to make it."
You stopped what you were doing and stared incredulously at your friend. "Everyone?" Sarah nodded in response. "Even-"
"Yes, (Y/N) – even Dallon," Sarah grinned. You were about to jab back a reply, but were interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
"We come bearing gifts!" Brendon yelled as he and Dallon entered, carrying two large pumpkins.
"And we carved them," Dallon informed, proudly showing off his masterpiece.
"Impressive," (Y/N) smiled, hiding the small blush that emerged when Dallon spoke. "Pop them on the side over there until we figure out where to put them." You gestured to the tables behind you, and Dallon gave a smile and a nod as he carried the jack 'o lanterns over.
You'd been crushing on the tall boy for what seemed like forever. From the moment you'd met, there had been an instant connection and ever since then, he was constantly on your mind. You would never admit it to his face, but you had always wanted more from him than just friendship.
"Need a hand?" his deep voice caught you by surprise and you jolted a little, causing the stool to wobble precariously. "Woah, careful there," he put his hand on your lower back, sending a shiver down your spine.
"Thanks," you breathed, stumbling down. "Would you mind finishing up here? I gotta put the finishing touches on the cupcakes and make the punch."
Dallon nodded, taking the pot of pins and string of lights from you. As he did so, your fingers brushed.
Electricity. Fireworks. Butterflies. All that jazz.
It was painfully difficult not to react, and you were that close to accidently revealing your feelings when Sarah swooped by and dragged you off with her. Once the two of you reached the kitchen, she rested her palms on the counter and looked at you with wide eyes.
"Why don't you just ask him out?" she whisper-yelled.
"Are you kidding?" you scoffed, "I can't do that!"
"Why not?" Sarah retorted. "I made the first move on Brendon and look where we are now!"
"That was an entirely different situation," you shook your head, walking over to gather the cupcakes from the cooling rack, "Plus, both of you knew how each other felt before you got together. It's the exact opposite with Dallon and I."
"It's so obvious you're both into each other!" Sarah countered, a little louder than intended.
"Stop it!" you hushed her, tossing a dirty look at the brunette over your shoulder, "And get to helping me. We have snacks to make."
With a loud sigh and a monumental eye roll, Sarah reluctantly shuffled over and proceeded to start icing the cupcakes.
Although you were trying to focus on the task at hand, you couldn't help but allow your gaze to wander over to Dallon every few minutes. You noted all the little details. The way when he reached up to pin the decorations, his shirt would ride up a little, exposing his stomach. How, when he was concentrating, he stuck his tongue out, his brow furrowed with focus.
He caught you staring once, dark eyes flickering over to meet yours for just a second. Dallon couldn't fight against the juvenile giddiness he felt when he realised that you'd been watching him, and he bit back a smile. Suddenly, you weren't the only one engaging in secretive staring.
Brendon and Sarah noticed the way the two of you were shamelessly gazing adoringly at one another, and the couple looked to each other with exasperated expressions. Sarah beckoned her boyfriend over and ushered him into a corner.
"They're driving me crazy," she whispered.
Brendon nodded in agreement. "They just need a little... encouragement," he said, eyes glistening with mischief.
Perking up, Sarah smirked at the singer. "What did you have in mind?"
The party was in full swing, music blaring and drinks flowing, when Sarah climbed atop the coffee table and called the room's attention. "Listen up, we're going to play a little game," she announced. She shot you a smirk, to which you responded with a confused look. "Everyone gather into a circle. B, if you could do the honours?"
Brendon grabbed an empty bottle of whiskey and placed it at the centre of the circle. "The game is simple," his voice boomed out over the room. "You spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to spend seven glorious minutes in heaven with you. For the sake of the game we'll make it just two, though. This could go on a while." He gestured around the room at the large number of guests.
You rolled her eyes. You knew exactly what your two so called 'best friends' had planned. Scanning the room for Dallon, you spotted him seated directly opposite you on the plush rug.
You didn't know if he'd done that on purpose or not, but if not, it was one hell of a coincidence. Just as you were about to look away, he met your eyes and winked.
Fuck. you thought, averting your gaze as quickly as possible.
Brendon was the first to spin the bottle, which landed on Ryan. They both made a big, theatrical display of disappearing into the cupboard and coming out with Brendon wearing Ryan's infamous scarf and both of their hair ruffled.
You looked over at Sarah, who was forcing a smile despite the fact that she was clearly very uncomfortable. You raised your eyebrows at her, and she merely clicked her tongue in response.
After a few rounds of pairs disappearing into cupboards, including Pete cheating so that he got Meaghan, it was your turn. Your heart pounded as you took the spin. You hoped and prayed that it would land on Dallon. As the spinning bottle got slower and slower, you felt the nerves setting it. It wobbled to a stop, landing directly between Dallon and Brendon.
Brendon clapped his friend on the back, saying, "I've had my go with Ry. It's your turn, dude."
Dallon got to his feet, giving you a shy smile. You mirrored his actions, hoping he felt just as nervous as she did.
He opened the door to the cupboard, allowing you to step inside first, with a grand sweeping gesture. You thanked him quietly, stepping inside.
The cupboard was pretty small, and because Dallon was so tall, it was an even tigher squeeze than it had been for the previous pairs. The two of you were in such close proximity, in fact, that you could feel his body heat radiating through the tiny space.
"So," Dallon cleared his throat, making proper eye contact with you for the first time since stepping into the cupboard.
"So," you repeated, shifting awkwardly.
With no warning whatsoever, Dallon took your face in both hands and pressed his lips against yours. Naturally, you were taken aback by his sudden boldness and instinctively held your breath for the first few seconds. It took a moment for you to realise what was happening, but once you did, you began to relax into the kiss. It was the most euphoric feeling you'd ever experienced. Your arms snaked around his neck and his hands moved from your cheeks to your waist.
"Why do you taste like pumpkin?" you pulled away with a light laugh, licking her lips.
"Oh, uh..." Dallon looked down at his feet, embarrassed. "I may have tried some earlier... when I was carving it," he mumbled. He quickly met your eyes, biting his lip.
"Come on, pumpkin boy," you chuckled, before pecking him again and standing up. "We better get out there before everyone starts talking."
"TOO LATE!" Brendon called from the other side of the door. "Oh and just by the way, I taste like pumpkin too!"
Thank you for reading x
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