on the 9th day of 🎄, ohfrxnkie gave to you...
Santa's Grotto with twentyonepilots.
You and Tyler both smiled fondly at the heaps of little children flouncing around happily at the prospect of seeing Santa; it was enough to make even the grouchiest person crack a smile.
The two of you leisurely strolled through the area; Tyler's thumb caressing your hand that was intertwined with his.
"Christmas always makes me wish I was a kid again," you sighed, pouting your lips slightly, "Going to see Santa was the highlight of my year."
Your boyfriend turned to you with a perplexed cock of his head. "Who says you can't go to visit Santa at our age?"
A wheeze escaped your lips. "Two twenty-something year-olds taking a seat on Santa's lap? Yeah, that'd be totally normal. Can you imagine all the disapproving looks from suburban mothers?"
Tyler clicked his tongue and made a dismissive hand gesture. "Ah, I don't give a crap about what they think. If I wanna sit on Santa's lap, I'm gonna sit on Santa's lap."
"Okay, baby."
"I'm serious."
"Of course you are."
Tyler stopped walking and turned to you, eyebrows furrowed. "You don't believe me." You raised your eyebrows. "Okay. Alright. Watch this." And with that, he sprinted off to join the kids, cutting through to the front of the line with a few 'excuse me's', much to the anger of many young kids and adults.
"Tyler!" you said through gritted teeth, rushing forward to grab your boyfriend, but he was faster than you and not too long after, he had sat himself down on Santa's lap.
Santa didn't look at all confused by the situation, and you noticed that the crowd was making no attempt to get rid of Tyler either, which puzzled you enormously.
"Alright, my boy," Santa spoke to Tyler, "what do you want for Christmas?"
"Well, Santa," Tyler started, "the thing I want is something I've wanted for a long time now. Three years, to be exact. It's something huge and amazing, and no other gift could ever compare to it!"
"Sounds wonderful. Do you mind telling me what it is?"
Tyler turned his head, raised a hand and pointed at you in the crowd, "See that beautiful girl right there? I wanna marry her."
Your heart leapt into your throat.
Santa chuckled, reaching down into the sack next to his chair and retrieving a small box, which he handed to Tyler. "I think this might help with that."
Tyler smiled as he took the box before hopping down and off the platform and making his way to you.
"(Y/N)," he knelt down in front of you, "will you marry me?"
"Just go say hi."
"No, I can't."
"Why not?"
Josh opened his mouth to reply, but when he couldn't come up with an excuse, he shut it again, causing Tyler to 'Mhm'.
"Do you want me to do it for you?" Tyler offered with a tired sigh, extending a hand in your direction.
"No!" Josh desperately shook his head. "God, no. Never."
"Then move your ass!"
Josh stumbled forward as a result of Tyler shoving him, and ended up right next to you.
"Uh, hi," you giggled, frowning slightly at the sudden appearance of the cute stranger.
"Hi," he blushed, clearing his throat nervously as he straightened up, "Josh."
You raised an eyebrow at him.
"I don't mean 'Hi, Josh'. Well, unless your name is Josh. Which I doubt it is. I meant, 'Hi.' 'Josh.' I'm Josh. Wow, I'm saying Josh too much. I'm sorry; you're really pretty."
"Hi, Josh. I'm (Y/N)," you laughed lightly, amused at his nervy rambling.
"Are you applying for a job here too?" he asked, pointing his head down at the application in your hands.
"Yeah, for one of the elves. And you?"
"Oh," you widened your eyes, "the big one, huh."
"Yeah," he nodded, "I wasn't really sure if I wanted to do it, but my friend insisted that I apply so," he held out his arms, "here I am."
"Next, please," the assistant called out, and you nodded at her in acknowledgment.
"Well, I hope you get it; I'm sure you'd do a good job," you smiled at your new acquaintance before holding up your hand and moving your fingers slightly, "Bye, Josh."
"Dude," Tyler whispered, huffing in effort as he shuffled towards his friend, both of them clad in uncomfortable costumes, "did you get her number yet?"
Josh sighed in defeat, glancing over at you entertaining a group of little kids. "No."
"It's been over a week!"
"You think I don't know that?" Josh groaned, rolling his eyes. "It's just that every time I talk to her, I can't think straight."
"You better try. Cause in less than seven days, your opportunity will be gone."
~Two Days Later~
"Alright, Josh. Enough is enough," Tyler muttered to himself as he made his way over to you, "Hey, (Y/N)."
You looked up from your station and smiled. "Oh, hey, Tyler."
"Why don't you go and chill in the break room? I'll take over here."
"Are you sure? I mean, I'm still on for another-"
"You work too hard. Seriously, go. I just got back from lunch."
You squeezed his arm affectionately as you grabbed your bag. "I owe you one."
Tyler waved his hand dismissively and grinned at you as you started towards the break room. He watched you disappear into the room before taking off in the direction of his best friend.
"Josh! The boss said to tell you that you need to take your break early. Early as in now."
"Now?" Josh furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he pointed at all the people, "But-"
Josh jumped a bit before pulling a sour face at his friend and hurrying off to the break room; Tyler trailed closely behind him. Once Josh had entered the room, Tyler shut the door, grabbed a nearby stool and jutted it under the door handle, so that the door couldn't open.
"Don't say I never do anything for you, Josh! Merry Christmas!"
Thank you for reading x
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