My Best Friend's Wedding. (Pete Wentz x Reader)
"And in closing, congratulations on finding someone who you think you can put up with for the rest of your life."
"This is going to be the worst Maid of Honor speech in the history of awful Maid of Honor speeches," your best friend remarked, face-palming while shaking her head in disapproval.
"I didn't think it was that bad," you shrugged, scanning over the speech you held in your hand, "Which part put you off? Was it the "Well done on finally getting married before you guys could break up for the fourth time" or the "Remember not to argue in front of the kids"?
(Y/B/F) raised her eyebrows.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Well, I'd like to see you write a Maid of Honor speech for a wedding you want nothing to do with," you sassed.
Collapsing next to her on the sofa, you massaged your temples and let out a groan.
"You really shouldn't have agreed to be a part of the wedding, then."
Rising from your outstretched position to a sitting one, you stared in disbelief at your friend.
"What the hell was I supposed to do?! Say "No, sorry, Pete. I can't be your Maid of Honor because your fiancée irks me more than I can put into words. Oh, yeah, and there's the fact that I'm in love with you."?"
There was silence for a little while before your friend spoke.
"Well, yeah, that probably would've done it."
"You're not helping!" you yelled, hurtling a throw pillow at her face.
"Excuse me? Let me remind you that I've been telling you to confess your feelings to Pete since you told me about them! Which was, like, a year ago, by the way!" she scoffed.
"Psh, you're such an exaggerator," you retorted, eyes rolling, "It wasn't a year ago! It was 11 months, 2 weeks and 3 days."
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" You raised your hands in mock defense. "You're right, I should've listened to you." You sighed in defeat, causing a look of triumph to form on (Y/B/F)'s face. "But that doesn't change the fact that I'm stuck being the fucking Maid of Honor at this damned wedding!"
You dived onto one of the nearby pillows and screamed into it. (Y/B/F) rubbed your back soothingly.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay, babe. We both know that you can fake a great speech if you tried. You just need to get away from everyone and clear your head for a bit."
"Yeah, because that's totally possible right now," you spoke, sarcasm evident in your voice, "Today's Sunday and the wedding is on Saturday. Between now and then we have final dress fittings tomorrow, wedding party breakfast on Tuesday, rehearsal dinner on Wednesday, bachelor and bachelorette parties on Thursday, and a spa day on Friday. Also taking into account that Meagan always finds something for me to do - ya know, cause I'm "the maid of honor and it's my duty" - I think it's safe to say that 'getting away' from everyone would be next to impossible."
"This is gonna be one long-ass week," (Y/B/F) said, sucking in a breath before releasing it slowly.
"Tell me about it."
~Monday, 12:00, 118 hours until the wedding~
The high-pitched chattering and squeals of Meagan and her bridesmaids filtered through the thin walls of the fitting room. They all seemed to be madly in love with their dresses,(their shrieks of delight upon trying them on bearing testament to that) and wouldn't stop blabbing about them. As much as it pained you to admit it, you couldn't blame them. Their dresses were gorgeous. Your dress on the other hand...
"I look like I just walked out of a Shakespearean tragedy."
"I'm sure it's not that bad," (Y/B/F)'s reassuring voice sounded into your ear through your phone.
"Oh, is that what you think?" you replied before hanging up and FaceTime-ing her instead, aiming the camera at the full-body mirror in front of you so that she could see the monstrosity that was currently taking refuge on your body.
"(Y/N), I'm sure it's fine, you're probably jus- AHHH OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!" (Y/B/F)'s face contorted in horror when her eyes were met with the awful sight that was your Maid of Honor dress.
"My point exactly!"
Groaning, you rubbed your tired eyes and walked over to the stool in the corner of the room.
"Is she trying to sabotage her own wedding? If so, she's really good at it because that dress will do an amazing job at that," your friend stated.
"More like sabotage me. This is clearly not the dress that I chose - hell, it's not even remotely similar to the other girls' - and when I asked the wonderful bride-to-be about it, she said that she'd changed her mind about what she wanted me to wear. Apparently this was the most in-demand Maid of Honor dress back in the 1900s, and she thought "it would be totes adorable if there's a traditional flair to the wedding"," you mocked Meagan's voice, "Like, if you want traditional flair, why don't you wear this ugly ass dress then?!"
You heard a group of footsteps approaching the door, along with the sound of hushed voices. But you'd recognize those annoying voices anywhere, even when they were barely whispering. You pressed your index finger to your lips, signaling (Y/B/F) to keep quiet. Soon enough, Meagan spoke.
"Oh, (Y/N)!" she called out in a sing-song voice.
You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for what was coming next and (Y/B/F) had to stifle a laugh.
"Yes, Meagan?" you replied in a sickly sweet voice.
"What do you think of the dress? It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yes, Meagan. It's... wonderful."
"Yay! I'm so glad you like it," she replied. You could practically hear the smirk in her voice and the sense the falseness behind her excitement over your 'approval'. "Not a lot of people would be able to pull it off but I knew it would be perfect for you, (Y/N). And I'm sure Pete will agree." You heard the other girls snigger behind the door and you had to clamp your hands together in order to restrain yourself from knocking the door down and tackling someone.
"Anyway, we're leaving to get some brunch. You'll finish up here, right?"
Before you could even respond, the giggling Barbie squad had walked off, leaving you free to talk to (Y/B/N) again.
"Lord, please give me the strength to not kill a bitch."
"Wow, babe. You must really love Pete if you're willing to wear that in order to keep Voldemort over there happy," (Y/B/N) said, letting out a low whistle.
"Ugh, (Y/B/N), please. Don't compare her to Voldemort. It's not fair on him," you both giggled, "But yeah," you continued, biting your lip while your thoughts drifted to Pete, "I guess I do."
Thank you for reading x
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