𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
All of the residents were sitting on a bed in the pit, waiting for Bailey to return.
Teddy turns around, "Cristina." Teddy looks at her confused as Cristina turns around, "What are you doing?"
"Oh, Bailey paged nine-one-one,"
"Well, what happened to that chest tube?" Teddy asks.
"An interns doing it 'cause it's intern's work, which I love," Christina saves herself as Teddy glared at her. "I'm— Im loving the back-to-basics thing. It's so valuable, but, uh, nine-one-one, so.."
"Hey," Henry appears behind Teddy.
"Oh, and you have to go. So no worries. We'll talk later," Christina pats Teddy's arm.
Bailey came back, and got the residents, leading them to the trauma room.
"She was pinned under her car, her leg was amputated in a pit of dirt, her abdomen is pulp, and her pelvis is probably crushed. You will work together," Bailey points at them as they struggle to put their trauma gowns on. "To assess her injuries and repair them."
"Oh, in the O.R.?" April asks, hopeful.
"No, at the jiffy lube," Bailey says sarcastically, "Yes, in the O.R. Now, Dr. Torres will supervise your work. If you're killing her, she will step in. Otherwise, you're on your own. Don't screw this up like you screw everything else up you've touched lately." Bailey turns away from the residents, "Ladies and gentlemen, step away from the patient."
The doctors inside the trauma room step away from the patient, making room for the residents, who are running into the room with excitement. Charlotte, especially. This could be her moment. She really wants to be in orthopedic surgery.
Jackson holds up one of the scans, "It's an open book pelvic fracture."
"And a comminuted femur fracture," April adds, looking away from the other scan. "Has anyone fully examined the stump?"
"On it," Charlotte says, checking out the stump—where the leg was amputated.
"Pneumopericardium and an enlarged cardiac shadow," Cristina mutters, she walks over to the container on the side of her bed, "She needs a chest tube and a C.T."
"Free fluid, she needs the O.R.," Alex tells Cristina.
"An embolization and angio would help stabilize the pelvic bleeding," April announces, pulling on her gloves.
"An angio's just gonna waste time," Alex told April.
"We could pack her in the O.R.," Jackson fought back.
"Call the O.R., tell them to prep for an emergent laparotomy," Alex tells the nurse.
"Hello? A C.T.," Charlotte told Alex.
They kept fighting as Callie, Owen and Bailey talk. The attending's watch as they try to come to an agreement.
"Okay, look, I think what we need to do is— we just need to take a moment—"
Jackson cuts her off, "April, you're chief resident, not chief of surgery."
"Did somebody call the O.R.?" Alex asks loudly.
"No, because she needs a C.T. to assess her cardiac injuries," Cristina told him.
"What did I say about—" Alex starts.
"No one gives a crap about what you have to say," Charlotte tells him as the monitor starts beeping.
"Still want to take her to radiology?" Alex looks between Charlotte and Cristina. "Maybe wait in line for a little while till the machines free?"
"Is somebody gonna call the O.R.?" Jackson asks.
April calls the O.R. and they make their way to the elevator. It's cramped with five people and a hospital bed.
"Let's check the liver first. It's the most likely source," Jackson tells them as the elevator opens.
"Hey, Yang. Where's Meredith?" Derek asks, his phone up to his ear.
"I don't know," Cristina turns away from Derek and to Jackson, "She's in cardiogenic shock. That's our main concern."
"Yang?" Derek said as they passed him.
"They— they fired her. Maybe she's putting anthrax in Karev's locker," She says, directing the last part towards Alex.
"B.P's ranking. We need to up her fluids," Alex tells them.
"No," Cristina shakes her head, "Her pericardium is filled with air and blood."
"Brown?" Derek shouts as they drag the hospital bed away.
"I don't know either," She shouts back, getting frustrated.
"Do you listen to anyone else, ever?" Alex narrows his eyes at Cristina.
"All the time. Just not you," Cristina said back.
"Or me, apparently," Jackson added.
"Look, she's not answering her phone or her pager," Derek yelled down the hallway.
"I haven't seen her, and neither has Char. I was in the pit. She's not in the pit. I was in the elevator. She's not in the elevator,"
They rush her into surgery, still fighting over who does what and over what needs to be done first, second and third.
"Give me an ten-blade, please," Cristina tells the scrub nurse.
"Don't give her a ten-blade. The woman just had her leg hacked off. She doesn't need her chest cracked open for something we're not even sure she has," Alex tells the nurse.
"Yeah, well, I'm sure, and if her heart craps out, she's not gonna give a rats ass about her leg," Cristina tell him.
"We know that she is bleeding from her pelvis and her abdomen, which gives her plenty of reasoning to be hypotensive—" April tried to tell them, only to be cut off by Alex.
"Let's just do an X-lap and see what we're dealing with,"
"No!" Charlotte tells Alex.
"Karev, start the incision," Jackson says, backing Alex up.
"Just because you're pissed that I'm chief resident, doesn't mean that you can pretend I'm not here," April told Jackson.
"Nobody cares that you're chief resident," Jackson said, looking straight at April.
"Can everyone just shut up, please?" Charlotte said, getting a migraine from all the shouting, yelling, and fighting.
"We are wasting time arguing," Cristina told them. "The only logical conclusion is, take care of the heart first."
Arizona watches the surgery from gallery as Mark comes in with a bag of chips.
"Hey, is the E.R. still a zoo?" Arizona greets Mark.
"No, they got everyone who survived..out of the hole a while ago. It's quieted down,"
"The changes were subtle on the X-Ray. But that doesn't mean they don't exist," Cristina told them.
Mark looks at what Callie is doing, "She got the crossword down there?"
"Sudoku. You ever try it?" Arizona asks.
"Bores the crap outta me," Mark replies offering Arizona some chips.
"Amen," Arizona replied.
"You're outvoted, Yang," Jackson tells her.
"Who do you think the Gunther is?" Arizona asks Mark.
"This is not democracy. This is surgery," Cristina rolls her eyes at him.
"What do you mean?" Mark asks.
"Is this your first one?" Arizona looks at him and then back out of the gallery window, "Hmm. The name Gunther comes from the doctor, not the patient. And the rest of the residents always kind of emerges as a leader when they do this. And the first time, it was a little quiet kid named Gunther, and everyone thought he was gonna flame out of the program, but turns out, he's the alpha dog." She puts a chip in her mouth, ending the story.
"Great. We know it won't be Avery. He doesn't have any balls," Marks bets.
"Karev's got the balls, but everyone hates him. So I don't really see them following his lead," Arizona tilts her head.
"Bound to be Yang," Mark tell her.
"I don't know," Arizona shrugs, "Kepner's kind of a dark horse these days.
"You feel good about that position?" Mark asks, proposing a bet. "Huh? You willing to back that up?"
Arizona laughs, "If we're betting, I bet on Brown. She's got the potential. Most people are scared of her and she's got everything you need in a orthopedic surgeon."
Mark raises his eyebrows.
"So, what, like, fifty bucks?"
Mark tilts his head in response.
"Bring it," She challenges him.
Bailey walks in and sits next to Arizona, "How are they doing?"
"Still trying to agree on where to start," Arizona tells her.
"I just had to put an islet cell device in a mouse," Bailey says disgusted. "Do you know how small a mouses omentum is?"
"I'm gonna go with," Mark starts, "Really small."
"Happy now?" Cristina fights all of them—except Charlotte. "She's bottoming out."
"Well, if we'd get in there and pack the pelvis, that alone will help the blood pressure, right?" Jackson asks them.
"Well, yeah, I hope so cause her systolic's down to sixty eight," April said, like she was trying to all along.
"Because her heart is exploding," Cristina tries to tell them.
"No, we need to help her heart and then control the bleeding. There will be no bleeding to control if she dies on the table," Charlotte steps in. "Trust me."
"Oh? Trust you? And what do you know?" Alex asks her.
"Is this where I step in?" Callie shouts up to the gallery, but receives a no from Bailey.
"No, Charlotte. We need to stabilize the internal bleeding and then we can get a T.E.E. while we're in there—" She cuts herself off as Charlotte takes a scalpel from the scrub nurse and she cuts the woman's chest open.
"Brown," Jackson scolds her.
"Brown," Cristina says in a totally different voice, impressed.
"What are you doing?" April asks her.
"Opening her chest. What does it look like?" She looks up at the nurse, "Rib spreader."
April takes the rib spreader and helps Charlotte set it in place, muttering, "Oh, my god."
Callie looks to the residents, and then back to Bailey.
Arizona looks to the side and smirks at Mark.
"Cardiac rupture, like I said," Cristina told them, helping suctioning the blood with lap pads.
"A lot of bleeding down here," April says.
"Jackson, uh, help her hold pressure there," Charlotte told him, taking charge. "Lap pads down in there, please."
"Looks like Charlotte's the Gunther," Arizona smiled at Mark.
"Yep. No surprise," Bailey mutters.
"What does that mean?" Teddy asks.
"It means she took over while everyone else is standing around looking like idiots doing whatever she says," Mark told her. "I mean, look at Avery. Useless."
"Yang," Mark shakes his head, putting the fifty in Arizona's palm. "What was I thinking?"
"You were thinking smart," Bailey spoke up. "I was betting on her myself."
Mark gets up and walks out, Arizona following him.
"V-Fib," Jackson announces.
"I need the paddles," Charlotte reaches for them. "Charge to twenty. Clear,"
The paddles thunk, not changing anything in her heart.
"No change,"
"Okay, we need one of intracardiac epi," Cristina says, helping Charlotte out. "Keep massaging the heart."
"Got it," Charlotte agrees.
Cristina takes the syringe and stabs it into the heart, only she doesn't stab it into the heart, she stabs it into Charlotte's hand.
"Ow!" Charlotte yelps in pain.
"Oh my god," Cristina's eyes widen.
"Ah," Charlotte hisses, freezing.
"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Charlotte? Look at me. Charlotte, look at me. Charlotte?"
Charlotte looks to Cristina and then passes out on the O.R. floor.
"Charlotte!" Callie yells, putting her puzzle down.
"What the— what the hell just happened?" Cristina asked trying not to freak out.
"Epi. Give me another epi," Jackson demands.
"I can't find a pulse," Callie says to Cristina.
"Why the hell doesn't she have a pulse?" Cristina asks Callie. "I need a crash cart."
"An epi doesn't stop a healthy persons heart," Callie tells her. "What did you do?"
"I don't know," Cristina says nervously.
this is so fun 😍
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