[𝟏𝟕] 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐧
{ "Rose! look like Lady Liberty." }
"I can't believe i agreed to do this." Star huffed, both girls stood side by side looking in the mirror.
Kiara wore a light lilac silk dress with her hair tied up, thick curls falling out and shaping her face, paired with a big flower crown and a gold necklace and earrings. Star wore a baby pink silk dress with a small slit in the bottom of it which Kiara's parents had offered to buy the girl considering she was their daughters plus one.
Her hair was curled and up in a perfect messy bun, some strands falling out, and dotted around her head she wore little silver star fish clips.
"I know, i look like a bourgeoisie pig." you could hear the disgust in Kiara's words. Star chuckled at the girls words and made her way over to the girls bed, sitting down on the edge of it and looked down at her hands.
Kiara noticed the girls change of mood as she watched the sad expression on the girls face through the mirror "Hey" she turned around, walking over to sit beside her "You okay?"
Star quickly smiled and nodded "Yeah. I'm just nervous." she shrugged, completely lying.
The truth was that the girl was still worried about JJ, she hadn't seen or heard from the boy since he disappeared into the cop car, that was almost two days ago. And as for John B? god, she had no idea where the hell that boy was.
And as if Kiara could read the girls mind she sighed "JJ's gonna be fine." she smiled softly "He may be an idiot but he's tuff." she shook her head, now thinking for the Routledge boy "And John B? god, who fucking knows where he is. I'm sorry i made you come though. But seriously, you didn't suspect me to go alone right?" she laughed.
The last thing Kiara wanted to do was go to Midsummer's, and she definitely didn't want to go alone so she was allowed a plus one. Her mom and dad both knew who she would bring so were more than happy with her bringing Star.
Star rolled her eyes and laughed "You would have had your parents-"
"They do not count..."
"Are you girls ready?" Mrs Cerrera walked into her daughter's bedroom wearing a yellow flowy dress, her fingers fiddling with her earring.
"Yeah." Kiara groaned "But Mom this is so stupid." she stood up.
"Kiara don't start." Anna told her daughter "We worked hard to get into this club and we have to leave in 5 minutes." Anna walked out of the room, ignoring her daughter's complaints.
"Come on." Star stood up, taking her friends hand and leading her out of her bedroom "I won't be so bad."
"Just you wait."
The sun had just started to set by the time the Cerrera's and Star arrived at the dreadful Midsummers. The two girls were the last to hop out of the black shiny car, stopping side by side to take in the view.
Star took a deep breath, already hearing the sound of chattering snobby Kooks.
"Ready for hell?" Kiara asked, clutching on to her friends hand.
"Ready as i can be." Kiara gave the girls hand a comforting squeeze before leading her into the field of the Island Club, both immediately scowling at the scene in front of them.
There wasn't one space where a Kook didn't stand in there fancy and stupid looking attire, god the girls couldn't stand the look of there smug smiles written on all over their faces.
"Holy shit." Star snorts, seeing everyone's stupid clothes and head pieces. "Okay i take back what i said earlier."
"I know, it's like a thousand big rats all in one cage." Kiara mumbled, scanning over everyone until she spotted the sight of their friends working by the grill "Come on."
Both girls skipped down the field and over to Pope who had his back turned.
"Excuse me sir. Do we have to shuck these ourselves?" Kiara put on a thick English accent as the boy slowly turns around "Cause it might mess up our costumes."
A smile instantly appears on the boys once miserable looking face "We wouldn't want that now would we?" he returned the English accent, greeting Kiara with a hand shake "That accent was bad."
"Yeah it was." Kiara laughed "i was gonna let it go."
"Miss Owens." he bowed his head down at the girl.
"Mr Heyward." she held up both sides of her dress, giving the boy a curtsy.
"You ever seen this many Kooks in one place?" Kiara asked, Star now at her side.
"Yeah." Pope said "Last year."
"In a bad dream." Star mumbled.
"We're in the lion's dean." Kiara scowled.
"Hey," Pope turned to both girls "Have either of you heard from JJ?" The sound of the boy's name made Star's heart drop.
"No." Kiara gazed down at the ground "He'll be all right though. He's got the survival instincts of a cockroach."
"It's all my fault." Pope's face went back to being miserable, he couldn't seem to stop blaming himself for what happened.
Star's eyebrows furrowed, feeling pity for the boy "Don't say that, none of this is your fault."
"Yeah, Topper almost killed you remember?" Kiara added.
Suddenly the sound of applauding was heard from afar. All three teens turned to look as the Cameron's walked out like they fucking owned the place.
Ward Cameron walked out wearing a bright smile on his face and some kind of stupid big gold medal that hung from his neck. And on his side he had his wife Rose attached to him like a koala, wearing a pink dress and some excessively big gold pointy head piece resting on her head, grinning with excitement at all the attention she got. And behind hi where his three kids, two who she didn't care for and she actually liked Wheezie, she was funny.
"Here come Lord Capital and the Exploiters." Kiara rolled her eyes.
Star huffed with a roll of her eyes "God they piss me off." she mumbled, Kiara and Pope both nodded in agreement.
"She's definitely gonna poke somebody's eye out with that thing." Pope stated.
"Hey, where's my dad?" Star's attention now away from the so-called royalty, realising she hadn't seen the man who she was supposed to be helping tonight if she hadn't been Kiara's plus one.
"Over there." Pope pointed to the loud shouting, she suddenly spotted her father screaming at a man.
"Shit." Star quickly rushed over to the commotion "Hi" she smiled at the older man "If you maybe just wanna leave this man alone and come back later?" She tried to be as polite as possible, only for the Kook to scowl at the girls and turn on his heel.
"Yeah you better walk away!" Robert shouted, his daughter having to hold him back.
"Dad! What happened?" her father finally calmed down.
"That bitch just tried to steal my prawns." he pointed at the man who looked back horrid "I told you you'd get one when they were being severed but you wouldn't fucking listen!"
"Dad." she got is attention "It's prawns, you don't gotta make a big deal. And you can't act like that or they wont have you back."
"Good." Robert huffed, crossing his arms like a toddler in a strop "I don't wanna come back anyway." Star laughed and rolled her eyes at her fathers childish manor when her face lit up, spotting a tray of champagne fly past her.
She quickly swiped two glasses off the tray without the waiter knowing and chugged the first one. And just as her father thought she would pass him the other, it was already gone.
"Star." he scolded his daughter "Don't overdo it tonight."
"I wont." she rolled her eyes.
"I'm serious Star." he gave her a stern look "We don't want another incident like what happened at JJ's 13th."
Star laughed at the memory of the boys birthday, it had been the first time all the pogues had ever drunk. Everyone else had left as the five of them all sat on the beach around a fire when JJ pulled out a couple beer bottles that he had nicked from his father. Pope only had a sip, refusing anymore and Kiara only had one. But JJ, John B and Star went overboard.
All three of them had ended up passed out somewhere along the beach. JJ was found up a tree, why? no one could remember, John B hung upside down off a log, beer bottle still in his hand, and Star had ended up going missing for half the night so Kiara and Pope who where sober had to call her father to help.
They ended up finding the girl passed out under the cover of a random boat, god knows how she got there. But that night Big John and Robert were in charge of the three drunk or passed out kids, and man was it something.
The rest of the night Kiara and Star had tried to stay close to one another, it had been hard as so many people seemed to know Kiara so at some point she had drifted away from the girl and had explored inside the Island Club.
Star was now a couple drinks down as she stumbled through the Club, admiring all the beautiful paintings and judging the ones she wondered how you could even call art.
As she strolled through the halls she was stopped by Rafe.
"Star, hey." he smiled down at her.
"No sorry." she brushed past him "I'm...Moon."
Rafe rolled his eyes and grabbed the girl gently on the arm, stopping her in her tracks "Wait." she turned to face him "I just wanna say i'm sorry."
The girl scoffed "Oh yeah for what? beating up Pope and JJ? almost killing Pope or getting JJ sent to jail?" she crossed her arms.
He scratched the back of his neck "Umm i was gonna say sorry for..." he pointed his finger at his own face, referring to the bruise and cut lip on Star's face that seemed to be covered by makeup.
"So none of them." she rolled her eyes and tried to walk away once again.
"Look i'm sorry for what i did to you, but i'm not sorry for what happened to your little friends." he spoke honestly "They sunk Topper's boat, what did you want us to do?"
Star's eyes narrowed and she shook her head "Oh my god, You know Kie says there are people in Africa dying of starvation and thirst, and your worried about your boyfriend's stupid little boat?" she scoffed.
Rafe rolled his eyes "Whatever. But i'm sorry for what i did to you, honest. The first time i didn't even see you and then i got mad." he looked down "Even if you don't forgive me i just need you to know how sorry i am."
She rolled her eyes, looking up at him in anger "Yeah whatever." and with that she waltzed away from him without another word.
She stopped right at the door, sucking in a big breath of the fresh air and as her feet began to walk he brushed past an older man, swiping the drink out his hand before it touched his lips.
She tipped the glass back and downed all of whatever was in the glass. "Ahhh, thank you Sir." she smiled at the man who held a horrifying look on his face "Oh i'm sorry, was this your's? my bad." she walked away before he could even reply.
The girl strolled around the grass, not sure on her destination, but as she was gazing up at all the fairy lights hung up around the pillars a force suddenly hit her.
She looked up, seeing she had just bumped into somebody "Oh, i'm sor..." she froze, seeing those blonde locks and in no time saw him.
Her breath hitched in her throat how. "JJ?" it felt like a dream of some sort.
Without the boy even replying she had flung both arms tightly around his neck, letting out a breath of relief as she hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go.
"Hey." JJ smiled softly, putting one hand around her waist and the other on the back of her head, subtly playing with the falling strands of hair.
And once he saw her John B's words suddenly flew straight out of his mind.
'JJ, stay out of Star's sight, don't look for her and if you see her stay away. I don't need you getting distracted.'
She slowly let go, her eyes meeting his and then the new bruises on his face. "JJ..." a saddened look appeared on her face, she didn't even dare to ask how he got them, she knew.
"I'm okay." he reassured her, wincing slightly at the soft touch of her finger grazing his bruise. She wasn't sure whether he was lying or not when he said he was okay.
She shook her head "You don't look okay."
"Nothing i'm not used to." he shrugged, hoping he could get away from the subject.
"Wait?" she shook her head quickly "How are you her..." JJ caught her off by bringing his finger to her lips, shushing her before taking her hand in his and bringing her to dance.
He took her arms, putting them around his neck and putting his own on her waist.
"What are you doing?" she laughed at the boys so called dancing.
"What do you mean? i'm dancing."
"I thought JJ Maybank didn't dance?" she remembered the time she had asked the boy to dance with her in John B's backyard but he refused, stating that he didn't dance.
"Well that was then." he spoke softly, smirking "And i'll always dance with you."
She bit her lip to try and hold back a smile as she looked down at her moving feet, god that smirk did things to her, she wanted to kiss him again - no, she couldn't. She suddenly felt a finger under her chin, lifting her head up to look back at him causing her to almost melt once more at the sight of his blue eyes.
"I'm glad you're back." she smiled up at him.
"I'm glad to be back." he smiled "And i'm glad to see you." oh this boy was going to be the death of her.
"Are you drunk?" he laughed, noticing the drunken swaying, some slurred words and her flushed face.
"Pfft no." she lied, and before JJ could respond Sarah had bumped into JJ.
"Sor- Oh hi Star-JJ?"
"Oh, yup." JJ raised his eyebrows moving along to the beat of the song, pulling Star with him "I got a, uh note from Vlad." He pulled out a slip of paper and handed the blonde the paper, saying Star was confused was an understatement who the hell was Vlad?
Sarah looks at it before taking it out of the Pogues' hand, a smile now washed over her face "From...Vlad?"
"Yeah." JJ nodded, dancing with Star, looking as casual as possible "Just read the note."
Star furrowed her eyebrows, still confused "Okay first of...who the hell is Vlad and what the fuck is going on?" she asked the blonde.
"John B is Vlad." he spoke in a hushed tone, twirling Star around and dipping her "And we're back in the g-game Baby." he smiled brightly.
"Wait you've seen John?" she asked.
He nods.
"Thank god." she realised a huff, relieved to know that the Routledge boy wasn't dead in a ditch somewhere.
From afar a certain Kook had watched the whole interaction, his blood boiling as he watched the girl he wanted dance with him, the way she laughed and smiled and then the blonde had the audacity to talk to his sister and run free after what him and his little friend had done.
The boy had waited for Star to finally separate herself from the blonde before storming over with his friends.
Star strolled over to Kiara and tapped her shoulder, getting her away from the conversion she was having.
Kiara smiled and excused herself before huffing in relief. "Thank you." Kiara thanked her friend "I don't know how much longer i could of went talking about boats."
Star chuckled, taking another glass of champagne that floated past her on a tray "JJ's back." she smiled, her face still flushed from their interaction, or maybe it was the alcohol?
Kiara's eye widened "JJ's back?!"
Star nodded "Back in the g-game."
"I'm guessing so." Star shrugged.
Before the girls could continue talking their attention was brought to the door flying open, only to see JJ being dragged by a security guard.
"Look-look, man, i can walk myself. I got legs. Can you see that brother?" he told the man who dragged him around like a rag doll.
"Oh god." Star mumbled, only imaging what was going to happen.
"I really appreciate what you did for me back then but let me just walk out by myself." the man began swinging the boy round, shoving him harshly "Oh Mr Dunleavy, i see you got your drink. Good, really nice of you." he patted the older mans shoulder "I'm actually gonna down that." he stole the drink out of the man's hand and swung back the liquid, downing it in one go.
Kiara and Star both followed their eyes on the boy, walking over to the top of the steps.
"I really appreciate the discretion Daryl, you know?" they both stopped "It's okay everybody! do not panic!" JJ shouted, raising is hands in the air "Leave it to the men and women in uniform. Let's hear it for them!" he clapped "Rose! look like Lady Liberty."
Star couldn't help but snort at the boys words as he excitedly pointed at the woman, he wasn't wrong she did look like Lady Liberty.
"Let go of him!" Kiara shouted, her parents now rushing up to her, ushering her to be quiet "You can't just boot him!"
Star rolled her eyes at the new appearance of Rafe standing to the side of her, a smug and amused smirk on his face.
"I invited him here." Kiara spoke, ignoring her parents who wanted to crawl into a corner and die "I'm a member of this club."
"Preach sister!" Star raised her glass before chugging it in one.
JJ quickly pushed the security guard away, knocking him on the ground "Hey! mandatory power hour at Rixon's Princess, Kie." he pointed at Star and then to Kiara "Pope, you as well all right?"
Star held a big grin on her face "Star, Kie come on. Workers of the world unite!" JJ shouted at the two girls before walking away.
Star cheered, watching as Kiara was already running away. Star turned around and faced Rafe, smiling at him before taking a slice of cake off a table and squishing it into his face "That's for being you."
She giggled to herself running away from a now pissed off and covered in cake Rafe and through the crowd of people, making her way over to the Pogues, ignoring the shouts of her father to come back.
She stopped at the top of the field, slipping off her heels and holding them in one hand before sprinted down the grass, stumbling slightly from the alcohol as she watched Pope and John B hug, Kiara high five JJ and then hugged John B.
"Come on Princess!" JJ grinned, his arms out wide out for the girl.
She giggled, holding up her dress and heels in her left hand, watching the boys grin. She made her way down to him and jumped straight into his arms. JJ embraced his arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground as he spun around, causing the girl to squeal.
They both laughed like little children as he gently placed her down and gave her a light kiss on her forehead.
She blushed and smiled up at him before she turned to face the Island Club "Later Bitches!" she shiuted and jumped on JJ's back, making the blonde boy carry her the rest of the way.
John B and JJ were back, her brother and her best friend, the Pogues were back, back in the g-game baby.
Authors note
Wow that felt like such a long chapter when i was writing this, not as long as my wang tho that's impossible.
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