'HOW COULD THIS have happened?' Obi-Wan asked. 'These things are not suppose to happen, it is called a calculated jump for a reason.'
The imploding star started to pull in the ship faster and faster as the seconds passed by, and everything shook violently. Metal clattered in a deafening volume, but they missed the snoring of the Destroyer's engine between it.
Verena searched for another communicator in her robes and then threw it towards Obi-Wan. 'We will answer that question later. Now it is more important we get those engines working again. Jaira, you come with me. Obi-Wan, you and Eerie will guide us through the manual override.'
Obi-Wan caught the communicator and raised a questioning eyebrow. 'And how do you reckon we do that?'
'Find a manual, or something. I do not care, but whatever you do, do it fast. The star may be huge, but it will only take a few minutes before it implodes completely and devours us with it.'
Verena gestured for Jaira to follow her. She cast her robe on the floor to be more mobile and she started to run in the direction of the engines.
Her padawan quickly followed and they shot through the pathways, their footsteps almost inaudible over the creaking and shaking of the metal plates. Their quickened heartbeat resonated between their ears and their breath felt as if it would tore open their throats. Never had they run as fast as they did now.
Suddenly, as the Star Destroyer was pulled farther into the implosion, an intense shiver traveled through the ship. A quivering harbinger came with it and it threw Verena and Jaira off of balance.
Verena used her weight to fall upon the floor immediately -- sensing something was amiss, but Jaira tried to keep her balance. Verena's warning came too late and when the fierce shiver arrived on their path, the ship launched Jaira into the air. She flew several meters before she smacked on her back; harshly colliding with the floor. She groaned and Verena ran towards her, grabbing her hands and pulling her back on her feet.
'Next time,' Verena started while picking up her pace again, 'do as I do. It beats being thrown into the air and not knowing where, and how you will land.'
Jaira prepared to run further as well, carefully stretching her strained back, and she nodded. 'Yes, Master.'
She rushed away, following in her master's footsteps but she clenched her jaw to prevent letting out a yelp in pain when she landed on her right foot; her sore back protesting against the movement. She felt like an idiot now, she should have followed her master's example but she had been stubborn as always.
'Come on, Jaira,' Verena said, noticing her padawan was getting a bit behind. 'We are almost there.'
Verena rounded the corner to the last pathway that lead to the engines, but she quickly came to a halt when she saw the collapsed hall. Debris of the air shaft blocked the path, and Jaira cursed when she was met the obstacle as well.
'Is there another way?' Jaira asked but Verena shook her head.
'Not that I know of, and we do not have time to find out.' She observed the fallen apart air shaft in front of her and an idea started to form in her head. . .
JEDI MASTER BROOD BLUELV patienly waited for the rest of the Republic fleet to show up. He and his Star Destroyer had arrived at the rendez-vous quite some time ago, but he had the space behind one of Ilum's moon still all alone to himself.
Brood knew it was as expected because, after all, Kamino was closer to the Unknown Regions than Coruscant was. However, he couldn't help to still feel a bit uneasy, as if something, somewhere was terribly wrong. The planetary blockade around Ilum disturbed him too, but not as much as his gut feeling did at the moment.
'General Bluelv,' one of the clone troopers said, causing Brood to turn his attention away from his senses. The trooper was in charge of the radar and he pointed at a flashing dot.
'The Separatists have launched a ship.'
'Have they noticed us?' Brood asked. The radar of his Destroyer had a better range than those of the Separatists and the moon should have kept them out of sight, but one could never know for certain.
'Negative, sir. It is heading towards to the surface of the planet, not us.'
Brood pinched the bridge of his nose as he considered his options, but there weren't many. He could fire at the launched ship, but the blockade's shield would block it and then the Separatists would know he was here. And he couldn't run the blockade without Kenobi's flagship and his reinforcements. Brood had, in fact, no other option than to wait for Kenobi and his fleet, because his Star Destroyer didn't stand a chance alone.
'Where are they. . ?' he softly said to himself while he followed the moving dot on the radar with his eyes until it was out of sight. He dearly hoped that Skywalker, Ember and Tano were able to fend off the enemy themselves.
'General Bluelv,' another clone trooper said, and Brood raised his eyebrows when he noticed the confusing tone of the trooper.
'Yes, trooper?'
'We are being hailed.'
'By whom? The Separatists?' he asked, momentarily forgotten that the other trooper had just told him that the Separatists hadn't noticed them yet.
'No, general. The signal is coming from one parsec behind us. I think. . .' The clone trooper hesitated for a moment -- it was his job to follow orders, not to make assumptions, but Brood encouraged him to speak freely.
'I think it is Kenobi's flagship, sir.'
All of the sudden, several ships from the Republic jumped out of hyperspace and joined Bluelv's ship in the space behind Ilum's moon.
Brood's dark eyes flew over the new ships and he quickly noticed that Kenobi's Star Destroyer was not with them.
'Answer the hailing, trooper. I think you are right.'
characters introduced this chapter:
Jedi Master Brood Bluelv by oakenshield_
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