3|A Lost Of Something New
Growing accustomed to her new life as a Whitlock Lunette walked with her dog off its leash but yet still obedient against her side.
9 months have passed since she moved in and in all that time she only seen her old friend Louis once. She'd grown accustomed to her new taste in the life.
"My love. It's done." Lunette knocked on the open doorway to the males office while he looked up from his book closing it with one hand walking towards her kissing her passionately his hands trailing down to her large round stomach gently caressing it against the expensive fabric.
"Excited are we?" Lucius asked staring at the stomach leaning down kissing Lunette's stomach before taking her hand and walking up the large stairs case that lead to a large hall walking down the white and blue flower rugs with the dark wood with its white wallpaper. Lunette had the mansion renovated to her liking, more comfortable with inviting colors. He put his hand on the double door slider, sliding it open and seeing a open room with a cradle in the middle. Stuff animals, dolls a white rocking chair. A nursery for their child that would soone be here.
"Well....this. This is splendid truly wonderful Luna." His hand left hers going and caressing the wood of the cradle smiling.
"Isn't it?" Lunette asked. Her hair was naturally worm out curls defined and down her back and on her chest walking forward puttingher hands on his waist laying her head down on his back.
"Minsour, Madam a letter from Mr. De Pointe du lac." A woman said walking in crushing the moment letting go off Lucius slowly turning her back towards his walking forward taking the letter.
What it contained was something she'd never would've guessed. A invitation to a funeral of Louis's wife and child. Dying in childbirth.
But, Lunette didn't go.
She thought it wasn't appropriate for her to. Not when she was carrying her own. Instead she just sent him a check hoping it would replace her absence.
"You did the right thing." Her husband told her. The woman felt wrong.
Nothing could change how she felt. Her love. Her true love. Louis. Even though she grown to have love for Lucius, it didn't even come close to her love for Louis.
Lunette went to dining room for breakfast, put stopped taking a slow breath. Her stomach hurt and was pained growing worst and worst. "Agh....Martha! MARTHA!" She screamed out only to fall down.
Opening her eyes staring as the maids flooded in and out of her room. "Did you send for my husband?" Lunette screamed out sweat dripping down her forhead and body while her legs were lifted and up spreading them open.
"Yes madam! But focus on you." Martha spoke the blonde woman stared as she looked at her. "Now my lady." She demanded.
Lunette toke slow breaths screaming as she pushed curling her toes. Pain shot through her whole body, throwing her head back gasping for air. Blood on her servants hands. "I see their head! Come on you can do you!" Martha shouted up at her.
Shaking her head in defeat. "I can't, I cant!" She cried out tears streaming diwn her face.
"Yes you can! You can!" Kathrine told her, the one by her side letting her squeeze her hand as tight as she encouraged.
Lunette toke deep breaths nodding before she pushed out screaming as she pushed contuiesly no breaths. Her vision became blurry and passing out.
Slowly coming to the feeling and pain in her low abdomen and pelvic area turning her head to the side seeing a figure in a seat next to her. "Mmm?" She hummed out slowly.
"Lunette." Lucius whispered smiling slowly but happily going to her side taking her hand gently. His eyes red and irrated.
Lunette came to staring and looking around the room before her brain caught up. "Where..." she whispered her voice raspy of course.
"Our daughter." Lucius responded closing his eyes squeezing his eyes shut looking down.
Lunette read his expression then shook her head. "No. No, no, no. Where is my daughter!" She asked him clearly. Raising her voice before he pulled away getting up and walking away from her out of the room to come back with a Blanket cradling his arms.
He went to her side leaning down showing her. Their daughters lifeless body turning away pained whining.
"No....no." Luna mumbled shaking her head before bursting out crying Lucius stood up straight taking their child in her casket before standing at the end of the bed of the wheeping woman.
"Tomorrow will be her funeral. I will call a midwife to help you stand and build your stregnth for then." Lucius said not able to look at her before walking out shutting the door. Her own screams feeding her ears back the sound.
The death of her Newborn girl was something that hurt her more than a knife to her chest. Not even being able to say her name to her. "Eurydice." A poem she wrote about the mythology about the sad tale of Orpheus and Eurydice. As if God cursed her with a sad ending.
After her daughter's funeral, her husband killed himself by hanging him off the chandler in their daughters room. To much to bare.
Not knowing what to do. She sold the estate and everything left of her child and husband sold it all. Taking her dog and moving back into her father's home. The widow filed paper work for her old name back getting rid of the Whitlock legacy. But after she moved in with her father he fell sick and died. Everyone she knew....everyone she cared for was dead. He life was so enchanted to all be burned in hell. Lunette then turned to the person she only knew might help her. Who might understand her own pain. Louis. The last 10 months were horrible widowed, childless, fatherless....and maybe friendless.
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