A/N: I forgot to mention this earlier but all the Zodiacs are 18 years old. And the Pegasus they speak of is 36 years old.
Above 👆👆 is how the Pegasus they speak of looks like.
Bad words will come very rarely. So I hope you'll still read this story even though it contains bad words. If you do keep reading, thanks!!! If not, Never mind. 😑
Read and enjoy!!! Bye!
"Is everyone here?" Aries asked.
"Yes!" Everyone exclaimed.
Everyone was in the living room with a lot of suitcases.
"We are gonna go to Pegasus's house. We'll be going there in groups of 4 but not in our elements. In each group there will be 3 people. Pisces, Taurus and Capricorn will go by the green car and they're group 1. Me, Cancer and Aquarius will go by the blue car and we're group 2. Libra, Gemini and Scorpio will go by the white car and they're group 3. And lastly, Sagittarius, Leo and Virgo will go by the red car and they're group 4." Aries explained.
"Whose gonna drive?" Asked Leo with a grin.
" Group 1 Taurus. Group 2 me. Group 3 Libra. And group 4 Virgo." Aries replied.
"Awww! Fine." Leo said.
" First group that goes to Pegasus's house is gonna get a surprise! Lets go!" Aries said.
Everyone rushed to their cars and took off.
When they
The first group that got to Pegasus's house was Libra's group. Second was Taurus's group. Third was Virgo's group. And lastly, fourth was Aries's group.
"Hey Aries. How did you guys end up in last place?" Gemini asked grinning.
"Because both Cancer and Aquarius were screaming. And I got exhausted listening to their screaming." Aries explained.
Then Aries was going towards a huge mansion and everyone followed.
They knocked on the door several times but no one opened it. So they waited for Pegasus to open the door. They waited and waited. Just standing there doing nothing other than waiting... at last a person with white hair opened the door.
"Oh Zodiacs! You finally payed me a visit huh? Come on in." The woman with white hair said.
Everyone went inside the house and sat on the couches.
"So what happened?" The woman asked.
"What do you mean what happened? We just came here to give our awesome friend a nice visit." Said Leo.
"You guys never visit me. And you think I'll believe you when you say that you came here to give me a nice little visit?" the woman asked.
"I will not believe yo- Oh my foot, are you Pisces?" The woman asked.
" Um, Yes...." Pisces said.
"So that's why you came here." The woman said.
"Yes." Aries said.
"I'm Pegasus. Nice to meet you, Pisces!" The woman said.
"I'm Pisces nice to meet you too Pegasus! Uhh.... Did you.... meet everyone before?" Pisces asked.
"Met them? Haha I raised them!!! Everyone except Aquarius and you." Pegasus said.
"Oh!" Pisces exclaimed.
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but you'll get all the answers after a little while." Pegasus said.
"This conversation is going just like last time. Ugh this is so boring." Aquarius said.
"This conversation WAS going just like last time until YOU started talking!" Virgo exclaimed.
"Was not."
"Was too."
"Was not."
"Was to-"
Everyone turned to look at Pegasus.
"Everyone calm down!" Pegasus exclaimed.
"Pisces, did your Mother and Father tell you about how they got you and Aquarius?" Pegasus asked.
"Yeah." Pisces replied. "Then what are you waiting for? Start!" Pegasus said.
🌌🌌🌌18 Years earlier🌌🌌🌌
Third person view
12 babies were sleeping on the ground with a big blanket on them. On a HILL!!!!
A man and a woman were walking towards the babies. They looked at all the babies.
"Why don't we.... take some of these babies?" The man said.
"We can't just take them! They just might be someone's babies." The woman replied.
"But why would anyone keep their babies on top of a hill and go somewhere?" The man asked.
"I.... don't know." The woman replied.
"Alright. But only 2 babies. A girl and a boy." The woman said.
"Yes!" The man exclaimed.
Then they took Aquarius and Pisces.
"Look they've got names written in the back of their pyjamas!!!" The woman exclaimed.
"This one is Pisces." The man said.
"And this one is Aquarius." The woman said.
"Nice to meet you, Pisces and Aquarius! From today onwards, we're gonna be your mom and dad!" The man said.
⛼⛼⛼Present day⛼⛼⛼
"That's how it went." Pisces said after narrating the story.
"Ok." Pegasus said.
"And do you remember how Aquarius snuck out from your house?" Asked Leo.
Everyone looked at pegasus.
"I'll be the one who asks the questions not you kids" pegasus ordered.
" Excuse you! We are not kids. We are teenagers!" Gemini exclaimed.
"Yeah I know that. And as Leo asked, do you remember how Aquarius sneaked out of your house?" Pegasus asked.
"Yup." Pisces replied.
"But you don't know what fully happened. So listen while Aquarius narrates the story of how he sneaked out of your house!" Exclaimed Pegasus.
Then everyone turned to look at Aquarius and he was SLEEPING!!!
"Hey Leo! I dare you to prank Aquarius right now!" Exclaimed Gemini.
"Dare accepted." Leo said and went out of the mansion.
Then everyone heard water falling somewhere.
Then they all looked at Aquarius who was groaning. And he was SOAKED IN WATER.
"HAHAHA" someone started laughing.
Everyone looked around to see who was.
It was SCORPIO!!!!!
"Hey guys! I have some silly string. So I'm gonna silly string Aquarius since I don't have anything else." Said Leo coming in with a bag full of silly string.
Leo turned to look at the one whom everyone was looking at.
"Scorpio....why....did......you.....just........do......that?" Asked Libra.
"Its a prank. Actually I pranked Leo by pranking Aquarius. Because Leo was trying to prank Aquarius. So I pranked Aquarius instead of pranking Leo. Now, because I pranked Aquarius, Leo is also pranked." Explained Scorpio.
"Scorp, nothing you just said didn't make any sense." Taurus said shaking her head.
"It kinda maked sense to me." Said Cancer.
"Of course it maked sense to you. You're an amateur. Only amateurs make sense after listening to that.... That...... Thing!!!" Excalimed Capricorn.
"Anyways, Aquarius now that you're awake, tell us how you sneaked out of your mom and dad's house!" Pegasus exclaimed happily.
"Oh ok." Said Aquarius.
"What happened was......
🌉🌉🌉...1 year earlier....🌉🌉🌉
Aquarius P.O.V
I was playing my computer and suddenly some unknown number called me. Because it was an unknown number, I didn't answer my phone.
Now, that unknown number has called me thousands of times. At last I picked up and I heard a male voice talking.
"Who is speaking?" The male asked.
"You know, I don't speak to people I don't know." I said.
"Ok but we'll be great Friends once you get to know me!" The male said.
"I don't think so..." I sighed quietly so he couldn't hear.
"Do you know why your mom and dad have different hair colors than you and your sister?" He asked.
"Yeah. Because they found us on top of a hill." I replied.
"With...." he said.
"10 other babies." I continued.
"And now that you are a teenager, the other babies must also be a teenagers right?" He asked.
"Don't tell me you're......"
"Yes you got that right. I'm one of those babies whose now a teenager." He said.
"Ok then. My name is Aquarius. What's your name?"
"Cancer." He said.
"Oh my gosh! Did you get cancer. I'm so sorry for you. Tell me your name... before you die!!" I said dramatically.
"Ok ok. I was just joking. Sheesh." I said.
"All 10 other baby teenagers are here living in the mansion. Do you wanna come here? Well, you have to come here... someday..." he said.
"Ok. But how will I get to your mansion without Mom and Dad not knowing?" I asked him.
"I don't know. Can't YOU think of something?" He asked.
"No I can. I was just asking for your opinion thank you very much." Aquarius said sarcasticly.
"I've got an idea! So send me the location of your mansion ASAP!" I said while I got the perfect idea!
"Hey Dad! Can I get into a college in another country?" I asked.
"Aquarius! I said this before and I'm gonna say it again. YOU CANNOT GO TO ANOTHER COUNTRY!!!" Exclaimed dad.
"It's all right!" I said looking down.
"You can do ANYTHING in the whole world to your precious little darling Pisces, but you can't at least give me a chance to go to another country for college!!!" I exclaimed and ran away to my room.
"Ok, now that's settled..." I said and put a letter on my bed.
Then I lowered the clothes ladder to the ground.
"I'm gonna miss you mom, dad, Pisces and room. Bye!" I said and went down the clothes ladder.
Pisces P.O.V
"What's all this ruckus about?" Mom asked.
"Aquarius isn't opening the door!" Dad said.
"So what? He also has to have his own space. Come on let's go." Said Mom.
"But, I think something happened to him. He isn't even replying to me" Dad said.
"Dad, you go with Mom. I'll talk to him." I said.
Dad and Mom went downstairs and now I'm trying to get in Aquarius' room.......somehow...
I got a paperclip from my room and tried to open Aquarius' room.
By the time I managed to open Aquarius' room, I had already used more than 5 paperclips.
When I peeked inside Aquarius' room the window was wide open and Aquarius was nowhere to be seen!!!
I called for him... Then... I saw a letter on Aquarius' bed. I picked it up and read it...
After I finished reading it... I was crying. I rushed down to Mom and Dad to tell them what was written in the letter Aquarius left...
"MOM... DAD..-"
"Read this."
"But what is it?"
"Read it and you'll know!"
"Ok, calm down dear."
"It says, Dear Mom, Dad and Pisces,
I'm leaving... I know where my real family is.. So I wanna get to know them and stuff...
I mean.. If you got to know that the person whom you've been calling Mom and Dad weren't your actual Mom and Dad... You would just wanna know who and where your real family is.. Right?
Who would've known that my family is some kids in my school!!! They said that they'll get Pisces to come too... Somehow...
Anyways, Goodbye! And take care...!!!" Mom said.
Tears were coming down the cheeks of three of us... We all were crying...
🌇🌇 2 months later 🌇🌇
"Hello." Pisces answered her phone.
"Hi Pisces! It's Libra."
"Oh Libra, How are you?"
"Oh I'm absolutely fine. How about you?"
"I'm also fine. What happened?"
"What do you mean 'What happened?'?"
"Knowing you, You wouldn't have just called to see how I am."
"Ok, you got me. Ok let's get serious... You know how your brother Aquarius went to his real family?"
"Well guess what, it's true... He did go to his real family!!! And if you wanna... I'm gonna send you the location of our mansion... And you can come here whenever you want... If you want... Will you come?"
"Of course I'll come! You're one of the people in my family?!?"
"yup. There's Me, You, Aquarius and 9 other people!!!"
"Ok ! I'm gonna go pack my bags. See you in our mansion!!!"
"That's all" Pisces said.
"Ok that took a lot of time." Pegasus said.
"I just woke up!" said Cancer.
"If you put all those parts together wouldn't everything make sense?"
"Yeah it does. Get over it already." Leo whined.
"If you were the one who was handling us when we were babies, isn't it irresponsible of you to go somewhere leaving us on a hilltop? And where did you go?" Pisces asked.
"Yes it was extremely irresponsible of me to do that but, I went to find a big enough house to live with the 12 of you!" Pegasus explained.
"Awwww!!" Everyone exclaimed.
"Anyways, you guys should stay the night here and leave tomorrow." Pegasus said.
"OK!!" Everyone exclaimed.
I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for taking so long to write this chapter!!!
I feel so bad for taking about 2 months and 20 days to write one single chapter. I'm so sorry!
Anyways, below are pictures of Aquarius and Pisces' Mother and Father.
Aquarius and Pisces are NOT siblings.
I REPEAT Aquarius and Pisces are NOT siblings.
This whole chapter was 2193 words!!!
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