Chapter 17
Virgil felt off. There was no other way to describe it because he couldn't describe it. He felt off. And he couldn't place when he had started to feel..... off. It had definitely started around when he'd finally agreed to hang out at Roman's place. At that point, Virgil had thought the unease in his stomach was because he was going to be in close proximity to Remus. Not that Virgil had anything against Roman's twin. Remus just seemed.... a little odd. But that hadn't placed the other part of the off feeling. It felt like his heart was desperately trying to escape or be heard. Right now, as he walked down the street next to Roman, his heart seemed to be the only thing he could hear.
"Virge? You alright?" Roman's voice cut through Virgil's thoughts, making him jump.
"Hm? What? Yeah, I'm fine." Virgil forced a small smile.
"Okay, now I know something is definitely wrong. You never smile." Roman's face was written with worry and it made Virgil's heart flutter slightly to know he cared about him.
"Of course he cares about you." Virgil thought. "He's your friend." Yeah, friend. Nothing else.
"I'm fine, Princey. Just a little nervous."
"You don't have to be nervous. It's not like it's the Triwizard Tournament or anything."
Virgil laughed slightly, his mind floating back to the odd feeling in his chest and stomach. The tight knot in his stomach was something he could easily place. Anxiety. But the odd floaty feeling in his chest was something else. Virgil ignored it. He didn't need new feelings confusing him right now.
"Hello. Whatcha doing?"
"I'm writing." Virgil said without looking up. He had known that Remus would come and annoy him at one point.
"Why are you sitting on my brother's bed?" Virgil looked at Remus, his face dead-pan and annoyed, and saw Remus' eye light up. "Did you fuck?"
Virgil felt his cheeks flame red. "God, no. Me and Roman are just friends!"
Strangely, Remus' face lit up with a triumphant smile. "So... what would you say if Roman asked you out?"
What would he say? Virgil honestly didn't know. "I wouldn't mind it." He thought before mentally shaking himself. "What are you saying, Virgil?"
"Why would he ask me out?" Virgil asked instead.
"Because he likes you."
"Of course he likes me. We're friends."
"Remus, what are you doing?"
Remus looked over to his twin leaning against the doorframe. His grin screamed mischief. "Just helping you, brother of mine."
"Out." Roman said, pointing at the door.
"But this is my bedroom too." Remus whined, mock sadness crossing his face.
"I don't care. Out." Roman grabbed the back of Remus' shirt and practically threw him into the corridor. He sighed, dusting his hands off against each other. "Sorry about him."
Virgil shrugged, going back to his writing.
"Is that all you do? Write?"
Virgil shrugged again. There was silence until he felt something be slipped over his ears. Headphones.
"Princey, what are you-?"
"Shh." Roman said, a knowing smirk on his face. "Just listen."
Virgil rolled his eyes but listened to the song coming through the headphones. He didn't actually mind it too much. The song finished and Roman took his headphones off.
"So?" He asked, his eyes alive with excitement and a slight glint of worry.
Virgil shrugged. "It's okay."
"Okay? Okay?!" Roman put a hand over his heart as if wounded. "Good sir, you have wounded me! How can you call the opening song of SIX simply okay?!"
Virgil giggled, not noticing Roman's face turn slightly pink. "It's a good song. Happy now?"
Something seemed to flicker between them for a second, making the air around them heavy. It was only for a second but it changed the whole mood of the room. Virgil coughed slightly and looked back down at his notebook, finishing off a sentence and closing it.
"So... now what?"
Roman thought for a little. "Film?"
"Works for me."
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