Ch14: Echos of the Debut
(Lelouch POV - Ashford Academy - An hour latter)
Of all the things to have happened tonight, this was perhaps the second most infuriating. At the very least she proved to have the decency to call warn Y/N ahead of time.
I can't begin to think how she got past Sayoko and straight to Nunnally, but none of us know what this witch is truly capable of.
At the very least she was keeping Nunnally's mind off the trial somewhat. She believes that I have been comforting Y/N over the truth of Clovis's action. Something I suppose we both doing for each other during these past few days.
I did call her back like she asked on our way back. Nunnally sounded relieved and she explained all the new types of origami she was learning from C.C.. Said witch didn't talk to me at all and neither did I bother. My concern was on Nunnally only, feeling some relief to know that Sayoko was hovering around them.
She seemed to be safe and happy at least, not sure if I could take C.C. pulling any more surprises like this one involving Nunnally again.
Had more than enough headaches on the drive back just from hypothesizing what C.C. could do.
And we still don't know what her 'contract' is either...
"Lelouch are you okay?" Y/N asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Musing over how to proceed with tonight." I said somewhat truthfully, getting him to nod as we both stared at the door. "I'll get Nunnally to bed, you'll be joining us in a few minutes."
"Definitely, not sure if she'll just up and crash." Y/N sighed out. "And I don't expect we'll get any clear answers from C.C. for now."
"The possibility has crossed my mind, infuriating as it might be. We have more pressing concerns starting this morning." I said, getting Y/N to wince. "Something on your mind?"
"Yes, but it can wait until after we are done with C.C., it's something that I can settle tomorrow." He said.
Very well then, I'll inquire what this matter latter.
Taking a breath, I gripped the door knob and walked right inside.
"We're home." I said, as Y/N followed me into the living room. Seeing the sight I had been expecting for the past hour.
"Welcome back Lelouch, Y/N." C.C. said, sitting on a chair next to Nunnally with a teaset in front of them alongside multiple pieces of colored paper and finished sets of origami scattered around the table.
Nunnally herself was working a rather intricate crane, I could see a failed attempt or two lying in a pile next to her current piece. Placing it on the table before smiling at us.
"I was worried that you both were caught up in the uproar from the trial." She said.
"Other than traffic were okay Nunna." Y/N said.
"And I assume you both had something to eat on the way here?" Sayoko said, seemingly to appear at Y/N's side.
He nearly jumped and I swore I heard Nunnally let out a small chuckle at that.
I swear she has been around Milly too much lately.
"Indeed." I said, looking over at Nunnally. "I hoped that you enjoyed your time with C.C.."
"Yes, it's been nice after Miss C.C. arrived. What a strange friend you both have, only going by her initials." She said, folding another piece of her crane and placing it down on the table. "How does it look?"
"Better, some more practice and I'm sure that you'll be able to fold it with assistance in no time." C.C. said, picking up another piece of paper while Nunnally beamed at her.
"It does look good Nunnally." Y/N said, getting her to smile before she started to let out a yawn. "And I think it might be time for bed, it's been a long night for all of us."
Nunnally looked like she wanted to protest, but she just yawned again as the witch reached for a piece of paper.
"We can continue in the morning Nunnally, as they said it has been a long night for everyone." C.C. said as I began to walk over to them.
"Alright..." Nunnally said tiredly as I grabbed her wheelchair.
"I'll help you to bed Nunnally, I assume Y/N will help Sayoko for arrangements for C.C. tonight." I said, getting him to nod.
It was the plan more or less when I heard that she turned up on our doorstep, if Y/N doesn't manage to gleam any information from her in the meantime it won't be of any consequence.
He probably will have a better chance than myself at the moment, could use a moment to recompose myself tonight without feeling annoyed or infuriated.
"I'll be up to say good night to you in a few Nunnally, need to catch up with C.C.. Been worried for her with the chaos these past few days." Y/N said with a smile which our sister returned.
"Of course, enjoy talking with your girlfriend." She said, shocking both me and Y/N!
"He did make a promise for the future, the main part of our relationship." C.C. said with an amused smirk before facing Y/N. "Right?"
She was enjoying this.
"For the future, does that mean marriage?" Nunnally said as I started to wheel her out of the room.
"Not like that Nunna, let's just say we both were in a spot of trouble and promised to help each other out. Just keeping my end of the deal, going to talk with Milly tomorrow to finalize everything for her stay here at Ashford." Y/N said, I swore I saw him suppress a shudder. "But not sure if I can promise anything right away C.C., at best probably have everything settled after tomorrow."
"It's alright." She said, seeming not caring about the details.
Given she was still wearing the straight jacket when we found her, I doubt that she would care for much longer.
Looking down at Nunnally, I saw that she was mulling over something before nodding.
"Hopefully there wouldn't be any problems." She said before smiling. "Good night Sayoko, C.C.."
"Good night Miss Nunnally." Sayoko said with a curt nod.
"Night." The witch just responded with a wave as I wheeled Nunnally out of the room.
Once the door slid shut behind us, I let out a sigh or relief as I shook my head.
"You were going to ask if their relationship involved marriage in the future?" I inquired, considering that was what she was originally going to say to them.
My thoughts were confirmed as Nunnally just hummed and nodded.
"Yes." Nunnally said, getting me to let out a sigh of relief that she didn't ask that. Before noticing her frown. "Brother, what trouble did Y/N get into?"
I had considered that she was going to ask something amongst those lines, or how we meet C.C.. More than ready for a response, especially with the narrative he and C.C. seem to be sticking too.
"Actually the trouble could be traced back to me, Y/N bailing me from a situation in which I tried to help someone that spiraled into quite a mess. And no it did not involve gambling." I said, seeing her frown again. "We met C.C. from there as for her troubles...let's just say it involved someone who planed to take everything from her and distribute it from others. There's no need to worry about them any more but she could still be in trouble. Neither me or Y/N know the full details of what has happened to her."
An abridged telling of the events leading to Shinjuku, yet at their roots the truth.
Of course we have no idea on what Schneizel had plans for her, except for perhaps just extracting the means for her immortality for himself and whatever other abilities C.C. possesses.
Clovis's desire for giving himself immortality and those he wished, part of it was in agreement with Schneizel. Distribution of said immortal to others, less so yet I doubt Clovis would have succeeded in his intentions in going behind our second eldest brothers back if he still lived.
For C.C. I still had no real idea of the depth for what the witch could do or the true nature of her contract to us.
Observed so far was a probable form of complete immortality, the ability to bestow Geass on others, and from Y/N's account some sort of tactile telepathy/empathy. The true depths of her abilities unknown, except that she seemed to need to be conscious or otherwise in an unimpaired state to use them except for her immortality.
She would have escaped from Clovis long ago otherwise.
Figuring out just what she could do or the exact nature of her contract just one of many factors I'll have to consider going forwards.
"But you both trusted her enough to let her stay here." Nunnally said, breaking me from my musings to see her smiling at me.
"Y/N more so than me, and at this point so have you and Sayoko." I said, getting her to nod.
"Maybe she just needs some time before she can open up to one of us?" Nunnally suggested before yawning.
"Perhaps." I said, smiling at her before deciding to change the subject. "Nunnally did you hear what had occurred after Suzaku being found?"
"That Suzaku got acquitted, no. I thought after what Zero and Yamato said that it would be possibly...I hadn't been listening to the TV since C.C. introduced herself." Nunnally said as I sighed.
I thought as much, aside from our debut and news of riots breaking out all over Japan the news has mainly been filled with the news on what else Clovis could have done. Honestly with some of the accusations the less reputable media stations were throwing out gave him far too much credit for horrendous actions across the Area. Some even calling myself as Zero a former collaborator or victim of his projects, hence the mask.
More amusing than anything else, but I stopped tuning into such nonsense. Rumors like this will only continue to grow in the coming days.
Had to silence the radio about halfway on the drive back...neither of us wished to hear of the news anymore tonight.
But there was one bit of good news in the madness currently going on in Japan.
"He did, Suzaku was acquitted not that long ago after returning to the courthouse." I said, not even trying to hide my smirk as Nunnally smiled. "With the true culprits coming forward there is now way to refute it."
Perhaps I imagine the figurative blade to the necks of whatever kangaroo court was assembled to find him guilty would face after our debut.
I was shaken from my musings as Nunnally looked to be lost in thought.
"You want to see him again, don't you?" I inquired, getting her to nod.
I see...
"Unfortunately that is not an option Nunnally. We still have to keep our heads low, especially with the uproar going on. Especially with Suzaku, even if he was innocent he is at the center of everything." I said, getting Nunnally to sulk. "I want to see him again as much as you do, but we can't."
Honestly I hate to see her like this, but there was nothing we could do.
No doubt there is nothing he could do on his end either, knowing Brittania the stigma of being accused of regicide was not going to go away for him for a long time even after proven innocent.
"If the conditions are fine maybe someday, but I don't think it will be possible Nunnally at the current moment. This is the first we've heard of how he's been in the past seven years. Additionally he will be busy with the aftermath of the trial, not sure we'll be hearing mention of Suzaku for a while now except for the news." I said, getting Nunnally to nod before she started to yawn again.
"Hopefully one day." She said as I sighed and smiled at Nunnally.
"We can only hope." I said, honestly meaning it.
Tonight had been a failure in convincing Suzaku, perhaps in the future that could change. Yet that goal wasn't feasible at the moment...just another idea I wish to achieve or plan.
Just one of a few I wish to implement, but time to actually draw them up is rapidly diminishing.
Despite the chaos we caused tonight, it will only be a matter of time until it simmers down with Cornelia definitely taking the helm as Viceroy of Area 11 in the near future. And the announcement of what Clovis had done could ignite a fire in her campaign in the Middle Eastern Federation.
So much to do, so little time to implement it all.
(Y/N POV - Two minutes ago)
Okay I really need to talk with Milly about her hanging around Nunnally so much after least in regards to teaching her to tease like that...
Shaking my head at those thoughts I smiled at C.C. as she was working on another piece of origami. Grabbing an orange piece of paper and began to fold it.
"How have you been these past few days C.C.?" I asked her.
"Fine, been keeping to myself for the most part. Until earlier today, I found that they started to look through Shinjuku again. They won't find anything there, especially after tonight." C.C. said with a smirk as I nodded.
My guess she probably would have waited a few more days otherwise or probably would have showed up right after our debut.
Better warn the Kōzuki Cell tomorrow about this. Even with all the fallout from tonight, no one still wanted to break the truce there so far. But I'm not sure how much longer it can last.
"Any traces of her presence or entry into Ashford have been erased, I made sure of that after she revealed herself to Miss Nunnally." Sayoko said before I could even ask her about it. "C.C. got in through the service entrance for the clubhouse, but Master Y/N I have no idea on how she got past me." Turning back to said immortal with a frown.
Who just seemed more amused by Sayoko's annoyance as she continued to work on the origami.
"Was going to ask about that. How did you get past Sayoko?" I inquired, getting said immortal to shrug.
"Had some experience sneaking past onmitsu, shinobi, ninja, or whatever your maid calls herself. Admittedly she is perhaps the best one in the last century I've seen." C.C. said before looking between me and Sayoko. "Is she an equal conspirator in you and your brother's plans?"
"Yes, me and Sayoko had each other's backs for years working to build up resources for when we would begin or just being an annoyance to Britannia. Aside from Lelouch she's the one person I trust and can count on the most." I said honestly, meaning every word of it.
Sayoko smiled at me while C.C. looked amused at the both of us.
"Truthfully I feel the same way Master Y/N, admittedly I do have a preference to working with you in the field than Master Lelouch." She said, getting me to nod.
"We've been partners for three years now. Only natural I suppose...and I guess the feeling is mutual." I admitted while shaking my head.
Her loyalty to us and Nunnally was unwavering, and I am genuine happy working with Lelouch now. But both me and Sayoko had been working on our own for a long while, and perhaps some of the most enjoyable parts of these past three years.
Aside from just being with my siblings again and my time at Ashford of course.
Perhaps the two of us should strike out on our own again one day, I'm sure there'll be plenty of chances in the near future. For now I'll need her assistance tomorrow...
Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I saw C.C. looked amused before Sayoko gave the immortal a pointed look.
"Miss C.C., I presume that you are going to take the role of an observer for Master Lelouch and Master Y/N." Sayoko said.
"Indeed, to make sure they fulfill their end of the contract." She said, getting me to sigh.
"So you were not going to give us any details." I said, C.C. looking coy at my words.
Lelouch was not going to like this, but we expected as much. I doubt that any of us will be able to pry what exactly her contract was out of her. Still there is one thing I did wanted to ask her...
"Thought as much, but do you mind if I asked a quick question?" I asked, getting her and Sayoko to look at me curiously.
"Depends." C.C. said.
"Did you go by the name Reifū before, back during the 1860's?" I asked.
C.C. paused mid fold, I swear she looked surprised before regaining her composure. Letting out a small chuckle before resuming working on her origami.
"You did mention Claire as part of your little speech. Thought that it was just from admiration, but instead of knowledge from what happened back then." She said while shaking her head as Sayoko looked surprised.
"So you were the one who brought Geass to Japan in the stories Master Y/N heard." She said, C.C. merely shrugged in response.
"Partially, at least in more modern history. I'm certain that there was influence long before the Kojiki was even drafted. But how much have you heard?" C.C. asked as I shrugged.
"Honestly even after Shinjuku I'm not sure what is true or if details have been lost to the stories over the past 150 years if it was meant to be secret." I said.
"If it's any consolation you do remind me of Claire quite a bit, even more so if you have some kind of blade up your sleeve." C.C. said, getting me to look a bit sheepish as I briefly unveiled a kunai hidden in my left sleeve. Before hiding it again as the immortal looked amused. "I can see more of a resemblance."
"Thanks..." I said, honestly still processing that I had quite a bit in common with Nelia's and Euphie's ancestor. A huge compliment to be compared to a former Empress, especially her. "You must have known Claire quite well before her ascension to the throne."
"About when she was discovered to be in Japan, one of the more interesting experiences I've lived through. But it's quite a long story, for another time." C.C. said as me and Sayoko just shook our heads.
With what little I knew of her, probably just another small part she is unwilling to tell so far.
Besides her words did give me a few things to think about...
"Fine." I said, deciding to change the subject. I'm sure she probably wouldn't be saying anything more no matter how much we pried. "I'm surprised that you're still wearing that straight jacket? Thought that you would have gotten rid of it by now or gotten some new clothes."
"No, couldn't find anything." C.C. said, extending one of her sleeves before depositing a bunch of pound notes onto the table. "But I was able to afford some food."
"Glad that I can help that much at least, just keep them." I said, getting the immortal to nod as she gathered the notes back up.
"I'll dispose of the straight jacket tonight if you wish Miss C.C., there is some spare clothing here that should suffice." Sayoko offered.
To our surprise C.C. smirked and shook her head.
"No, I'll be keeping it." She said "I don't feel free in this world. Haven't for a long time now."
...Okay I don't know how to respond to that.
I can kind of guess if she meant the current state of our world, but perhaps she's felt that way for longer than anyone alive could guess... wait a second...
"Then we'll just tear it down, that's me and Lulu's plan anyway. We plan on making a gentler world in its place, one I hope that you can feel free in C.C.. Could take a while, but for now I hope for now Ashford can suffice. A small start, but it's a place you can come and go as you please." I said with a smile, shocking her.
C.C. stopped folding her origami for a few moments as she stared at me, seemingly scrutinizing every detail of my being with her eyes before she let out a small laugh.
Flashing me a faint smile as Sayoko smiled at me too.
"Quite the lofty goal to achieve, I wonder if you can make it a reality?" C.C. said, looking amused as she placed her origami crane on the table.
"Only one way to find out." I said, placing my origami sparrow onto the table.
"Indeed." C.C. said, looking amused as the two of them reached for new pieces of paper.
"For now we will have to talk about your accommodations and what type of clothing you would prefer for your stay Miss C.C.. Some details will be finalized with Mistress Milly later." Sayoko said as she walked over to me, sitting down and reaching for a piece of paper herself.
C.C. just nodded and I smiled at the sight.
Might as well hash out the details like this before going to check on Nunnally in a few. Maybe we can continue this tomorrow with Nunna, she'll love it. Well depending on how things go tomorrow I might have to push that back too...
I'll figure something out, will have sometime after today.
Tonight we utterly annihilated the playfield Britannia had been familiar with for these past seven years in Japan and no doubt causing no end of headaches back in the Homeland. If we are lucky perhaps some disruptions in the other Areas to further bog things down. We'll have to be monitor things to see the full fallout of our debut.
But judging by how things are already playing out, there was three main goals at hand until the board could be reset with the implementation of a new Viceroy.
Shore up resources and await the upcoming storm, the route me and Lelouch had planned after for after tonight plus the one I'm sure Kyōto House was going to take.
Try to deal as much damage to Britannia's hold as they could before they can reorganize, a task the JLF and numerous other resistance cells have started to already enact. Wouldn't be surprised if a few Britannians actually joined in with them, a major if on that.
Finally was just wiping out as much resistance as they could, what Britannia will try to do. That and probably some of the more opportunistic cells to take advantage, there was always a few like that. And if any did act out on this...well an anonymous tip should lead to those groups as among the first purged when Cornelia took the reins.
Zero and Yamato can't make a public appearance for a while, not without risking the Knights of the Round to actually be deployed this early into things. Doubt that it would be the Knight of One, but not something either of us want to chance.
Aside from some matters that needed to be settled both me and Lelouch would have plenty of time for Nunnally these upcoming few days. After things settle down...well honestly we're still planning it out and at least we have Sayoko and maybe C.C. to help with that.
But there is so much to do and so little time coming up, that quiet moments like his will one day become few and far between...
(Jeremiah POV - Viceroy Office - 15 minutes later)
"What is that status from Purist High Command?" Villetta said as I tried to suppress a groan at the growing outpouring of news.
I had her dispatched to squash the revolts springing on the outskirts of the Tokyo Settlement after the sham trial had concluded. Things had seem to have taken a lull briefly, but a large number of revolts had sprung up again. With myself here coordinating efforts across Area 11 from the office while Villetta handled the front lines.
Then we both got bloody headaches when she was en route back to the office after dealing with latest batch of revolts.
For myself it was getting the call, expecting more orders after their attempt to spread the agenda had backfired horrendously. Hadn't gotten any word from them since Zero and Yamato made their escape. Not even when their damned court found Private Kururgi innocent.
With Villetta two of our own number had once again gone AWOL, one who had actively been seen fleeing with no sign and another caught and thrown into the brig. That one had the decent idea to fake being a casualty in faking his death by one of the revolts before being captured.
Aside from Kewell still denying his involvement we might have another tie to Orange, one we are going to pry everything after tossing him into the darkest cell available.
Villetta coordinating efforts from those we could trust to continue the hunt out of Settlement for those damned terrorists and now five known deserters!
The number of men we could trust under my direct command seems to be slowly dwindling as the night goes on, more than likely even more over the next few days. What few I could trust were either dispatched by Villetta, guarding the barracks and my office, and a few guarding Private Kururugi's location for the night.
Even with Zero's damned admission of regicide, I was no fool to know he was not safe for the time being.
"That is the good news I suppose, those blasted politicians have all been disposed of command until the conclusion of the upcoming investigation. All units of the Purist Factions deployed in the Area's or the frontlines will fall under the umbrella of Prime Minister Schneizel until the matters have concluded. These orders came from His aide-de-camp Earl Kanin Maldini." I said, gaining a small smirk just imagining their reactions to this order back on the Homeland.
Hedging their bets on Kewell and the disaster for them that followed was one of the few, minute moments of joy from tonight.
I sighed as Villetta stood at attention processing that news as I began to reach into the desk.
"They'll be investigating every single unit for other such discrepancies such as Orange after throughly interrogating the high command. We'll be no different except for being under a microscope." I sighed out, wishing this to all be over with. "Our orders are to continue our duties in Area 11 until my term as interim Viceroy is over. And expect a delegation selected by His Highness to investigate any other matters arrive tomorrow." With that said I pulled out the thumb drive on Y/N's data and handed it to her. "Safeguard this until they leave, they'll find nothing of Prince Y/N and I'll triple check all systems after Her Highness is inserted in her rightful roll."
"I'll hand it back when the time is right Lord Jeremiah." Villetta said, handing me the drive Yamato had handed to her earlier. "I presume Princess Cornelia is going to be the Viceroy."
"Like we had anticipated, Maldini confirmed it before the official announcement tomorrow. After her campaign is finished, knowing Her Highness tonight will only bolster her resolve." I said inspecting the drive before pocketing it.
I've already had a secure location for this or any other scrap of information on what happened in the G-1 or more proof of Prince Clovis's crimes can't just disappear.
Under my watch, I won't let anything like this happen again until Princess Cornelia arrives. Knowing her, she'll be hunting down terrorists including the JLF and getting Area 11 back in order before hunting for Zero's head.
Something for which I will gladly look forward too and relish in!
But for now...
"Dame Nu, order all our men that you trust that if anyone else tries to pull a stunt like Eckhart attempted earlier are to be detained alive! Relay I don't care in what condition, as long as they are alive and breathing if any future Purist goes AWOL and resists!" I said, getting Villetta to smirk. "Spread the word, and continue coordinating efforts to quail unrest in the Settlement. If you wish to turn in for the night before 0:00 a.m. let me know."
"Of course, and are you certain Lord Jeremiah?" She inquired.
"I've got my hands full with matters outside of the Settlement when I'm not dictating officials to pull their bloody heads out of the sand to deal with them!" I growled out, my irritation bleeding into my words before making an effort to compose myself. "And I trust whatever efforts you already have in place. I'll only make this offer once tonight, otherwise we'll both pull an all nighter to fix this. You've got an hour to think about it Villetta."
She mulled over my words for a few moments before nodding, leaving the room before I made an aggravated sigh. Slamming my hands on the desk once again!
To hell with Zero!
To hell with Yamato!
And to hell with the margarine the two of them have caused tonight!
Some much work to do and so little time to restore some sembalance of order to the Area. And the politicians would probably try and make an extravagant proposition for when the news is made tomorrow for Princess Cornelia's eventual arrival.
Let the politicians and nobles play their bloody games, as long as they don't get in the way of me running things or restoring order I could care less at this point!
Though I suppose with the chaos I might as well start to clean house a little, Princess Cornelia would certainly approve.
Other than that the only bright side to this is that around Ashford Academy things seemed to have settled down...I can't begin to imagine how Prince Y/N is reacting to the news of Prince Clovis's crimes....
Except it would be more difficult to reach out to him now.
I was broken from my thoughts as the phone went off again and I shook my head and answered it.
"This had better be good Doyle!" I growled out, swearing I heard the interim Minister of Area Security gulp on the other end of the line.
"M-My lord we have an update on the Wakayama Settlement matter..." Doyle said, getting me to suppress a growl. "T-The file is still secure, but there has been another one found at another scene!"
Oh what now!
"Tell me what happened this time?" I said, trying to contain my rage.
"S-Same case with the former, instead a lower profile target. A secretary in the Humanities department who was a few years from retirement...only we finally identified the murder weapon as a sledge hammer from a hole punched in the wall. Unlike the other scene the whole apartment was trashed, with the new file the only clean place at the crime scene." He said, sounding a little disturbed. "Inside the folder were more names potential victims."
"Good, now tell them to find any lead to whoever this culprit and detain them alive." I said, suppressing the urge to shout.
Whoever this was either involved in Clovis's experiments or related to one of the subjects on the files. Deciding that with this Area in disarray to act as executioner in Zero's and Yamato's wake.
Once again, to hell with this night...
"I'll make a statememt about this tomorrow as well, just-" I was about to give more orders when my phone and monitor lit up with multiple alerts! "Damn it all what now!"
"M-My lord we are just reviewing terrible news, it's the JLF! They're conducting raids across three different armories! One of them headed by Tōdōh himself!" Doyle all but screamed as I slammed my hands on the desk, splintering the wood.
Damn this bloody night!
When will it ever end!
(??? POV - ??? - 10 minutes later)
"So they raided the armories, unless the schematics have changed too much for the one since Izayoi acquired the information. Granted it's nearly a year old, but they should be breaching inside any moment now." I sighed out, looking at the monitor infront of me. "Have the other cells we contacted pulled back from their revolts Kirihara?"
Originally I had thought Shinjuku would be the powder keg, but tonight had blown that belief to smithereens.
Never could I imagine Clovis would fall to such a level of depravity, but that announcement has had most of Japan's resistance cells up in arms. We can barely contain most of them from holding back.
A few had already been lost by either being killed or imprisoned.
There will be plenty of opportunities to bleed Britannia's hold on Japan, but we needed to brace from the coming storm that will be Cornelia if I'm right.
With us getting word of Zero's and Yamato's speech wasn't just effective in Japan. On the European theater, E.U. troops were making a massive comeback and ambushing Brittanian troops in droves. Time will tell if they can maintain this advantage for long. Along with back in the Homeland there had been disarray with Clovis's crimes and the Purist faction effective suspended if my belief is correct.
Charles's war machine had been stalled, but it will just be a small set back.
Rebounding from these set backs in no time with twice as much force.
There was little we could do then.
But between now and the JLF wanting to strike some kind of blow, while the iron is hot. Some had brought up a plan they had in formation in the coming days but by then could have been too late with the formations built back up.
"Most have heeded our advice, others have decided to continue agaisnt our warnings. Those cells were those that we were in the initial phase of consideration for funding." Kirihara said, getting me to sigh.
"They are just charging into a trap." I said shaking my head.
The cells we asked to pull back were in areas with the heaviest amount of security on Honshū aside from around Mt. Fuji and Tokyo. At best they were more than likely to have been wiped out if they pulled any stunts tonight.
Very few like the JLF will be able to succeed in any meaningful endeavors against the Britannians. With the plan was to literally burn through as much arms and ammunition stored in a short timeframe. And with one of those built over a former JSDF armory, well it should be the one with the most success if those schematics were still somewhat accurate.
Everything goes well there we can cut off a lot of what Brittania could do in those prefectures for the time being. Replenishing those armories would be a slight issue normally, now it should take longer with chaos all over.
For both sides at least, coordinating the JLF's efforts this soon and in such a short time frame was exhausting. Glad we had some plans already drafted or we could have lost a good portion of them attacking out in retaliation.
We needed to conserve everyone we can for the coming days ahead...
"I just hope that quite a few of them escape." I said, shaking my head before deciding to change the subject. "When is the first opportunity for a meeting?"
"A few days from now, but I believe Kaguya will be the only one to attend physically. It could be pushed back depending on the Brittanian's reaction." Kirihara said, getting me to frown. "I presume you wish to decline attending?"
Normally I would have declined or ask Jūgo take my place while I handled his duties here.
"No, I think we'll both be there. I believe Cornelia could be coming to take Clovis's place. Going to need everyone available in order to prepare for her arrival." I said, and I heard Kirihara chuckle
"Kaguya would be happy with that at least." He said. "We will have other issues to discuss to deal with, but there is one matter that your input will be needed on. Zero and Yamato."
I smiled at that and shook my head. Been more or less expecting this.
"Currently Kyōto House will be keeping their distance from them and the Kōzuki cell. Providing the minimum amount of support. Until we see more results or the meteoric debut tonight won't burn up in the near future." I said, figuring what he and the other five heads of Kyōto House was planning.
Honestly this debait had more or less been going on since Shinjuku and we tried to figure what the hell happened there. Izayoi had been able to determine the cause was over poison gas and Clovis trying to cover it up. Alongside the two men who turned everything around.
K1 and K2.
One a strategist who in one battle had dealt a defeat to Brittania unseen since the Emblem of Blood era.
The other managed to steal a prototype Knightmare Frame, piloting it to a standstill against its successor model.
Two quiet successful men able to work a miracle and turn a hopeless situation into a victory...just where the hell had the two of them appeared from?
Leaving more question than answers...well until tonight that is.
Zero and Yamato huh...quiet the entrance those two made tonight.
"Correct, and we suspect they have been self sufficient for quite sometime now. Our primary focus for funding will be with the JLF, the Kōzuki Cell will be offered for the consideration of funding." Kirihara said, breaking me from my musings.
Fair enough I suppose, they wanted to stick with what they knew for now while keeping the option open.
Still he asked for my advice...
"Extend the usual invitation directly for Zero or Yamato. But also make sure to include a manual for the Burai for them." I said, smiling while imagining Kirihara's reaction on the other end. "I only assume you are going to provide for them with a model once enough were produced. This cell has shown more experience with Knightmare Frames than anyone else in Japan outside of the JLF."
Tōdōh and his Shi Seiken had been the test pilots to test the effectiveness of the Burai through all states of development of the Knightmare Frame. Yet from Shinjuku we had seen two pilots whose skills possibly surpassed Tōdōh himself, one in a one armed Glasgow of all things.
While a majority of the Burai's will be deployed to the JLF, a few cells will receive one or two units in the coming weeks. No doubt for their contribution the Kōzuki cell should fall in with that number after tonight.
"Very well, it is a reasonable request. We shall confer more details tomorrow." Kirihara said, getting me to nod.
"Alright, but I do wish to make a request. Deploying more Izayoi agents to Hokkaido to investigate the matters. I know that we haven't found anything the last few times, but with Clovis's crimes exposed there could be something we overlooked." I said with a frown.
"That was something to discuss then as well, though their numbers are stretched thin already." Kirihara said.
Figured as much.
"Thought so, take care Kirihara." I said before he ended the call.
Placing the phone onto the table I sighed and just shook my head.
So much to do, so little time...
I'll have to talk with Jūgo about this, but we should be able to help settle matters for most of the resistance efforts and support in Hokkaido for Kyōto House while they handle the rest of the archipelago. Aside from the chaos tonight this island had its own share of problems like the rest of Japan under Britannian rule. Minus a few issues that Clovis had been keeping silent to the public apart from rumors.
Which will only add fuel to the fire here over the coming days...
Perhaps I should wait a bit and also have a talk on how to handle things with Sakuya...with the news of tonight everything was irreversibly changing world wide.
And two masked men were at the center of it all.
I let out a chuckle thinking of the news, feeling proud and like banging my head against a wall...
Those two have been active for at least a week and did more damage to Britannia's control over Japan than all six members of Kyōto House and the JLF in seven years. And they did it in the seat of Britannia's power with no one the wiser until tonight!
Going to have to see if I can provide assistance when I can and when things start to settle into a new normal. It will only be a matter of time for Kyōto House will make an active attempt to meet them.
Can't wait for that, and it will give me plenty of time to prepare when it will finally happen...
(??? POV - Middle Eastern Federation - Same Time)
I stared at the flaming wreck that was a minor fortification for a few more moments, sighing as I saw no signs of life. With it turning into a flaming crater, any stragglers had either been killed or taken prisoner, admittedly very few left.
...This should be well enough for now...
"Darlton, order the men to secure a perimeter and scout the area top for a suitable area to set up camp until the bulk of the main forces arrive. Unless it's an emergency leave me be for a few minutes." I sighed out, trying to contain my frustration.
"Of course My Lady, I've already spread the message. Guilford should be back with the rearguard in a few minutes." Darlton said, before cutting off the communications and I sighed.
Once camp was set up, the Gloucesters repaired and inspected, and all the troops gathered we can finally end this campaign and clean up the mess my younger brother left me...
After the broadcast, it became clear that I would need to clean up this disaster Clovis has caused...first Hannes and now him...
It was hard to refute the recording, hearing it in Clovis's own words to be experimenting on his own subjects even if they were Numbers. The only reprieve on the situation was that some proof was now in the hands of the Interim Viceroy.
Jeremiah Gottwald, I haven't thought of that name in years. Last time I heard of him, he transferred to Area 11 shortly after Y/N disappeared. If the man hadn't changed since then, I am confident that he'll have some results in restoring order before I arrive.
Not what I would prefer, bringing Area 11 back to heel and crushing the festering rebellions was boing to be an arduous task as dealing with the E.U. warfront. Made worse by Zero and Yamato, with them actively rebelling against the Holy Brittania Empire since Shinjuku and holding back most of their interrogation of Clovis
I will have Zero's head for killing him.
Despite how much I cared for him, I would have brought Clovis before our father to face judgement for his crimes without hesitation. Potentially executing him myself if it came down with it, albeit with a heavy heart for the man he once was...
It was more than enough reason to execute Zero alone.
As for Yamato, we only need one of them alive for a trial and unless cooler heads prevail it will only be one of them.
Especially with what he said in the middle of it all, about Clovis hardening his heart.
I gave Clovis the same advice when he asked me when he was assigned to become the Viceroy of Area 11. Me and Schneizel both did, but with how he ran it the Area I wasn't sure he took our advice.
While it was productive to the rest of the empire, the number of problems during his reign showed that he was barely exceeding the minimum in managing it.
But I never thought that he would engage in this, actively participating in war crimes and human have my words brought up in the information Zero and Yamato found out was sickening.
How did he think hardening his heart to run Area 11 would become this?
I shook my head as I frowned.
No, I mustn't focus on that.
First this campaign and sending an inquiry on how compromised Area 11's systems are. With both of them withholding the full interrogation, Zero and Yamato could have access or anyone associated with Clovis could hide and delete evidence.
Afterwards it will business as usual, crushing those that opposed the empire and move on to the next assignment.
Only this time, I'll make sure Area 11 won't be left to someone like Clovis. I think it finally might be time for Euphie to assume the role....
"Your Highness." Guilford's voice broke off from the communicator. Breaking me from my thoughts as I noticed that he and the rearguard returning on the Factsphere display.
So they dealt with the advancing forces in record time, wouldn't expect anything less from my knight.
"Excellent work Guilford as usual, now what is there to report?" I inquired.
With the lack of urgency in his voice, I presume that there wasn't any immediate retaliation from the Middle Eastern Federation so far, presumably he was relaying a message from the G1. It was still kilometers back with the main forces.
"Two calls from the G1 that you have missed Your Highness. The first was a general update to all military staff, revolts have sparked in Area 13 and Area 14. Aid has been requested by Area 14 if the situation worsens." Guilford said, getting me to bite back a sigh.
Area 14 has always been a nuisance since it's initial conquest, if they are asking for help the situation must be bad. If the situation worsens I suppose I would have to remind the rioters on who dealt with them before again.
For Area 13 there should be little to worry about, it's Viceroy is sadly one of my few component siblings outside of the Homeland. Emilio would have contacted myself or Schneizel for assistance otherwise.
Just more chaos arising from Zero's and Yamato's confession, there will be more unrest in more Areas over the coming days.
"The second is a message from Princess Euphemia, saying to call back when you can. She's currently comforting Princess Laila over the news of Prince Clovis's crimes..." Guilford said, and I didn't try to hide my sigh back this time.
I never imagined how the news would hit her and for Euphie to comfort her, I can't imagine Lady Gabrielle's condition right now but it can't be good.
Euphie and her bleeding heart, she cut her call with me earlier for Laila than...
I smiled at this as I shook my head.
"Once the perimeter for camp has been secured we're rendezvousing back to the main forces. Guilford select the units whose Energy Filters are at 50% capacity or above to serve as an escort. Darlton, hold the position until our arrival." I said, switching the communicator to relay my orders to the whole unit.
As the affirmations poured in, I sighed.
I better take this call, it will be the only moment of levity for me until my forces are organized. We were not going to stop until Area 18 will be established.
And afterwards Area 11 will follow suit.
(Lelouch POV - Ashford Academy - 10 minutes later)
"Must we add this in first?" I said, irritation bleeding through my tone and resisting the urge to facepalm.
"Honestly I see no problem with this." Y/N said, getting me to turn to him with a flat look. He simply shrugged in turn. "Either this or I believe she might try and use our credit cards."
"And I will." C.C. said with no hesitation moving closer to him, with myself sighing and drinking my tea.
Bloody witch was going to pickpocket us or some other means to get that information. Or worse she already knew and was must messing with us.
Can't identify which was a worse issue.
Fine then.
"There will be a weekly pizza devilry fund you can use, don't use it up in on go." I said, messaging my temples as she nodded with a smirk. "Any other concerns about your stay here?"
One of the few things that Y/N had managed to gleam while I was with Nunnally that the witch had a fondness for pizza, one I don't doubt only expanded while she was under Clovis's 'care'.
This little meeting was more of a formality than anything, C.C. making that clear before making her demand.
Which was fine, I already had learned more than enough from her time with Y/N and Sayoko before I had to fetch him to say good night to Nunnally and help ease her to sleep.
Probably for the next few nights too...
Moving on, it's probably going to have to keep this meeting short.
"No, those two have more than made clear of what to expect." C.C. said, gesturing to Y/N and Sayoko.
"I'll be showing Miss C.C. to her room afterwards." Sayoko said, as I nodded.
"Good, is there any other questions from you going forward tonight?" I asked with a resigned sigh.
From both Y/N's and Sayoko's words C.C. will act as an observer to our actions going forward. Her main desire being not to be caught again and seeing that we both survive to fulfill whatever her end of the contract entails.
Being said her comment during the battle of Shinjuku about Clovis's blunder and from Y/N confirming that she at least assisted in a series of armed conflicts in the 1860's, the witch probably has more experience with war than she is currently letting on. Prying into it right now was a risk that I will not undertake nor will it be beneficial. With time perhaps we could set her up with an advisory position once we got our revolution truly off the ground.
Granted easier said than done, I've truly known C.C. for less than a week and I feel like managing another Milly except for being more subdued about it.
Even with preparations in place or the means to redirect them, it isn't a total guarantee of what they'll do.
"Just one, did he really call it Orange or was it just a ruse you both came up with?" C.C. said as I held back a chuckle.
Even she could see through that one.
"Yes, admittedly Lelouch came up with the name. With his only known co-conspirator a well known general stationed here, wasn't that hard to implicate the Purebloods High Command." Y/N said, with the witch looking amused.
"Despite their claims for being like minded comrades, they'll tear each other apart with the shroud of suspicion thrown over them. Exposing each other to save their own careers or lives." I said with a smirk as Sayoko pulled out a phone. "An added benefit for causing discourse throughout the Empire and the governing body in Japan."
"Maybe more than you initially suspect Master Lelouch." Sayoko said, getting our attention as she placed in on the table and handing it to Y/N.
He was the first to look at it, reading it briefly before sighing and passing it to me.
Quickly glancing it over, I smirked reading the news.
This was quicker than I expected.
"The world now has its eyes on you two, though we won't know until the morning more details." Sayoko said as I passed the phone to C.C..
"No doubt they'll try and censor how badly things are, but probably not as effective for now." Y/N said while shaking his head. "But to inspire revolts in two other Areas so not something I expected. But I'm not sure they'll last long."
"Indeed, much sooner than I expected. A minor nuisance to Brittania and few smaller messes to the pile we caused tonight. Perhaps at best they could buy us a little more time, but has revealed to Britannia their grip on their colonies isn't absolute." I said, getting Y/N and Sayoko to nod.
Once again I have to thank Y/N's idea to use the recording.
Without it the fallout we've been seeing for the past 2 hours would ultimately be minimal compared what we have seen tonight.
Still the discourse it has caused will only be temporary, Britannia will do everything in their power to crush any resistance and Cornelia would wish to deal with us herself.
But an effective smokescreen for us to prepare until it clears up and Cornelia makes her move.
"The whole world is watching you both now, waiting to see what comes next." C.C. said, breaking me from my musings as both me and Y/N focused on the immortal. "If that was your intention, you have more than succeeded. The world has started to move from your actions. Is this the start of what you both seek?"
As she closed the phone, I mulled over her question briefly as Y/N smiled and I smirked.
"Yes, tonight was a better start than I had anticipated the fallout to be. However the uproar is a means to an end." I said as Sayoko picked up the phone. "One we'll use while Brittania reasserts itself."
"And hopefully one that can prepare everyone for the future to come." Y/N said, getting me to nod as he turned to Sayoko. "Sayoko can you please keep an eye out for any inquiries from anyone tangentially related to Kyōto House seeking either of us. I'll be asking Ohgi about it tomorrow to keep an eye out."
Taking initiative I see, I was going to bring that point up.
No doubt there will be no end of inquiries from the Japanese about us in Shinjuku, if nothing else we have gotten Kyōto House's and the JLF's attention. Along with the Britannians in an attempt to find us.
Ohgi and the rest Kōzuki cell knew to lay low for now, but having a few dozen extra eyes and ears to help vet any inquiry on us. Should make it easier on what cells to work with in the future.
Relations with Kyōto House will be distant for now, they didn't make it this long banking resistance against Britannia unnoticed without being cautious. Any inquiries now will be a chance to seize each other up for how to proceed in the near future.
"Gladly Master Y/N, it will be done." Sayoko said with a smile before turning towards me. "Master Lelouch might I suggest a rotation of which of us focuses on our duties and which keeps Miss Nunnally company these next few days?"
Her idea has merit, at best we have at best 4-5 days before Cornelia finishes her current campaign and makes landfall in the Tokyo Settlement. Possible I estimate a week at most if any further complications arises within Britannia's influence.
Would help us manage what tasks we needed to do in the meantime.
"Very well, we should discuss this more in the morning." I sighed out.
"Actually Lelouch, I'd like to volunteer to handle things for tomorrow." Y/N said, getting me to frown as he turned to C.C.. "Can you please keep an eye on Nunnally if things take too long?"
"I suppose." She said with a shrug, Sayoko frowning as I tried to piece together what was happening.
"What is bothering you Y/N?" I asked, figuring that something was clearly on his mind.
Before he spoke up I was going to request he stay behind with Nunnally tomorrow, especially with her learning the partial truth of what Clovis has done. The two of them could use some time after this.
If this was an issue or a regret over tonight it's better for him to get it out of his system soon.
Yet if this was something else entirely...
"The situation with Maya has gotten worse, she was there when we rescued Suzaku and I suspect she knew who I was." Y/N said, getting me to freeze up.
At this I just let out an irritated sigh and shook my head, trying to hide my frustration at the news.
Honestly I kind of expected Lelouch to react like that.
If she was able to figure out I was Yamato, there is literally no telling how much Maya knows about the two of us. If she suspects anything beyond us being Zero and Yamato it could be a bigger disaster than it already is.
Figuring out what she knew had grown into an instant priority.
"Y/N how sure are you about this?" Lelouch asked, sounding deathly serious.
"She definitely knew, after inciting a panic when we began our escape. She was in the crowd back on the bridge directly around us, nodding at me after helping to cause our panic." I sighed out. "Maya was assisting us back there, even if only a small part. I need to figure this out before this can become a crisis."
Probably part of what Maya said she wanted to talk about, going to have to force her hand tomorrow.
No more waiting, just the truth.
"Master Y/N, do you intend to bring her in?" Sayoko asked as she and Lelouch looked at me inquisitively.
"Depends on what needs to be done tomorrow." I said.
"And the potential collateral?" Lelouch asked with a frown.
"Only known family we could find is a legal guardian/ padoptive mother. I really hope that it doesn't come down to that." I said, suppressing a shudder.
Left unsaid was any relatives outside of Japan, think I'll save that for after getting some answers from Maya. Then I'll tell Lelouch once I get a better understanding of what was going on. Didn't want to pry into this more than I have too...
"So your intentions are to gain the truth on what this girl knows." C.C. said, looking more amused then anything. "You planning on using your power to get the truth?"
"I'll save Geass as a last resort, there are other means to be persuasive." I said, getting Sayoko to nod with a smile.
Lelouch just sighed at that while C.C. smirked.
Honestly having Sayoko at my side will make getting answers even easier...but there was no way of preventing her from not interfering now. Maya was a risk that needed to be dealt with now.
"Y/N, Sayoko don't leave out a single detail of what transpires tomorrow. For now I believe that any further discussions should be carried in the morning." Lelouch said, finishing his tea and setting the cup on the table as I sighed.
"It has been a long night after all. Best to let events continue to play out before making anymore plans." I said, getting Lelouch to nod.
Our debut was sparked a fire that was spreading all across the globe, spreading father and faster then what either of us initially expected. Although it probably only last so long.
But it will spread Britannia thin for the meantime trying to put out those fires outside of Japan, Jeremiah will have more than enough trouble handling the riots and the witch hunts of Clovis's former administration in the government.
Enough to keep Britannia from interfering for a bit at least.
Knowing this I have to say we accomplished what we intended to tonight, minus getting Suzaku to our side at least.
Rescuing him and ruining the foundation of this world.
Much as I hate to admit it, Clovis's death wouldn't amount to much for the empire as a whole. Sure they would lose a beloved prince and a Viceroy, aside from that we had at least a dozen siblings mature enough to run a an Area.
Quality of how it would run would probably not be that great for most, but with a capable Sub-Viceroy the running of such places could be done smoothly.
Clovis's death compared to the world was just a crack in the foundation that could be resealed and things could continue as they have for years.
But now, we've expanded that crack into a bit of permanent damage into that foundation. The first strike, not noticeable but in time it will grow bigger until we can tear it all down and remake it from what remains.
Just not in the near future, but our goal was now in reach of actually becoming a reality.
First I'll have to figure out how to deal with Maya, and then help Lelouch build up everything in the time before Cornelia arrives.
I believe C.C. described it the best.
Tonight the world has watched and been shaped by our actions. Nothing was going to be the same afterwards.
(Chapter 14 end)
Hey guys Mukuro7 here and welcome back, hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. Would have probably gotten it out a bit earlier, but you all know how life can get in the way.
But as I said here the world is in a quite a mess from Lelouch's and Y/N's debut. In the original series following it by the time Cornelia arrived in Japan there were seven known revolts in their wake. With the admission and evidence that Clovis's crimes, people are out for blood and it is spreading to other Areas.
Most know it is only a matter of time until Britannia reasserts itself and are using the time to build up resources for when the time comes.
For the reactions across the world we see the situation build up from one to another.
Jeremiah dealing with the immediate fallout with Villetta helping to coordinate efforts to get things under control. Finding no end to migraines, hiding everything they have on Y/N as Schneizel sends help until Cornelia arrives, and more evidence of one of Clovis's projects.
For the associate to Kyōto House is helping to keep things organized on the Japanese resistance front, knowing things will get worst and trying to limit the number of cells wiped out in the coming days. Though eager to meet with Zero and Yamato.
As for who they are, well I hinted their position quite a few times over the past few chapters and perhaps from when I started this story. I'll let you guess, but things will be intersecting by the time of the meeting with Kyōto House.
Finally there is Cornelia who was quite literally cutting a war path during her campaign agaisnt the Middle Eastern Federation out of frustration with the news. Partially shaken from what Clovis has probably taken her advice and to clean up the mess his actions caused. Alongside determined to find out the true depths of what Zero and Yamato have found out plus the former's head.
Over the next few chapters we'll be seeing some more of the effects from tonight peppered here and there.
Back on the home front both are reunited with C.C. much to Y/N's relief and Lelouch's irritation. With Y/N recognizing her from the stories and him managing to start a rapport with her.
Later culminating in the three of them and Lelouch finalizing plans to enact in the coming days, with Y/N and Sayoko planning on finally dealing with the problem of Maya.
That should be all for now, anyway there is a few details to wrap up before continuing.
First is that sadly during this time Code Geass Lost Stories has ceased on the global servers before writing literally halfway through the story. I can gleam some news from Japan and R2's story ended about half a month ago and the end of the main story. Not sure where it continues from there except Ash and Sakuya were added to the roster recently and seems the story is now covering Akito the Exiled with some extra details come in.
Admittedly the news I get is kind of spotty due to language issues, anyone keeping an eye for information would be greatly appreciated.
Secondly as you might've noticed this chapter hints related to Rozé of the Recapture.
Liked it, and decided to do with what I did with Hanyo of Snow and Yashahime. Incorporating elements of the later in the story to take place in the modern day.
Not that much of a change in R1, but expect to see more elements of Rozé come into play in R2 or in the Lost Zero era...and I can already see the suggestions already...
Finally the is one more thing to say...thank you all for the support, we've past 100k reads for this story and I couldn't have done it without you all.
Anyway next chapter we see another look of the aftermath from the debut while Y/N sets a plan in motion with Kallen. Maya also finds herself confronted Y/N and Sayoko on what she knows.
Hope that you all enjoy this chapter when it comes out.
Until next time, ciao!
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