Chapter 2: Pull the strings, justice will bring (Trial pt2)
K: It's hard to figure it out.
Ruby: It's like some sort of paranormal being snuck in somehow...
Maria: Uuu? Seems like everyone is stumped. That's alright. Maria knows someone that did it.
Wait, she does!?
Logic Refresh: Start!!
Truth bullet: The fingers description.
Maria: The fingers marks are long and slim right?
Maria: And all of us are either doesn't fit the fingers or have alibis to prove that we aren't the killer.
Maria: But I know who fits and doesn't have an alibi.
Maria: It's QAHR.
Wait! Is it possible.....?
Truth bullet was used on QAHR.
K: So you are saying, QAHR killed her?
Maria: Uuu, Uuu!! Precisely!!!
Yuga: What the -?! That's impossible!!! First of all, I don't think QAHR counts as the blackened considering that she is created right here and not came from different universes like us!! Second of all, QAHR went missing the entire time!!! There's no way she could possibly be around the home bar!!!!
Carl: I agree Yuga. While QAHR did gone haywire, that doesn't mean she killed someone!!
Monoentity: Not to cut the conversation short, but the spiky fire hair boy is right. QAHR does not count as the blackened. But she counts as the weapon!
Ashlynn: Carl is right. If she has gone haywire, she would have killed in such brutal way.
Roy: So if anything, QAHR isn't the weapon.
Marvelous: Yeah. So Maria's theory could be wrong.
Kanade: I believe that too. Not to spite Maria or anything.
Carl: Shut it, serial killer.
Otonokoji looks annoyed.
Cloud: Sorry, but I'm agreeing with Maria here.
Vivia: Same. She did design it to have human features, including finger marks.
Sayaka: I also agree! After all, she's the only one that fits the description!!
Ruby: Yeah!! And the ones that also fit all have alibis!!
Ren: So if anything, she's our weapon.
I'm honestly still conflicted with that.... but it's our only hope...
Monoentity: Oh my, another? Welp, guess we'll do it again!!!
Monoentity takes out the same key and did the same thing that happened last time.
Yuga, Carl, Marvelous, Flora [X], Kanade, Ashlynn, Marinette [X] and Roy: Team Creation.
K, Sayaka, Franziska [X], Maria, Cloud, Vivia, Ruby and Ren: Team Destruction.
Question: Is QAHR the weapon?
Team Creation: No she isn't!
Team Destruction: Yes she is.
Scrum Debate: Start!!
Yuga: QAHR went missing during that time!! There's no possibility that she was used!!
Vivia: Despite so, there's a chance she could have gone to home bar to begin with.
Roy: But how come an Automaton create finger marks! That makes no sense!!
Cloud: If I remember from what Maria told me about the design, she has human functions. This could also refer to the finger marks.
Marvelous: Wouldn't her being malfunctioning be enough to contradict this?
Sayaka: Here's the problem, she was created only two days ago!
Kanade: But didn't she gone haywire? She could possibly murder Franziska in a brutal way.
Ren: Funny that is coming from you Kanade, she could have go for a more brutal method if she is. However, she is not.
Ashlynn: But yet what kind of motive that the blackened has to use her?
Ruby: The motive IS our secrets. There's a chance that they could have used QAHR to not get caught.
Carl: But yet how did QAHR gone haywire in the first place?!
Maria: Simple. Someone could have sabotage her.
Carl: This still doesn't make sense! How can this theory can solve this case!?
I'll go.
K: This theory is our only way since everyone has a solid alibi and half of us doesn't fit the description.
Team Destruction: This our answer!!!!!!!
Marvelous: That does make a good point. There's a chance that QAHR could be sabotaged to kill her.
Carl: That's actually logical. Only me and Yuga have the ability to give her commands.
Vivia: Not even Maria?
Maria: Uuu, no. Maria only designed her, not fully created her.
Vivia: I see..
K: So is she our weapon then?
Yuga: No! No! I still don't believe it!! How can QAHR be the weapon despite going haywire!!??
That's what I've been..... wait.....
Rebuttal Showdown: Start!
Truth blade: QAHR in the walk-in closet.
Yuga: There's no way QAHR was near the home bar!!
Yuga: She went missing right after breakfast!!
Yuga: She could have been anywhere!!!!
K: That's the thing, she could also be at the crime scene. And the blackened could've probably hide her in the nearest place.
Yuga: That still doesn't make sense at all!!!
Yuga: How did she get there in the first place!?!?
Yuga: And where is the nearest place for her to hide!!!??
I feel weird arguing with a child but then again, he's a very intelligent child.
Truth blade was used on nearest place for her to hide.
K: She was in a nearby place. The walk-in closet.
Yuga: I- wait.... that's not wrong...
Cloud: How did you know that?
How did I know it...
Truth bullet: Ashlynn's discovery.
I got it!
K: Ashlynn, you did found QAHR didn't you?
Ashlynn: Right..! I forgot....
Kanade: How come? Is it because your prince charming is in your head?
Marvelous: Kanade! Shut up!! We had Franziska as the burden, we don't need you. Plus, we are this close to solve this, zip it.
Kanade: Grr....
Vivia: Still, did QAHR truly did got sabotaged? Who controlled her and where did the blackened go right after..?
He's right.... there's still a lot of things we don't know about how the blackened got separated with her.
Mind's Harmony: Start!
(Note: Yes, this song again. This time, a full version.)
Question 1
Did QAHR truly was sabotaged?
A. Yes
[B. No]
C. Unsure.
Question 2
Who can actually control QAHR?
[A. Only Yuga and Carl.]
B. Everyone
C. Monoentity
Question 3
Where did the blackened go?
A. To their room.
B. Somewhere near the home bar.
[C. Somewhere far away.]
Answer: B, A, C.
K: I don't think QAHR was sabotaged. She looks perfectly fine. Like Carl said, only him and Yuga had the control over her. Also, I think the blackened was somewhere far away after the murder happen.
Ruby: So our only options are either Carl or Yuga. that I think about it......
Who's the blackened?
•Kanade Yoisaki
•Sayaka Miki
>Carl Clover
•Ashlynn Ella
•Ren Amamiya
•Yuga Ohdo
•Maria Ushiromiya
×Franziska von Karma
•Vivia Twilight
•Ruby Rose
•Cloud Strife
•Kanade Otonokoji
I think....I got it.....
K: It's probably Carl.
Carl: E-excuse me?
Marvelous: I mean, fair point. I saw that one of the rope in the shed went missing when I was putting mine back and Yuga already put his back. Carl's rope is the only one missing.
Sayaka: So that means.....Carl.....
Carl: Yoisaki, I am disappointed at you!! How dare you accuse me for this horrendous crime!?!?! Are you even certain that your decision is correct!?!!?!
That.... not really. But I have no choice!
Rebuttal Showdown: Start!!
Truth blade: Rope set up.
Carl: All this just for a rope!?
Carl: It's just a mere coincidence!
Carl: I used my rope to investigate the upper floors outside.
K: I'm not sure about that...I don't see you outside any where..
Carl: Why is because I was at the back!!
Carl: After that, I had to place it somewhere else!!
Carl: And the best spot to put it's obviously the mudroom!
Why is he acting so aggressive and murderous all of the sudden...?! I'm scared...!
Truth blade was used on obviously the mudroom.
K: That's a lie. There was never a rope in the mudroom to begin with! It's only in the home bar.
Vivia: This can be said the same for the cane. You probably pick it up and hide QAHR away while you prepare the set up.
Ruby:...Carl, be honest, did you killed Franziska..?
... that's where I knew...... this is Carl's true nature.......
Carl: GAAAAAH!!!! You absolute vile criminals!!!!!!!!!
Ruby: C-Carl..?!
Vivia: The hell?
Cloud: What you called us?!
Carl: To think, I am stuck here with all of you!!!! Filthy wrenches, all of you are blocking my WAY OF SAVING MY SISTER!!!!!!!! I'LL MAKE SURE ALL OF YOU WILL GET YOUR COMEUPPANCE!!!!! MONSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kanade: Oh my, what an interesting turn of events.
Sayaka: C-Carl!?!? What's going on!!???
Maria: Uuu...? Carl....?
Marvelous: Okay, how many twist is going to be brought up in this trial!??!?
Monoentity: Honestly, I WANT MORE!!!!
Ren: Um.. what?
Roy: W-What's going on..?
Ashlynn: Why did he..... turn out like this.....?!
K: I-I don't know...!
Why is he acting like this!?!!?? I don't get it!! He was very nice before!!!! you finally let out your true self, Carl.
Carl: W-What do YOU know about me!??!??!?!!
Yuga:......K, please end it. He's done.
What the-? What's really going on!?!!? Weren't they like brothers back then!???! .... don't think of that Kana- wait, no. I don't even know what to call myself ever since her! Whatever, just get it together K!!!
Argument Armament: Start!!
(Note: Here's a fun fact, I was originally going to put all of Carl's other chess puppets (Rook, Bishop and Knight) but I'm running out of rooms for those so it's only the Pawn. Also for those who are wondering, the one at the back is Nirvana a.k.a Carl's sister, Ada. This just a test drawing of her. Sorry if she (& this art as a whole) looks bad. (╯︵╰,) )
>The hell do you know about this!?!!??
>It's just a mere coincidence!!!!!
>I made many escape plan with Yuga for you guys and this is the thanks I get!?!!?
>How dare accuse me for such crime!!!!!????
PHASE 2 (The dark energy balls are gone)
>Are you serious right now!??!??
>This got to be some stupid joke!!!!
>All of this because of my alibi!??!??!
>Please check your theory before accusing someone!!!!!!
PHASE 3 (The Pawn puppet is gone)
>This is getting RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!
>Accusing me? LOOK AT YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!
>This is bull crap!!!!!!
PHASE 4 (Nirvana is gone.)
FINAL PHASE (Carl lost his glasses)
Only you/have knowledge/about/automatons!
K: You are the one having the most knowledge about automatons!! If you said she went haywire, you could have fixed her!!!!
Carl:...... Fine.......
Kanade: Hmm? That's it?
Carl: I think I should stop being a hypocrite. Yeah.
Sayaka: Carl.......
Yuga:...... I'm glad you admit it..
K: So you did.....
Marvelous: Looks like we can just end here.
K:....I guess.....
Closing Argument: Start!!!
Act 1
So begins with Monoentity revealing our motive, our secrets. The blackened probably gained Franziska's secret and thus, was disgusted by it. But that's probably not the only motive. They could possibly want to save their secrets from being known.
Act 2
The blackened was with Marvelous and Yuga, investigating the backyard. Trying to escape through the hole. They get some ropes from the shed go down but it's only seven inches deep. They decided to put the ropes back. But only the blackened kept theirs.
Act 3
The blackened then gets a cane from the walk-in closet. As QAHR, the true weapon, comes in to give them breakfast, they command her to commit the crime in his order. To which QAHR agreed because the blackened is the one that created her.
Act 4
The blackened notice that Franziska was alone in the home bar. So they and QAHR took the opportunity. They had a chat with Franziska. However, after a few minutes, they command QAHR to strangle her. To the very point, she was lifeless.
Act 5
Once the murder is done, the blackened set up the crime scene by putting the rope and cane nearby. After that, they put QAHR in the walk-in closet and shut her down. They then told everyone that QAHR went haywire after the body discovery announcement. Which was a lie the entire time.
K: The fact that you admit it so quickly and change character is already a surprise.....
K: Carl Clover, the Ultimate Vigilante.
Sayaka: Carl!! Why did you do this!?!?!?
Yuga: This is his true nature, Sayaka.
Sayaka: What?!
Carl:..... The fact that you knew the entire time....
Yuga: Trust me, even I am shocked.
Monoentity: Alright!!!! With all said and done, it's voting time!!!!!!
We all voted......I... don't know what to do seems everyone here has a dark self that I didn't know about......
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