It was a calming afternoon with the gang. They were sprawled around the living room, exhausted from the raid they were previously on. The group were heavily injured, so Nightmare decided that it was best for them to take the rest of the day off.
Nightmare sat on his recliner, a cup of tea beside him and a book in hand. In his hand was an old fantasy novel, about a maiden on her journey to find clues about her missing father. In Nightmare's opinion, the novel could be better but it was one of the last unread books that he had.
Suddenly, Nightmare could feel a presence by his side. He looked up to see Killer, brandishing a smirk, with something hidden behind his back, away from Nightmare's view.
Killer was a skeleton, just like Nightmare but without the goop. He had empty black sockets that leaked of black hate. Killer had on a blue jacket with fluff surrounding the hood, white shorts and blue sneakers.
"What is it now, Killer?" Nightmare groaned, knowing whatever KIller may have in mind, was never a good idea.
"Well," Killer shuffled from side to side, as animated and alive as an old cartoon, "I was given this new game from a friend of mine, and I thought we could maybe take a look? You know, with the gang, and of course, not forgetting, Error." Killer teased. .
"How absurd," Nightmare huffed, a small cyan blush was visible on his cheeks, "What is the game about? It must be fun for you to think we are all joining."
Killer grinned, Nightmare hasn't refused, "Don't worry, it will be fun!" Then he ran off to collect the other gang members.
Nightmare sighed again, being interrupted from his precious reading time to go join Killer and his antics.
Nightmare sat by himself waiting for his boys to come. His gang consisted of skeletons just like Killer and himself but expressed themselves differently. He looked towards the hall where the once quiet living room was now filled with small chatter from Dust and Horror, who were previously in the kitchen, making something to eat. Horror was a tall skeleton, he wore a black beanie to cover the wound on his head from a foregoing accident, he had a similar jacket to Killer but it was much more bloodied and worn. Instead of white shorts, he wore black shorts. Horror was happily eating his sandwich while Dust watched Horror eat. Dust was a shorter skeleton, a hood casted over his skull emphasising his glowing multi-coloured eyes. Dust wore a greyish-blue hoodie with similar black shorts. After Horror and Dust had entered the room, Cross was the next to come into the living room.
Cross wore an outfit much different from the others, he mainly wore black and white clothing and his outfit was much too complicated for Nightmare to think about. He remembered when Killer suggested for Cross to wear a different outfit but Cross insisted that this was his uniform.
In Cross' hand was a bar of chocolate. Nightmare chuckled to himself as he remembered his boys' antics when it comes to sweets. Nightmare would sometimes indulge in the sugary goodness but it wasn't something he would usually eat.
"I'm surprised he got you to join them", Error walked out of a glitchy portal beside Nightmare.
Error was a black boned skeleton, much like himself but without the black goop that covered his body. Error's bones consisted of yellow, red and black. He wore a blue scarf and a long black coat over his red sweater.
After realising he was staring, he shook his head subtly, "Yes, if I didn't, he wouldn't stop bothering me".
"Guys! Get your boney butt over here!" Killer waved his arm, beckoning the two towards the couch where the gang sat.
Nightmare sat back at his recliner whilst Error sat in his beanbag, beside Nightmare.
Killer rushed over to the TV with undying excitement, and popped the game into the TV. As fast as a child on Christmas, Killer ran back to the couch and plopped himself on the couch between Dust and Cross.
It was silent, nothing happened.
"Wait, what do we play with-" Cross started but was cut off by a blinding white light that filled their vision..
The bright light vanished, what they could see was a black void, much like Error's void but black and more lifeless.
Horror was the first to get up, he clutched his skull. The bright light sent a throb into his skull. Horror looked around to take in his surroundings, finding that the gang was slowly getting up from their dazed states.
"Ugh, what even was that?" Dust was the first to speak, rubbing his eyes from the sudden light.
"I'm not quite sure," Nightmare answered, rubbing his temples from his migraine. He then looked at Killer, "Would you know where we may be, Killer?"
Killer looked to the side, nervously chuckling, avoiding the glare from his boss.
"I'm not sure, boss. Maybe we got sucked into the game or something?"
This pissed Dust off, Killer got them into this mess, why not get him to find a way out. He stomped his way towards Killer but was stopped by a hand grasping his arm. Dust looked at the owner to see Horror, he looked tired. So he sighed and sat back down with the larger male.
"Hey guys, look at this." The group turned towards Cross as he pointed towards a screen hovering above them.
Suddenly a loud, robotic female voice called to them, "Welcome tra-vllers, please come forth and select your clas-s."
The gang turned towards their boss but was only met with a shrug. One by one they got up and walked towards the screen.
A loud 'ERROR' startled the group, the void started to shake and crumble under them, the voice started to glitch worse than before.
"er-RROr Det--tecTed, C-Om-E-nce Re-StaRt"
It was repeated and glitched, making the gang realise that they should get out quickly. But they did not need to do anything as they were spat out of the void.
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