CH 5: My Hero (Part 3)
I watch as he raises the axe above his head. I close my eyes and yell at the top of my lung. "BENDY!!!!!!!" Sammy swing the axe, but nothing happens. I slowly and nervously peek through an eye before they open wide in surprise and happiness.
Bendy in his newer, more inky, form. He was towering behind Sammy, his hand holding the axe back from hitting me. "B-Bendy!!" I let out a sigh of relief and let more tears fall.
A gurgling sound comes from Bendy before he coughs and tries again in a raspy voice, like he hasn't used it in a while. "SaMmY..." Sammy lets go of the axe and Bendy throws it across the room. "L-Lord Bendy!! I had found-" He gets interupted by Bendy throwing Sammy to the ground, using ink to keep him in place. "SaMmY YoU aRe An IdiOt.." Sammy was about to say something, but Bendy had shrunk his hand and shoved it into Sammy's mouth before enlargening it again. Sammy was choking, trying desperately to get Bendys hand out of his mouth, not being able to breath.
Soon he died from choking on the ink dripping from Bendys hand.
He stands up straight and walks towards me, stopping in front of me. He puts and arm around my waiste, somehow managing to not stain it in any way. He uses his free hand to get my hands untied. Once they were free he set me down and I untied my ankles. I stand up straight and look at him where his eyes should be. He frowns seeing the blood on my face. He reaches out and rubs my cheeks. I can't help but blush. He pulls his hands away and I can see red staining his hands. He looks at my forhead before licking his hand and pressing it against my forhead and wipping it off. I blush harder at this and smile at him. "Y-You're Bendy right? I wasn't wrong?" He smiles again and shakes his head yes. I smile wide and introduce myself. "I-I'm (Y/N)...but I have a question..." I look up at him. "Go AhEaD..." I look down then back at him. "Why?" He looks at me confused, tilting his head. "Why did you save me?...I'm not worth why?"
I realize that inky tears have started to cascade down my face. He bends down and wipes some of the tears from my face.
"BeCauSe YoU ArE BeaUTIfuL... YoU DidN'T deSeRVe tO bE TreATed liKe ThAT..." he smiles warmly at me, the best he can that is. Suddenly the garage looking door behind us opens. Bendy stands in front of my protectively. I blush and hide behind him, looking out from behind his legs.
Dust is kicked up from the doorway opening and it stays in the air for a bit. Some coughing could be heard and some footsteps. I stare as a wolf with overalls steps out of the dust, waving his large paw in the air trying to clear it. I feel Bendy stiffen and I look up at him. The ink slowly fading and his body shrinking into his normal self, though hes as small as I am. Way smaller than what the cardboard cut-outs made him to be.
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