Chapter 10: ... but emotions that are clear bear no label for that need.
They had arrived.
The text had come, saying that Sapnap hah landed, and they sat in a heat rivaling that of the day George had arrived, waiting for their friend to exit the airport.
Dream was waiting outside the car, wearing his own merch, looking around for the brown haired boy.
Sapnap had face revealed on impulse a year after creating his YouTube channel, not caring or reacting to the prospect of the hate he would receive.
He had called his best friends after their first manhunt recording, after they had been awake for three days straight trying to get a good run, hyped and full of an energy that seemed to spawn out of nowhere.
"I wanna show you guys my face."
Two sleep deprived friends had both replied tiredly, their voices thick and laced with a need for their soft sheets, telling him to go for it before they logged off for a two day sleep.
When they had awoken, they were met with the internet once again broken.
And several clips of the same man, Sapnap, posted all over social media.
Now, he was the only one of the dream team to have face revealed, and he would be rewarded by unmasking two of the internets largest mysteries at one time, a compensatory gift at the end of a long travel.
George's tail was thrashing around, his ears flat against his head as he bit his nails.
At this point, wishing his friend would emerge from the airport was the only thing on his mind, now simply wanting the pain of pondering a reaction he had no control over to end, to cease the distracting trail it burned in the brunette's conscience.
When he had face revealed to Dream the first day he had arrived in America, he thought that the blonde was the only one who held an opinion that mattered to him.
Now, moments away from revealing his largest secret to his other friend, he knew he had gotten far to good at lying to himself.
Then, just when he felt as though time had stopped and his heart would burst, the world seemed to become over saturated as the bounce of brown hair on a short male came into view in the crowds of people milling out of the airport.
He wasn't all too tall, but he wasn't as short, with a short stubble poking out from his chin and scattered around his jawline. He was wearing an tan ahego hoodie with purple sweatpants, red and white checkered vans on his feet.
It was a random outfit, and it was random colors, catching the suspicious and weird glances from people around him, but the man took it in stride.
Everything seemed brighter in the moment Sapnap appeared, his open natured presence calming the brunette in the car, his carelessness easing the anxiety to the point where George couldn't even remember what he was nervous about.
There had been no words spoken to the small boy in the car from the new arrival, but the presence of his best friend was enough to comfort him.
There was a fuzzy feeling inside George, one that he had felt only sometimes when he was with Dream. He rarely felt it when he was around Sapnap.
But then again, he had never been around his best friend before.
Maybe it was the way that Sapnap and Dream exchanged excited embraces upon seeing each other, or maybe it was the fact that he was there and didn't need to worry about keeping the trio from uniting sooner, but something sparked inside the brunette in that moment.
Something good, and he was happy in the moment that he would get to live like this from now on.
His excitement dissipated when he heard the back door open, luggage being tossed inside haphazardly. The blonde opened the door across from George, jumping in and sitting beside his friend with a warm and reassuring smile.
And then, the brunette male, the final piece to the puzzle none of them could ever imagine to be so brilliant upon fulfillment, was speaking.
"So... where's my Gogy?"
I am genuinely so sorry for the late upload time, I was borderline sick for the past two days and I was out today and sorta busy.
BUT! No excuses. I'll post more frequently, I PROMISE.
Chapter summary; Sap makes everything brighter
739 words (sorry shorter today)
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