Chapter 13
Your POV
You were running down a path in the forest hand in hand with Tobi. You didn't mind but at the same time, you felt really uncomfortable. You felt so guilty for leaving Kakashi the way you did, but you had no choice. If you were going to get information out of Tobi, you needed to cut your ties to the Leaf, along with everyone in it. That includes Naruto and Kakashi.
You both suddenly stop running. Obito faces you and takes off his mask. "What's on your mind? You've been staring off into space for a while." He says while placing his hand on your cheek.
You blushed slightly and looked away from him. "Why is he acting like he cares? He just wants me to join that stupid organization." You thought as Obito makes you look at him. He stares at you, almost like he's trying to read your mind.
"I may not know you like he does, but you remind me of someone that was close to my heart. So if you're wondering why I'm acting like this, it's because I might be getting attached to your presence. I see why he loves you so much." Obito says while giving you a small smile, a slight blush appears on his face. You were kind of suspicious of him, but you felt like there was another side of him that he hasn't shown for a long time. For that second, he reminded you of Naruto.
"Tobi, I just met you. And I don't know if I can trust you at all. Plus, you know I only care about Kakashi-kun, even when he hurts me and keeps secrets from me." You said while looking away from him again and holding your arms. You missed Kakashi and you knew as soon as he wakes up, he was going to come after you. You'd have to see him again and break his heart so he stays away. Your grip on your arms tightened.
"Who knows.. maybe over time, we might become close. Closer than you have ever gotten with him. For once, I don't feel like I'm in hell, especially around you." Obito rests his head on you. You flinched when he did. It didn't bother you, but he didn't give you the same feeling of butterflies like Kakashi. You'd have to get used to it though, no matter how much you longed for Kakashi.
"W-we should keep moving. I have no doubt by now Kakashi-kun is awake and will try to come after us." You said, causing Obito to sigh and frown. It bothered him that you were still focusing on Kakashi and kept using kun when speaking about him. "Just like her, huh." He thought.
"Don't worry about him. If you really want to go back then go. Let them keep lying to you and use you for their own benefits, I won't stop you. But if you're going to continue your new path, you need to stop focusing on Kakashi and anything that has to do with the Leaf. So what will you choose?" Obito said while extending his hand. You had a sad expression on your face, but you still grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry Kakashi-kun, I hope you can forgive me someday.." you thought.
~ To Kakashi ~
As the group continued on into the forest, Kakashi gets hit by the wind, almost as if someone was trying to get to him. He immediately thought of you and he clenched his fists. " I'm not gonna give up on you so easily, (Name)" he thought.
"Kakashi, they started moving again. We're getting close to them. Get ready, I have a bad feeling about this." Pakkun says while frowning. But as the group continued, Itachi's eyes widened. Pakkun was about to land on a trap.
"Pakkun-san, watch out!" Itachi says while jumping to Pakkun and grabbing him before he landed on the paper bomb that was camouflaged with the tree branch. Itachi's Sharingan was activated during the process. Everyone else behind them stopped.
"They planted some traps to slow us down, please watch your step Captain" Itachi said while giving a "that was too close" expression to the others.
"Alright, Itachi is there anymore traps around the area?"
"Well, that I can see other than this one, not really but I'm afraid that doesn't mean it's smooth sailing from here either." Itachi says while putting the rather shaken Pakkun down.
"You guys sure are persistent, aren't you." The unknown voice said.
The group looked around to see who it was that spoke. Kakashi found himself eye to eye with Obito, who stood in front of them on the ground. Kakashi immediately lunged towards him with a Kunai knife in hand and clashed knives with him.
"Where is she." Kakashi said with an angry expression on his face. Obito laughed.
"Well, she's certainly not here. But I see why you like her, she's quite the keeper. I might play with her for a bit, I hope you don't mind." Obito teased. Kakashi was pissed, he backed away from Obito and vanished. Suddenly, Obito gets hit in the arm by what looks like lighting as Kakashi reappears behind him. Obito held his arm as it bleeds front Kakashi's lighting blade.
"Touch her and I won't hesitate to kill you." Kakashi said looking back at Obito.
"You mean just like how you didn't hesitate to kill Nohara Rin?" Obito said as he faced him back. Kakashi had a shocked expression on his face.
"H-how do you-"
"I know a lot of things, Kakashi. Even your darkest deeds, but I wonder if (Name) knows? Oh, her image of you will just shatter and change completely. The man she loves kills his own teammate, I can see her face now." Obito snickered.
"Bastard." Gai and the rest of the group jumped between the two before Kakashi did anything reckless.
"My my, Kakashi! It's not like you to lose your composure and do something reckless in the heat of battle. You're losing your edge, my rival!" Gai said while laughing. That only annoyed Kakashi, even though he was right.
"He's right Kakashi-san, you must keep calm. He's just trying to trigger your emotions and use them against you." Yamato said, agreeing completely with Gai.
Kakashi then got up and stood in front of them. He breathed in and let out a long sigh.
"Man, I need to clean up my skills. I must really be losing it if Gai's giving me advice." Kakashi sighed. Obito only laughed, he slowly started to sink into the ground.
"You may have controlled yourself for now, but I wonder what will happen when you come face to face with the new (Name)? I don't think you'll control yourself with her at all, especially when she doesn't feel anything for you anymore-"
"That's where you're wrong, Tobi. No matter the situation, no matter how far apart we are, and no matter what kind of argument we have, we will always love each other. That's something that not you or anyone can change. And I'll bring her back home, to the Leaf, whether I have to carry her back with my own hands or not." Kakashi said while smiling at Obito. His face only annoyed Obito.
"We'll see about that. When the time comes we'll test that theory of yours." Obito says before disappearing completely.
"Kakashi, he said that she's different now. Do you really think she'll easily come back with us or even come back at all to the Leaf?" Asuma said with a serious tone in his voice.
"Honestly, I don't know.. but I won't know until I find her. I won't let her break our bond so easily, not without a fight."
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