in the Shadows of Mystacor
It has been a month since you left the Horde. A week since Adora was here in Bright Moon and five days since you started recruiting the princesses
You managed to take Perfuma, Mermista and Entrapta so far
One good thing tho
"WE ARE GOING TO MYSTACOR WOOHOOOOOO" Bow and glimmer yelled for what felt like a millionth time
Bow grinned "Are you guys excited? It's awesome!"
Adora frowned "Mystacor?"
Glimmer grinned too "I know right?! It's one of my favourite places! The soft noises of the sea, the hot springs..."
"The beach" Bow chimed in
"I already said that"
"Oh right. Haha sorry"
You shared a look with Adora "Mystacor?" You repeated and looked at them expectedly
"You haven't heard about it?"
You shook your head and so did Adora "What are we even supposed to do there? Fight?"
You looked at her and raised an eyebrow "How can you fight in the hot springs?"
She shrugged "I don't know, obstacles?"
Bow went between you two and put his hands over your shoulders "We have a lot to catch you up on"
(Time skip)
You had to sleep in the forest for the night since Mystacor was still too far away to just teleport in there
You couldn't stop turning around. The whole place felt suffocating
The forest usually made you calmer, more collected, but now it felt like someone was watching you. Adora seemed to feel it too
Was it really Shadow Weaver?
You knew that Adora had warned you about her and she was probably correct but you couldn't know for sure just yet
You finally gave up in sleep and got up. You looked next to you but Adora was gone
Weird. She had probably gone on a walk since she had trouble sleeping sometimes, that's why you slept close to each other sometimes to help with the sleepless nights
You shrugged it off and ignored the worry in your chest. She will be fine, her sword isn't here. She's fine. She's fine
You walked deeper into the forest and marked one of trees with your dagger, forming an X. Just in case
But you stumbled onto something you weren't expecting. It was a tiny hut hidden beneath the bushes and you inspected it closely
"Hello dearie"
You looked up at the woman as she took her broom "You are late"
You looked behind you. Was someone there or "I'm sorry do I know you?"
She shook her head and motioned for you to come inside "Come come I will show you"
You stood still for a moment. She was just an old lady living in the woods right? What could she do? But just in case you took out your dagger and gripped it tightly in your hand as you walked inside
The room was a mess. You watched as the woman poured something into a cup and handed it to you "Tea. Drink"
She motioned at the stool in front of the table and you sat down carefully. You stared at the steaming cup and sniffed, putting it between your hands
"Don't worry it's not poisonous. Old madam Razz won't do that to you Y/n"
"How do you know my name?"
"Question questions" she started sweeping the floor with her broom "Drink. You need to relax Y/n dearie"
You sighed and took a small sip from the tea, praying it wasn't actually poisoned
"You have been wondering what's happening lately haven't you?" She looked at you and giggled "Oh where are my manners I should give you something to eat"
"Look I really dont-"
"Hush now child"
You sighed in defeat and stared at the cup once more. Screw this if I die I don't have to deal with life anymore
You drank from your cup and watched her snap her fingers, making a fire appear. Your eyes narrowed
"How can you do magic like that?"
"Oh ho ho it's not me it's Lowkey that helped me" She smiled and put something inside "The answers you're seeking are hidden in your memory Y/n"
"As to your kingdom you need to go and look at it for yourself. Darkness is coming Y/n, and you need to help stop it"
"Adora is gonna stop it, she always does" you said and chewed the inside of your cheek
"But she can't do it alone. We are all here for a reason dearie, don't forget that"
She then took something out of the fire and snapped her fingers again, making it go out. She laughed and dusted her hands
"But what I'm I saying you need to go" She pushed you out the door "And don't worry you aren't going insane. Go find Adora"
You sighed when you found yourself in the forest once more. Well that was eventful
You were gonna go before you heard a rustle in the bushes again. You quickly jumped behind a tree and took out your other dagger
You peeked trough the corner to see Adora coming out. You exhaled a relieved breath and walked out of your hiding spot
"Hey where were you?" You asked once you were next to her
"I was Uh- I was walking. Yeah yeah totally totally just walking. Mhm yeah. I needed to uh- clear my head"
You raised an eyebrow, not breaking the eye contact. She groaned "Fine. I heard something here earlier and I came to see what was happening"
One thing rang in your head. Shadow Weaver
"What was it exactly?"
She looked around beyond the trees shivered "I don't know but, I heard voices"
"Voices?" You repeated in disbelief. Oh that bitch was onto something you could practically smell it
"Yeah. It kept repeating my name"
"Imma give you one try to guess who it is"
Her face was set in confusion as she thought. You closed your eyes to calm yourself then opened them again
Suddenly, her face changed. She looked at you with an unreadable expression "Shadow Weaver"
"Bingo bongo, we have a winner" You crossed your arms and sniffed in discust "Like always she had to play her mind trick on us even when we aren't with her. Shadow bitch Weaver"
"Shh she might hear you" she mumbled lowly and you laughed
"Let her hear me, I would like to go against her myself so I can finish her once and for all" Your face hardened and you took a step forwards towards Adora "Let her try"
She stared into your eyes silently. What could she even say to that?
"You can't"
"I know she's like a mother to you but really Adora? She abused us since we were kids"
She sighed "I know I know I just-"
"No. I'm not letting you finish that sentence" you held a hand up and pointed in front of you "Let's head back. You coming?"
She nodded and you walked silently back to the camp
(Time skip)
Adora couldn't relax. You couldn't either
How did people do it?!
What type of witchery was this?!
The worst thing was you could feel her watching behind the shadows. Adora did too and it made it that much harder for everyone to relax
Everyone thought you were bluffing and that made you mad
You were in the hot springs right now and Adora was finally asleep with Glimmer against her shoulder
You closed your eyes and fell asleep
But once you opened your eyes everyone was gone
You gasped and got up. You stumbled as you walked out of the water and turned around in a circle. Nobody was here
"Y/n" you hear someone whisper
"Shadow Weaver" you turned around but she wasn't there
You sensed something on your right and turned around just in time to see a shadow that was trying to sneak around but it quickly dissapeared
"Give me Adora and return back to the Fright Zone" You turned around and froze, taking a couple of steps back when you saw the shadows standing up and forming a humanoid figure in front of you. The thing extended its hand and said "Or there will be dire consequences"
You could do the only humanly thing possible in that moment. You laughed. Your voice echoed around the cave as you put a hand over your stomach since it was starting to hurt. You wiped a tear away before facing the shadow bitch again
"Even if you think that you have any real power here, you're wrong" you snored and watched her now silent figure "Now get your manipulative ass out of here. I'm here to relax not talk to stupid bitches like you. I'm losing my last brain cells"
"How dare you!-"
You smirked at the voice and looked back at the figure in front of you. The shadow glared before disappearing just as Adora came out of the mist
"You ok? You kind of dissapeared out there"
You nodded "Yup I'm perfect" you crossed your arms and walked up to her "Shadow Weaver is here tho"
Her eyes widened "Really? Did you see her? Did she talk to you?"
You sighed "Sadly. I need to take a bath in holly water"
"Y/n I'm serious. Did you see her?"
"Why is this so important to you?"
She opened her mouth but closed it again. You started counting in your mind
"I just need to know I'm not going crazy" she smiled sadly and took your hand "Let's get out of here, that's actually why I came to look for you. We were going to the palace"
You gasped, a grin spreading widely on your face "Let's. Go. I can't wait to see the shiny triangles on the walls"
(Time skip)
Castaspella was just explaining to you about the statues and who they were only for you to find that Adora had ran off somewhere
You, Glimmer and Bow managed to find her and they got even more worried about their friend so you got her in a room to try and get some sleep
She didn't sleep last night, nor had she slept properly the past few weeks
You got her in the room but you were the last one to leave. You opened the door before you heard Adora "Can you stay? I don't know if I can sleep on my own right now"
You didn't even hesitate at her request and quickly made your way over to her, sitting on the bed next to Adora "When have you been able to sleep alone?"
She punched your shoulder and you chuckled. Both of you layed down and cuddled like when you were kids and you could all fit in the same bed
Your back was to Adora and she had one hand wrapped around your waist and one of her legs on top of yours. You could feel her breathing on your neck and as much as you tried you started laughing
"You ok?"
"Can you move your head my back is sensitive" You looked back at her when you stopped laughing
She smiled and put her head on top of yours "Sure"
You just hoped reality would let you have one peaceful moment without teleporting you somewhere else
You suddenly felt like you were standing and you opened your eyes with a groan
"OH COME ON" You yelled before getting hit with a shadow and thrown against a wall
"Bitch" you mumbled and looked up to see the whole room in shadows "Fucking bitch"
Adora was trying to fight the darkness Shadow Weaver had caused and Glimmer and Bow were unconscious on the ground thankfully away from the battle that was taking place
You groaned again at the situation "Fuck" you stood up just as you saw Shadow Weaver in front of Adora who was sitting on the ground, her expression conflicted and almost broken as she looked down to the floor
You felt something shoot you on the side and you yelped, stumbling forward as you put a hand over your side
Nothing had hit you tho
You could feel the shield around Mystacor starting to crumble down. You could feel the shots as they were fired like it was you they were trying to take out
With all your strength you ran silently behind the enemy just when Shadow Weaver put a finger on her chin while Adora looked like she was about to cry
"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU ASSHOLE" You yelled and formed a ball of magic in your hand before shooting it at that bitch, forcing her to dissapear beneath the shadows once again
You helped your friend up and wiped a tear away from her eyes, not wanting to let go of her warm hands just yet "Hey I'm here. Look at me" you said softly and smiled, the only thing on your mind to try and help Adora
And she did. It seemed to help but you didn't have time to swap pleasetries before you were thrown away from her
Yes, you were gonna say that until you died
Nobody can pull you away from sleep without getting killed
Now your mood was bad and you wanted to kill the sorceress even more than usual
Oh yeah did I mention that the manipulative idiotic villain was also a fucking sorceress that liked to take power from others including what didn't belong to her?
Adora was trying to fight her with her sword. Progress. But she couldn't transform. Not so much progress
You flew up to the platform and slammed into the shadow in front of Adora. You were suddenly pulled inside of it, making you scream in surprise
And Adora was left to fight on her own
Kk so Shadow Fucking Weaver can go and burn in hell for all I care I'm gonna make her death slow and painful but I need her for the plot otherwise she would have been dead in the first sentence of the book
Who wants to start a hate club?
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