Chapter Two- The Realization
~Patton's POV~
I awake to kisses on my forehead from someone next to me.
I open my eyes to see Logan. He's smiling.
"Morning, Pat."
I smile. "Morning, Lo."
He pulls me closer to him. We slowly lean in..
I jolt up in bed, looking around. What- what was that? That was a weird dream.
I turn off my alarm. Was that.. Logan?
I feel my face heat up as I bury my head in my hands.
"HE. IS. YOUR. FRIEND." I say into my hands, groaning loudly.
I sigh, looking up at the ceiling. I don't know if I can even look at him today. Why.. why am I like this? This started so.. abruptly! It started-
Didn't I have a similar dream last week?
No, no. Wait, did I?
How long has this been happening?
I shake my head. Stop thinking, you'll be late for school. Think about this tonight when you're supposed to be sleeping.
I walk downstairs after getting ready. My mom by the door, her luggage beside her.
"Bye bye, hun!" She kisses me on the forehead. "Call me if you meet a pretty girl!"
I watch her get in her car and drive away before I head to school.
I sit down in my normal seat at lunch, the rest of my friends joining me soon after.
After a bit of chatting, Logan gets our attention.
"I have something I need to say."
"Ooh, spill the tea Logan!" Roman smirks.
Logan smiles slightly. "I met a person named Dee at a coding class over the summer. He lives approximately 45 minutes away. We talked after the class, and.. he is now my significant other."
All three of our jaws drop.
"Wh- What?" I ask.
"He is my boyfriend."
Roman blinks in surprise. "Daym! I thigh for sure you'd get with dad over here. Nice going, Logan!"
Virgil shrugs. "Same here."
Logan's gaze seems to look to me, almost needily, before quickly looking back at Roman and Virgil.
"That is all."
~After School~
I run up to my door, quickly running in the house and catapulting myself in bed.
Logan.. has a boyfriend.
Why? Why does he have a boyfriend?
I feel my eyes tear up- but.. why?
Why am I sad? Why does Logan have a boyfriend? Why does this thing have such a big impact on me, even though I'm just a random, unimportant, gay guy? Why am I still dwelling on this stupid thing hours after being told-
It hits me.
It finally hits me.
After all these years, how could I of not known..?
I'm in love with Logan.
Yep. There ya have it.
This story is going to be moving pretty quickly, mostly because I'm not good at writing filler material when I'm trying to stick to one storyline ;-;
Anyways, see ya soon Kiddos! I'll try to update soon!
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