Chapter One- Introduction
(Above- a sketch I did during school that inspired the cover art for this book)
Hey kiddos! I'm finally back with another book! It took me a while, but I got some inspiration and.. now I got a story!
This book will most likely be around ten chapters, give or take one-two.
Anyway, hope you like it, and on with the story!
~Patton's POV~
I walk into school, greeted by my best friend, (since 5th grade!) Logan.
I run up to him and give him a big hug. "Hiya Logie!"
We pull away. "Hello, Patton."
It's kinda surprising that he's my best friend- we're really different! But I like different. I like Logan. (As a friend..)
I get caught up on my last thought. As a friend? Well, yeah. I mean- I am gay, but Logan's my friend! FRIEND!
"Pat? Patton?" Logan snaps me back into reality.
"O-oh, sorry. Dazed out. Let's get to class!"
I walk over to my usual table, along with Logan, and my other two friends Virgil and Roman.
"Hey kiddos!" I say cheerfully.
"Ya know, you really are the dad of the group, Patton." Virgil points out.
"And YOU'RE my dark strange son!" I say happily.
Virgil smirks, and then turns his head to Logan. "And you're the mom."
"That.. that is preposterous. I am not a mother." Logan states, adjusting his glasses.
Roman clicks his tongue. "You boss us around, are closest to the Dad of the group, and you make sure we're all alive. You're a mom."
"Ooh, that's right. Closest to the Dad. Looks like you two are a couple."
Logan's face turns a light shade of pink, along with mine. They do this all the time.
"Anyway-" I try to change the subject. "What do you guys have for lunch?"
~Thar night~
I walk into my house, sighing. My mom peaks around the corner.
"Hi, sweetie! How was school?"
"Meet any cute girls?"
It's true! I have not met any girl that was cute enough to make me like them. And that's because I'm gay.
"I'm sure you will soon, sweetie."
I nod in her direction before heading to my room.
The weird thing is that my mom doesn't even live here- she's just visiting. She leaves tomorrow. I love her, but I'm really glad she's leaving soon..
I collapse on my bed after changing into my favorite onesie.
It's not that late, but I'm gonna go to sleep.
As I lay there, my mind drifts to Logan. Again.
Why is he always in my mind? He's my best friend. That's it. That's how it will be forever.
I pull the blankets over my head, as if I'm trying to suffocate the thought.
I remove the blankets from my head so I don't end up suffocating myself instead. I turn to my side.
I sigh. I decide to let my mind drift to Logan.
His voice fills my head as I fall into a deep sleep.
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