Chapter 26 - 'Message failed to send'
I nudge the door open further, and peek out. Hunter has just caught up to Michaela who is waving her arms around, and shouting at Hunter to 'stay away'. Hunter grabs her arms trying to calm her, and stop her from lashing out and hitting him.
"It's not what you think. We're just friends." He placates. I roll my eyes. Did he just say he's going to break up with her to please me? He seems like he's never going to go through with it.
"Really? You both looked pretty cozy." She says trying to get out of Hunter's strong grip. "Who is she? Some trash that you found while you were undercover?" I narrow my eyes and push the door open further.
"Don't talk about her like that." Hunter defends me.
"Oh, it sounds like she's 'just a friend'." Michaela replies sarcastically.
"Look, Michaela, I can't do this anymore..." I raise my eyebrows, wondering if Hunter got the guts suddenly to break up with her.
"Don't tell me... You're leaving me for her. What has that bitch got that I don't?" Michaela inquires angrily. She pulls out of his grip and starts back towards me with a murderous look on her face. I rest my hand on the doorknob, in case I need to use it as a weapon to stop her in her tracks. Luckily, I don't need to, as Hunter catches her.
"Michaela, nothing you will do can change my mind." Hunter tells her. Michaela lets out a frustrated shout, before pushing past Hunter. Once she has disappeared from sight, Hunter sighs and leans back against the wall. He finally pushes himself away from the wall, and starts back to his apartment. I move the door back to the way I found it, and run back to the couch. I sit back the way I was when he left, and look up at him expectantly, when he enters.
"OK?" I ask. He narrows his eyes, before responding.
"Didn't you hear?" He asks. I shake my head innocently.
"I thought I would give you your privacy." He makes a sound as if he's unconvinced.
"So what happened?" I ask, continuing with the lie.
"We broke up." He replies.
"Oh. I'm sorry." I reply, trying to sound sympathetic and shocked at the same time.
"No you're not." He says chuckling.
"Oh, OK, maybe I'm not upset about you two splitting up." I amend one of my lies. I take my phone out and look at the time. I'm shocked to see it is later than I thought it was, at 5 pm.
"Got to be somewhere?" Hunter asks.
"No." I tell him smiling.
"OK, well I'm cooking dinner tonight. Make yourself at home." He tells me, walking into the kitchen. I watch him as he looks through the cupboards, and fridge. He sighs, before looking over his shoulder at me.
"I don't have enough ingredients for anything; I'm quickly going to go the shop down the road. Want to come?" He asks. "I'll only be a minute if you want to stay here." I ponder my options, before replying.
"I think I'll stay here." He nods, before picking up his keys up, and opening the door.
Hunter has been gone about 20 minutes, and I'm flicking through the channels trying to find something to watch. As I search I reflect on everything that I told Hunter and vice versa. I feel bad about Hunter's mother, but at the same time I feel jealous that he knows what happened to her. I don't know anything about my mother – she could be 'alive' for all I know. Is that bad of me? I pick my phone up.
Scarlett: Dad, you free? It's a minute before I get a reply.
Dad: Yeah sure. What's up?
Scarlett: Is mom still alive?
Dad: We're not talking about this right now. I sigh at the stock response.
Scarlett: When are we going to talk about it? Why won't you talk about it?
Dad: Because I am not doing it over text, we can talk about it when you come down in a month. End of discussion.
Scarlett: UGH! Just tell me if she is dead or not. I get a short reply telling me that there is a story behind it.
Dad: Not. Intrigued I reply quickly.
Scarlett: Really? Where is she?
Dad: Message has failed to send.
Scarlett: Fine don't tell me that, but tell me her last name.
Dad: What? So, you can track her down. Not happening.
Scarlett: Please. Before I send it, I take a picture of me pouting and showing my puppy dog eyes, and attach it.
Dad: Not working. I'm turning my phone off now... I'm just replying when the door opens and Hunter enters with shopping bags in his hands.
"Hope you're hungry." He tells me. I nod, finishing my reply to my dad.
Scarlett: What if I get attacked?
Dad: Better find a way out of it, without me.
Scarlett: Ah! So you haven't turned your phone off.
Dad: Bye.
I throw my phone down onto the couch beside me and get up, walking over to Hunter.
"Want help?" I ask.
"Yeah. Sure!" He begins to unpack all the ingredients. I smile leaning on the counter.
"What are we having?" I ask him.
"Homemade Salmon Burgers?" He checks with me if that's okay. I make a noise telling him that they sound nice. He passes me the salmon and tells me to cut them into pieces. I do so, as he starts to grate some Parmesan. I finish cutting the salmon, and Hunter directs me to cut up some Spinach. I finish and lean against the counter again, watching as he blitzes it together, after adding seasoning and lemon.
After Hunter has made the patties and fried them, he serves them in buns, and we both go and sit in front of the TV. I take a bite of the burger and moan. It was comforting and brilliant. An amused smile comes onto Hunter's face as he changes the channel.
Here you go my little devils!
Some of you were asking about Scar's mom, and Scar is with you, she wants to know what happened. So we will be finding out more about her soon, as she gets more curious.
Shout out to CamilaCardoso_13!!
Chapter 28 will become free on Radish in 5 hours. I will also be posting a part on Radish tonight, so if you read it on Radish you don't have to wait much longer to find out. ;)
If you follow me on my social medias (which are all cc_thewriter) you will already know, I have been working on a short story about my greatest phobia for MrCrowley667's book Fear Factory (Wattpad Anthology) (Link to the story in the comments), which will be posted very soon! So go and add the book to your library if you want to see it when it's posted. Also you can join me and all of the other amazing writers over there! All you have to do is contact MrCrowley667 or comment on the book what your greatest phobia is! There will be one story for each phobia so 'book' your phobia soon if you are interested. The hope is to gather hundreds of stories about everyone's phobias into one place. If you take part I can't wait to read your entries!
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CC ;)
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