Chapter 10
"Cause I've been trying way too long to try to be the perfect song."
My body was just barely waking up, but still in the stage of my eyes staying clamped shut.
"When our hearts are heavy burdens, we shouldn't have to bear alone."
The shushed serenade filled my ears. It was as if I was in a trance. I could hear the hums, but I couldn't make out to who it was or even get myself to fully wake up to find out.
"So goodnight moon and goodnight you when you're all that I think about, all that I dream about."
I listened as intently as I could, my mind finally letting pushing my body to wake up.
"How'd I'd ever breathe without a goodnight kiss from goodnight you."
I felt my hair being twisted over and over and my eyes slowly flickered open at the calming sensation. Even in the king sized bed, I was tangled tightly to a body in the very middle as if we moved an inch apart we'd fall to the ground. My arm was thrown over his bare torso and my head rested on his chest.
I guess he had taken notice of my consciousness and stopped humming the familiar tune. I tilted my head up, searching for his reassuring eyes.
"Why'd you stop?" My voice was stifled, as it was the first thing that came out of my mouth this morning. He returned my stare, giving me a shy smile.
"Because you're awake now." Michael's voice was raspy and deeper than normal. His eyelids were slightly heavy and he had small crinkles by his eyes. Even this early in the morning he was extremely captivating to me.
I rested my head back on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat as we sat in silence. My finger traced small circles against his side as he did the same to the exposed skin on my waist caused by my jacket riding up.
"What do you want to do today?" He asked, breaking the silence. I sighed heavily as I sat up in front of him.
"I don't know." I glanced my hands then back up to Michael. "I'm off of work today, we have the whole day."
He grinned at my answer and threw the covers off of himself.
"We'll drive around your place so you can get back into your clothes and you can get ready and I'll take you out. Anywhere you want. Deal?"
I opened the door to my bedroom, following behind Michael. He sat on my bed as he gazed over the multiple pictures that hung on my wall and the books that aligned the few shelves I had.
"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you liked books." He chuckled. He stood up and walked over, running his finger down the spines of a few. I was pulling clothes out of my drawer in attempt to get ready. He peered over his shoulder to me then turned back to his original state. "How many do you have?"
I stepped onto the cold tile of my bathroom floor. "Too many, that's for sure." I mumbled, but loud enough for him to hear me. I shut the door briefly to change into a pair of jean shorts and a casual shirt, not wanting to over do my appearance.
Once I finished, I opened my door so I didn't have to speak to him through a thin piece of wood. I turned to my mirror and instantly caught a view of dark spots on my neck. My eyes grew wide at the sight.
"Oh God." I said without hesitation.
"What?" Michael appeared in my reflection behind me.
I rolled my head to the side just far enough to let the light show the bruises. I trailed my fingers cautiously over them, not wanting to cause myself any pain. My teeth caught my lip as I examined the marks.
He now stood to the side of me and swatted my hand away. My arms fell to my side as I watched his face become smitten in the mirror.
"I did a good job." He says, standing up straight behind me yet again. I rolled my eyes and let my hair fall over my shoulder in attempt to hide them.
"Oh yeah, such a good job." I sarcastically replied. I reached for my makeup and applied a generous amount to cover the few marks he left on me from the night before.
I flipped the light off and sat on my desk across from where Michael was laying on my bed. He studied me from over his phone that has occupied him for half of the time.
"So," He starts. His beat up converse scuffed along my dark wood floors. "Where am I taking you?" He grabbed my hand, helping me down off my desk even though I didn't need it. Instead of answering his question I threw my own at him.
"Why do you do that?" I asked over my shoulder as he followed me down the stairs and into the kitchen. I opened a cabinet to grab a glass to fill with water.
"Do what?" He questioned stepping closer to me.
"Treat me like," I was at a lost of words then took notice of what was in my hand. "Like glass." I backed away and he reached out to grip my forearm before I could move another step.
He gave me an 'are you kidding me' look and pointed over my shoulder with his free hand. I moved to the direction of where he was pointing.
"Sometimes you need it." He giggled.
Me being the completely oblivious one, I had forgotten to shut the cabinet door and if i would have taken one more step my head would have knocked right into the corner of it.
"Right..." I trailed off. I glanced up at the time and it was already two in the afternoon. "Let's go get some lunch and go on a coffee run, yeah?" My stomach grumbled in the middle of my sentence, making my hunger less bearable.
"So cliché, Maddie." He pushed my shoulder lightly causing my balance to be thrown off.
"Hey, at least I'm not asking you to rob a bank for me." I pushed him back, but not receiving the same reaction as my own. He put his hands up in surrender and nodded his head.
"I can only try."
It was around eleven at night. After going out to lunch, we spent the whole day goofing off and just drove for no reason except the reason to be in each other's presence. I mean, I could watch paint dry with him and still be entertained.
He walked me to my door step, still having energy from our long day. I felt his eyes on me as I fumbled with the lock on my front door. I took a step inside a turned around to greet him face to face, only keeping the door halfway open.
"Will you be alright tonight? Like by yourself..." He asked, rubbing the back of his neck, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh, yeah." I replied back, shifting my weight into my other leg.
"Are you sure? Because I don't mind-"
"Yes. Now stop." I cut him off. He was taken back by my sudden change in mood, as I was too.
"I'm just trying to make sure you're okay." He snapped back, his mood now matching mine. "I'm the only one here right now to even offer." I opened the door all the way, giving him a resentful look.
"You aren't my father, Michael." I scoffed.
"As if you know what that's like." He face suddenly dropped, not able to catch his words before they spilled out.
I bit the inside of my lip and furrowed my eyebrows at him. I backed away and began shutting the door.
"I think it's time for you to leave." I replied back in a snarky tone.
"Maddie, oh my god, I didn't mean to say that it just-"
"Yeah. It just slipped, but either way you were still thinking it." At this point I wasn't even upset about what he said, I was outraged by the fact that he had the nerve to say it.
"No, I'm sorry. Please-"
I cut him off for a third time, not wanting to argue with him about this, not now.
"Just," I sighed. "Just go home." I shut the door, but the force of his hand stopped me from shutting it all the way.
"Maddie." He said sternly. I didn't answer him, I didn't want to hear what had to say. I squeezed my eyes shut, then opened the door once again.
"Listen, Michael. We can talk about this tomorrow, but right now-" He pushed his way past the door and reached for my face, roughly pressing his lips to mine with out a word. I couldn't understand why, but I pushed back harder. His foot stuck out behind him and slammed the door, still keeping contact with me. I flinched at the loud sound, making my heart speed up.
He backed me further into my house, not once taking his grip off of me and eventually had me pinned against a wall. His hands ran down my waist, finding my hips and pushing them into the wall firmly. Michael moved his lips from mine and reattached them to my jaw.
"I'm so so sorry." He muttered against my hot skin. I didn't reply, letting him continue down my neck. I inhaled sharply as he moved over the bruises he had already made. His hands trailed down the side of my thighs and grabbed the back of them. "Jump." He whispered.
I nodded and did as he asked. My legs wrapped around his waist and my fingers tugged at him hair, urging him on as he started at my collar bones. He picked his head up, intensely staring at me as his eyes flickered between my lips and eyes. Michael's eyes weren't as beaming as they normally were, but they had darkened to a grey color.
Before I could open my mouth to say something he kissed me once again, which gave him instant access. I felt him walking and shortly after my back was pressed against a door. I could hear him fumbling with the door knob, groaning as he didn't want to break away. I reached for his hand, helping him twist it open.
My pressure against the door was just enough to break through which sent to door flying open. Michael stumbled in, me still clinging around him. I was carefully placed on the bed that sat in the middle of the room. He hovered over me, deepening the kiss more than it already was.
His hands pushed the lower part of my shirt up, exposing my stomach as he gripped at my waist. The slowly lingered further down and he pecked down from my lips to collar bones. My hips were pulled up to his by Michael's fingers in the belt loops closest to my zipper.
My eyes wandered down to his action, then I realized what room we were actually in. My eyes widened at the disapproving realization.
"No way, not in my mom's bed." I objected. He stopped for a second, then continued working his way down.
"Hell yeah in your mom's bed." I felt him smirk against my skin as his finger barely slipped through the top of my shorts. I pushed him off of me and got him to where his was laying down and my legs were on either side of him.
I leaned down to his ear while running my hands through his already messy hair.
"Do you want to stay or not?" I whispered, trying my best to get him to participate. he swallowed, seemingly caught off guard by my sudden actions. I returned the smirk he left on my skin and planted my feet on the ground.
He sat up, turning his attention towards me.
"Maybe I should be an asshole more often." He plainly stated.
"Michael!" I yelled at him.
"Just being honest!" I drug him out to the living room and sat next to him on the couch.
Stirring underneath me woke up around 3am. Michael wiggled out of my grip and gently laid me back down on a pillow.
"Hello?" He whispered into his phone.
Who the hell was calling him this late at night? I decided to ignore it, but his voice became increasingly louder over the span of a few minutes.
"I know babe. I'll see you tomorrow. Go to sleep, goodnight."
okay so, if you haven't heard, go radio announced their break up today and i basically wanted to cry all day, BUT the song michael is singing to maddie in the beginning is a go radio song and is the song linked to the side :) I LOVE YOU GUYS BYE
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