Last Dragon
Dragon/magic/medieval AU
Request from DRAMAticalNoiz
Go fuck yourselves
May have sexual content
Idk yet
Keith sat silently, watching white clouds roll in the azure sky. His hair rustled in the gentle breeze, legs swinging off the ledge.
"Keith? Hey, Keith!"
"Up here!"
The taller, darker skinned man pivoted, snapping his head up. He huffed, placing his hands on his waist. "Keith, is the roof just your go-to?" He mused, tilting his head.
Keith shrugged. "Guess so, Hunk."
Hunk chuckled, with a shake of his head. "Well, come on in. Supper is just about ready."
"Mkay. I'll be down in a tick."
Keith sat in the corner of a dark room, one single, small candle casting long shadows and offering little light. He licked his dry lips and looked up at the pale man laying in the bed beside the only window.
"Shiro..." The young man murmured, tilting his head back to rest on the wall. "Will you please wake up?"
Another quiet day with clear skies and soft breezes. The green grass danced slowly as the branches of distant trees waved. Keith helped Katie and Allura in the gardens and with the animals while Hunk stayed in the house and cleaned with Coran.
Katie used her abilities to heal bruised and insect bitten fruits and vegetables. "We have plenty of ripe plants this year." The girl mused, everything she picked gathered in her apron.
Allura hummed with a smile. "Yes. We have been fruitful this year."
Keith raised his basket of pickings. "Hunk will make us feast tonight."
Katie grinned. "About time, I say."
All three laughed softly, then froze at a distant rumbling.
Allura blinked, then raised her head to look at the sky. "There's no storm coming..."
"And it wasn't from the ground." Katie added softly, then their gazes all snapped to the distant mountains as the rumbling sounded again.
"Dragon?" Allura whimpered, stepping back.
Keith shook his head, placing his hand on the small of Allura's back. "Can't be. They were all killed a hundred years ago. The last was slain by Zarkon and Lotor."
Katie huffed. "I still doubt they killed the last one. Those two are liars and thieves. I still have issues believing they fought any Dragon, let alone the last hundred."
"Let's just go inside. I'm sure it's just another battle." Keith urged them towards the house.
Keith jolted awake to a low, weak, nearby rumbling. He slowly sat up, rolling his neck that now ached from sleeping in the wooden chair. Keith glanced to the man resting on the bed then looked out the window.
He stood up, narrowing his eyes. Another low rumble sounded, a low-pitched, groveling whine following. Something large dragged itself from the tree line. Keith's eyes widened and he rushed out.
Coran stood in the kitchen, looking up as Keith hurried in. "Where are you going so late?"
"There's something by the trees." Keith responded, grabbing his gauntlets and fastening them on his forearms. "I'm going to check it out."
The older man hummed. "Be careful. Bring your blade."
Keith unsheathed his blade slightly from his boot to flash to Coran before sheathing it again. Coran shrugged. "Should have expected that."
Keith chuckled, then waved before exiting the house. Keith looked around, then raised his hand. There was a small flicker from his palm, then his whole hand was engulfed in flames. His eyes adjusted quickly to The lighting and he began to make his way to the tree line.
Once he reached the area he saw the beast at, he crouched and lowered his fire.
Magenta liquid smeared into the grass. Keith reached down and touched it. "Blood..." He huffed bemusedly. "Dragon's blood."
Keith stood and looked in the direction the trail went to. "Back into the trees, huh?" He began to follow the blood-marked path through the trees.
Not much longer later, Keith could hear soft rumbles and whimpers of agony. He stretched his arm forward and saw it.
It lay across a boulder, its magenta blood soaking its dark scales and pooling beneath it.
"They aren't all extinct." Keith murmured, stepping closer.
A deep, guttural growl came from the beast, its paws stretching out. Keith maneuvered to get a view of its head.
The Dragon let its head dangle from the boulder and Keith winced. Magenta poured from a deep gouge in the base of the thing's neck. "Damn... You poor thing."
A weak, breaking whine came from the reptile. It tried raising its head, but gave up after a few ticks.
Keith sighed. "You sad, miserable thing." It whimpered as he touched its stained scales.
He closed his eyes and crouched down. "It's sad I have to do this. I don't want you to suffer." Keith grabbed the hilt of his blade. "I'm going to have to let you sleep."
The sound of his blade must have had adrenaline suddenly shooting through the dragon's veins. Keith yelped as the beast lounged at him with a roar, knocking him back.
A sharp pain cracked through Keith's skull as he fell back, then everything went black.
Coran hummed and stretched as he made his way down the creaky wooden stairs. "Good morning everybody!" He cheered.
Hunk grinned. "Good morning! Eggs?"
"Mm, yes please." Coran sat beside Allura.
Katie looked up. "Is Keith still in Shiro's room?"
The cook raised a brow. "No. I checked just a few ticks ago. Outside?"
"No." Allura shook her head. "I was just out there. He wasn't anywhere."
Coran blinked. "Oh... He never came back?"
The other three looked over to him. "What? What are you talking about?" Allura asked softly.
"Keith said he saw something in the trees and wanted to check it out." Coran tapped his chin. "I suppose it was a mistake to let him go alone."
Katie groaned. "You think!?"
His entire body ached. His mouth tasted slightly copper-y.
Keith groaned, rolling onto his side. He huffed, pushing himself up. "Stone?"
"Damn." Keith jolted. "Took you long enough to wake up."
He leapt to his feet, grabbing for his blade.
"Looking for this?"
Keith blinked, staring at his blade in another man's hand. "How...?"
The man dipped under water, then came back up. Keith's eyes widened as he stood. "You... You're a..."
"A Dragon." The man mused, carding his hand through his hair. "Yeah. Soak it in. They aren't extinct."
Dark blue and silver scales littered his shoulderblades and over his shoulders. When he turned, Keith could see the scales spreading in patches over his chest and smaller ones down his abdomen.
Keith then felt blood rush to his cheeks and his snapped his head back. "Damn it! Put on some clothes!"
The man in the clear pool blinked, then glanced down. "Oh. Right. Humans don't particularly like seeing other humans bare of clothing." He then snickered.
The human groaned loudly, hands now over his eyes. "What the fuck? Where am I?"
"My cave in the Abelor Mountains." He shook himself, walking deeper into the cave. "Don't worry, it's safe up here and the cold winds don't reach back here."
"I'm not worried about that." Keith grumbled. "I'm in a cave with a Dragon. I'd rather be fighting an entire Galran fleet."
"Not like dragons?"
"You're supposed to be extinct and you kidnapped me."
"Oh. Right." The Dragon laughed softly.
Keith sneered, dropping his hand to glare into the cave. "That's not funny! Now bring me back home."
The Dragon seemed to paused. "Uhm... I can't do that." He came out of the dark, now fully clothed.
"And why not?" Keith stomped his foot, then marched over to the Dragon.
"Because you saw me." He raised his chin. Keith tried making himself look bigger. "I can't have you telling people."
Keith glowered. "Why not? From what I saw, people already know you're alive."
The Dragon shook his head. "No. The men that attacked me think I'm dead, now. If you tell anyone, they could find out and come back for me. I can't have them find my cave."
The human shook furiously. "Why?"
"I can't tell you." He stepped around Keith.
"Why not?" Keith pivoted to continue glaring at the Dragon. "If I'm trapped here, I may as well know!"
"If you somehow manage to escape, I can't have you telling anybody or letting it slip." The Dragon adjusted his dark, navy blue cloak. He tightened his leather belt and fastened a scabbard to his belt. "Don't leave the cave unless you want to freeze to death."
"What!? Where are you going!?"
"To the town at the bottom of the mountain. I don't have food you humans eat."
Keith bristled as the Dragon walked quietly to the opening of the cave. "I'll just leave while you're gone, you know!"
The Dragon seemed unaffected as he just left.
"I'm gonna walk right out! The cold won't bother me one bit, you asshole!" Keith snapped, storming towards the opening. He began to shake as the icy-cold breeze began to blow on him. As soon as he set foot outside of the cave, a wave of snow and freezing wind crashed over Keith. He leapt and scrambled back into the cave until he was warm again.
Keith pivoted and swung his head, looking for the heat source. He then looked up and blinked. "White flames?"
Little balls of white licked up at the cave ceiling from their pods jutting out of the cave walls. Keith sighed. "No. Eternal flames."
He looked back to the cave entrance. "Bastard."
"Keith, come on!"
Allura, Hunk and Katie all searched the tree line. Katie raised her skirt and ran down the hill. She paused, then raised her head. "Guys! Come here!"
Hunk and Allura looked up, then hurried down. "What is it?" Allura gasped, trying to catch her breath.
Katie pointed down to the grass. "Blood. Dark blood. Too dark for human. Or any other non-magical creature."
Allura's gaze followed the trail. "It must be a Dragon... It can't possibly be anything else."
Hunk sighed. "Or something else. Dragons are all extinct. Maybe it's something undiscovered."
"Whatever it is," Katie murmured. "I think Keith found it and it took him."
Keith sat, legs and arms crossed as he glared into the clear, glowing pool. His eyes narrowed further and the water began to boil.
"Where'd you learn fire magic?"
Keith swore to himself that he wouldn't be startled by the Dragon again, but he nearly jumped right into the pool. "Dumbass! Announce yourself when you come in!" Keith leapt to his feet.
The dragon grinned, dropping a burlap sack at their feet. "Mind cooking? I don't even eat human food."
The human huffed, folding his arms. "What if I don't want to eat?"
"Then starve." The Dragon shrugged. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna go to the back. Don't follow me."
Keith clenched his jaw. "Why ? Is your precious 'treasure' back there?" He sneered.
"That, among other precious things." The Dragon answered, already making his way down the darkened end of the cave. "I don't want you messing up everything I've been working so hard on."
Keith jolted, eyes widening slightly. Once he vanished in to the darkness, Keith looked down at the burlap sack. "Now that I think about it... I am kinda hungry..."
The cave was silent... Again.
Keith stared at the 'man' in front of him, wondering how he could get him to talk.
"Name." Keith sudden spoke, gaining the dragon's attention.
"I've been forced to stay in this cave for over a week, and I don't even know my captor's name." Keith smuggly held up his fork.
The Dragon raised a brow. "Alright... You tell me your name."
Damn. Backfire. "Keith."
"You can call me Lance."
"Is that not your name?" Keith bit into his meat.
Lance shrugged. "I just doubt you could possibly call me by my real name without insulting me. I mean, unless you can speak Dragontongue?"
Keith blinked, then shook his head. "I didn't even know Dragons had their own language."
"Now you do." He mused, biting into his own raw meat. "But, roughly translated, my name is Lance." He stood up, slightly pointed ears twitching. "I have to go."
"There are soldiers climbing up the mountain." Lance yawned and stretched his arms up above his head.
Keith raised his brow. "How do you know?"
Lance's right ear wiggled. "Dragon hearing, Quiche."
The human twitched and scrunched his nose. "My name is Keith!" He hissed, watching Lance fasten the fur cloak around his shoulders.
Katie paced back and forth, thumbnail between her teeth. Her gaze flicked back and forth between the wooden floor boards and the man laying in the bed.
Eventually, Katie came to a stop, her eyes watering. She rushed to the bed and fell to her knees. "Takashi." She took his hand. "Takashi, I'm trying... I know you want to wake up, Takashi. You wouldn't still be alive if you didn't. I know you're fighting, and I'm trying to help you, Takashi... But there's only so much my herbs and oils can do."
The young mage swallowed thickly, biting back tears. "Keith is still missing, Takashi. I can't tell if he's dead or if he's alive. He's too far out of Allura's range. We need your help to find him, Takashi." Katie's voice dropped to a whisper. "Takashi... I don't forgive you... I didn't get to tell you that I don't forgive you, because... Because there's nothing for me to forgive. You didn't kill my father. It wasn't you. You didn't lose my brother. You were forcibly separated."
A single tear slipped from her amber eyes. She reached over and brushed the pad of her thumb over his scar. "Takashi, please... Please wake up. We need you... Keith needs you- I need you... I need you, Takashi."
Lance whistled as he stretched out on his back. "You done, yet?" He mused, twirling Keith's blade.
Keith shot a glare over his shoulder. "No. Now, stop asking. Don't look until I saw you can."
"Geez." Lance sighed. "I was just asking. I need a bath, too, ya know. Dragons like their baths."
"And so do I!" Keith shouted, sinking deeper into the pool. "You are such an impatient creature! And to think! I was going to be nice and put you out of your misery!"
Lance hummed. "That's mean, you know. Dragons heal super fast."
Keith grumbled. "I noticed. You were just fine when I had woken up that day."
The Dragon grinned, tilting his head enough to look back at Keith. He whistled again. "Do all humans have such smooth-looking skin under their clothes?"
Keith shouted and whipped around. "I said don't look!"
"Why not? It's nothing to be ashamed about." Lance shrugged and looked back to the ceiling.
The human glowered. "How would you like it if I looked at you while you were bathing!?"
Lance furrowed his brows. "I wouldn't care? What kind of question is that?"
"Are you shameless, you damned Dragon!?"
"No. It's just us dragons don't like the confines of clothing. We don't understand a human's need for clothes other than to keep warm when cold." Lance muttered, running the pad of his thumb over the edge of the blade.
Keith rolled his eyes, reaching for the robe Lance left by the pool. He climbed out, making sure Lance wasn't looking. "It's called 'decency' and 'privacy.' Obviously you don't have a sense of either."
"Hey!" Lance rolled onto his stomach, looking over at Keith. "What does a human penis look like?"
The human jolted, fumbling with the belt of the robe. "E-excuse me!?" Keith sputtered, red crawling up his neck and over his cheeks.
"Your penis. Your dick. Your manhood-"
"I know what a penis is!" Keith's voice cracked, holding the fabric tighter around himself in self-consciousness.
Lance pushed himself to his feet. "Then what's it look like? I wanna know how different our dicks are."
Keith took a step back. "Hell no! Find someone else to tell you!"
Before Keith could escape(not that he could), Lance was standing just inches in front of him. Keith gasped and jumped back.
Lance grabbed Keith's arm and spun him around.
"Lance-!" Keith yelped, struggling against the arm that now caged him. Warm breath fanned over his still-damp neck and through his wet hair. Keith shuddered, jerking in Lance's hold as the dragon's hand slid under the robe. "Stop it!" Keith tried yanking himself away.
Keith froze, starting to shake as he was fondled. He gripped Lance's arms, trying to push him away. "S-stop..." Keith gasped, feeling blood and heat all rush down to his groin. "Please..."
They sunk to the floor. Lance let his legs dangle into the water whereas Keith curled up between Lance's legs. Lance held Keith tightly, pumping Keith's length to full hardness. Keith bit down hard on his lip to keep from making any noises to encourage Lance. He strained against Lance, head tilted back over Lance's shoulder whilst Lance looked down to see what he was doing to the human.
"Is this it?" Lance mused, tracing Keith's head.
"Sh-shut up..." Keith ground out, trembling and toes curling.
Lance hummed. "It must be because I'm a Dragon that mine is much bigger than yours." Keith tried pushing Lance's hand away. Lance seemed unphased by Keith's struggles. "It's so smooth, too. The head is-"
"Just shut up!" Keith hissed, trying to use his legs to get Lance off.
The Dragon was having none of this. He swung his leg up, then had both Keith's legs pinned. He stroked up Keith's length. Keith struggled to keep back a whining moan.
Lance kept his attention focused on Keith's cock. "Ours aren't too different."
Keith rolled his head away, digging his nails into Lance's arms. "G-get off!"
"What's the most sensitive?" Lance sang softly, squeezing Keith. Keith jerked in Lance's grasp. Lance ran the tips of his fingers up the underside, causing Keith to shudder heavily and whimper. Lance grinned. "All of it is sensitive." He laughed.
The human jammed his elbow into Lance. "Shut up!"
Lance raised a brow, then gave a firm squeeze. "A-ah!" Keith gasped, back arching. Lance chuckled.
"I'll show you how ours are different." Lance nudged Keith's legs open just a little bit. "For one, sacks are nearly the same. Not much difference there." Keith shook, still trying to pry away from Lance.
"Then, like this," Lance ran his thumb and index finger up both underside and upperside from the base to the head, twisting along the way, "are these rough, small lumps." Keith choked as Lance's nail ran along the rim of his head. "This is also rough and rigid. Keeps from sliding out so easily. Is this supposed to keep you from sliding out?" Lance huffed, circling his finger and thumb around Keith's rim. "Almost useless. Too smooth."
"J-just st-stop... Stop..." Keith stuttered, panting softly as siliva built up under his tongue and threatening to spill over. Tears gathered in his dark, lavender eyes. "Stop it..."
Lance peeked at Keith's red face, a small smirk curling his lips. "It feels good, doesn't it?"
Keith grunted as Lance squeezed. "N-no!" Keith squirmed, pushing against Lance's arm. His jaw dropped and his back arched as Lance stroked up and twisted his hand, running his thumb over the head. "S-stop!"
"Not until you're done." Lance whispered, eyes on Keith's face while his hand still stroked and squeezed Keith's length.
Keith weakly struggled against Lance, brows furrowed and breath picking up pace. "No-no, just- just stop! Please!"
Lance's other hand slid into the upper half of Keith's robe. "I also wonder about these."
The fire mage cried as his nipple was pinched and twisted. He threw his head back onto Lance's shoulder, wriggling. "Lance! N-no more!"
The Dragon nearly purred in delight, tugging and stroking and flicking and squeezing.
Keith became a squirming, panting, moaning mess between Lance's legs and in his arms, having lost all fight in him. "Lance! L-Lance, st-stop!"
Lance's leg lifted off Keith's to sit a little more comfortably. "Human bodies are so sensitive and adorable." Lance mused. "I think I like it."
The robe fell from Keith's shoulders, so Lance tilted his head down. He pressed his lips to the smooth skin, then trailed his lips to Keith's neck. Keith trembled, gasping softly and moaning loudly.
"Your skin is so soft." Lance murmured, then gently nipped at Keith's neck.
"Ah!" Keith jerked, tears slipping from his eyes unwillingly. "S-sto..."
Lance licked up Keith's neck, then latched his lips to the skin. Keith made an odd, strangled noise Lance never heard before, but found himself enjoying as he sucked happily on Keith's milky skin. Lance licked his lips as he pulled back, then grinned in pride at the mark he's made.
Keith's hips bucked up into Lance's hand. Lance hummed. "Humans are so interesting. I just want to know more and more." Lance squeezed and twisted, watching as his fingers were wettened by precum. "You're reacting so... How do I say it?"
"F-fuck off..." Keith panted, eyes closed.
"Does it really feel so good for you to make such an expression?" Lance asked, wanting to try more. "Do you act like this whenever you're in a female?"
"Just sh-shut up!" Keith shouted, straining against Lance.
The Dragon looked back down. "Have you ever been inside a female of your kind before? Or even a male?"
Keith groaned, his hips rolling. "Th-that's none o-of your business!"
"It's not like I'm going to judge you." Lance caressed Keith's length. "I'm a Dragon, not a human. Have you? Or was another male inside you?"
The human jolted, clutching tighter to Lance's forearms. "I'd never let another man so much as touch me down there!"
"But you'd let me? A male? Granted, I'm a Dragon, not a man."
"I'm not letting you!" Keith returned to trying to force Lance off.
Lance chuckled. "Then I'll try and end this a little faster." He pumped harder, stroking faster. Keith's breath caught in his throat, his head spinning. "Keith, you're so pretty." He murmured, twisting and stroking.
Keith gasped and moaned loudly, trembling hard with each downward stroke. "Lance-!"
The Dragon watched amusedly as white came spurting from Keith's tip. In moments, Lance's hand was sticky with it. Keith shuddered one last time before falling lax against Lance.
"This is all? If it is, Dragon's produce a lot more."
"Just-... Just shut your mouth." Keith panted, eyes squeezed shut.
Lance glanced to his arms where Keith's grip was previously. He hummed. He burned me.
Lance yawned and stretched, then jumped and yelped at a sudden, startled scream.
"Holy shit! When the hell did you turn into a Dragon!?"
Said Dragon blinked, then looked down to his scaly paws. He grinned sheepishly. "Last night. Before I fell asleep." Lance shook his heavy body to rid of the last remnants of sleep. "Why are you so shocked? I am a Dragon. Not a human." He mused.
Keith glowered. "It's a little weird to wake up and see a fucking Dragon walking around, okay!?"
Lance chuckled, stretching his wings and flicking his tail. "Funny. I'm used to a human walking around my own cave." He arched his back and shook again. "I need to check my territory."
"Wait, wait! How do you not freeze out there!?" Keith shouted, gesturing to the cave entrance.
The Dragon looked out into the blizzard currently rampaging passed the entrance. "Uh... Because I'm an ice-slash-water Dragon? I'm a little kind immune to the cold."
Keith furrowed his brows. "Really?"
"Yeah. Anyway, I'll be right back. I'll get you some food while I'm out, too."
"Uh, okay..."
Keith watched Lance leave and vanish into the blizzard. Once he was sure the Dragon was gone, Keith scrambled ti his feet and dashed to the dark end of the cave. He skidded to a halt, blinking as he came to a fork. He glanced down one, then down the other.
The human chewed on his lip, then trotted down the left path. A dim light shown from the end. "What is he hiding down here? It's probably his treasure fortress." Keith muttered with a roll of his eyes.
He hummed softly, then paused as the fave opened up. The ceiling raised up several meters and was open up at the very top. This part of the cave circled, making a room. In the center was another white eternal flame. Along the wall was little nests made up of different elements.
The nest closest to Keith was built of stones and sand. A tan-splotchex gray egg was nestled into the stone and sand.
Keith began to walk into the room, passing by the nests.
Vines and twigs and leaves and moss wrapped snuggly around the next egg. The egg was a pale green with brown designs flaring across.
The next nest looked less of a nest and more like a tiny pool for the two eggs inside. The eggs were both several shades of blue and sea foam-green. Beside the pool was a large, ice shell that encased four white and pale-blue eggs, surrounded by more shards of ice.
Near that was a nest compiled of broken blades and melted, disfigured clumps of iron and other metals. Buried in that heap were two more, metallic gray eggs.
Keith paused beside a nest of ashes, flames licking up at the two bright red and yellow eggs. Next to those two was a large, glass-like orb that cradled three more silver eggs being struck by the electricity that stretched and sparked inside.
Then, the last nest was another orb with air tunneling through and making the single, pale purple egg hover. Little clouds seemed to have also formed within the orb.
"Wow..." Keith murmured softly.
"How long have you been in here?"
Keith gasped and jumped, pivoting sharply to look over at Lance. "These- these eggs... Are they Dragon eggs?"
Lance took a step closer. "How long have you been in here?"
"Only... Only a few minutes. I didn't touch anything, either!" Keith added quickly with the suddenly furious expression on the Dragon's face. "I swear!"
He breathed deeply, then sighed and closed his eyes. "Yeah... This is what I've been hiding." His gaze passed solemnly over each nest. "A nursery. I flew around the world, searching for more dragons, but is as either too late, or just in time. These are the few I managed to save. I brought them back to my cave to hide them, then raise them safely once they hatch."
Lance's eyes stopped on water nest. He bit his lip. Keith took a hesitant step towards Lance. "What is it?"
Lance stepped over to the two eggs and crouched beside them. He reached into the crystal clear water and gently touched both the eggs. "Some eggs take longer to hatch. For instance, water Dragons take ten months to hatch whereas fire Dragons take only four months."
"How far along are these eggs?" Keith asked cautiously.
"The fire eggs should be hatching any day now." Lance flattened his palm over the smaller of the two water eggs. "These eggs are eight months along. Earth is three months, vegetation is one month, ice is almost a year now, metal is also three months, lightning is just a few weeks, and air is also just a few weeks."
Keith fiddled with his thumbs. "So you've only started this recently." He murmured, finding his gaze glued to Lance's hand over the eggs. "Uhm... Are- are those?"
Lance closed his eyes and lowered his head. "They're mine..." He whispered, shifting to sit more comfortably. After I found the ice Dragon egg and made sure its nest was perfect, I went in search for more Dragons. I found a water Dragon- Plaxum. I... Wouldn't say I fell in love with her, but there was this definite care. We mated and she lay five eggs."
Keith tugged on his shirt. "But... There's only two?"
"Lotor found us." Lance growled and Keith dropped his head. "He attacked her and our eggs while I was in search of food. I came back only in time to save these two." Silence fell over the room for a few minutes. "It took me three months to begin searching again."
The human gulped. "I'm... Sorry. That's terrible."
Lance shook his head. "Such is the life of a Dragon these days, Keith. There's so few of us left. Sometimes, I'm scared that I'm the last until these ones hatch." He pulled his hand out of the water with slight reluctance."
Keith hesitantly made his way over, placing his hand on Lance's shoulder. "I, uh... I lied... About not letting another man touch me like that..." Lance's eyes stayed focused on his eggs. "There was this man... A soldier. We really loved each other, but we couldn't let anyone know. If anyone knew, we'd be given the death sentence. We spent all the time we could together, then we... We decided to try it." Keith licked his lips. "I... So, we did. I topped, for your information!" Lance smiled slightly. "Then..."
Keith's chest tightened and his brow furrowed. "Not even a week later... He was found out. For another week, he was locked in a jail cell, then he was hanged." Lance glanced up to Keith. "Then, last year... My brother was attacked by Myzaks of the Galran army. He was injured so badly that he's still not awake to this day. His arm is gone, he has these scars, his black hair is now partially white... My friend, Katie, uses her herbal remedies to try and heal him and we all wait for the day he wakes up... But, to me, it's a miracle he's still even alive."
Lance slowly stood, then wrapped his arms around the small human. Keith paused, then slowly returned the gesture. "Sorry... I'm sorry for taking you and for touching you and... And just everything."
"No." Keith just shook his head. "It's okay, Lance. And, you're not alone. Even if you were the last Dragon, I'll be here for you."
The Dragon smiled, squeezing Keith. "Thank you."
Lance snuck silently through trees and around boulders, even though everything was dark and no one else was within the trees.
Once he spotted the house he was sure Keith could be from, he paused. He breathed deeply, the dim lights making him a little nervous. Lance shook his head, then began to jog over.
He peeked into windows, squinting into the dark rooms until he found a sleeping man with a white fringe. A scar cut across his nose and his right arm was mostly gone.
Lance hummed. "Its gotta be him." Lance flicked out a blade from his boot, then used it to pry open the window. He opened the case of water that hung from his belt and twisted his fingers.
Water flowed from the opening. Lance kept his eyes on the flow as it streamed through the opened window. Lance reached in and opened Shiro's mouth. Carefully, Lance eased the water into Shiro's mouth.
Once the water was gone, Lance stood back. Shiro shifted and breathed deeply. He groaned, gray eyes fluttering as they opened. Shiro looked over to Lance. "Who...?" He breathed.
Lance grinned and winked. "No need to thank me, buddy. And, just know, Keith is okay. I promise."
Katie sighed softly, twisting the quill between her fingers. She chewed on her lip, staring out the window to the mountains in the distance. Her brow raised and her gaze switched to the trees as she spotted movement. Katie stared for a moment before deciding it was her own imagination.
The mage sighed and stood, then exited the room. She stretched and made her way down the stairs. Katie glanced over to Shiro's door, then froze, her eyes widening.
The man who had previously been asleep for almost a year stood in the doorway, a frazzled look on his face. Katie's breath caught. "Shiro?"
Said man looked up at her. "Katie?"
Katie sobbed softly, bolting straight over to him. Shiro grunted as she ran into his chest, but wrapped his arm around her. "Shiro! You're awake!"
Shiro swallowed and licked his lips. "Katie... Where's Keith? Who was the man at my window?"
Keith lay back on his makeshift bed of blankets and furs. He tilted his head to look up at Lance as the Dragon came back from the nursery.
"Lance..." Keith murmured, opening his arms.
Lance blinked, but then stepped over and lay on Keith. Keith sighed softly, carding his fingers through Lance's hair. He cupped Lance's jaw and tilted his head up. "Kiss me?"
The Dragon smiled and shuffled up just enough to comply to Keith's request. Keith hummed, closing his eyes. Once they pulled apart, Keith licked his lips. "Don't... Don't leave me..."
"I won't." Lance reached up and pet Keith's hair back. "Even if I do, I promise I'll come back to you someday, somehow."
Keith smiled and pulled Lance back down for another kiss.
Lance then hummed and pulled back up. "Just don't burn me this time."
Both of them laughed softly as Lance nuzzled Keith. "I'll try not to." Keith murmured with a smile.
Lance's hands traveled up Keith's shirt, their lips connecting once again. "Gentle?"
"If your dick is as rough as you say it is, yes." Keith grumbled, fingers curling in Lance's hair.
The Dragon chuckled, kissing down Keith's neck. "Alright. Whatever you want."
Katie bit her lip. "Shiro, I... I don't know. You woke up two weeks ago after being out for almost a year." She murmured, taking his hand in both of hers. "I don't want you trekking into those mountains alone."
Shiro sighed. "Katie. Keith could be up there. I can't just leave him there with a Dragon. It's probably planning on killing him."
The younger mage shook her head. "Shiro, I just-"
"If you're worried about me going alone, then come with me." Shiro narrowed his eyes down at her.
Katie gulped.
"I'll go with you."
Shiro and Katie both looked up at Hunk as he walked into the kitchen. "I'll come with."
The older man nodded, then looked down at Katie. She breathed deeply. "Okay. I'll come with."
Keith groaned as he woke, rolling over to find the other side of the bed empty. He blinked, then pushed himself up. "Lance?"
No answer.
The human huffed and grabbed the nearby robe and wrapped it around himself. He stood, then winced. "Aw, shit..." He shook his head, hands on his hips.
Keith breathed deeply, then made his way to the nursery.
Playful growls and tiny squeaks startled Keith. He peeked into the room to see Lance in his Dragon form, playing with tiny, red versions of himself.
The two tiny dragons flapped their little wings clumsily as they squeaked and little spouts of fire shot from their mouths and out of their nostrils. Keith smiled and relaxed, leaning on the opening.
Lance looked up, dark eyes sparkling giddily. One of the little fire Dragons also noticed Keith and bounded over. Keith bent over to scoop up the tiny reptile. It squeaked and purred, nuzzling Keith. Keith laughed, rubbing his cheek against it. "It's nice to meet you, too!"
Keith looked up to meet Lance's gentle gaze and smiled at him.
"Is this really okay? I mean, leaving Ashe and Spark alone in the cave?" Keith kept glancing back over his shoulder, bundled in a thick cloak of fur and thick clothing beneath.
Lance chuckled, pulling the hood of Keith's cloak further over Keith's head. "It'll be okay. They played for hours, so they'll sleep for hours. Besides, we won't be long." He mused. "We're not even leaving the mountain."
Keith shook his head. "Still. What if they try to leave or what if they go back into the nursery?"
"Stop worrying. You sound like a female." Lance laughed, then grunted as he got an elbow to his gut. "Sorry, sorry!"
"You better be." Keith huffed, but let Lance take his hand.
Lance hummed a tune as he lead Keith down the mountain, grinning widely. Keith smiled, looking over to Lance.
Lance then suddenly halted, his pointed ears twitching. Keith blinked owlishly. "Lance?"
"Some one is coming... Galrans." Lance growled, reaching for the blade strapped to his hip. "Why do they keep returning to our mountain?"
Keith was taken aback by the question. Our mountain? Keith bit his lip, then shook his head looked in the direction Lance was glaring toward.
A blue streak caught Keith off guard and Lance grabbed Keith. They both fell into the thick snow, Keith startled and cold. "Shit!"
"What was that!?"
"Lightning mage!" Lance stood up. "They found out I was a Dragon!"
Keith scrambled to his feet. "How!?"
"Easy, really."
Both Dragon and human pivoted to look up at the Galran Prince.
Lance growled, baring his teeth. "Lotor."
Lotor smirked. "Dragon." He unsheathed his sword. "It'll be nice to finally slay you and make sure you are dead."
Keith stepped in front of Lance, fists bursting into flames. "I don't think so."
The Prince hummed. "A fire mage. Another rarity these days. However, you are of no concern to me. I've come for him."
"You'll have to go through me to get to him." Keith ground out.
"How trivial." Lotor sighed with a shake of his head. The soldier beside Lotor flicked her wrist.
Keith shouted as he was flung to the snow.
"Keith!" Lance shouted, then glared at Lotor. "I swear I'm going to kill you!" He hissed, scales forming on his dark skin as he shifted. His roar echoed through the mountains, Keith needing to cover his ears.
"A fight with a real Dragon!" Lotor spread his arms. "It's been a few months! Last Dragon I killed was the lovely mate of yours ans your eggs!"
Lance dug his claws into the ground, tail lashing. A large, thin cloud poured from between Lance's teeth and out from his snout. "You're dead."
Lotor raised his chin. "Then come kill me."
"Lance, don't-!" Keith gasped, sitting up, then shouted as Lance roared in agony.
A spear drove into Lance's side, a thick chain linked to it. Lotor grinned. Lance wailed as another spear shot into his hind-leg.
"Lance!" Keith cried.
A chain was thrown over Lance's neck and was yanked, forcing Lance to the ground. Lance flailed and roared, thrashing.
Keith screamed as he ran for the soldiers, both his arms engulfed in flames. Soldiers fought back, but didn't last long against the blizzard and Keith's flames.
"Keith!" Lance cried, another chain tossed over him. "Keith, go!"
"No!" Keith swung his leg up, arching it over to kick a soldier in the head. "I'm not leaving you!"
"Keith!" Lance bellowed, straining against the restraints. "Keith, please!"
Keith spun to shout at Lance again, but froze. Lance's eyes were pleading. The eggs... Spark and Ashe. Keith clenched his jaw, blinking back the sting in his eyes.
Without another thought, Keith took off back up the mountain, throwing down balls of flame to scorch any soldier that followed.
Tears began to freely streak his now-freezing cheeks as he ran as quickly as he could through the thick snow and against the blizzard. He could just barely see the entrance of the cave when he was suddenly grabbed.
"Keith!?" A familiar voice shouted over the bellowing winds.
Keith struggled. "No! Let me go, damnit!"
The person holding him shook him roughly, snapping his attention up. "Fuck- I said let go!" Keith snapped.
Shiro stood, shocked as he held Keith. "What? Keith, i-it's me."
"I see that!" Keith shouted, shoving Shiro back. "I need to go- no! Let me go!"
Shiro hefted Keith up, holding him tightly as the fire mage thrashed. "Let me go, Takashi Shirogane! Put me down right now!"
"I got it."
"No! Stop it- I need to get to them! Ashe! Spark!" Keith screamed, voice muffled by the rag the youngest mage held against his mouth and nose.
Keith's head began to spin, eye sight blurring. He shook his head, struggling less. "N-no... No, stop... Please..." Keith fought against the pull of unconsciousness, but it took him under as the cave entrance disappeared in the blizzard.
Keith sighed as he woke, gripping the blanket. "Lance..."
"Keith? Are you awake?"
"Lance?" Keith breathed, blinking to wake himself from his dreary state. "Lance, I had... A weird dream..."
A deep chuckle came from beside Keith. "I don't know who this Lance is, buddy."
Keith furrowed his brows, then gasped and shot up. "Shiro!?"
Shiro grinned. "Hey, Keith."
"You're awake!" Keith grinned, but then paused. "Wait..." He looked around. "We're... Home? Wait, no..." Keith removed the blankets and stood on the floor boards. They felt strange compared to the warm stone he had gotten used to. "When did...? How...?"
"We found you in the mountains." Shiro stood and reached out to Keith. "What happened to you out there? What did that Dragon do to you?"
Keith shook his head, stepping away. "No! No, I can't- I have to get back!" Keith shouted, bolting for the door.
Shiro snatched Keith back. "No you don't! Keith, what happened!?"
"They have him! They took Lance!" Keith hit his fists against Shiro's arm.
"Who? The Dragon!?"
"No!" Keith thrashed. "Lance! I have to save him! I have to check the eggs! I need to get to Spark and Ashe!"
"Keith, you're making no sense!" Shiro shouted.
"The last Dragons!" Keith cried, falling limp. "Shiro, let me go."
"No." Shiro forced Keith down. "Explain what in the world is going on with you."
Keith lashed out. "There's no time!" Keith snapped. "They're going to kill Lance! I have to help him! I need to see Spark and Ashe and take care of the eggs!"
Shiro shook his head. "Keith... Listen-"
"No! You listen to me, Shiro!" Keith, shoved Shiro back. "I love Lance! I haven't told him, and I need to, but Lotor is going to kill him! I need to see Spark and Ashe because they only hatched a week ago! Let me go, please!"
The older mage breathed deeply. "Keith, I... I can't."
"Why not!?"
"They're Dragons, Keith. Dangerous-"
"Fine." Keith clenched his jaw and gripped the sheets. "You won't help me, I'll go myself."
Ashe squeaked and scampered across the stone floor. Keith scooped up the little Dragon and let her nuzzle him. "Hey, sweetheart. I'm sorry for taking so long." Spark trotted over, his wings spread awkwardly. Keith picked him up as well and let him curl over his shoulders.
Spark trilled softly, puffing smoke from his nostrils. Keith smiled. "I missed you, too."
Keith made his way down deeper into the cave and into the nursery. He looked at all the eggs, making sure each and every one of them were settled and okay. Keith set down both the newly hatched fire Dragons. "I need you two to stay here." They tilted their heads. "I need to go get Lance."
Ashe flicked her tail, then purred and lay down. Spark watched her, then curled up next to her.
Keith smiled. "Alright. Stay here."
The two hatchlings trilled, Keith petting them both one last time before rushing out.
Keith pulled his hood farther over his lowered head as he walked through an unfamiliar city. Galran soldiers filed through the streets, talking quietly as the citizens went about their day.
"Did you hear?"
Keith paused, then glanced to his left. A woman stood, her violet gaze on him. "Me?"
She giggled. "Yes, you. Are you here because you heard about the Dragon?"
"Oh..." Keith stepped closer. "I heard rumors. Will you tell me what's really going on?"
"Of course." The Galran citizen smiled. "Prince Lotor captured a Dragon that somehow stayed hidden for the past century. He's displaying it in the town square and will slay the Dragon as the sun sets."
Keith clenched his jaw, then offered a forced smile with a nod. "Thank you. Could you point me in the direction?" She nodded and gestured down in the direction he was previously going. He turned and made his way faster down the cobblestone path. It's almost sunset.
Keith trembled as he stared at the blue Dragon lain across a stage, chains and spears keeping him pinned down. His left wing was tucked under him, his other wing was strerched up, casting a shadow over a nearby building.
"Wish to touch the beast?" Keith didn't need to look up to know who it was. "It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, now." Lotor mused with a gesture to the Dragon.
"Isn't that thanks to you and your Father?" Keith asked, tilting his head slightly.
Lotor chuckled. "Yes, it is. Soon, all the Dragons will be eradicated from our world. They'll no longer be a threat."
Keith hummed. "Then, tell me, my Prince... What has this specific Dragon done to you or to your people?"
The Prince raised a brow and looked down to Keith. "Pardon?"
"I haven't heard of any Dragon attack, let alone from from an ice or water Dragon. So, I'll ask again, what has this Dragon ever done to you or your people? What justifiable reason is there for his death?" Keith turned to look up at Lotor.
Lotor then chuckled, recognizing Keith. "Personally, nothing other than exist. I hope you realize, fire mage, that Dragons are no different from demons. They are a curse to this world."
Keith narrowed his eyes. "If he's a curse, then you're a damnation to this world." Lotor laughed. "He's done nothing but try and survive. He's never hurt any body. No human or creature otherwise."
The Prince drew his sword as people began to fill the town square. "I'm glad you came. You get a front-row view of the last Dragon's demise."
Keith's jaw clenched as he watched Lotor take three steps forward. He jumped, eyes widening as as sudden burst of air tossed Lotor to the ground. Keith pivoted, eyes wide. "Shiro?"
Shiro grinned, straightening his stance. "I couldn't leave my brother to do something so dangerous alone. I brought Pidge and Hunk with me."
Keith smiled, flames beginning to lick up his fingers. "In for another battle?"
"Am I ever."
Keith panted, falling to his knees beside Lance. "Lance? Lance, hey." He cradled Lance's large head, drawing him closer. "Lance, it's okay now."
A soft rumble came from the Dragon's throat. "Keith?" He cracked his eyes open enough to look up at the mage.
He smiled, petting Lance as Shiro and Hunk broke the chains. "Yeah. Come on. Let's get you to the cave. Can you shift back? It'll be easier to carry you."
"Uhn..." Lance shifted and flinched. "The-the spears..."
Keith nodded, looking up at Shiro. The older mage looked to Hunk, then they both worked to pull out the two spears.
Lance roared in agony, body jerking as his dark, magenta blood gushed from the wounds. Keith turned to look away. "I could... Cauterize the wounds... It'll stop the bleeding."
"Y-yeah... That-that would be... Be good..."
Keith grit his teeth together. "Alright..." He breathed deeply and slowly stood, carefully setting Lance's head down. "Okay..."
Lance groaned as Keith and Hunk lowered him into the clear pool.
Squeaks and trills surprised the new three, but Keith let Spark leap up into his arms while Ashe crawled onto Lance's shoulders and nuzzled him.
"Hiya, sweetheart." Lance smiled rubbed his cheek against hers. Ashe purred, tail curling.
Hunk giggled, scratching under Spark's chin. "They're like kittens!"
Katie snorted. "Aside from the fact that they're Dragons."
Shiro chuckled. "Alright, you two. Why don't we step back and give them some space?
The earth mage pouted, but moved away. Katie and Shiro followed as Keith got down to his knees.
"Lance..." He wrapped his arms around the Dragon, not caring if his sleeves got wet. Lance leaned into him with a relaxed hum. "Don't worry me like that again, you jerk."
Lance chuckled, raising a hand to tangle his fingers in Keith's hair. "I won't."
"Promise me, asshole."
"I promise, I promise!" Lance laughed, which then progressed to coughs. He shook his head, petting a worried Ashe. "I promise I won't worry you so badly ever again."
Keith nodded. "Good."
Lance smiled, eyes closing as he relaxed back. Keith rested his head against Lance's, the two hatchlings nuzzled happily between then.
"I love you." Keith whispered softly, making Lance's smile widened.
"I love you, too, Keith."
8144 words
There's going to be another big gap between this and the next one shot since I'm leaving the country and will have no access to internet or service or anything.
So, savor this until the next one is out. :p
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