"Hello friends from Marley! Welcome to Paradis Island! I'm Hange, here to greet our guests who've come so far across the sea! Now, step this way and join us for some tea!"
I adored Hange to pieces, but my god, every time they opened their mouth lately I got a wave of second hand embarrassment. As the Commander exuberantly gestured towards the petrified Marleyans we had lined up on the shore I took the opportunity to launch myself up and onto Eren's shoulder.
He had been the one to seize the ship in his titan form, and he hadn't changed back yet. There would likely be more lurking in nearby waters, so it was a good move. I knew Armin was on standby as well.
"Good job. No casualties, either." I commended, stabilising myself by holding a lock of his thick hair. He glanced over to me out of the corner of his eye, but made no other move. I knew it would have been hard on him, having to deal with people from Marley. It was hard for me to.
What if Reiner's on one of the ships next time..?
Sighing, I gave him a pat on the jaw before grappling back down, landing upon the stationary ship. Just briefly looking around me, I knew they were leaps and bounds ahead of us when it came to technology. No matter how much we prepared, going against them would be the biggest struggle we would face.
My boots crunched against gritty sand and dirt as I exited the ship, catching the eye of one of the prisoners as I passed. His brown eyes were screaming with concealed panic, blond hair sticking out every which way. I pitied him, but only for a brief moment. He was probably a military dog too, but a dog's fate laid within the hands of its master.
"(Y/N), would your unit kindly escourt our guests to Base Two so we can prepare them for their stay? Levi and I are gonna have a nice chat with their superior officers!" Hange addressed me in such a bubbly manner, it was almost concerning. They knew how serious the situation was, but they just couldn't tone it down.
"You heard the Commander!" I shouted, gaining the attention of my squad, still not quite used to using that term when talking about Hange. "Round them up and roll out!" I wasn't used to being such a high rank, either. Much to my dismay, I was actively trying to carry myself in a mature manner when in the public eye. It was all fun and games when it was only my name being tarnished, but now that my paternal lineage was common knowledge I felt like I had to straighten out.
It didn't take long for the Marleyans to be loaded into their carts, and we were off. Between Wall Maria and the sea, we had set up four bases to make travelling back and forth more bearable.
Base One was by the shore, where we had prepared to take prisoners and keep a lookout for any approaching enemies.
Base Two was roughly an hour away on horseback, and was where we would process Marleyans and whoever else decided to pay us a visit. From there, Base Three served as a supplies checkpoint, and Base Four was where the Interior Police awaited to take custody of whomever we brought.
It wasn't a great setup, but it was a work in progress. At the very least it made it less stressful when I wanted to head back home to see Verena, or Odette and the other kids at the orphanage.
When we were about half way, I turned and whistled to Floch, who rode up to my side.
"What's up? Wanted to chat?" He asked curiously, but I shook my head.
"Can you take the lead for a bit? I want a better look at who we're bringing in."
I shouldn't...I don't want to see them as people...
His brow furrowing, Floch glanced around at the barred carts, then back to me.
"I mean, sure, but why? I mean, and I'm not trying to offend you by saying this, you kinda already got attached to Marleyans before. You think it's a good idea to be taking an interest?"
He had a point, and I couldn't blame him for it, but I felt like I had to check them out. What if there was one of the nine amongst them? I was sure Eren would have figured it out if that was the case, but still. It was an excuse.
"That attachment was severed and you know it. I just want to have a little look, so don't go lecturing me. It's hard to take advice from somebody who used to have the hairstyle you did." I chuckled, but it didn't quite sound right. Still, Floch feigned an offended gasp, shooing me away with a limp wrist and an upturned nose.
"For the sake of our comradery I'll pretend you didn't say that!" He snapped in jest, and I snorted softly as I rounded my horse to head back towards the leading cart, pulling up to a trot along its side.
The prisoners were mostly male, all keeping their heads down and backs straight, stiff with fear. At least most of them. Right at the tail end sat the blond I had briefly taken notice of before, staring straight at me.
The look on his face was complex. There was definite contempt, but it was laced with intense panic, and perhaps a little curiosity. To all others, he very well could have been a kind soul, but we were Eldians. Devils who had the power to flatten the earth and destroy everything and everyone. I couldn't blame him for hating us at least a little.
"Yo. Blondie. What's your name?" I threw aside the tone I had adopted for my position, opting for something a little less intimidating. The Marleyan jolted, back stiffening like a board once he realised I was addressing him, but he didn't answer. "Yeah, I'm talking to you. Just a name, not asking for any kind of deep conversation."
Wildly suspicious, and seemingly quite insulted that I dared to speak to him directly, he grimaced, eyes not once moving from mine.
"N..Niccolo..." His voice was hoarse, and again I pitied him. I couldn't help it. I knew what it was like to be carted off against my will.
Against my better judgement, I moved closer to the cart, reaching to my hip to remove my water flask, holding it out through the bars in offering. I had now gained somewhat of an audience, with members of both my squad and the incarcerated Marleyans watching the exchange.
It was safe to say that I was disappointed when Niccolo smacked the flask from my hand, teeth bared and eyes burning as it clanged against the wood and tumbled out to the ground, being left behind in the dust. Still, it was to be expected.
"I don't want your tainted water, you Devil!"
Sucking in my bottom lip so I wouldn't let my foul attitude slip, I just sighed, falling back a little to give him space. I had tried, and that was enough for me.
After another long while, we arrived at Base Two, and I let my squad unload the prisoners as I hitched my horse and spoke to a few people, filling them in on what had transpired, and to expect more loads of Marleyans within the next few hours.
Taking a vacant seat under one of the canopies, I rubbed at my eyes and yawned, my bones and muscles aching much more than I was usually okay with. I was preparing to force myself back up when all of a sudden a waft of steam blew up into my face, and when i blinked it away I could faintly see my reflection in a bowl of soup.
"Don't you even think about heading back just yet. Eat something." Looking up, I relaxed when I met Jean's eyes, accepting the bowl with a nod.
"Fine, but only because I skipped breakfast...and lunch...and dinner..."
Taking a seat on the ground next to my chair, Jean rested his arms on his knees.
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that, because I doubt you're in any mood for a lecture..." He glanced up at me as I ate, hair falling into his eyes a little. "It's finally starting. I can't decide whether I'm shocked at how quickly they sent people, or at how long it took."
Whilst swallowing I moved my bowl and spoon to one hand, resting them on my knee as I reached down and swept his hair out of his face, lingering for a few risky moments until his cheeks began to dust pink.
"You really need a haircut...or not. Just keep it out of your eyes. You look like a shaggy dog."
I already know I have a thing for longer hair so it would be safer for you to cut it...
"Uh, but, I get what you mean. I'm surprised that they didn't come with more weapons, if I'm honest, though I don't know what the other ships off the coast are carrying." Lifting my bowl to my lips, I threw my head back, stuffing it down my gullet and placing it down on the opposite side of my chair. "That's why I need to head back out there, just in case."
Before I could make a move to stand, Jean threw his arm out and pressed it against my legs, making sure I stayed put.
"Hold it, missy. How long have you been awake? I know you didn't sleep the last time you were here two days ago, so let's hear it."
He already knew I didn't have a good answer for his question. Just looking at me made it obvious I had bags weighing down my eyes, and I was pretty sure I looked as though I could drop dead at any given moment. Casting my gaze aside, I scrunched up my nose.
"I three hours or somethin'...Give or take..."
Definitely give...
Rolling his eyes, Jean stood up and brushed himself off, offering me his hand to take.
"I thought as much. That's why I set up a tent for you. You've been doing great, but you won't be any help if you pass out on duty." He looked like he wanted to add something else, but decided against it.
Begrudgingly, I took his hand and allowed him to pull me up, not having the energy - or want - to take back my hand as he began to lead me across the camp.
"You didn't have to do that..." I yawned again, the mention of somewhere to sleep really making me feel my exhaustion.
"Well, I did, and you're gonna use it. Here we are..." Jean slowed by the entrance of a tent, using his arm to move the door flap before leading me inside. The sight of the low cot was enticing, and I allowed Jean to assist me in slipping off my jacket after he released my hand. "Get some rest. I'll come check on you in a bit."
I wasn't sure why I reached out to stop him. Perhaps it was because we hadn't really seen each other much over the past few weeks, or maybe it was just because I liked him being around.
"Stay a bit. Talk with me." It wasn't a request I would usually make, and it seemed to take him by surprise.
Even so, he sat himself down beside the cot as I laid down upon my stomach, resting my chin on my arms so I could still look at him.
"A little birdy told me you offered one of the Marleyans water." He lifted a questioning brow, and I shrugged.
"Yeah, and he rejected it. Just thought I'd try to be human, y'know? Show them we aren't devils, but...well, we kinda are, so..."
I am, at least...
Humming, the man shifted a little closer, his arm now touching my elbow.
"Well, he's an idiot. I, for one, would have jumped at the offer." It was my turn to cock a brow this time, and I nudged him a bit despite having very little energy left.
"Duh, because that'd be your way of scoring an indirect kiss, right?"
Snorting, Jean's cheeks began to pink up as he nudged me right back, leaning a little so he could really look at me.
"You saying you were trying to give that prisoner an indirect kiss? Do I have to worry about more competition now?"
When he laughed I couldn't help but think about how much I liked the sound. It was still very boyish, like it had been when we had first met, but no longer did it hold any condescending tones. It wasn't something I automatically paired with taunting or shit talking anymore. It gave me comfort.
I can't keep screwing them around like this...
"Jean, I-"
"Nope. I know what you're gonna say." He held his hand up to stop me speaking, then moved it to settle in my hair, toying with the greasy (H/C) strands I hadn't washed for weeks. "I'm glad you're taking your time to really think about what's best for you. I mean, yeah, I want you to choose me, and it's hard, since I'm not exactly the most patient guy, but I'd rather you be sure and not regret your decision."
Yep, he really had matured since that day on the training grounds, and it wasn't making things easy. Neither was Levi. They both had equal pros and cons, that much I had figured out, but I just couldn't decide. I wasn't in the right headspace to, and it wasn't fair on them, because who knew if I ever would be?
Lazily taking his hand from my hair, I pulled it to my face, resting my cheek upon his palm. It was a familiar warmth that I craved, and I found myself closing my eyes and inhaling a breath of him.
"You make it really hard to even consider anybody else, Jean..." I murmured, surrendering in battle against sleep. Before I succumbed, I felt the ghost of something soft and warm against my temple.
"Good...Sorry, but, I hope I can make it impossible..."
***Partially a filler I guess? It's like 2:30am again and I don't know what I'm doing.
I know there are probably no bases or whatever, but I'm rolling with it. I'm half asleep anyway so I currently do not care.
Again, Jean or Levi? Levi or Jean? Reiner, maybe?
Also I love Floch as a character (minus whatever the fuck his hair was when he was introduced) so I will not tolerate anyone slandering my son.
But seriously whi the heck should Y/N choose because I had it all planned out but I'm second guessing myself and I'm not sure if I'm gonna re-mentally-write it all from here. H e l p
Next Time: Co-Sign***
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