Arthur cried again. He curled up in the bed. He couldn't feel Alfred. He couldn't hear Alfred. He couldn't see Alfred. For the past month, there was nothing aside from loneliness. Arthur started to think that... Maybe Francis was right. Maybe it was all in his head.
Arthur grasped the pillow, searching for that faded smell he knew was no longer there.
"Arthur?" Said man looked up from his place in his bed as Alistor cracked open the door. "You have a visitor."
Sluggishly, Arthur dragged himself into his living room, then gasped.
His visitor smiled shyly and gave a short wave of his hand. "Hey, Arthur. I wanted to drop by sooner, but I didn't get the chance until now, eh?"
After a drawn out silence, the visitor felt as if he could melt. When Arthur opened his mouth, he thought the older man was going to yell.
"Matthew..." The name was a short whisper, but the owner of the name looked up and nodded. A small smile pulled up the corners of Arthur's lips and he made his way over. "I haven't seen you in such a long time." He loosely embraced Matthew who carefully retuned the hug. "I missed you, ya know. So did Alfred he'd always talk about you; wondering if you ever got a girlfriend or a good job."
Matthew blushed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly as Arthur released him. "Well, I did get a job. I just didn't... I never got a girlfriend."
Arthur tilted his head. "Oh? A handsome and smart chap like you could win over any girl."
Matthew bit his lip, looking down. "Actually... I have a... A boyfriend..."
The smile on Arthur's features wilted. "Oh... A boyfriend... How nice." There was another tense silence before Arthur had to reach out for support and he started gasping for air. Alistor rushed over and grabbed his little brother as he began to sob. "They... They accepted you?" Tears poured from Arthur's eyes as he clung to his brother. Matthew could only watch. "How-how could they!? How could they do that!?" Arthur began to bawl. "Why w-would they a-accept you, b-but not A-Al... Alfred!"
Alistor sighed, shutting the door behind himself. "He's calmed."
Matthew sighed and relaxed in relief, sitting beside Francis. "I'm sorry for that. I shouldn't have mentioned it."
The Scot shook his head. "No, it's fine. He's just sensitive right now." Matthew nodded. "But I'm curious... Why did you parents accept your sexuality but not Alfred's?"
After shifting to try and get comfortable, Matthew answered quietly. "Dad felt bad about doing that to Alfred. He regretted it everyday. He found out I was gay, too, even though I didn't tell him. He came to my college while I was with my boyfriend, Tim, and introduced himself. I thought he was going to scream at me like he did Alfred, but he didn't. He cried and hugged me. He accepted it because he felt like it would make up for Alfred. He supported Tim and I."
"I see." Alistor leaned back in the couch. "Why didn't he come looking for Alfred afterwards to apologize?"
Matthew bit his lip. "He tried. He couldn't. Then I started getting tabs on Alfred a while ago... Maybe four years ago, from a friend. I'd update dad on how Alfred was. Dad was so proud. Alfred joined the military. He got a good job. He got engaged. He was so close to getting married to the one person he truly loved more than anything." Alistor and Francis watched tears pool in Matthew's violet eyes. "One day, dad came home, a big grin on his face like he won the lottery. He asked, 'how's my eldest boy? He married yet? Was the celebration grand? Did he get promoted at work? Is he planning on adopting?' He was so excited. However... Mom and I... We were crying. We were on the couch. Dad suddenly noticed us, and... He asked, 'Is Alfred okay? Is Arthur okay?' I could only look at him and cry. He understood and immediately blamed himself. He's still blaming himself. He believes what Arthur told us at Alfred's funeral. Dad's not... The same anymore. It's worse than when he sent Alfred away."
The two older men nodded and Francis gently rubbed Matthew's back. "It's alright, Matthew. Go on home. We'll be here." The Canadian nodded and stood. "Goodbye."
Francis sighed, his gaze averting to the promise picture. His eyes saddened as he went through the memory he was trying to erase.
Humming, the American waved goodbye to his coworkers. He slid into his car, a large grin on his face, even as Francis slid into the passenger seat. "So just to Brookshires?"
Francis nodded. "Of course, my darling American!"
Alfred laughed, pulling his car out of the parking lot. "Hey, Frenchie, I'm engaged." Alfred waved his hand with the plain silver band on it, the identical one with an emerald embedded in it on another finger. "I'm only dropping you off at the store."
The Frenchman laughed and tuned the volume to the radio up. They both sang along to the songs that came up until Brookshires came into view. "Here ya go!"
Thanking his ride, Francis stepped out and shut the car door. He waved off the car as it drove towards the exit. However, before Francis turned, he spotted a car speeding down the small street Alfred was turning onto. Alfred turned out of the parking lot and started to drive away. However, he didn't make it far when the speeding car abruptly swerved and rammed head-on into his car.
"Alfred!" Francis screamed, bolting over.
He could hear screams from only one being after the speeding car spun to a stop and Alfred's car flipped and was tossed off the road. Francis dashed around the other car and straight to where the screams were coming from. Francis had to break the car-door off to get to the man inside. "Hold on, Alfred! People are calling the ambulances!" Francis tried not to panic as he had to cut the seatbelt to get Alfred out. People started surrounding the wreck, most on their phones calling the authorities.
Alfred still screamed in agony, however. His left arm was bent awkwardly and his legs had been crushed on impact. He started gasping for air and clawing at his chest with his only good limb, blood gurgling in his mouth, strangling out his screams.
Francis, in his panic, flipped Alfred over so he wouldn't choke on his own blood. The red liquid poured from his lips as he coughed. Francis nearly dropped Alfred when he saw a broken, metal pole protruding from his back. "Mon dieu!"
The sirens didn't seem to be coming fast enough as they pulled up. Without hesitation, Francis let the ambulance take Alfred and him along to the hospital as the police stayed behind to interrogate witnesses and check the dead bodies in the van that reeked of smoke and drugs and alcohol.
Alfred was forced to lay on his side, the blood from his mouth pouring into a bowl and the metal pole being steadily eased out. Francis started cursing Alfred in his head for repeatedly forgetting that pole in his backseat that he was supposed to give to Kiku for a project the Japanese man was doing. The doctors had just finished patching up Alfred's back as they pulled up at the ER.
Francis was instructed to stay in the lobby while they fixed up Alfred, assuring him that they'll do everything they can. He paced back and forth, biting down on his nail. No... No, he was supposed to just go home. He's supposed to be with Arthur right now... I shouldn't have asked him to drop me off... This is my fault, oh my god this is my fault!
The Frenchman whipped around at his name and saw Alistor rushing up to him. "Francis, what the hell happened!? I heard Alfred was in a wreck!"
"Y-yes..." Francis tugged on his already ruffled clothing. "I-it's really bad. Oh, God, it's bad!"
Alistor grabbed Francis' shoulder. "Calm down... Tell me what happened."
Slowly, Francis breathed in and out. "He dropped me off... He had time to turn, so he did. Then... Then they swerved... Right into him... His car... It flipped right off the road... They spun... They died on... On impact... He was... Alfred was screaming... Screaming... He hurt so bad.... His legs crushed... Arm broken... Pole right through-through his back.... Blood... His blood was... It was everywhere... His mouth, his clothes..."
Nodding, Alistor stopped him. "Alright. Are they operating on him right now?" Francis nodded. "Alright... He'll be fine... Just come sit down."
Francis followed Alistor to the chairs and sat anxiously beside him. He got off four hours early instead if the two hours he took off to surprise Arthur... Just to be in pain... Just to get hurt...
He didn't know how long they had been waiting, buying felt like forever until a familiar doctor came in. Francis and Alistor sighed in relief as they stood. "Oh, Katyusha. It's so good to see you. Did you see Alfred? Is he alright? Well, I know he's not alright, but is he going to be?"
When Francis finally looked down at the woman, he frowned. "Kat? What's the matter?"
The Ukrainian woman bit down on her lip as she averted her gaze. "Alfred... His legs were both crushed beyond repair and his left arm was broken in three separate places. His stomach and lung were both pierced by the rod and his other lung was crushed. The major arteries in his legs burst causing major blood loss, as well as his punctured lung and stomach..."
Francis swallowed the lump in his throat. "W-well... Will he live?" However, both he and Alistor already knew the answer.
Katyusha gulped, her teary eyes met Francis'. "He... He died on the table."
Francis felt like he was just jabbed in the chest by the same bloody, broken rod Alfred was killed by. He collapsed back in the seat, his eyes wide. "He's... He's dead... But... By he was supposed to-to go home... He was going to spend some time with Arthur..."
Alistor looked down at Francis. "Does my little brother know?"
Slowly, Francis shook his head. "N-no... I don't know..."
Nodding, Alistor sat. "And... The other drivers?"
Katyusha gulped. "Died on impact."
"NO!" Francis suddenly screamed, standing up. "Why didn't those bastards suffer!? Why did Alfred, who had the whole world ahead of him, have to suffer, and the bastards who didn't deserve to live had no pain!? That's not fair! How's that- no! No!" Francis fell back in his seat, sobbing. "No..."
Steadily, Alistor stood on his shaky legs. "Can... Can we see him?"
"Wha...?" Katyusha looked up at him, slightly shocked, then nodded. "F-follow me."
Both men felt as if they were going to hurl. There Alfred lay. His bright eyes were shut and a frown curled his parted lips. Dried blood caked his hair and patched down his arms where he was cut by shards of glass. His expression was pained, yet peaceful. His once beautiful golden brown skin was ghostly pale. Francis choked, but couldn't turn his gaze away. Alistor couldn't keep looking. He turned around, hand over his mouth.
This is my fault... This is all my fault...
When Francis stepped through the front door, he wanted to crumple to the floor and die. Arthur sounded so happy to hear his fiancé come home early. The disappointment on his features was to be expected. Then his features go from disappointment to utter fear to agony. Francis could see the pain in the shorter male's eyes as he begins grieving for Alfred. Francis could not breathe. All he could see is red. Alfred, covered in deep, crimson red. Nothing else haunted Francis' mind.
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