Chapter 3
"Any place special you two want to eat at?" Hunter asks as he looks back at Violet from the front seat. Violet is sitting opposite him so when he turns he can see her and Rose is sitting opposite of Rainn.
"Not really, anywhere is fine." Violet reply's in a shy and sweet voice while a pink blush appeared on her cheeks. Hunter smiled then turned around to face the road again.
"Then let's go to Black Angus, only the very best for our dates. Right, Hunter?" Ray smiles and quickly looks in his direction.
"I agree, they deserve the best." He replies with a smile.
This makes the girls smile, it's actually one of their favorite places to eat but it's always out of their price range since they were in college still and couldn't afford much.
Violet is wearing a white dress with blue flowers and Rose is wearing a black dress with red roses on it both of them have their hair loose and flowing freely.
During the drive, both girls admire their dates for the night. Violet is admiring the way Hunter looks in his dressy yet casual shirt, it's a blue button-up shirt with a collar but has short sleeves. She admires his muscles that she can see and how the shirt is just tight enough to show them. She loves his short blonde hair that is just long enough for her to run her fingers through.
Rose is taking her time to really look at Rainn and admire him. She hates to admit that physically she was drawn to him. He's handsome with his short brown hair and lean yet muscular body that she can just barely see through his white short sleeve dress shirt that matches Hunters. She suddenly notices a blue dragon tattoo on his right arm that seems to travel from his hand up to his arm.
"I like your tattoo." Rose blurts out, surprising everyone.
"Thanks, it's a water dragon." Ray smiles and glances back at her. "Do you have any?"
"No I don't, I've considered getting one though but I don't know what to get."
"It's pretty painful." Ray smirks and holds up his hand, showing the head of the dragon. "The hand, ribs, and top of the foot are the most painful."
"How'd you deal with the pain?" Rose asks curiously while giving him her full attention causing Violet to giggle because she's never seen her like this before, she usually hates guys.
"I can handle a lot, Rose." He replies with some amusement in his voice.
They soon arrive at the restaurant and were seated in a booth, Rainn and Rose on one side and Hunter and Violet on the other. Both girls feeling uncomfortable but also oddly relaxed. Uncomfortable because they hardly know the guys but relaxed because they feel they can trust them.
After they order their food they sit back and talk so they can get to know each other better.
"So how did you two meet?" Ray asks Rose as he moves slightly to look at her.
"We met in high school actually, we had a class together and loved the irony of our names both being flowers and our last names were so similar. She always loved to dye her hair blue since violets are blue." Rose laughs at the memory. "She always wanted me to dye my hair red but I never much liked the idea. The most I did was a temporary hair dye for Halloween."
"Sounds like you two are pretty close." Hunter says while inching closer to Violet, she notices and can't help but smile a bit at the fact he wants to be closer to her.
"We are, we're best friends and always will be." Rose says with a smile as she looks at Violet who looks to be in heaven being so close to her date. "What about you guys?"
"I met Hunter freshman year of college." Rainn smiles as he watches Violet lean her head on Hunter's shoulder making him look at them with shock but joy on his face. "We were roommates and honestly didn't like each other at first." He smiles at the memory and tries not to laugh. "We are so different yet we understand each other so well. It's almost like a balance if you can call it that. We piss each other off but we have each other's backs at the same time."
"Like night and day, you complete each other." Rose smiles as she looks at Violet who has now lifted her head off Hunter's shoulder and is looking at him with a smile.
"Sounds like you two totally have a bromance going on." She teases before starting a giggling fit. Ray looks annoyed at her remark while Hunter and Rose look amused.
"Even if that was the case I'd rather have an actual romance with a woman like you any day." Hunter says in a soft and smooth voice while placing his hand on hers. Her giggles immediately stop and she blushes a shade of red that can rival the reddest rose, this made Rose giggle and Ray grin while he sits back and watches them with amusement.
"Blush any more Vi and you'll pass out." Rose teases while giggling still.
"Shut up." Violet mumbles and hides behind Hunter causing him to laugh louder than he wanted.
"You're definitely too cute Violet." He chuckles at her while lifting his arm and wrapping it across her shoulders.
"Well, they are hitting it off better than I expected." Ray sighs and looks over at Rose.
"Violet isn't used to this much attention from guys." Rose sighs and hangs her head a bit. "Guys usually flock to me and ignore her completely. They usually end up obsessed and she has to help me somehow. I always feel bad about it, I don't want to draw guys in but I do. So it's safe to say we are both happy that Hunter likes her so much and hasn't gone for me."
"I wouldn't do that to Ray, I know he likes you and plus Violet is definitely my type. She's adorable and I don't want to let her go." He admits then blushes once he realizes what he said.
"We heard that Hunter and I hope you know I'm going to tease you." Ray smirks at him.
"I don't care, I found a girl I actually like that likes me and honestly Rose, you're too good for him." Hunter retaliates with a grin on his face.
Before anyone can say anything their food arrives. They drop the topic for the time being and focus on eating. Once they finish they decide to pay and leave while it's still early.
"Where to next?" Ray asks while they walk out side by side.
"I think we should stop while we are ahead." Rose replies almost sadly while they head back to the car.
"You sure Rose?" Violet asks while she walks beside Hunter who has his arm around her again.
"Yeah Vi, I'm sure." Rose smiles reassuringly at her, Violet sighs then nods. She knows not to press the issue when the topic is men.
"If that's what you guys want." Ray sighs as he unlocks the car. "I guess that means you don't want a second date?" He asks nervously before Rose gets in the car. He mentally curses himself because he's not usually like this with girls but it's something about her that makes him behave differently.
"I do but I'm not sure." Rose sighs as she looks at him. "You don't seem like the others but I'm not sure if I want to take the chance that it will end up like every other experience I've had with guys."
"It's not right to compare me to everyone else Rose. Everyone is different and is their own person." Ray says firmly but with a soft voice so he doesn't upset her.
"I know Ray. I'm just cautious. So many bad experiences..."
"Means that a really good experience is going to happen. How do you know that experience isn't with me?" Rose looks at Ray with shock as she processes what he said.
He's right, but she barely knows him. How does she know he won't just be another asshole that wants to get into her pants or a crazy obsessed stalker? She looks over at Violet and Hunter who are happily wrapped up in each other. She sighs as she imagines the potential heartbreak her friend can suffer because love is fake and is for fools in her eyes.
Then she looks at Rainn who is still standing before her with his lips pulled into a small smile and his arms folded across his chest as he looks at her with a firm gaze. She looks into his green eyes and sees a world of emotions in them, from annoyance to hope to joy and finally frustration. She loves that she can read him easily by looking in his eyes, it gives her reassurance that she can see warning signs when they come.
"Alright Ray, we can go on another date. How about earlier tomorrow? We can have lunch and then do other things afterward." Rose smiles.
"Sounds good to me." Ray replies as his smile grows. She looks into his eyes and sees joy and hope along with excitement in them, this makes her happy and helps her relax. Rose goes to get in the back seat but Ray stops her by gently grabbing her hand. "Sit in the front with me, let the love birds have the back seat so they can keep cuddling." He smiles and nods to the pair.
"Jealous." Hunter smirks as he opens the back door for Violet to get in.
"In your dreams." Ray laughs as he leads Rose to the passenger side of the car and opens the door for her.
Rose smiles as she gets in the car and he closes the door behind her. She watches with amusement as he rushes back to the driver's side and hops in, he starts the car and starts the drive back to the school. On the way, she looks over and gets a better look at his tattoo. She admires the blues and silvers and the design of the dragon along with the way he has it designed.
"Like I said it's a water dragon." Ray cuts in with a grin on his face. "My name basically revolves around water so why not get a water dragon tattoo? The head is on my hand and the body travels up my arm and stops on my chest." He explains while smiling more because Rose is fully fascinated by him.
"That sounds like it took a long time to do and was very painful."
"Nah it wasn't that bad." He replies which made her giggle a bit. "I like your giggles." He whispers then blushes slightly, that's not something he would normally say and it's way out of his character.
"We Ummm need to exchange numbers for tomorrow. We can meet up at my apartment building and go from there." Rose says shyly since she heard his comment about her giggles.
"Yeah." He says in a low voice before clearing his throat. "We can do that and meet up tomorrow maybe about noon?" He asks as they pull into the school parking lot.
"That works." Rose says softly as she fumbles for her phone from her purse.
They exchange numbers and then realize it's quieter than they expected, they look into the back seat and see Hunter and Violet cuddled up together. Hunter has a relaxed look on his face and Violet is asleep with her head against his chest and his arm around her.
"Hunter, you need to wake her up so they can go." Ray says a bit loudly with amusement.
Hunter glares at him for a second before sighing and gently shaking Violets shoulder, she wakes up instantly and sits up quickly with a blush on her face. She looks around and sees everyone looking at her and blushes more before quickly opening the car door and getting out.
"Seems we both have some teasing to do tonight." Rose giggles as she looks at Ray who just smiles a big smile at her. She sees amusement in his eyes as she speaks and she knows he will definitely give Hunter a hard time about tonight.
"You better believe it." Ray smiles as they both step out of the car.
Hunter exited the car and went straight to Violet who is standing by the car they drove over in. Rose watches them as Hunter wraps Violet in a hug then pulls away a bit and kisses her gently on the lips. She watches as her friend's body stiffens at first then relaxes before she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him back.
"I didn't expect that." Ray says almost sadly as he stands beside Rose. "You don't seem like the type to kiss on the first date and I don't want to insult you or make you mad by trying that."
Rose looks at him with shock and amazement at his words, he's a first and this surprises her greatly.
Even Ray is surprised at his words and is wondering why he's being so nice to her.
"I'm not and I appreciate you not trying anything Ray. Guys normally have forced themselves on me by now so you have my trust and respect." Rose says while turning and facing Ray. "Please don't betray that." She says in a soft whisper as she looks into his eyes again.
"I won't." He whispers his reply as he looks into her eyes. He finds himself lost in them as observes her emotions, right now he can see the nervousness and hope shining in them. "Text me the address for tomorrow Rose. I look forward to seeing you again. Be safe on your drive home." He smiles as he grabs her hand and brings it up to his lips and gently kisses it, the action makes Rose blush heavily and him smile.
"I will and thank you." Rose says quickly as she rushes over to the car. "Vi we need to get home." She calls to her friend who is still making out with Hunter. "You'll see him tomorrow Vi, let him go." She teases and laughs as she unlocks the car.
They separate and look at Rose with sad expressions which only made her smile and shake her head at them. Violet reluctantly gets in the car while Rose starts it and backs out of the parking space, both of them waving to their dates as they drive away.
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