Part 1
"Peter, all im saying is that if you want to pursue your scientist career you should definitely sign up for this" Peter was getting annoyed at his friend Ned. All he wanted to do was graduate high school and finally move away from his aunt, not waste his time doing useless things like applying for a Stark Industries internship.
"Ned this is pointless"He slammed his locker shut to give Ned his full attention for a minute, so he can stop bringing it up."Even if i manage to get the internship this would be a huge waste of time that i already don't have"
"What do you mean 'a waste of time'. This is a one in a lifetime opportunity"The brunette groaned and spinned around to leave thinking how stupid of an idea this sounds.
Not only its pointless, because he knew nobody would choose him to be an intern in Stark industries, but he would also make a fool of himself. He already got enough on his shoulders, a rejections from the biggest company in the world literally telling him how unworthy of a spot like that he is is just not welcome in his life. And also he would probably never hear the end of it from Flash and the other idiots from his school.
Being bullied is not easy for a high school student. He remembered the exact day it all started on his the first day in this school. He wore his glasses and nerdy sweater when he bumped into this kid Eugene who he learned later that everyone called 'Flash'. He made the mistake of talking back and ever since then he haven't left him alone. He didn't really mind it, he started not minding the occasional punches or the 'playful' slaps and kicks that he got from him. What he wasn't okay with was that Flash basically digged a hole and kicked him right into it. Everyone started knowing him as Flash's little punching bag and no one would want to be friends with a nerd like him. That's minus points popularity.
Well everyone except the other nerds and this really weird girl Michelle. Ned was his best friend and as much as he loves him he is being unreasonable right now.
"C'mon Peter, at least give it a shot, you won't lose anything"
"Flash is going so im not"He knew he was also being unreasonable, but what was he supposed to do? Go to the exam after school? Yeah, not happening.
"Oh come on you know i know that you don't care about Flash"
"He is annoying"He said as they entered the cafeteria and headed to their usual table.
"You are annoying too, but Flash would go to the exam regardless"He turned to his left to give MJ a look."What, its true"
"If im so annoying then why are you following us?"He snapped right back at her in their usual style.
"Because i don't have any other friends"She put out and sat down, immediately shoving her nose in her book and stops paying attention to the boys next to her.
Peter felt like he made his point, even if he knew that Michelle gave zero fucks if he did or not.
"So will you give it a shot?"Ned turned to his best friend, happy that they are done bickering.
Peter stopped looking for his lunchbox and actually started considering it. He could potentially try his luck for this internship, but knowing his Parker luck this would somehow turn into a disaster.
"Why are you being so conservative all of a sudden?"MJ looked up also annoyed by the fact that Ned has been begging Peter to do the exam all week, ever since their teacher Mr Harinson told them.
He really surprised the class that day. Peter would never admit it, but he imagined himself working alongside all these great scientist from Stark Industries that were always all over the news. He secretly really wanted to be chosen, but he knew he would just get his hopes up and they would come crashing down when he gets rejected.
It seems like he have been staring at the space in front of him for too long, because MJ continued speaking.
"You have a potential Parker, just apply for the damn thing already and make him shut up about it"Peter's heart warmed up a little bit at his friend's words. She never really complimented him before, so if she did then it must be true, even if he doesn't see this 'potential' he has.
"You know what? Fine. I'll do it, but just so i can prove to both of you that you are wrong"As soon as he said that he felt a hard smack on his back that made him turn around, ready to question whoever did that.
"Wassup Parker, wanna give me your lunch money?"Of course its Flash with his usual mocking voice. Peter wasn't surprised, just a bit pissed, because he slapped him quite hard. He laughs stupidly at his own joke and heads for the loudest table in the cafeteria so he can be loudest there.
MJ and Ned were following him with their eyes. They hated whenever Flash would mess with Peter. They considered that bullying and wanted to talk to the principle about it a few times. Peter stopped them every time because what is he gonna do? Expel Flash and stop receiving the monthly donations from his parents to the school?
"I said"He waited for them to turn their attention to him again"i will try it, but only if you stop bothering me about it"At this Ned brightened up and MJ turned back to her book.
"Wait really? Oh my gosh that's amazing. My best friend will be a scientist at Stark Industries"He was beaming from excitement at this pont.
"Yeah im su'r all the gi'ls would love me" He said with his mouth full, which made MJ snorts.
Peter was counting the seconds in his last period of the day. 30 more and he will be free to go. He was thinking about the promise he made to Ned. Does he really have to this? It's pointless anyways. 15 more seconds
"Hey PArker"He knew this voice all too well coming from the seat behind him"Parker"Flash whisper-yelled louder this time.
"What do you want?"He turned his head halfway to him.
"Snappy are we? Is this what your mother thought you?"Peter felt his blood boil in his veins. It happens everytime Flash says something about his dead parents or uncle. "Do you really think Tony Stark would choose you over me to intern for him?"He was about to say something else but was cut over by the bell.
As soon as he heard the bell he swinged his already packed backpack on his shoulders and left the classroom first. He slammed the door behind him, which he knew he shouldn't have done, but boy, did it made him feel better.
He promised Ned to see him before he entered the exam so he can 'cheer him up' and 'motivate him to nail this test'. He saw him walking, no running to him. Peter noticed he was wearing the Star Wars t-shirt he gave to him for his birthday last month. His brown hair was bouncing up and down a little bit whenever he took a step.
"Hey dude, how are we feelin' ". He was way too smiley, which irritated the already irritated Peter even more.
"Ned, i don't want you to get your hopes up. Just. Prepare for the worst okay? Do it for me?"
"Fine Peter, but you will give your best okay? For me?"
And just like that, Ned pushed Peter into the room where the exam was going to start soon with a finale 'good luck'.
Peter saw Flash entering the room not so long after him. Happy that he didn't said anything to him, just raised his middle finger, Peter took a quick glance over his sheet of paper that was placed on front of him a second ago and sighed.
"Oh boy"
If he have to be honest with himself... it wasn't terrific. It was on a whole another level, but it wasn't terrible. He didn't learned any of these things from school. If you ask him from where he knows science on the level he knew it he would just shrug his shoulders. He was a born genius, but he didn't knew that. He is too shy to admit or even consider that he might be one, but the truth is he really is.
The boy felt a little buzz in his pocket. He was currently on his way out of the building, happy that this it over and done with. He pulled out his phone to see a few messages from a few different people.
Hey kid, i was wondering if you were going to apply for the SI internship
You know we work here and all, but it would be cool to work together sometimes wouldn't it?
Come on kid you know you want to plus i know you want to meet me
Just give it a shot
Please :)
Are you gonna answer me?
You are supposed to be doing the exam right about now
Text me when you are done with it
Or if you even went
Ms Nat
Kid please apply for the internship
Its gonna be so fun, i promise
And if its not im gonna have a talk with your boss
Im sure you will get in
You are like mini MRB
But you aren't annoying
Mr Bruce
Hey kid
Hope you apply for the internship program
Im sure you are going to do great :)
Mr Bow
Just apply for the program so we can meet you already
This group is A+
Mr Grandpa
So kid, are you gonna apply for SI?
Ms WItch
Please please please please please please
please pleasepleasepleaseplease please please
Mr Sam
Stop that
Ms Witch
Or what
WHat are you gonna do? Use magic on me?
Oh wait:)
Mr Sam
Ha ha very funny
Mr Grandpa
Stop arguing!
Kid, are you going to apply for SI?
Mr Bucky
you asked that already
He is old he forgets stuff
leave him alone
Mr Grandpa
He didn't answer me the first time, Bucky!
The Baby
You can all stop messaging me everywhere now
Before you ask
yes, it was very hard
yes, i think i did pretty good
no, i don't think they are going to accept me
So you think you did good, but you don't think you are gonna get accepted
Hell yeah you are a genius
The Baby
Gotta run guys, i have work to do
c ya
With that Peter put his phone in his pocket and entered an empty alleyway.
Peter had many secrets, more than you might think. What many people didn't knew about him, which was also his biggest secret, was that he was a hero. He took care of the people from New York, stopping robberies, helping lost tourists, fighting crime like a real policeman with superpowers and without a license. He keeps his personal life and his identity from the public eye for the sake of his loved ones safety. He have also defeated much stronger villains like Mysterio, Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Electro, Green Goblin and some more, but he is most respected for the fact that he takes care of the little guys, not only when a villian attacks. Peter Parker was Spiderman which in his personal opinion is the most interesting thing about him
The truth is that he wasn't actually going to go to work, he was going on his daily patrol. This was the part of the day he loved most. He wasn't the tormented nerd he was in school and life anymore. He was given a chance to be himself AND help others. What more could he ask for?
The Novembrean wind was much noticeable in New York this past week and swinging in a onesie especially at night is torturous. But Peter was finally able to do something about it and have a gear update.
"Karen, ready for a test drive"He asked his AI as soon as his mask covered his mouth.
"Of course, Peter"He was really proud of his suit that he himself made. He collected old and thrown away parts for months, but he finally put them all together and made himself a real fighting suit.
He shot a web and immediately felt ten times lighter. It felt like he left all his worries on the ground.
He thought about all the people that texted him for the internship. These people he met about a year and a half ago and he absolutely fall in love in talking to them.
The pirate is asking for you
where are you?
you are making him mad
just accept your fate and go to him and make him stop bothering me
Whos this?
Your mom
Who do you think it is?
My mom is dead
Yeah i know, EVERYBODY knows it
Now come up here
How does 'everybody' know?
Are you really asking me this question?
You know what? I don't have the nerves for this
But im bored out of my mind so im gonna keep texting you until you come up here
Who are you?
What do you mean who i am? Did you gave your number to someone else today? Yeah i highly doubt that
First of all ouch
second of all i didn't gave my number to anyone today, so if you could just tell me who you are that would be great
Peter didn't knew that this wrong number will turn out to be one of his best friends. He had no idea that a week later he was going to be introduced to this guy's friends (he refused to call them friends. He used the term coworkers) and make even more friends. He also had no idea that the people he have joked with, makes fun of, have cried with, have played various online games with and have talked for hours with were the one and only Avengers. The Earth's mightiest heroes and his personal idols. He still doesn't know that. He doesn't know that he named THE Tony Stark Mr Rich Bitch. He doesn't know Tony organized this whole 'New interns' program just for him, because he knew how smart this kid is. Considering the fact he couldn't hack into his phone to see who they were messaging with gave away that he was his level of smart. And that's someone he definitely wants to intern for him.
They also wanted him to have a SI internship because they really, really REALLY wanted to meet him. Its been so long since they met and at this point they are ready to do anything just to meet him or at least know who he is, but since Peter doesn't want to tell then...they have to take matters into their own hands. Bruce came up with this whole idea to have new interns. The top thirty exams would be presented to Mr Stark and Doctor Banner so they can decide which 15 people will be the new interns of Stark industries.
"Mr Stark, the results from the internship exams are ready for you and Dr Banner" Tony Stark heard his AI 'F.R.I.D.A.Y.' inform him. He was just starting on his new project but the excitement took over him.
"tell the others"
"Of course sir"
Soon enough everyone were in Tony's lab. Even Bucky was curious if their kid was one of the kids, whose exams were in Tony's hands right now.
"How would we even know which one is his's. We don't know his name or anything"Natasha said looking at the stack if paper. She was really close with their kid. She was actually the second person that ever met him. She got suspicious of Tony because he was on his phone non-stop, chatting with someone. So she did the most logical thing-stole his phone, put the kid's number in her phone, talked to him and convinced him to make a group chat with all the others. Let's just say she is very protective of him and so are everyone else.
"Im gonna text him to tell me more about it"Said Wanda, already pulling her phone out.
This group is A+
Ms Witch
So kid, how did the exam went
The Baby
I already told you
It was fine, wasn't as hard as i thought it would be
"Heard that Stark? Your test sucks."Of course Sam has to mock the intelligence of Tony Stark at every opportunity he gets.
"It wasn't 'easy'. This kid is just really smart, you would start crying when i show it to you in a second."He snapped right back at him.
"Did you really put the impossible equation?"asked Bruce, examining one of them.
"Thought it would be fun"He just shrugged and went back to his phone.
"Tony i have been watching you and Bruce trying to solve this thing for years now. What makes you think a highschool student would solve it?"Tony looked at Steve who had his disapproving look
"Yes, but our kid would at least get somewhere with it"He started arguing with him now more intently. Tony believed in this kid more than anyone else. He believes that if he is sixteen and this smart he could be an actual help with stuff in the lab if just he manage to find who he is.
"Think again"Natasha said looking at Wanda's phone through her shoulder.
The Baby
But i didn't write anything on the last question
It was some equation that i didn't even had time to look at
Tony looked up from his phone and sighed. He still believes that the kid can at least get somewhere with this equation.
"Well, at least now we know that he didn't write anything on that equation, which is something i guess."
Spiderman sat on a rooftop. He was using this time to have a break from everything. From his school bullies, from his work at the Delmar's and most importantly from May. May Parker is his aunt and his last living relative. His dead uncle's wife and the only reason he is not homeless, which he is thankful for. She used to be a really good person. She used to make him breakfast and ask him about his day, but now... She is...very different. She is not what she used to be before Uncle Ben's death. She no longer cared if Peter is coming home by 10pm or even if he is coming home at all. She no longer takes care of him, in Peter's opinion. The only reason why she hasn't kicked Peter out was because she promised Ben to look after him.
It hurts Peter to wake up to her being passed out on the floor, empty bottles in her hand. It's sad because that one day Peter not only lost uncle Ben, he lost aunt May as well.
As he was growing up the only comfort he found was in being Spiderman. People adored him and didn't want to kick him with a chair. He was being himself again, just like he was when his uncle was still alive.
He wasn't feeling that cold, because of the heaters that he installed in his suit. He was happy he did. What he didn't think of was a pocket to keep his phone. So he used Karen to do everything for him.
"Peter you have a new email"She pulled him out of his train of thoughts.
"Who is it from"He said while opening a granola bar.
"It's from Stark Industries"
A/N:Alright, you may be wondering what is happening. So i reread my work and decided to rewrite it, because im not happy with it. I will try my best to finish it this time, but it would take more time for sure. :)
Please don't be mad at me
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