We Could Go Home
Chapter Fifteen: We Could Go Home
"I think this will do..." Rookie said to herself as Lucy, Marvel and Rookie made their way into an area concealed by trees, just like the last place. "Now we can cook that bird."
"Good, I hated carrying it around," Marvel pulled a face as he dropped the dead bird, which would be enough for all of them for lunch.
"If I hadn't of shot it, we wouldn't have a lunch that would fill us all up. I haven't seen another one of these birds in the arena since we've been walking around, have you?"
Marvel shook his head, as he pulled the arrow out of it and handed it to Lucy, while Rookie began plucking off it's feathers. Lucy handed Rookie her knife and she cut off the edible parts of it, while Lucy climbed up a tree and began chopping branches for the fire.
"How many more matches you got, District 1?" Rookie asked Marvel and he pulled the matches out of his bag.
"Two more...and if we're going to eat we're going to have to stop eating meat. Because to eat this meat we're going to have to cook it." Marvel said.
"You can start a fire with just wood you know," Rookie groaned as she finished getting the edible parts of the bird. "You District 1's are so clueless."
"Or you could say that we were born with silver spoons in our mouths..." Lucy giggled as she chopped off another tree branch.
"Well you definitely were, rich girl," Marvel teased.
Lucy gathered up her branches and threw them in a pile then Marvel struck one of his matches and threw it on the wood and Rookie tied the meat to a stick and propped them up on the makeshift stands and turned it until they were all cooked.
"I can't wait until I either die or get out of this place..." Lucy sighed. "I'll either be back to civilisation or not at all."
"Oh...yeah, I saw both of your interviews. Marvel's determined to get you out alive," Rookie mumbled as she ate.
"Well I have to, don't I?" Marvel said simply. "There's so many opportunities for her in District 1, what's there for me? Spear throwing? I don't think so."
"There's not really anything much for me in District 3, I don't really want to work in the factories either so...I think it would be easier if I died here and now." Rookie shrugged and Marvel picked up his spear but Lucy punched him in the arm.
"Leave it," Lucy hissed.
"Besides, I've seen those workers that come out of the factories. They look so miserable." Rookie continued. "I bet it's not like that in your District, I bet you don't even work."
"My parents don't work but we're an exception." Lucy shrugged. "My father's the Mayor so he doesn't have to, my mother gets all her money from my father so she's sorted too."
"I'm seventeen so if I was still back in District 1, I'd have one more year of reapings before I went in the factories and started working for the Capitol. But I think dying here's better."
Lucy suddenly began playing with the buckles on her boots and tried not to think about District 1 without Marvel as Rookie stared at the two curiously. It was as though she was devising a plan that was impossible.
"Attention tributes," the voice of Claudius Templesmith suddenly rang through the arena and Lucy's head snapped up. "Attention. The regulations acquiring a single victor has been suspended. From now on, two victors may be crowned if both originate from the same District. This will be the only announcement."
Claudius' voice shut off and Lucy slowly looked down and then looked at Marvel, he looked at her too. And suddenly both their faces lit up and they found themselves in an awkward embrace.
"Ouch," Marvel mumbled as Lucy hugged him tighter.
"Oh, sorry," she giggled then let go. "I forgot about your chest, we'll most definitely have to get it sorted soon!"
"We'll have to! We can both go home! But we've just got to kill off Cato, Clove, Thresh, Katniss, Peeta, the District 5 girl and — " Marvel turned his head and his smile dropped, Rookie was sitting there miserably. She'd stopped eating her food and disappointment filled her face.
"No, it's OK, guys. You can kill me off, I'd rather you two rich kids go home. You'd be celebrated more than a stupid District 3 tribute...even though Beetee was really nice, I don't think he had too much faith in me surviving. He hasn't sent me one parachute yet and I've been parched."
"'Beetee'? I recall that name..." Marvel nodded and Lucy glared at him. "What?"
"You're thinking of killing off Rookie and then you change the subject by thinking you've heard of her mentors name. Honestly, Marvel..." Lucy rolled her eyes.
"Right, sorry."
"Just make my death quick, would you? Don't make a mess of it either..." Rookie said as she handed Marvel one of his spears. "Just stab me in the heart."
"No, we're going to keep this alliance. We still need you," Lucy said, snatching Marvel's spear off of him. "You could prove useful, they're supposed to be brainy in District 3 anyway."
"But don't you two want to win?"
"Of course we do! But we can't purposely kill you off. That would be wrong." Lucy shook her head. "We can't kill more innocent people."
"Seems fair...well, in exchange, I'll teach you how to gather the right sort of plants and flowers and berries. Agreed?"
"Who's keeping watch?" Marvel asked.
"You." Rookie winked.
* * *
"So, that's definitely nightlock?" Lucy asked as Rookie led her deeper into the arena.
"Definitely nightlock. Don't eat it, unless you want to die," Rookie said simply. "But, other tributes might not know that so use it to your advantage."
"Right, that'll be good."
"It will, if they come along and eat it they'll die. Which in a way, is effective."
"How about these?" Lucy bent down and pulled a plant out of the ground. "Are they edible?"
"Yes, they're edible...but won't fill you up. You need to look for the right things to fill yourself up."
There was a sudden rustling and Rookie held out her arm for Lucy to stop. Lucy froze and hoped desperately that Cato hadn't found them, Rookie waited patiently but Lucy shivered.
"I'm sure it can smell fear," Lucy whispered just as a rabbit hopped out of the bush.
"Yes, I'm sure it can," Rookie rolled her eyes. "It'll make a good dinner too."
"You dare kill that rabbit and I'll kill you."
"Fine, we'll find some other meat..."
They ventured through the trees further, picking up edible berries and plants as they went. They gathered a fair bit of food that would last them a while, even so they could ration it if they had to hide for a couple of days from Cato.
"How did you learn all this gathering?" Lucy wondered as she placed the food in her backpack. "Surely there aren't forests in District 3."
"We have a few small forests, and I like to go out and gather food for me and others. But during the dark days most of our forests were burnt...it's a shame there was the dark days, District 3 was quite a wealthy District before the rebellion. But we are quite a rebellious District and don't like to put up with any of the Capitol's nonsense, even though at times we are powerless."
"I think some of the people in your District have provided for District's 1 and 2. I've got a telephone at home and so has Marvel, that must have been made in your District."
"We provide to you rich kids too? That makes me sick..." Rookie spat. "We live in poverty and work our socks off to provide things for not only the Capitol but some of the wealthier Districts. That gives me another reason to die in these games, I'll never provide for you rich people."
"I'm sorry, Rookie, I don't agree with the slavery either. It's completely unfair and you must despise me because I'll never have to work a day in my life if I get out of these games."
"I do despise you, it makes me sick that you won't have to work. But there's nothing I can do about it even though it's unfair. It's the way of the Capitol, making us poorer Districts have the worst of it."
"Rookie!" Lucy snapped. "You don't want to be saying things like that on live television! They'll be people in the Capitol right now listening to our conversation and getting really annoyed. You could start another rebellion — and don't even think about that!"
"Well like I said, us District 3's are the rebellious type..." Rookie stroked her chin then looked up. "HEY! DISTRICT 3! START A REBELLION FOR ME! OK, THANKS!"
Lucy hit Rookie on the arm. "Shut up!"
"I'm allowed to have freedom of speech!"
"One, that was completely uncalled for. You didn't need to do that, no doubt the Gamemaker's will be plotting some way to kill us both. And, two, Cato knows exactly where we are now. He's going to come and tear us apart!"
"Oh relax, rich kid! You really need to calm down somedays..."
But then the two could hear voices nearby and looked at each other worriedly. And without saying anything they ran off towards their camp and Marvel. They found him asleep and looking a little pale but there was no time for sympathy, Lucy woke him up quickly and he groaned.
"Quickly!" She snapped.
"Why?" He groaned.
"Just hurry up!" Rookie shook her head and grabbed Marvel's backpack and spears while Lucy hauled him up. Once she had got Marvel to stand up she slipped her sheath of arrows on top of her backpack as well as her bow.
"Come on," Lucy said and supported Marvel as they made a getaway from their current camp. Marvel winced as they walked. He was, of course, getting worse and weaker.
"Hurry up, you two!" Rookie said frustratedly as she raced ahead. "Stop dawdling and walk faster, unless you want to get killed of course..."
"He can't!" Lucy said frustratedly as she hauled Marvel forward.
"Lucy...just leave me here and save yourselves..." Marvel groaned as Lucy collapsed under his weight. "Just go. Let Cato have me."
"No! I'll carry you if thats what it takes!" Lucy protested and tried to get up.
" — I think they're round here!"
All their heads snapped up and Lucy knew that was Cato. She jumped up at lightning speed, hauled Marvel up with all her strength, grabbed his hand and ran at top speed. Rookie took the lead as feet hammering on the ground followed them.
"I can see them, Clove!" Cato shouted.
"Come on, Marvel!" Lucy pleaded, almost crying for him to hurry up. "Please!"
"I am..." Marvel panted, his chest must of been agonising for him.
They ran as fast as they could until they reached a ledge, which Rookie had to skid to a halt to stop herself from falling in. They all tried to catch their breaths and think of a plan, but then Cato emerged through the trees.
"Ah!" Cato smiled, he took his sword and grinned. Clove appeared behind him moments later.
"Cato," Clove panted. "Stop it..."
"KILL ME!" Lucy yelled. "DO IT!"
"Oh alright then, if you insist!" Cato laughed then stepped forward and Lucy stood there undoing her plaits. "Any last words?"
"None," she shook her head and Cato held his sword above her head threateningly.
"Lucy!" Rookie said worriedly.
"Don't worry, you'll be OK without me."
Cato brought his sword down and they were all waiting for the satisfying spray of blood, but none came. Instead the sword hit the ground making a clanking sound. They all looked up in time to see Lucy had jumped off the edge.
"Lucy!" Marvel called in desperation.
"She is absolutely mental..." Rookie shook her head. "Well, here goes nothing — CANNINBAL!" And with that Rookie jumped off the edge. Marvel took one look at Cato then at the edge.
"You next?" Cato asked.
"I'm good..." And Marvel jumped off the edge too. He fell down towards whatever was below and hoped that he wouldn't die...well Rookie and Lucy hadn't because there was no cannon. He shut his eyes tight as he figured he'd be nearing the surface soon and sure enough he did.
Instead of a surface there was water, Marvel was thrown deep into the water before he was able to propel himself towards the surface. He looked around and saw Lucy had taken off her jacket and was freely swimming about while Rookie was yelling and trying desperately to swim to the surface.
"OH WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE WATER?!" Rookie demanded, frantically trying to keep herself above the water. "Us District 3 people aren't designed for swimming! That's District 4!"
"I'm from District 1 and I can swim," Lucy smiled as she floated on her back.
"Well you probably have an indoor pool or something ridiculous!"
"Oh just kick your legs and you'll get to the surface," Marvel rolled his eyes. "It's either this or death by a psycho."
"Look who's talking," Rookie rolled her eyes and attempted to swim to the surface.
"You feeling OK?" Lucy asked Marvel as Rookie sat by the trees and emptied her boots of water.
"A little better than I was, but that was quite a drop." Marvel laughed as he swam over to her and took her jacket. "But it was a good experience."
"I suppose so, just as well this backpack is waterproof. Me and Rookie gathered quite a bit."
"Good, I don't know what's in this part of the arena anyway."
"We've probably completed one half of it and now we're on the next half. Perhaps, if we kept walking, we'd make it to the cornucopia. But I don't want to risk it, Cato might still be camping out there."
"Cato's here, there and everywhere...we know that for sure now."
"We do..." she whispered and closed her eyes. Marvel smiled then shoved her underwater. She tried desperately to get underwater and after five seconds, Marvel let go and she was above the surface.
"MARVEL!" Lucy yelled then shoved his head underwater in retaliation and he grabbed her leg pulling her down with him.
They both struggled to get above the surface again and when one let go they came up for air once again before shoving each other back under. Marvel grabbed hold of her arm and dragged her down and she tried desperately to free herself but she couldn't.
"Stop it!" She tried to yell and Marvel shook his head. He held her down until she finally freed herself and swam away from him as quick as she could. He swam after her and she arrived next to Rookie and climbed out of the water. "You're evil!"
"Well, you'll be the death of me!" Marvel laughed and made a grab for her foot but she moved it away just in time.
He handed her her coat, backpack, sheath of arrows and bow and she placed them on the edge. He also handed her his jacket and then she dived back in, she hadn't bathed for days and she was really starting to feel unclean, so swimming was the best thing to do.
"You dare try to drown me again, Sanford, and I'll get you back." Lucy laughed.
"Oh really?" He teased. "What are you going to do?"
"This," she splashed water in his face and he threw some back in retaliation. "Anyway, I thought you were injured?"
"I am, and it's painful but that doesn't stop me from serving revenge!"
He dived underwater and swam deeper than he had before, then pushed himself up and went in front of Lucy and she grabbed hold of his neck and he lifted her up.
"Don't think you'll strangle me because you won't!" Marvel grinned.
"Oh I can try," she smiled.
He carried her back to the surface where Rookie stared horrified at the water. Lucy sat next to Rookie and Marvel sat next to Lucy.
"Is Rookie afraid of water?" Lucy teased.
"No..." Rookie shook her head. "I can't swim...and just as well, because you two were trying to kill each other! Shame you didn't succeed..."
"Oh I will," Lucy laughed. "But not now in the arena, we have a chance of going home."
"True..." Marvel yawned just as the sky went dark. "Well, I'm going to bed."
"Me too," Lucy sighed and laid down.
"Guess I'm keeping watch?" Rookie asked.
"Yeah," Lucy and Marvel said at the same time as Marvel laid down too and they both fell asleep.
"Don't think I won't drag you both into the water and watch you drown," Rookie rolled her eyes and picked up one of Marvel's spears. "This could prove useful too..."
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