Not Ready
You fluttered your eyes until they slightly opened, you lifted your head to see that you were in bed.
"Hey sleepy head," you heard someone say, you looked to see Hunk sitting at the edge of your bed.
"W-what happened?" You asked as you groggily rubbed your eyes.
"You've been out for a while (Y/N)," he gave you a slanted smile and helped you sit up.
"How long?" You rubbed the back of your neck.
"About a week," he gave you a nervous chuckle, but you were only able to stare at your lap.
"Did you guys go on missions while I was out?" You smiled, trying to make the large man in front of you feel better.
"Allura wanted us to go around to the neighboring planets that needed help, but we didn't," he remarked.
"What? Why didn't you?" You noticed him playing with his fingers.
"Shiro thought it would be best for all of us, if we waited for you to wake up, which you did," he gave you a reassuring smile.
"Why would it be better for the rest of you, Voltron can be formed without the white lion?"
"It wasn't a matter of forming Voltron, it was about the well-being of the others, like Keith," you could see him looking at you out of the corner of his eye.
"What happened to Keith?" you asked concerningly, "Is he okay?"
"Do you really want to know?" he looked over to you with saddened eyes. Without hesitation, you nodded.
"Okay," he took a deep breath in," Ever since you've been out, Keith's felt unbearable guilt."
"Why?" you pushed yourself up in the bed.
"Because he was there, in the cruiser, with you."
"Yeah, but so were Pidge and Shiro, why would he have been guilty, because I was cut, it was my fault for not being careful, and for not taking into consideration the durability of the suit," you tilted your head to the side in confusion.
"It was the fact that he didn't immediately go to help you fight, and when he went to get you, he'd been blasted by one of the guns," before Hunk was able to continue, he was stopped by a knock at the door.
"Come in," he answered. Shiro entered the room with a smile that spread miles across his face.
"Look who's up," he shone his bright, white teeth. "I came in to see if you wanted to see your lion."
"That would be awesome!" you bursted. "Is it good if I go Hunk?"
He gave you a pat on the back. "I'm around if you need to talk," and with that, he flashed a quick grin and left the room.
"Do you need any help?" Shiro asked as he offered his hand.
"No, I'm fine," you twisted yourself out of the bed and headed off with Shiro to see the lion.
"Hey, Shiro."
"How did you guys help me? With the cuts and everything?"
"Well, Coran said there's something in the castle called a healing pod, but since the castle's super old and we had to wait for them to fix some of features, we had to find the next best solution. So, we found some needle and thread that Allura's mother used to make dresses, and stitched you up," he gave you a weak smile. "After that, since Allura is a girl and all, she switched you into the pajamas you came in, and put you in bed."
"I have to make sure to thank everyone once I see them," you continued with Shiro as you walked into the wing of the castle which held the lions.
"I'm sure everyone is more worried about how you're doing rather than a thank you," he slung his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into a hug.
"So, I have stitches?" You looked up towards him.
"Yeah, but if it makes you feel better, they look super cool, like they do in the movies," he chuckled. You laughed along with him. It felt nice to laugh, it felt nice to feel relief and happiness, if only for a second.
"Well, are we gonna see my lion or not!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah, yeah, let's hurry up, or I mean, as fast as you can go," he stuck his tongue out and began speed walking, it was his way of helping you recover, you were a competitive person who never said no to a challenge. So you began racing towards the room.
"You can't just let me win!" You scoffed as you entered the room. He came jogging in behind you laughing. You suddenly stopped laughing and stared at the lion. You were speechless, all you were able to do was scoff.
"What's wrong?" Shiro asked.
"Nothing, it's just, I never really got to see it, it looks, so freaking cool! And it's mine!" All you were able to do was laugh in disbelief that this amazing, almost indestructible machine, was yours.
"Yup, it really is yours," someone behind you responded as they slung their arms on your shoulders from behind your back.
"Lance!" You blurted as you turned around to give him a hug.
"Hey hon, how are you doing," you chuckled.
"I'm good, just admiring my-" your mouth had basically zipped itself shut when you'd turned around. There he was walking to his lion, your Starboy.
"Hey, Keith, look who's up!" Shiro yelled, catching Keith's attention. Once the mullet wearing man turned, he was frozen, staring at you with his lavender eyes.
Without realizing it, you'd both been walking slowly towards each other, before Keith began sprinting. He'd embraced you in a hug that swept you off your feet, literally, but no words were said, it just, happened.
You pulled your head back from his shoulder which you'd been resting on, and smiled. Your faces began inching towards each other, before Keith laid his lips upon yours.
None of you realized what you were doing, until you suddenly opened your eyes, pushing away without thinking.
"I-I'm sorry," you whispered, Keith gently set you down.
"Is... is it something I did?" He whimpered.
"No, no, it's, I'm sorry," you choked. You were so embarrassed, pushing away from a man who clearly expressed interest in you, and the feeling was mutual, but he was holding you back. Your brother. When you kissed Keith, you forgot everything, even (B/N). You weren't ready to have someone in your life who had the slightest chance of replacing him. But you still liked him, or maybe, was it just the idea of Keith. With too much to think of in the moment, instead of facing your problem head on, you ran from it. And you ran as far out as you could, you would run anywhere to take away the pain you'd given the man, that didn't deserve it.
(A/N): Thank y'all for 10k+ reads like how!!! I don't know what I wanna do to celebrate, but if you have an idea, be sure to comment :3. Also, sorry that this was like, my worst chapter, like this trash XD, well anyway, thank you for reading it, see you next Sunday!!!)
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