Chapter 9
So there have been a lot of rumors going around about what I'm doing this season, many say that there's been an injury and I'm dropping out. Well, there hasn't been an injury, but I am dropping out of the race for the Grand Prix. This is for a number of reasons, the most prominent of which being the fact that I'm pregnant. We found out on March 4th, and that was when I stopped attending practices, for the obvious reasons it wouldn't be safe. Thank you all for your support and your concern, it means a lot to me. I hope you'll continue to support me throughout this next stage of my life, I don't have any definite plans for the future, but I know that I'm excited and eagerly awaiting it with Otabek by my side.
June 4th, 2025- Three weeks later- 4 Months-
Yuri's POV 1st Person
My phone chimes with yet another comment, undoubtedly about the same post that everyone's losing their mind over. I posted it over three weeks ago, you'd think everyone would have gotten used to it by now but apparently not. I click on the comment and start reading what the user's said, I'm interrupted however when the door opens and someone walks in.
"Hey, sorry I'm late- Yakov was being difficult today," Otabek gives me a kiss and sits down in one of the chairs next to me, "Did I miss anything?"
"No, we haven't started yet," I tell him, "I've just been sitting on this thing like an idiot," I gesture at the table on which I'm seated, "You don't want to know how long it took for me to get up here," He laughs and I roll my eyes, cringing at the thought. "How was practice?" I ask him, eagerly changing the subject before he can inquire about my escapades.
"It went well I think," He says with a noncommittal shrug, "Yakov made me run through the Donut spin about 1000 times. I can't figure out how the hell you make it look so easy, my limbs don't bend that way, I can barely do a Spiral!" I laugh at his annoyance, my flexibility always being a sore point with him,
"It's easy," I grin, "Just do a Camel and grab your leg, it's not like you're trying to do a Bielleman or something,"
"Which you can," He adds and I can tell he's imagining me doing one,
"I can," I agree, "How did Yuuri do today?" I ask with an evil smile,
"He fell four times," Otabek says, shaking his head as I laugh, "You're cruel,"
"I know," I give him a kiss, "But you love me anyway," He rolls his eyes and the door opens for the second time as the doctor walks in.
"Hey, how's it going?" She asks as she skims through her clipboard, "Everything normal?" I nod,
"Irritatingly so,"
She smiles, "Don't worry, it'll be over soon enough, but for now lie back please," I comply and scoot up to lean on the slightly raised portion of the table where the headrest is. "This might be a little bit cold," She says as she lifts my shirt and squeezes something from a bottle onto my stomach. It is cold and I'm annoyed when I flinch at the touch, I'm a figure skater for god's sake, ice runs through my veins!
She puts a wand thing on top of it and moves it around, pushing gently. It feels weird, like I'm being probed by an alien or something. Otabek takes my hand and stares at something over my shoulder. I look around and see what he's watching at once, there's a small TV behind me and on it is a tiny black and white image. I watch it intently as it moves around slightly, and my heart almost stops when the screen turns off a few minutes later. I turn back to the doctor, who hands me three freshly printed pictures that seem to have come from the TV-like machine.
My eyes remain glued to the pictures the entire way home, and I'm sure Otabek's would do the same if he didn't have to drive. When we pull into the driveway I don't realize I've moved until I find myself sitting down on the couch, Otabek joining me. I hand him a picture and we sink into the cushions, comfortably happy with our entertainment.
A few hours later Otabek's gone out to grab dinner, and I'm sitting at the kitchen table reading something and petting Potya absentmindedly. My phone buzzes and I open it, finding yet another notification from my Instagram. I've started posting regularly again now the news is out and it's kind of fun, seeing other people I've never met be so happy for us, although I do get the irksome feeling that I've been domesticated. I click on the app to find it already booted up, loaded to some comment from a while ago. I click on it and the new one to find they're from the same person, remarking on two different posts. The first one I had begun reading at the doctor's office is under my previous announcement from three weeks ago and the second from only 45 minutes ago, when I posted the picture of my first sonogram. The first comment reads;
That's disgusting, what's wrong with you that you can't be normal and marry a girl?
And the second;
Who would want to see that? It's sick for you to show the whole world something like this. Who the hell wants to know?
I'm shocked, my eyes wide and confused. Sure I've faced my share of negativity before but this is another level, and about this too, about the best thing in my life. I can't help it as I feel my eyes sting and once I blink, the tears sliding down my face. I stare at the words, not quite knowing what to do; normally I'd just delete the comment and block the user, but now I feel like I'm paralyzed, this hits too close to home. My breath hitches and I start to cry, really cry. Even as I curse myself for being so ridiculous, and tell myself that it doesn't matter, just one more ignorant asshole in the world determined to inflict his own twisted views on others, it really does, and I hate that I'm showing it. I set my phone down, and Potya, seeming to sense that there's something wrong, walks across the table toward me; rubbing against my shoulder, purring and trying to make me feel better.
I hear the door open and Otabek coming through the living room to find me. I try to gather myself, but it's no use, and in a second he's by my side. "Yuri, what's wrong?" He asks me anxiously, concern etched in his features. I just shake my head and cry harder, the more I try to staunch the flow of tears that pour down my face the faster they come. Otabek hugs me and holds me close, trying to comfort and coax out of me what's happened. Maintaining his firm reassuring hold on me he picks up my phone from the table and scans the comment; his face darkens. He clicks a few things and then turns it off, setting it down across the table from us, "I'm so sorry," He tells me, looking shaken, furious, and helpless at the same time, "It's not fair, that-" He seems to be searching for the right word, "Shithead, saying that to you," And hearing his voice as he says it, I can't help but laugh, even as the tears rain down my face. He hugs me tightly, protectively, and we stay like that for a while, wrapped in each other's embrace, each trying to comfort the other in our own way.
That night as I get into bed, waiting for Otabek to finish brushing his teeth before turning out the lights I hear my phone buzz again. I pick it up apprehensively, worried about what I might find, but this time ready for a fight. I open the post I and the other user have been tagged in and feel a smile spread across my face as I read through it.
How dare you say that! You're wrong and need to grow up, this is the 21st century for god's sake!
Go straight to hell, anyone who thinks the way you do has clearly never felt love in their life
Love is love! Why is that wrong, it doesn't affect you!
When you become the world's best figure skater six years running, have a huge international fan base, and are happily married with a child you get to have an opinion on this, until then, you haven't accomplished a shred of what Yuri Plisetsky has so take your opinions and fuck off!
How do people like you still exist? We need an Arch
Get out of here! Who gave you the right to say something like that?
Why are you even following him then?
I don't understand how you can have that opinion, he's clearly a better person than you are and I know that through literally two comments.
Fuck off if it bothers you so much, don't inflict your sick jaded views on the rest of the world.
I only read the first ten comments on the post but feel my face light up; the Yuri's Angels, for all the lunatic things they do, they've really come through for me.
Otabek emerges from the bathroom and sees me on my phone, "You okay?" he asks, obviously rattled by this afternoon's incident and worried to see me back online so soon.
"Yeah," I reply, smiling, "I am,"
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