Chapter 7 - The Calm Before the Storm
Just another boring day at work. Yesterday, Jungkook spent three hours in the archives. He had taken some files down and then stayed to help an old Noona to reach the top shelves, and today he literally played solitaire on his, now fixed, computer for a solid hour before it grew tired of it. It was the only game there, and he had to pretend to work every time Chief walked by since he deleted all the games from his phone to stop the temptation. He was slowly, but surely losing his mind from boredom. He stared at one spot on the wall when the familiar voice draw his attention.
-'' Hey handsome.'' - Hwasa walked towards him. – '' Whatcha doing?'' – She asks, seating herself on the top of his desk. Jungkook always kept the corner free for her.
He sighs with a heavy breath. –'' I am so bored, you won't believe how much.'' – He groans, and she made a face full of pity.
-'' Believe me, I do. I would go crazy locked up like that.'' – He says, nudging his knee with her leg.
-' Yeah, well...I just hope that I will be over with the punishment soon because this... '' – He shakes his head and huff an exasperated breath.
She says nothing at that.
-'' What do you think about that robbery and shooting at the penthouse?'' – He asks to change the subject.
She arches her eyebrows, thinking it through before she answers. – '' Shitty work, if you ask me. The guards were drugged and down, and yet they went in fully equipt with guns. Something doesn't add up, there. No sense. If they wanted to go peacefully, they would go lighter, stealthier, but ... this was loud and messy. Naah, something doesn't add up.''
-'' Who is handling the case?''
She hums, trying to remember. – '' I think Choi and Kim. They are good.''
Jungkook nods. – '' Yeah, they are one of the best.'' – Even he had to agree on that even though he didn't like those high-level assholes. He didn't know Choi Minho and Kim Kibum very well as persons, but he knew their work ethic and how good they are at what they do. – '' They will handle it well.''
Hwasa squints at him, a smirk forming on her lips. – '' You wish you had that case, don't you?''
Jungkook snorts loud. – '' Damn, I wish I had a missing wallet situation right now, to be honest.'' – They share a laugh at that before he continues. – '' But yeah, that case seems interesting, I wouldn't mind it at all.''
And still, Hwasa observed him silently, her thoughts running in her head as if she considered something.
-'' Wanna hit the streets?''- She asked after a while.
Jungkook's eyes widen at first but then settled to look at her in defeat. – '' You know I'm not allowed to.''
She smiled slyly. – ''Are you always doing what you are told?''
Jungkook's dead-panned expression spoke a thousand words, which made Hwasa chuckle.
-'' Yes, when you return from two months suspension after doing things you weren't allowed.'' – He spoke in a flat voice.
-'' Alright, I see your point.'' – She agreed. –'' But that doesn't mean you can't go out for lunch.''
-'' Oh, you mean that? I thought...umm. You know what, never mind.'' – Jungkook begin, but quickly dropped it, feeling disappointed.
-'' You thought I was calling you for a case?''
-'' Never mind, forget it. I was just being stupid.'' – Jungkook shook his head. – '' I'm going crazy all tied up on the desk.'' – He noticed Hwasa's smirk and eyebrow-raising, suggesting she has another meaning in her mind, so he quickly added. – '' Not the good tied up.''
-'' Is there a good tied up?'' – She teased.
-'' Forget it.'' – He groaned. –'' Wanna go eat?'' – He asked to change the subject and she laughed, tossing her arm around his shoulder.
-'' Sure, get your jacket, rope bunny, we are going out.''
They met Hwasa's partner, Jinyoung, in front of the elevators, talking on the phone. He didn't greet them but simply pressed the call button. They went down to the garage.
-'' Are we going somewhere far? There is a new restaurant nearby if you want to try it.'' – Jungkook suggests, but she just shook her head.
-'' We will eat, eventually, but first we have some errands to take care of.'' – '' She turned towards Jinyoung, who was still on the phone. – ''Keys!'' – She shouted.
He patted his jacket pockets and tossed them to her once he found them, speaking something Jungkook couldn't understand. He finishes once they reached the car, turning his face towards Jungkook to smile and greet him. -'' Hey, Kook, are you joining our patrol today?'' – He asked in a good mood.
-'' What? No, we are going to grab lunch.'' – Jungkook said.
Jinyoung's brows furrowed in confusion. – '' We just ate.'' – He says, and then both of them turned to look at Hwasa questioningly. She rolled her eyes.
-'' You two are annoying. Yes, he is coming with us, and no we are not eating. Get in the car.'' – She says and opens the driver's door.
-'' Noona.'' – Jungkook called, refusing to move from the spot. Hwasa huffed.
-'' Look, do you want to be stuck at that table for the entire week before that old geezer removes you from his black book or not? – She asks.
-'' Me defying his order will not remove me from his black book any time soon.'' – He pointed out.
-'' You are not on the case, you are not even assisting. If anyone asks you can just say that we were at lunch when we got the call and decided to check it out because we were in the neighbourhood. You can say you stayed in the car.'' – She raised her hands and let them fall, flapping her thighs in the process, in wild gesticulation.
Jinyoung saw that she was getting impatient with their youngest, so he intervenes. – '' What Hwasa is trying to say is that you could use some fresh air, no one can take that right from you. If anyone says anything we will protect you.'' – He looked at Jungkook friendly, smiling. – ''So, if you're not hungry for real, I suggest we go.'' – With that, he entered the passenger seat.
Hwasa raised both of her eyebrows questioningly at Jungkook. – '' Are you coming or not?''
Jungkook needed only a second to decide. – ''Hell yes!'' – He said with a grin and turned to the car.
Once they were in, Jungkook asked. -'' So where are we going?''
He eased himself into the back seat watching Hwasa starting the engine, while Jinyoung checked their notes, answering. -'' Well, if you've heard about that gallery forgery thing, then you'll get why we need to check things more closely now. There's been an anonymous tip about one other gallery downtown that might have connections with the group that was on that big case. They might have sold two fake paintings.''
-'' Are they fake?'' – Jungkook asked.
-'' Oh, yes, they are fake, right.'' – Hwasa chimed in, turning the rough corner expertly as she drove out of the building. – '' We got not one, but three written confirmations from three different experts about those two paintings.''
-'' We need to see if the cases are connected in anyhow.'' – Jinyoung added. – ''Maybe the group worked with more than one gallery. This one is more recent since it's only two paintings.''
They quickly brief him about the case and how it came about.
-'' You think it's the same thing? Splendid fakes, brilliant manipulation and stupid gallery staff?'' – Jungkook asked. The discussion from a few nights ago is still fresh, as well as his irritation, especially because Park, is on the case.
Jinyoung turned his head to look at him, smirking.
–'' We have no proof of them doing it on purpose or by accident. Their margins should be off the charts if that's the case, so we need to look more into that before we press any harder for clues and evidence.'' – He closed the file and tossed it into the glove compartment.
-'' Yeah, they might be just pawns in the game, not knowing they are moved on the board. We need them to get us to the real players.'' – Hwasa agreed.
Jinyoung nodded in confirmation. -'' You need to find out are there more fake paintings in the gallery or their storage, but for that, you will need a warrant.''
-'' Once we sniff around with the staff, we will.'' – Hwasa says.
- '' Yeah. We don't want to scare them to run.'' – He added, smiling.
-'' We need those lists.'' – Hwasa says.
-'' Yes, we need those lists.'' – Jinyoung confirmed.
Jungkook's eyes narrowed. – ''What are those lists?''
-'' Anyone who works in the secondary art market where you're buying up work from one party and resell it to another could give you maybe a hundred per cent markup, it's generally normal.'' – Hwasa says, turning the steering wheel to the right, and cursing the other driver quietly that refused to move when she blinked him. – '' Bastard! Who gave you the licence!?''
Jinyoung gave her a small smile before Jungkook called for his attention again.
-'' Oh, you mean margin lists.'' – He finally understood what they meant. – '' There will be inconsistency if they buy paintings for let's say 8 million won, and then sell them for more than 6 billion. Especially if that happens more than once per year.'' – He says knowingly.
-'' Yup, if the piece is valuable.'' – Jinyoung added.
-'' That's alright if you have one of those rare pieces, but if you have more than, let's say, three, and they are consistent, it raises suspicions of how the buying price is so low, but selling is that high.'' – Hwasa interjected.
-'' Yes, those profit margins go more like anywhere from 200% to, like, 800%. That happens once in every ten years or so.'' – Jungkook adds to her words.
-'' M-hm...'' – She nods. –'' So if several of those extremely rare art pieces show up in quick succession, it raises the red flag for us to investigate.''
-'' The gallery should know about this if they are not involved with the scam.'' – Jungkook mused. – ''Every secondary market dealer would know that. If they're repeatedly getting profit margins of that scale, that there is some cause for concern there.'' – Jungkook spoke grimly.
-'' The market dealers just care to get things for a low price.'' – Jinyoung huffed a laugh.
-'' If you don't know the value of what you are selling they certainly won't correct you. Move, you slimy snail!'' – Hwasa gritted through her teeth, shifting the gear and pressing gas once she finally pass that ass driver who irked her.
-'' Sure, but if they don't check the authenticity of those paintings, especially if they are consistent, they are, A: amateurs, or B: the scammers.'' – Jungkook insisted.
-'' Or just greedy and stupid.'' – Hwasa offered, and Jungkook smiled, even though he wasn't convinced.
- ''We're here.'' – She announced.
As expected the gallery acted innocent of any involvement of foul play, saying that all their art pieces come with valid provenance from the experts. When asked to divulge the name of those experts they admitted that there is only one, but that his credentials are spotless.
As it befits the scammer. It crossed Jungkook's mind. He also felt that the gallery director and the staff that was there had, indeed, no idea about it and that the guilty one was not amongst them.
They left with the guy's name and address, and pretty soon, they took him for questioning. He was a skinny and pale man. He reminded Jungkook of a weasel. He did have the right credentials, but he did admit that he was encouraged not to be too detailed when examining the piece. He offered to say who it was who paid him for the approved seal and where the next meeting, in two days, will be if they let him off with a warning and a promise never to do that again, so he won't go to jail or lose his job.
Jungkook wanted to slap him. He didn't, of course. The information he provided could possibly lead them to those who orchestrated the whole scam, so he became the police informant for the duration of that case.
The tip and the evidence the weasel-guy provided proved golden since the guy in question matched in their database as a member of the known gang who deals with various crimes that Jungkook and his colleagues can't seem to find any proof of. The group is so well organized and cleans up after themselves, that it became quite hilarious how clues and evidence evade the cops. Everybody knows what they are doing, and they get taken for questioning often, but no valid evidence or confession could be found.
What's worse, they are quite versatile. Not only are drugs and other crimes involved, which gave many headaches to Mark and Jackson, but also the forgery and smuggling, that Hwasa and Jinyoung investigated. It was all hush hushed.
-'' We need to prepare.'' – Hwasa says once they returned to the station, with boxes of street food in the bags that they collected on their way back.
-'' We will need some assistance.''- Jinyoung spoke, brows furrowing as he rubbed his jaw.
-'' Ask Chief for Kook.'' – Hwasa says, opening up the lid of her food and picking up the piece of fried kimchi with her chopsticks. – '' He has nothing to do anyway, and we could use a third pair of legs and eyes. The information did say it would be a few of them on that meeting.''
Jinyoung furrowing his eyebrows even further. – ''The Chief won't like it.''
-'' That's alright, Hyung. Don't go pissing off Chief if you don't have to.'' – Jungkook said, cheeks full of food as he munched with gusto.
-'' The thing is...'' – Jinyoung says, taking his own box. – ''...we do need assistance in this one. But I'm afraid that he will send someone else, just because he's irked with you still.'' – He took a bite of his noodles once he finished his sentence and hummed in approval at the taste. They were delicious.
-'' Yeah, but that's why you are going to ask him, Hyung, not me.'' – Hwasa said, stuffing her mouth with a mouthful of rice, and nodding her head when Jinyoung looked at her. He stopped in mid-chew, cheeks filled with food on both sides. He looked like a chipmunk. – ''Will I?'' – He asked and Jungkook giggled in his box, eyes ever observing.
-'' Mhm.'' – Hwasa nodded, chewing. –'' He likes you. You are his golden boy.''
Jinyoung went pinkish from embarrassment. – ''I'm not. You exaggerate.''- He protests.
Hwasa laughed. – ''You so are.''
-'' No, I am not. And I would appreciate it if you don't go around telling people that I'm Chief's favourite.'' – Jinyoung hissed in a hushed tone. He looked around the office but it was half empty. – ''I'm just reasonable and polite and don't jump to fight the instant something rubs me the wrong way.'' – He nods his head towards Hwasa. She was unperturbed.
-'' I don't have to be nice when you are around. You will do it for me. Won't you, Hyung?'' – She asked in her sweet tone. – '' Oh, you got a sauce smudge on your mouth. Here.'' – She picked up the tissue and wipe it off, blinking sweetly. Jungkook actually stopped eating to look at this exchange.
Jinyoung just stared at her, and he then leaned back, taking a deep exasperated sigh, trying to calm himself down. – ''I dislike you right now.'' – He murmured before shaking his head and digging back into his food. Hwasa just smiled satisfactorily, enjoying her small victory.
After their late lunch was over, Jinyoung went to talk to the Chief. He returned some fifteen minutes later, slightly annoyed. – ''It's done.'' – He spoke, not daring to look Hwasa in the eyes. He looked at Jungkook instead. – ''You are coming with us, but only as a support.''
Jungkook's doe eyes went even wider as disbelief was written on his face. Jinyoung went on speaking. – ''You are to assist and listen to us, and you are not to run along and do anything that we don't permit you to. That's Chief's orders, not mine, just so you know. I had to repeat that to you from word to word. You will get that is written as well, and you need to sign the agreement.''
-'' I'll do whatever you want.'' – Jungkook's excitement was obvious in his wide smile. – ''I'll dance for you or bring you coffee for a month if you want me to.''
Hwasa chuckled, and Jinyoung shook his head. –'' It's not necessary. I'm glad I've managed to convince him, but it wasn't easy.''
-'' I told you you can do it, Golden boy.'' – Hwasa teased with satisfaction.
Jinyoung ignored her, which made her laugh. But Jungkook knew he was annoyed and resigned.
Jinyoung is known to be very savage when he's in the mood. He messes up with Jackson and Yugyeom daily. He is a sarcastic man, brutally honest and has a way of giving an insult that sounds like a compliment.
He is only ever different and patient with Hwasa. Nobody dares to tease him about it, but he definitely has a soft spot for her.
At the same moment, this exchange happen in the Police station, several blocks away, on the window looking at the busy street, sat Taehyung.
The other man with dark hair and a handsome body and face talked on the phone. He was irritated about something, waving his hand in the air, his voice dancing higher and lower, depending on the level of annoyance he went through with whomever he talked to on the other side of the line. It was so fun to watch him pacing the room in sharp turns while speaking too fast in the Thai language. To Taehyung, that language was always fascinating, and Bam-Bam was the neverending source of amusement.
With a few more minutes of shouting and, Taehyung imagined, cursing, Bam ended his call and tossed his phone on the sofa.
-'' To hell with it!'' – He shouts in Korean.
-'' What happened?'' – Taehyung asks.
-'' The asshole got scared and is pulled away. He's not coming.'' – Bam says, running his hand through his hair, huffing in annoyance.
-'' Hmm...'' – Tae hums. – '' Lee won't like it.''
-'' Of course, he won't, he will nag me about it.''
-'' What about that other guy, Sanghoon?'' – Tae asks.
-'' I called him this morning and he says everything is fine. He'll be there. We need to pick him though, he doesn't own a car.''
-'' There is a bus or metro.'' – Tae cocks an eyebrow.
Bam gave him a deadpanned expression. – '' You know he agreed to do things for us for half of the price if we give him rides.''
Taehyung rolls his eyes. – '' I don't like him.'' – He says. – '' He is like a weasel, too slippery. I don't trust him.''
-'' Hey, weasels are cute, don't compare them to that douchebag.'' – Bam says, fixing his hair. – '' Besides, he is just a temporary solution. If we haven't lost that gallery, things would be different.''
-'' Yeah, things were tricky, but luckily nothing can connect us with that.''- Taehyung agrees.
-'' I still can't believe they got busted. Like, how stupid can you be? Selling it all to the same place, so fast. Stupid, stupid, stupid.'' – Bam grunted, huffing the air through his nose.
-'' Hey, it did work fine. It lasted for three years, no one noticed.'' - Tae said.
Bam snorts. – '' Yeah, until one jackass decided to hire his own expert to check the paintings. I'm surprised it took them this long.''
-'' I'm not.'' – Tae says confidently. – '' The paintings were spotless. The con artist was very good at his job. The styles were matching perfectly with artists, and I'm still amazed at how masterfully they created the story about it. How the paintings came to be, how they lay forgotten in the attic, how some were a gift from the painter himself, and others were bought privately from the source and so on. Not to mention that perfect detail – the ignorance about the painting's worth. It was masterful.'' – Tae stood and went to make himself comfortable on the sofa. – '' They pretend they have no idea how much money the paintings are worth, and the gallery was too happy to keep them ignorant and to buy them at the low price, only to sell them very high.''
-'' Greedy.'' – Bam murmured. – '' Greedy all of them.''
-'' Hey, their greed filled our pockets as well.'' – Tae pointed out.
Bam made a face of mild disapproval. – '' True, but still, they could play it a bit better. Not selling a painting every three months in the same bloody gallery. I told you not to give them the guy, V.''
-'' Hey, they ask for a con artist, and I hook them up with one. I don't know how much they agreed upon.'' – Tae shrugged his shoulders. He was too relaxed for the entire ordeal.
-'' Exactly, and look what happened. The scam is busted, your con artist fled to China, and Lee is breathing down my neck like it's my fault. '' - Bam shook his head, settling himself on the sofa as well. – '' You knew that if they smell easy money they will not listen to reason, but be damned fools.'' – He grumbled. Tae suppressed a laugh. Bam was too adorable when angry. – '' It's the first rule in the scam, plan long and in detail, be quick, do a job, and then avoid the place for a while until the dust settles. But no, they had to go for more. I told them one, maybe two paintings per year, at the same gallery.''
-'' They said it was an heirloom, and the owners only sold them when they needed the money.'' – Tae chimed in. – '' That's why the same gallery bought them, they were waiting for more.''
-'' I don't know if I should be sorry for that woman of curse her greedy ass as well.'' – Bam grumbled.
-'' You mean the gallery director?'' – Taehyung asked.
Bam nods affirmatively.
Taehyung just chuckles. – '' Her lawyer will get her out.''
-'' Park Jimin is not a miracle worker.'' - Bam retorted.
-'' Oh, he is. He rarely loses a case.'' – Tae defended his favourite lawyer.
-'' Yeah, well... I still don't like it.''
Taehyung laughed. – '' Who rattled your cage?''
-'' Everybody today.'' – The man sighed.
-'' I didn't.'' – Tae nudged him with his foot.
Bam game a small smile. – '' Only you didn't, Hyung.''
Taehyung yawned suddenly and stretched. – '' Aaaah...'' – He groaned in satisfaction when several of his joints cracked. He allowed his body to relish that cloud-like feeling for several moments before straightening himself and patting Bam's knee in affection. – '' Don't worry Bam, things will be alright. I'll come with you to the meeting. I'll talk to Lee.'' – He says and Bam gave him a grateful smile.
-'' Thanks, V-Hyung.''
Tae stood up, ready to leave when Bam asked. - '' You're leaving? But, aren't we going out tonight? Youngjae is making a party again.''
Taehyung hums in thought. – '' I think I'll pass. I have other things to do, or better say - someone.'' – He says slyly. That exquisite blond ass is waiting for him at home, and Taehyung can't wait to see him.
-'' Oho, a booty call. Good for you.'' – Bam laughs. – ''Wish me luck to find someone as well.''
-'' Jay usually invites all sorts of people.'' – Taehyung muses. – '' Some might take your fancy.''
-'' More my cock, than fancy, but it's alright.''
Taehyung chuckles while Bam laughs at his own joke.
-'' Don't be so crude, Bam. People will think you have no shame.''
Bam turns to look at him, eyes glinting with mischief. – '' Whoever says I do.''
-'' Touche, my friend.'' – Taehyung chuckles before taking his leave.
It was around nine o'clock in the morning when Taehyung entered the courtroom. Today was the last day of the trial Jimin was doing, in the case of the woman who was blamed for selling the fake art. The room was filled with people. There was also a few news reporters who followed the proceedings of the trial. Taehyung thought it was the perfect opportunity to test his new mask in public.
He sat in the third row, moving slower, bending slightly. His grey beard and hair were ruffled, and a long brown trench coat was tied around his big fake belly. On his face was carefully placed make-up and prosthetics, which hid his real age and gave him a look of a rugged old man. He was still clean enough so people won't mistake him for a street rogue.
No one looked in his direction more than once. No one wondered who might he be. He was easily forgettable, and Taehyung knew it was working. He has to tell Namjoon, he would be pleased.
His eyes fell on the prim figure in the middle of the courtroom. He was pacing around the room in his tailored suit and neat blond hair. Jimin is devilishly handsome. Taehyung thought. His voice was light and soft, but his words oozed the confidence and power that anyone who was listening felt. Taeehyung himself felt it too, it created butterflies in his stomach.
He shuddered slightly, pushing those feelings away as he began to concentrate on what the handsome man was saying.
-'' She wasn't alone in believing in these works of art.'' – Jimin spoke to the jury. He had their rapt attention. –'' It wasn't my client against the World. Everyone was willing. The art world was willing to believe in it, too. They weren't hidden. They weren't downplayed. They were exposed around the world, and published.''
He made a small pause so this information could sink in. It was working, since the faces of a few of them were shifting like they had a ''a-ha'' moment.
-'' Her only fault is that she truly wanted these works of art to be real because if they were, she would be a leading figure in the World of art dealers.'' – Jimin's eyes roamed to every single one of the jury's faces, making sure he create the eye contacts with each of them.
-'' I think every single one of us wants to be great at something.'' – He says with a knowing smile, having a few of the jury members nod their heads, agreeing. – '' Everyone wants to achieve something big, and I don't think that's a crime if you follow the law.''
At this, a couple of them squinted their eyes, trying to find some fault in that. Trying to see, Taehyung was guessing, if Jimin was mocking them, or if he was telling the truth. Because, if his client followed the law, she wouldn't be here in the first place then, and since her innocence is still to be proved, she is guilty until proved otherwise.
Jimin, however, wasn't worried. He expected that. That's why his next words were even more determent and confident.
How can someone so elegant and soft, be so powerful? Taehyung wondered in sheer delight.
-'' My client wanted to achieve the top of her career, and she didn't do anything knowingly wrong, the evidence proves that. Was she tricked into believing in the authenticity of those paintings? Yes.'' – He asked and answered right away, not allowing the jury to dwell on that question for long, but simply notice it. – '' Was she a bit naïve?'' – He asks, and this time he does make a pause, allowing the jury to contemplate it and come to their solution before he confirms it with his own.
He nods, raising his eyebrows in a ''yes, it's obvious'' manner. The jury mimicked the movement and nods their head slightly. – '' Yes, we can agree she was.'' – He agrees. – ''It was too good to be true, yes.'' – He nodded still like it was obvious. – '' And yet, everyone in this courtroom, no matter who we are had at least one very naïve and silly moment in our life when we asked ourselves ''why did I do this?'' Me included.'' – He points to himself too, with a big smile on his face. – '' I could say that I have had more than a few of very foolish things I did in my youth.'' – He gave them his most charming smile.
The few members of the jury chuckled, as well as the people in the audience, agreeing wholeheartedly.
Jimin let it spread a bit, lighting up the room. He wanted everyone to remember their own moments of naïve stupidity and the feeling that followed.
His pretty smile diminished and a firmer, more serious look adorned his face again.
Taehyung watched him turn around and walk a few paces to the other side of the room, raising his hand toward his client. – '' Was she involved in the scam?'' – He made a pause so the jury could slide their eyes from Jimin's fine figure towards the accused who sat weakly on the defendant's chair, looking all lost and withering. This was all orchestrated by Jimin to gain the jury's sympathy.
Sneaky Jiminie. Taehyung wanted to giggle, but he curbed the urge. Instead, he watches the jury's reaction carefully.
-'' No.'' – Jimin called their eyes back at him with one firm word. –'' No, she wasn't.'' – He repeated with even more certainty.
-'' I want you to ask yourself this: How does one authenticate any of these paintings?'' – He asked, watching the jury's facial expressions. They were all different, so he quickly checked out the most obvious ways. – '' Yes, the testing of the style, age of the paint, age of the frame, the glue, the canvas. Yes, all that is fine, but what if half of that was from the exact period, the frame, the canvas... what if the paints are even made similarly as they made them in the past? What if the style of the artist is so well executed that only the expert that spent their life studying only that one artist could notice? Even if someone claims that is real, they will never say it with 100% certainty.''
He chuckled and said it matter-of-factly. – ''Unless you sat next to the original artist and watch them paint that exact painting in their time and place, only then could you say it with unwavering certainty, ''yes, this is the original painting.'''' – Jimin pointed out, and some of the juries nodded in agreement. Still, he didn't have them all in his grasp. Taehyung thought. And he needs them all unanimous.
-'' Even if someone claims that it's real..'' – Jimin continues in the silent courtroom. – ''' There will always be somebody else who claims the opposite. It's similar to critics, one may like it, and the others could hate the art. It's the inner feeling we get from looking at it. Even with experts for the particular time and period, which my client certainly wasn't, even though her vast knowledge of many many styles and arts, how can anyone authenticate the ''real'' thing nowadays?''
He walked around the room, glancing politely at the judge to check his expression. The man was passive but observing. Jimin felt relaxed, this was his domain. He ruled here. He was born for this.
-'' Yes, we can take two paintings that are exactly the same, and place them one next to the other. One will be the certified ''original'', and the other will be its copy. You can spend hours trying to find the differences between them. In the end, you won't be sure if the original one is the copy, and the copy is the original. '' - Jimin chuckled at the absurdity of it all. – '' Now, imagine having two utterly different paintings, but only the style is similar, which means that we learn more from our hunch and our knowledge. The reason and intuition rarely agree on things.''
He turned around, looking at the audience, his back and shoulders straight, and yet he had the certain fluidity of a dancer. It was quite appealing to watch him.
-'' I remembered one thing I've read somewhere. It's about a popular landscapes painter, named Bob Ross. I'm sure most of you have heard of him? Big bushy hair, calm soothing voice and a huge talent for both painting and teaching.'' – Jimin took a stance, giving the people the opportunity to recall the said painter. Once he was satisfied that most of them remembered him, he continued.
-'' Even years after his death, Annette Kowalski, his business partner, claims that she is the only person that can authenticate Bob Ross's original paintings.'' – Jimin raised his eyebrows, in an ''okay'' manner. – '' No one else, not even his son, who spent his life by his father's side learning from him, since he is a painter himself. But no, just her, his manager.'' – Jimin's face showed that he doesn't believe in that shit for one bit. – '' And yet, the ''original'' Bob Ross paintings still get sold every once in a while, from the company itself. Everyone knows they are copies of his work, done by his students. We all know that he dedicated his life to teaching people to paint like him. Remember those pretty landscapes?'' – Jimin asked in admiration. – '' And yet no one can break down Kowalski's claim, that she is the only one who knows because she has papers who prove that she owns it all.''
Seeing the slight confusion on the jury's face, Jimin went to them. – ''The point of this story was to show you that there are no flawless authenticators that never made a mistake. There is always a chance that they might be wrong. It also shows that some of them would lie and cheat to make a profit.''
Even though it seemed like JImin didn't know what he was doing, he did.
-'' Those last ones are usually the ones that are rarely caught, and with not so clean history behind them.'' – He turns towards his client. – ''Miss Cheong had a spotless reputation thus far. She was always a great and hardworking student, a diligent worker, with a PhD in Arts. The daughter that her parents are proud of. She spent her whole life living and breathing art.'' – He pauses, turning towards the audience in the room.'' And yet, there is no evidence to prove her guilty, except her signature, as she followed the approved documents and reassurance from an expert.'' – He took his breath calmly, swallowed and continued. – '' Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Cheong is a victim in this story...'' – He stressed the word carefully. – ''She is not a villain.'' – He made a slight, calculated pause, before walking closer to the jury, claiming their attention completely.
-'' She is a victim...'' - He quickly glanced around into all of their eyes. – ''...of a very well executed scam.''
He nodded in a friendly way like he just divulged to them a secret or a fact that not many people know. They felt almost privileged for this confidence.
-'' The scam so well-planned than anyone in this room could be, more or less, fooled.'' – He looks at them with rapt attention, trying to access their brains to find out what are they thinking.
-'' Remember that, ladies and gentlemen. Remember that's is your responsibility to make the best decision. Remember that we all are humans who have faults. Remember yourself when you did something wrong but you didn't mean to. Remember the feeling when you were not punished because of that foolishness, but only warned. Remember the lesson that you've learned then. Remember...'' – Jimin paused, eyes round, and pleading. – ''... and decide. Thank you.''
He bowed and went to his seat. Needless to say, he won the case. Miss Cheong was crying heavily when the verdict was spoken and she bowed almost to the ground a thousand times, thanking him.
Taehyung didn't stay to watch, but he went outside. There he waited for Jimin to come out. Once he did, it was with a group of people. He took his goodbyes and went on.
Taehyung stepped in his way. – ''Mr Park Jimin.'' – He said with a changed voice.
-'' Yes?'' – Jimin answered, the groomed eyebrow poked from under his sunglasses. – '' Who's asking?'' – He added.
-'' Mr Park, congratulation on your win. I never doubted in you.'' – Taehyung spoke.
Jimin took off his shades. – ''Thank you, mister...?'' – He demanded the introduction with slightly furrowed brows. Taehyung wanted to burst out laughing, but his acting skills were very good for that spontaneous break out of character.
-'' Yes, yes, very good indeed. You seemed very well versed in the world of forgery and scams. Half of your cases, if I'm not mistaken, are connected to that.''
At this Jimin furrowed his brows even more. Taehyung could feel he will bristle at him at any moment now. So he brought his charade to the end.
-'' I wonder if you ever heard about this famous jewellery thief. He is like Tomas Crown from that movie, but much more handsome than old Pierce Brosnan, even though, the man has charm, the older he gets.''
Jimin watched the man rambling, eyes scanning his face more closely. It was when a wide smile spread across the man's face that Jimin knew.
-'' Aaaah! You ass!'' – He yelled and smacked Taehyung on the shoulder. The latter laughed, not managing to contain himself anymore.
After the initial shock left Jimin, and the ridiculousness of Tae's attire hit him that he had to crouch down in a sudden burst of laughter.
-'' What?'' – He began, but fell into fits of giggles. – ''What is this?'' – He tried again, raising his hand in the air to point at Tae. – ''Why? You look ridiculous.''
They both laughed like two idiots.
-'' I was testing my new mask. Can't be too careful.'' – Taehyung says. – ''It won't be good if one of the Kim brothers visits the trial of the unknown woman only to watch her handsome lawyer do his thing.'' – Taehyung flirted. – '' Imagine the scandal in the tabloids tomorrow. ''The famous Batchelor Kim Taehyung has an affair with the accused woman. He came in support of her at the trial for art scamming.'''' – He quietly recites the line in the papers that only he could see in his head. – '' No matter she is old enough to be my mother.'' - He added funny confidentially. Jimin laughed more. He loves this man! Tae just smiled widely, adding. – ''I mean they are up to my ally, to be fair.'' - He nudged JImin with his shoulder. – ''You know what I mean?''
-'' Tae, be careful.'' – Jimin put his hand on Taehyung's sleave. – '' And of course, I know. You are being careful?'' – He asked, worry in his eyes.
-'' Of course, I am.
Jimin snorted. – ''That means that you're not.'' – He said.
Taehyung gasped appaled. – '' That's not true, I so am.'' – He defended himself. Jimin didn't buy it.
-'' Don't look at me so disapprovingly, you remind me of Jin Hyung when you do that. – Tae pouts, making puppy eyes.
Jimin smiled at Hyung's name. – ''How is Jin Hyung?'' – He asked with affection, allowing the subject to be changed. – '' Is he working too hard again?''
Taehyung chuckles. – '' He always works hard.''
-'' He should take care of himself more. What about Namjoonie Hyung? How is my favourite Hyung?''
-'' He is fine. He develops an interest in wooden handmade furniture. He read about it and wanted to set a workshop, but Jinnie Hyung took the saw and the hammer away from him so he won't cut his fingers.''
Jimin laughed, knowing pretty well how clumsy Namjoon is. Taehyung was smiling warmly as well. – '' Hyung said that screwdriver was enough danger for Joon to handle, and that he should stick to the computers.''
Jimin giggled so much at that.
-'' Oh, I need to visit soon. Haven's spent time with them in ages.'' – Jimin decided.
Taehyung smiled at that. – '' You should. They will be happy to see you.'' – He reassured.
Just then, their common acquaintance approached Jimin, having not recognized Taehyung at all. The masked man fell into his role again. After a few polite words, the person left and Taehyung grinned at Jimin. – '' I'm gonna use this disguise for the annual board meeting event in Kim's Enterprise. There are always so pricks who talk shit about us.''
Jimin grinned as well. –'' Just make sure to groom his beard and eyebrows, and put on some suit.'' – He advised.
Taehyung's eyes widened at the idea. -'' Ah, good one. Will do.'' – He scratches at his face, the fake beard was getting itchy the longer he wore it. – '' Jiminie, what do you say I take this damn beard off and switch my outfit, and we go grab lunch?''
Jimin nodded. – ''Sounds good, but I have to drop these at the office.'' – He points at his suitcase. – '' There are some documents that I have to give to Wheein. Meet me in a half an hour? Same place as always?'' – He asks.
-'' Absolutely.'' – Taehyung agrees.
They both rush their separate ways with the promise of another meeting soon after. Tae will take off his old man mask, but he would wear another one. Kim Taehyung was never seen in public with Park Jimin. It was one way to keep Jimin safe and away from the tabloids, and Dong-Ho.
Eh, the life I lead. Full of uncertainties. He thought. I hope things will get simpler soon.
His thoughts were full of hope for a more peaceful life, but what was coming was far from it. He just didn't know.
Hey, darlings. Thank you for your patience so far, because in the next chapter things get hectic. I hope you are well, and I'll see you on Monday. Lots of love 💜💜💜
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