Chapter 18 - Are you with me? Or against me?
"So... why do you suspect Angel Clarke?" Jack hesitated to ask, but did.
Elyka, Jack, Francis, and Syeda, in that order, sat round a table at Syeda's home. Except next to Frank was a little boy, who looked in all honestly like a mini version of him (but with dark brown hair). The boy was sat quietly next to him, taking in the whole room and its characters with wide eyes.
Frank looked deflated. His eyes showed only a worry that bordered on agony. "Because he said he's out to 'get' me. Told me to watch out. That he hates me. And he has the power to make this happen."
"But why would he hate you?" Jack asked curiously.
Frank sighed. "I just... don't know what that guy's problem is. Don't know what I ever did to piss him off. He used to be alright, we actually used to be friends. And he's my second cousin. Like, our nans were sisters. They're Uppers though, so they're quite well off. Don't know how he could ever envy us."
"Oh yeah, I was meaning to ask you, what are you? Upper, Mid, Lower? I'm Upper by the way; dunno how that happened really." Jack commented.
"I'm Mid. My parents were Uppers but they've branched off from their Families so we don't have assets or titles or anything, but still a noble name I suppose. Well, my brothers do, anyway." Frank took a deep breath before continuing – there was a lot to explain. "My surname from my father isn't on the nobility register, I checked. I don't know how my documents even label me as a Mid, I feel like I should be a Lower. Not that the Classes really matter that much." He responded, chin resting on his hand, depressedly.
"Lowers can only apply to certain jobs now." Jack mused. "And can only leave the country at set times. I mean, they could appeal against the decision, but that would take ages..." And 'who'd listen to a Lower?' was the unsaid conclusion.
"What are you guys, by the way?" Jack asked Elyka and Syeda. He didn't remember Syeda's status.
"Immigrants, so Lowers." Elyka said quietly.
"Father was a Mid, because he worked in a senior role in the government." Syeda interjected. "After he was gone, I was reverted to a Lower."
Jack frowned. Syeda was a Lower? He'd have to change that; she could say she was affiliated with him, closely. They were close family friends, after all.
But he wasn't on the best terms with his fellow De Albas at the moment, AKA his dad. Perhaps she could wait till her father got back, or till he was caught and sent home or something. At least one good thing would come out of that.
Halima has been over the moon about the guests(no one had wanted to be the first to tell her why they'd gathered); she'd brought snacks and drinks galore (even her whole supply of her personal tortilla chips she never shared) and had made a mini mountain of food on the coffee table.
Jack would have done away with half of it by now, if it hadn't been for the serious situation they were in.
Elyka sat quietly, fiddling with her fingers uncertainly, wearing a long peach hoodie and purple skinny jeans. She had come because she'd texted Frank about some homework that day (Chris had told her to regularly stay in touch with the rest of the gang to avoid being out of the loop) and Frank had revealed that his brother was missing, after which she had insisted on being around to help find him, or at least to support Frank as a friend. Genuinely.
It was common enough knowledge that Frank's parents were usually away and that he had to look after his siblings while they were gone. Now seemed to be one of those times his parents were away.
Of course, she did have aims of her own too...
"I need you to get hold of Syeda's phone." Chris's insistent words shocked her.
She wasn't a thief.
"But, but..." she tried to intervene.
"Or no scholarship. No nothing." When she looked unmoved, he sighed. "I'm sorry it has to resort to this, but if you prove unable to follow my instructions, I'll also have you kicked out of here, with a dastardly record that'll get you accepted to no school or university again. Especially if you try repeating to anyone what I tell you." Chris looked calm, but even Elyka could see that the calm barely masked his desperation. He needed results.
"I can't take Syeda's. Anyone but Syeda's. Please." Elyka pleaded.
Syeda had accepted Elyka into her group with measureless trust. SHE, the high-and-mighty Syeda Johannson, had agreed to become friends with HER, Elyka Chua, AKA The annoying brat.
She could never betray that trust. But she also couldn't pay Chris's price. But still. No betraying Syeda.
Chris saw the determination in her features, and tried another approach.
He gave her a different choice.
The thought still filled Elyka with dread, but it was better than the alternative.
She had to do it.
Frank was chewing on his lip. Had been for the last fifteen minutes he'd been here.
"Could you repeat what you saw to me, Pierre?" Jack asked, speaking to the little boy next to Frank, his own brow creased and gaze intense.
The little boy piped up. "Didier was playing Chess with me but then he needed to go upstairs to get his sweater because he was cold. After I waited for around ten minutes, I went after him. I saw his sweater which he put on his bed, but he was gone. The bedroom's big window which we always keep closed was wide open. I think someone took him through there."
Pierre looked appealingly at Jack, and his large eyes, framed with cherub-like black lashes, looked even larger. He only looked about seven, while Didier was eight. "Will you get him back? He's not gone forever, is he?" The kid looked like he had been holding in tears for longer than was healthy, his eyes slightly red. Frank stroked his brown waves of hair, and kissed his head, whispered a quiet 'It'll be okay'.
Jack responded, determinedly. "Yes, we'll do everything in our power to get your big bro back, Didier."
"Pierre!" Everyone corrected.
"Pierre! We will get your brother back, Pierre!" Oh shite, how awkward. He was rubbish with names.
"Did you bring Pi- Didier's shirt, Frank?" Jack asked, eyes on the man.
"Yup." Frank removed a shirt from his satchel-bag and threw it lightly at Jack.
He caught it. Removing his red and silver Nyfe-rod from his pocket, he held the item above the shirt he'd put on the table. "Analyse and detect owner location, Slifer." He ordered. The others looked at each other; Frank was wary.
'Isn't that... Isn't that one of those new weapons they'd showed once on the news? That only the King's Guard or the Brynnish Armed Forces are licenced to carry? That Angel probably smuggled and was threatening me with the other day?' Frank thought, slightly sweating at the thought of how both Angel and Jack had gotten hold of hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of equipment.
Jack hadn't seemed like a bad guy but... Once Didier was found, he'd confront Jack about where he'd got his gizmo.
Syeda knew what it was (though wasn't much interested in weapons so hadn't delved into it), but trusted Jack to tell her more when he was ready.
Elyka was baffled, but decided to watch and learn.
Slifer was silent for a bit, and then beeped repetitively.
An male android voice spoke. "Item analysed and Location confirmed. Didier de Beauregard is above Florent Gardens, the Verona."
Frank cursed. The Verona was a name for the nicest area of town, and Florent Gardens was the name of a prominent hotel. Wait, above?
"He is tied to the highest spire of the hotel, which is 155 feet above ground level. You will want to get him down from there, soon. Weather conditions show there will be a storm and heavy rain today." Slifer helpfully added.
Frank rushed to stand, forcing himself to keep calm. He knew he needed a cool head right now.
Jack stood rapidly with him.
"We can take my motorbike, Frank." Jack advised, already switching it on via its electric key.
"Let's go." Frank nodded, and they both rushed out the door.
Jack turned quickly. "Sarah! Call or text me to let me know what's going on with the Brentgrove street building later!" She agreed; he turned and him and Frank mounted the motorbike, that swiftly, silently sped off.
Elyka smiled, being careful to appear a perfect mix between cheerful, worried and hopeful.
Would Syeda fall for it?
"I sure hope they find Didier!" She chirruped, hands in her peach hoodie pockets, dread heavy in her stomach. But she'd done it.
She'd done as he asked. Finally. She'd been waiting for an opportunity since the party a week ago, feeling sick to her stomach the whole time, in anticipation.
She tried to smile, genuinely. Now, she would get her top university place, guaranteed with the help of Uppers like Chris. Her parents would be proud. Hell, she wouldn't get kicked out of school like Chris threatened.
In her pocket, she fingered Jack's sleek, expensive phone, with a smiley carved on it.
The only think Chris asked for.
Such a small price, for her future.
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