The Second Strongest Character
Well eren jeager takes this place and not the Warhammer titan why? Well here is why:
Originally, Eren's only noteworthy trait was his natural physical strength. As he grew and joined the 104th squad, he trained extensively in hand-to-hand combat. After additional training with Reiner and Annie, Eren's prowess and skillset diversified, including the use of punches, throws, grappling and submission locks.[22] He had the best scores for hand-to-hand combat of the entire 104th graduate squad and also his hand to hand combat skills can rival to Mikasas' ,the only flaw is not controlling his emotions which he does after ch. 50 if you want to know. While hand-to-hand fighting would appear useless due to the massive physical differences between humans and Titans, these skills gave Eren a powerful edge when fighting other Titans in his own Titan form .
Also Reiner said that EREN Jeager is the best hand to hand combat in the whole 104th squad and that he can win mikasa.
At first, it is shown that Eren is not very skilled with . During the initial balancing tests, he kept tripping and smacking his head on the floor, which people mocked him for. On his last attempt, Eren did just that and stayed upright for a short period of time before tipping over and hitting his head. Seeing this, the instructor, Keith Shadis told to swap equipment with Eren. This time, Eren did so and balanced with ease. The instructor then told Eren that his equipment was damaged and that it was incredible that he managed to stay up right at all(Not even Mikasa Could not do that!). It is then revealed that Shadis was the one who sabotaged Eren's equipment. After that Eren is already capable of doing fancy ,acrobatic spins in the air using the gear by the Battle of Trost and generally maneuvers around with dexterity and grace as if he were Mikasa. Somewhat rectified during one scene in Season 2 though, where he gets his 3DM wires tangled up killing a Titan and clumsily flops to the ground - though considering he's spent more time fighting as a titan rather than a human, his getting rusty would be justifiable. Eren is not shown using the equipment much but was able to hold his own against the Colossus Titan for a short period of time until the Titan disappeared( after cutting it's nape despite all the steam he was getting which not even a bunch of veterans could do this ).His most significant use of maneuvering equipment was shown during the Battle of Shiganshina, where he was able to use it to cut the Colossus Titan out of its nape while it was distracted by his hardened Titan.
Eren Yeager's Statistics :
Captain Levi had this to say about Eren.
Levi: It's clear to me. This guy's a true monster. His Titan abilities have nothing to do with it, either. No matter how much force you hold him down with, no matter what kind of cage you shut him up in, forcing this guy's will into submission is something nobody can do.
Glass Cannon:
As a Titan (his human form is automatically a like everybody else, of course). He's strong even by Titan standards and his punches are devastating, but his body is still surprisingly frail like a typical Titan and typically ensues as he breaks and sometimes completely severs his limbs from the force of his own attacks.Lampshaded in regards to his power as the Rogue Titan, as he doesn't have them. It's pointed out that Eren's strength is monstrous even by Titan standards, but his and can't handle the force of his own punches; he tends to break his arms and hands with every landed hit. He gets better much later on, as he acquires the ability to harden his flesh like Annie and Reiner.
He learned one of Annie's fighting techniques after seeing it only twice.
Heroes fight barehanded:
He's the best hand-to-hand combatant in the 104th, having trained extensively in it during his boot-camp days. At first it doesn't seem like a useful skill given the size difference between humans and Titans, but when his nature as a Titan Shifter is revealed it becomes a very good thing because it gives him a massive edge when fighting other Titans.
Hunter on his own kind:
Humanity's trump card against the Titans, and absolutely vital in taking on the other Titan Shifters.
Not afraid to die:
What sets him apart from many other recruits. When Eren fights, he has no time to let the prospect of of death get in his way, and, in spite of what his allies think of him , Eren has every intention of walking out of each fight alive. Best exemplified when he unhesitatingly rushes the Colossal Titan the moment it reappears, meanwhile everyone else is too stunned to even move.Which is really important for a warrior.
His rage is a terrifying thing. Annie is noticeably frightened at several points during their battles, and during the mission to capture her, she abandons her mission to kidnap Eren (a thought that terrifies her comrades) and attempts to scale Wall Sina with her bare hands once he comes out swinging.
This is made even more apparent in the anime, where have been broken off of his body in the second fight between him and Annie, and he's set aflame, he comes out running and . Damn.After getting and while in the gut of a Titan he takes a moment to freak out before declaring that he WILL murder every last Titan.
Enhanced Strength: As a result of Eren's Titan form being much more muscular than other Titans, he is much stronger in terms of physical strength. During his first transformation, Eren was able to decapitate a 15m Titan with a single punch and kill a 7m Titan with little effort. With both arms lost, he was also strong enough to bite into the neck of a large, abnormal Titan that ate Thomas and lift it up above his head. With enough force, Eren was able to throw the abnormal into another Titan hard enough to knock them both into a building. Against the Female Titan in the Titan Forest, Eren's Titan form had enough physical force to leave large craters in the ground, as well as lift the Female Titan into the air with a punch. Ultimately, Eren's greatest display of strength was when he lifted a giant boulder, albeit with difficulty, carry it across a large distance, and slam it down to seal the hole in Trost's gate, producing a large shock wave.Enhanced Endurance: Perhaps Eren's most notable trait of all is his ability to maintain levels of activity for an extended period of time. His first transformation carried on long enough to incapacitate 20 Titans in total. In battle, even after receiving massive amounts of damage from the Female Titan, Eren can carry on fighting, despite the handicaps that he suffers. He was also able to fight against the for a period of time and gain the upper hand. Eren's endurance in his Titan form was enough to allow him to sustain the effort of hoisting a huge rock on his back, carry it over a large distance, and seal the hole in Trost's gate shortly before collapsing.
Hardening: After drinking a bottle labeled "Armor" from ' bag, Eren's Titan form gained the ability to harden its body, as well as create a web of pillars that appear to originate from his Titan body. The hardened pillars are incredibly durable, capable of preventing a cave-in, as well as shielding Squad Levi from the heat of Rod Reiss' Titan form. The constructs, as well as Eren's Titan, also retain their durability and hardened state even after he has been separated from his Titan body. After two months of training with Hange Zoë, Eren is able to seal a cave with his hardening powers and reinforce the hole the Colossus Titan left in Trost. By concentrating this ability in a specific area (his fists), Eren can increase the durability of his hardened limbs to the point of being able to break the Armored Titan's armor without damaging his own. However, constant use of this power can overwhelm him and make him weak.Regeneration: Eren's Titan form has demonstrated the ability to automatically heal any injury sustained in battle and also to regenerate entire limbs. Unlike Annie Leonhart, Eren has not shown the advanced ability to focus regeneration to one wounded area of his Titan form. His healing factor was fast enough to heal an entire lost hand in mere seconds to an entire arm in minutes. This ability is useful to Eren as, when he fights, he often loses entire limbs in his Titan form. While in his human state, Eren can also regenerate entire lost limbs, as seen after he lost his arm and leg to a Titan, he regrew them. When captured by Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover in the Titan Forest, Eren was seen regenerating his lost arms after he lost a fight in his Titan form.
With the power of the Founding Titan that Grisham Jeager stole from the Reiss Family, Eren possesses the ability to control nearby Titans, causing them to relentlessly attack his chosen target. However, this ability can only be used while Eren is in contact with a member of theReiss family (or the Fritz Fakily ).
The first time he uses it is entirely by accident, by touching Dina Jeager 's (she is a member of the Firz Family just so you know)Titan, causing nearby Titans to attack and devour her, and setting the same Titans upon Bertolt and Reiner. While it is shown that others with the power of the Titans can sense the activation of his power, it is unknown whether it is possible to use it to influence or control other human-controlled Titan.That's why Zee can't Eren because if he touches him in any way he will activate the Coordinate due to Zee having royal blood.Also his Titans powers are unstable , that's why there are no stats about his Titan powers unlike the rest Titan shifters,which means that they can dramatically increase making stoner than any other Titan except from the original.
Then there's also the fact that Eren holds the Attack Titan too, which happens to be a fighting, kicking and biting powerhouse, and was purposely created to fight to the death for its freedom, making it a bitch to retrieve from its holder. Not even Frieda Reiss using the Progenitor Titan was able to overpower Grisha's Attack Titan, and she was a few hairs short of being a physical god. As it turned out, Annie, Reiner and Bertolt were collectively unable to wrest it from Eren... who holds the Coordinate now too. Crap.You know what they say two hands are better than one.He had won the female Titan, armor titan (twice),colossal Titan (twice )
Commnet down below if you want the next chapter to make a character analysis on Eren or move on the next humanities strongest soldier.I AM VERY SORRY IF I SAID THINGS TWICE.THIS IS TRUE ABOUT THE SKILLS I SAY ABOUT EREN.@Starset4life and @Maelstroem here is what is true about Eren so tell your friends these things if they say that Eren is weak,etc.
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