The Plotting Begins
This wasn't the first time that the man glanced up at the massive clock that was hanging above one of the platforms of the train station. 10:05 it read. He knew that the next train wouldn't arrive until 11. Sucking in a frustrated breath, he folded his arms and tapped one brown leather shoe against the pavement. Overhead the sky darkened briefly as rain clouds obscured the sun and he felt a slight sense of relief that he had worn his overcoat today.
The station was empty which was perfect for his meeting at the time which had already passed. Lateness was one thing that irked Hermann and he thought that Albert Thalberg was good at being punctual. Hermann paced back and forth his patience growing ever thinner as he waited for Albert to arrive. After a long while Hermann heard the ring of a bicycle bell behind him and he stopped pacing. Turning around he saw Albert Thalberg sitting on a large silver bicycle gasping for breath. Hermann approached Albert and stood near him and waited for him to respond.
"You are five minutes late what took you so long?" Hermann asked with a hint of irritation.
Albert gazed at Hermann still trying to catch his breath back. Hermann felt as if something inside him was about to snap. But he knew that snapping at Albert wouldn't be helpful for the situation at hand. So he continued to wait for an explanation from Albert.
"I apologize for being so late Hermann," Albert said after finally having caught his breath.
"Why are you on a bike where's your car?"
"I forgot that my car is still having problems and won't start so I had to bike here,"
"How far away is your house Albert?"
"About three kilometres,"
"Well let's get moving then lead the way Albert and don't go too fast, please,"
Albert slowly rode off down the street and Hermann followed alongside him. The street was almost completely empty as many people were at work. Only a few people walked past Albert and Hermann and a few cars also drove by filling the air with the pungent smell of gasoline. Eventually, they reached a two story brick building with a black door. Albert got off his bike walked it over to the door and leaned up against the wall close to the door. Albert walked up to the door and placed his hand on the doorknob the metal cold against his hand.
Turning the doorknob he pushed the door open and he and Hermann entered the building. Albert closed the door behind them and Hermann looked around the dark wooden walls in the hallway were filled with pictures of Albert and his family. But mainly pictures of Albert at different events. Hermann didn't expect this much narcissism from Albert. But he knew deep down that he was narcissistic but not narcissistic to the point where he would have multiple pictures of himself hanging in his home.
"Wonderful memories," Albert said as he noticed Hermann staring at the pictures.
"Yes, very wonderful memories indeed Albert,"
"Anyways follow me to the kitchen I shall prepare some refreshments,"
Albert walked down the hallway and through a nearby entryway and Hermann followed him. The floorboards creaked underneath their feet as they walked. Upon entering the kitchen Albert wandered over to the single large window in the kitchen and pulled the large red curtains over allowing the sunlight to flood the room. Hermann walked over to the large square mahogany table in the centre of the room and sat down in one of the chairs. Albert wandered over to the stove which had a red kettle on it and turned on the stove. Hermann's eyes wandered across the room noticing more pictures of Albert hanging on the wall.
"We also have a couple more guests who are interested in our cause,"
"Some old friends. Well, more like my friends,"
"I see,"
"They will be joining us shortly,"
Eventually, the high pitched whistling of the kettle filled the room. Hermann gazed over at Albert who was putting four tea bags in these blue and white tea cups which had floral patterns on them. Albert grabbed the kettle and started pouring the boiled water into the cups humming a tune as he did so. He placed each tea cup on a small metal tray picking up the tray he wandered over to the table. He carefully placed the tray in the centre of the table and politely smiled at Hermann who smiled back with the same amount of politeness. Albert wandered over to the window and stood there gazing out at the street. Hermann watched Albert who was standing as still as a statue and wondered what he was pondering.
Suddenly there was the sound of the door opening and closing along with quick footsteps out in the hallway. Hermann gazed at the entryway and there stood a tall man with short, straight black hair and steely blue eyes. Hermann shifted uncomfortably in his seat as the man removed his black overcoat revealing his SS uniform which was adorned with multiple medals. The man hung his overcoat up on the black wooden wall hanger next to the entryway. Hermann and the man locked eyes and Hermann noticed the rage burning in the man's eyes.
"Traitor!" The man said.
Hermann got up from his seat and slowly backed away from the man who was approaching him in powerful strides. Hermann ended up standing up against the wall. Albert took his attention away from the city outside the window and turned his attention to the situation happening in front of him. But he just decided to watch out of curiosity although he didn't dare to intervene.
"Major Stefan Eichmann, please I didn't betray the cause," Hermann said.
"You are a coward Captain Bain,"
Stefan Eichmann stopped in front of Hermann and gazed down into his eyes. Hermann looked up at Stefan's eyes which were still burning with rage. Stefan pulled his Walther out of its holster and placed it on Hermann's temple. Hermann felt the coldness of the barrel against his temple and he saw Stefan's finger close to the trigger which caused a cold sweat to form on Hermann's forehead which slowly trickled down his face. Suddenly Stefan firmly grabbed Hermann's crotch causing Hermann to wince in discomfort.
"Tell me, Hermann should I blast out your brains or your balls?"
Hermann noticed another man standing in the doorway with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The man had a stern look on his face.
"Major Eichmann please lower your gun and stop threatening Captain Bain. And for goodness sake let go of his privates," The man said as he removed his brown overcoat revealing his SS uniform which was adorned with more medals than Major Eichmanns.
Stefan removed his Walther from Hermann's temple placed it back in its holster and removed his hand from Hermann's privates. Stefan turned to face the other man who was now sitting at the table drinking some tea.
"Apologies Colonel Hans Rosengarten," Stefan said as he wandered over to the table where he eventually took a seat opposite Hans.
"Apology accepted Major. Now Captain Thalberg, please do tell us why we are here," Hans replied as he sipped his tea.
Albert wandered over to the table and sat down at the head of it. Hermann approached the table slowly sank into a seat beside Hans and avoided looking at Stefan who was still seething with rage. Hermann grabbed a cup of tea and slowly sipped the tea enjoying the pleasant herbal flavour that filled his mouth. As he drank the tea he noticed Stefan glaring at him out of the corner of his eye. Placing the teacup down on the table he continued to avoid eye contact with Stefan.
"I'm surprised that you two decided to wear your uniforms," Albert said.
"Old habits Captain Thalberg. It's best to look respectable in a meeting," Hans replied. "Now, please tell us why you called us here."
"I want us to take care of a certain communist politician. Possibly interrogate him as well I need answers,"
"Otto Assing,"
Hans folded his arms and sat back in his seat. Stefan let out a low whistle and glanced over at Albert who had a slight grin on his face. The room was silent for a short moment. Every man in the room was pondering about what steps were going to have to be made for their plan to work.
"Otto Assing is in hospital still isn't he?"
"Yes, all thanks to me,"
"I see. Well, we could sneak into the hospital at night.
"Then maybe disguise ourselves as doctors and try and find Otto Assing.
"Once we find him I suppose we kidnap him,"
"What if he's awake?"
"We could sedate him. Or knock him out with a punch. Sedation would probably be the best option as well knocking him out by punching him might cause a ruckus which we wouldn't want,"
The grin on Albert's face widened in excitement as the thoughts of kidnapping Otto Assing rushed through his mind. Hermann had seen that kind of grin on Albert's face before after he had done an interrogation. He also imagined that wicked laugh that Albert would do afterwards his laughter drew a lot of stares as most people possibly thought that he was psychotic.
"Why do we need to interrogate Otto Assing?" Hermann asked.
"Well, I want to find out where Werner Heisenberg is," Albert replied.
"But Heisenberg has been missing for weeks. Why would Otto Assing know where he is?"
"Because the Soviets have been sending troops to search for Heisenberg.
"Otto Assing is the deputy leader of the East German government. He would possibly know where these troops are.
"He also might know what places haven't been searched by the Soviet forces,"
"That makes sense that he would know this information,"
"I also have a feeling that he might know where someone else that I need to find is,"
"Who else–"
"None of your business Hermann,"
Albert's grin faded and formed into a thin line and he rose from his seat and pushed the chair back in.
"Thank you gentlemen I shall see you all tomorrow night when we prepare to do our mission. This meeting is concluded,"
Hans, Stefan and Hermann all rose from their seats. Hermann was the first to leave as he desperately wanted to get away from the awkward atmosphere. Stefan removed his overcoat from the hanger put it on and exited the room. Hans also grabbed his overcoat from the hanger and put it on. Hans gave Albert a courteous nod before exiting the room. Albert walked around the table picking up the empty teacups and placing them on the metal tray in the centre of the table. Picking up the metal tray he wandered over to the small kitchen sink and placed the tray on the wooden counter next to it. Albert walked over to the window and stood there gazing out at the city pondering deeply.
Albert stood in front of a window in his bedroom. It was night now and the city was quiet. Rain was now slowly pattering gently on the window. Albert wandered over to a record player that was sitting on a mahogany bedside table. He carefully placed the needle on the record which had already been sitting on the record player and turned the record player on. Classical music softly played throughout the room creating a comforting atmosphere. Albert wandered over to the light switch beside the door and flicked it off flooding the room with darkness. Wandering over to his large bed Albert got into bed and just lay there staring up at the ceiling.
"I don't believe that you are dead,"
"I couldn't tell them that I'm planning to find you as they would think I'm mad,"
"I thought that I would have been Heydrich's successor. I thought you would have chosen me,"
"This country needs real leadership again,"
"I shall find you..."
"I swear it,"
Albert's eyes slowly closed as he drifted off into a deep sleep. The music soothed him as he slept.
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