Let The Race Begin
Rhydon: Last time on The Rhydonculous Race, we introduced all twenty of our teams and that's pretty much it. Well this is gonna be the shortest recap ever. So, how will our first leg in race turn out? Raichu let us hold this first leg on TDP island so I think it's gonna be an awesome challenge. See what goes down right now on the second episode of... The Rhydonculous Race (heavily smiles and winks at the camera)
(Theme song; by the spa hotel)
Chespin: I see the spa hotel got rebuilt nicely.
Litten: Ahh. I miss that place.
Chikorita: Me too.
Piplup: Well you three can stay there all you want because Turtwig and I are gonna win. So why bother wasting your time competing?
Litten: Oh you are so on Piplup!
Piplup: Fine but good luck with that partner of yours. (Motions to Smeargle who is drooling.
Litten face palms)
Rhydon: Yoo hoo! Can I have everyone's attention? (All the teams gather around Rhydon) Thank you. So, it's finally time to start... THE RHYDONCULOUS RACE!!! (Everyone cheers) We will be starting right here today, on TDP island. This will just be a starting leg so that means no elimination but trust me, you don't wanna finish last today.
Buneary: Um, what happens if we take last?
Rhydon: I don't know. You'll just have to wait and find out. So, when I say go you all are gonna race to our first Rhydon Box. It's located a half a mile down this path. Now, ready? (Many competitors narrow their eyes and get into running position) Set? GO!! (Everyone takes off) Wait, not the face! Not the face! (screams as he gets trampled by the competitors)
Shinx: Yipee! Game on!
Weavile: Move it or lose it!
Roserade: Let's do this Cherrim! For the gardens!
(At the end of the path)
Piplup: Look! There's the Rhydon Box! (She arrives with Turtwig and they grab a tip) Oh yes! I am just so excited to be grabbing the first tip of the season.
Turtwig: What's it say? Better hurry up because the other teams are coming! (The Athletes, Ice Skaters and New Friends near the Rhydon Box)
Piplup: It says we gotta race on foot to the cliff (they start running as the other three teams grab tips) to find your first challenge. This way! Here we come!
Surskit: And here comes the completion. (She and Delcatty race ahead of Piplup and Turwtig) Yes!
Weavile: Oh I wouldn't celebrate yet sweetie! (She and Machoke race by them)
Machoke: Later!
Surskit: Dangit.
(A short time later at the cliffs bottom)
Rhydon: (to the camera) As the last two teams grab their first tip. (The Gamers and Huggers are shown getting tips) Some of the front runner teams have made it to the hill.
Machoke: Oh yeah! First place all the way! (Grabs a tip) Let's see here...
Weavile: (snatches the tip) I'm reading it Machoke.
Machoke: Oh come on, seriously? (The Love Birds and Ice Skaters arrive and grab tips)
Delcatty: It's an either or. Wait what does that mean?
Piplup: An either or means we have to pick between two different challenges.
Rhydon: (to the camera) Piplup is right. An either or is challenge in which you have to chose one of two challenges to complete. In this case, teams can either chose to jump off the cliff into the water one hundred feet below and find a tip amongst the deadly sharks or they can take another nice and long run around the ENTIRE island.
Turtwig: Really? More running? This show seems like too much for me. (some more teams arrive)
Weavile: Pick me up Machoke and start running. It'll be so simple. (He does as she says)
Delcatty: Yeah, let's do the running.
(Team Confessional)
Delcatty: Surskit is great when it comes to running. She is super super fast, it's amazing!
Surskit: Thanks Delcatty. It's just that I can pretty much skate on top of any surface. Ground, water, ice you name it! And Delcatty is super quick too!
Piplup: Let's just follow them before we lose our lead! (Pulls Turtwig along as he moans)
Pachirisu: Let's jump.
Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Sure, let's just go ahead and kill ourselves. (Pachirisu glares at him) What? Too bruiting?
Buizel: Jump!
Chespin: Jump!
Oricorio: Run.
Primeape: Run. (To Tepig) I don't care how outta shape you are you scrub.
Roserade: Jump. After all, sharks aren't too scary.
(The screen flips to a shot of the New Friends, Cousins, Boyfriend and Girlfriend and Gardeners at the cliffs edge)
Oshawott: Uh... are you sure we have to jump Buizel?
Buizel: Oh come on Oshawott, you're being such a wimp. (Oshawott sighs) Just jump with me if you're scared.
Oshawott: O-okay. J-just give me a minute to ready myself.
Chikorita: Hey look, I think more teams that picked jumping are coming (The four eeveelutions and Bulbasaur and Squirtle arrive)
Squirtle: Oh yeah let's do this. Oh hey guys. Hey Oshawott. How are you doing?
Oshawott: Oh you know... (taps fingers together) Trying not to wet myself.
Bulbasaur: Okay Squirtle let's not be reckless we could seriously injure ourselves doing this and-
Squirtle: LIFELONG FRIENDS FOR THE WIN!!! (Grabs Bulbasaur and jumps off)
Bulbasaur: AHHHH!!! (They both hit the water with a big splash and they both start swimming away from the sharks)
Chikorita: We can do this Chespin. I know we can. (She takes his hand)
Chespin: Okay. We go together. (They both jump)
Pachirisu: (jumps) Look out below! (Togedemaru follows her)
Jolteon: Okay Sylveon let's rock this!
Sylveon: We got this big bro.
Glaceon: Let's do it Lefeaon.
Jolteon: Woah woah woah. You two are doing this challenge? Guys it might be a little dangerous for you guys. What if you get hurt?
Leafeon: Seriously?
Glaceon: Hey if you're doing it than so can we.
Jolteon: Okay fine how about we all switch to running. (Glaceon and Leafeon give him a dirty look) Ugh, fine. On the count of three we'll all jump together. One... two...
Glaceon: Three! (The four of them jump off screaming)
(At the Rhydon Box on the hill)
Sandshrew: (grabs a tip) Its an either or. We have to do more running or jump into shark infested water.
Vulpix: Water? No way!
Sandshrew: Definetly. You cannot get your fur wet on television.
Litten: GAH! No, no, no. No water! Water is just pure evil. Mind if Smeargle and I join you Vulpix?
Vulpix: Not at all Litten. Now let's get running! (The four leave as the Jokesters, Pichu Twins and Contest Stars arrive and grab tips)
Popplio: Sh-sharks? Now that's a bit of tooth ache. (Laughs)
Totodile: But let's do it! We're water types so it'll be a piece of cake.
Popplio: Okay. (Sorta happily) If you say so.
Buneary: Let's jump! (Flaaffy nods)
Pichu: Race you to the edge of the cliff Pichuette!
Rhydon: (to the camera) As the last few teams arrive at the Rhydon Box (the Gamers, Huggers and Fortune Tellers arrive) some teams already in the water are having trouble finding their sunken travel tips.
Bulbasaur: (comes up gasping for air) Squirtle I can't find anything down there. This is hopeless.
Squirtle: Come on we got this. Don't give up buddy!
(Team Confessional)
Squirtle: Bulbasaur and I are always there for each other. We've been best friends since we were kids and best friends always help the other when they need it the most.
Bulbasaur: Couldn't have said it better myself buddy.
Squirtle: Okay, let's just take a second to think of a plan and- (suddenly the Pichu Twins land on top of Squirtle)
Pichu: Oops... Sorry.
Pichuette: Yeah, um, our bad.
(Somewhere else in the water)
Pachirisu: Togedemaru I think I see a tip down there, but the stupid sharks are guarding it.
Togedemaru: Um, your point?
Pachirisu: My point is that you have to make a distraction for me!
Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Sure. I don't mind. (Dives under and lures the sharks away as Pachirisu swims and gets a tip. Roserade also gets a tip from the same spot)
Pachirisu: Yes! We did it! I got the tip! (Looks around) Togedemaru?
Togedemaru: (comes to the surface covered in bruises) Ugh, good but I'm about to lose consciousness in like two seconds. (Starts sinking)
Pachirisu: Togedemaru! (Swims under and brings him to the surface) Guess I'm bringing you back to shore.
Roserade: Cherrim look! I got a tip!
Cheerim: Oh yay! Roserade you are the best! Come on, let's get to the shore and read it. (The New Friends and Gardeners head over towards the shore)
Chikorita: Find anything Chespin? (He shrugs) Me neither.
Sylveon: (to Jolteon) Ug! We have to hurry and find a tip soon or we'll lose!
Rhydon: (to camera) While Sylveon starts to lose her cool a bit, some of the teams that chose running are looking pretty good as they arrive to the final challenge first.
(By the shore)
Weavile: The Rhydon Box! Now hurry! (She and Machoke arrive followed by the Ice Skaters) Hmph. Surprised you two are keeping up with me.
Surskit: Um, what's that supposed to mean?
Weavile: Oh nothing it's just that a tiny bug such as yourself could get squashed easily by the competition.
Delcatty: Hey, why don't you go pick on somebody else. We don't want any trouble.
Surskit: Yeah, what's the matter with you? We're just trying to win the race, same as you.
Machoke: Come on Weavile, let's focus okay? (She nods)
Surskit: I don't like those Althetes one bit! I'm gonna have to keep my eye on them. Or well, both my eyes on them.
Machoke: (reading the tip) Its an All In, digging for gold.
Rhydon: (to the camera) Well, not actual gold but a golden sea shell is more like it. In an omage to the first ever Total Drama Pokémon challenge, teams will have to dig in the sand to find a gold shell. Once they find it, they can take a ferry to the airport on the ice biome island nearby and book a flight to our next destination.
(Back by the Rhydon box)
Weavile: India! Wow. Looks like that's the first human world destination to explore.
Machoke: Come on. Let's get digging. Won't be long with these two guns digging (flexes his biceps as Weavile face palms)
(On the running path around the island)
Tepig: (outta breath) Primeape, please can we. (Gasps for air) Take a. Break?
Primeape: (Stops running) No. You better keep up the pace or I'll turn you into pork.
Tepig: But I c-can't. Move on...
Primeape: UGH!!! FINE!!! (Picks up Tepig and runs past the Dancers)
Bellossom: Primeape be nicer to your partner!
Primeape: (from in the distance) SHUT UP!!
Bellossom: (to Oricorio) Well it was worth a try.
(Further back down the path the Artists and Fashion Designers are jogging next to each other)
Vulpix: Aww that's too bad Fennekin couldn't join in. But I'm sure your happy to be with your friend Smeargle too.
Litten: Yeah, you're right. (Pauses) So... how did you meet Sandshrew?
Vulpix: Well the two of us both have known each other since middle school.
Sandshrew: And we both ended up in the same class and became friends.
Vulpix: Before we knew it we were setting trends together. (Laughs a little) Its kinda a boring story.
Litten: Not at all. (Another team races past them) Uh oh. We need to pick up our speed. Lets hurry!
(Back on top of the cliff)
Buizel: (looking annoyed) UGH! COME ON ALREADY!!! (Sighs) Oshawott, we are the last team left up here. You have to jump.
Oshawott: B-b-but why can't we just switch to running?
Buizel: Becasue it's too late for that. Now are you gonna toughen up or am I gonna have to teach you a lesson. (Oshawott gulps) Fine, have it your way! (Grabs Oshawott and jumps off the cliff. They land with a huge splash)
Oshawott: Yeah, Buizel and I don't see eye to eye a lot of the times. Usually when he and his family come to visit I just sit on my own until he drags me into a game with the other cousins. I appreciate that he thinks of me but... sometimes I just wanna be alone and safe you know!
(Underwater, Chespin spots a tip but a shark chases him away. Flaaffy swims by and grabs the tip afterwards. The shark opens it mouth around Chespin but Chikorita uses Vine Whips to scare him off. Meanwhile, Totodile and Popplio work together to get past a shark and grab a tip before rising to the surface)
Popplio: Woo who! We did it Totodile!
Totodile: Alright! See you on the shore everyone else. (Swims off)
Glaceon: Um, bye? (Lefeaon surfaces) Please tell me you found something.
Leafeon: Sorry sis. You know I can't see well underwater.
Glaceon: No I didn't.
Leafeon: Well, now you know. (Looks around) That's a total of four teams that have passed this section. What should we do? (Jolteon makes a loud crackling noise behind him) Uh oh. (Turns around) JOLTEON IM SORRY FOR BREAKING YOUR SOCCER TROPHY!!!
Jolteon: Um, just wanted to say Sylveon and I found a tip for you. (Hands him a tip)
Leafeon: R-really? Thanks!
Jolteon: Welcome. (Eyes widen) Wait a second, YOU BROKE MY SOCCER TROPHY!?
Sylveon: We don't have time for this tomfoolery! Just kick your legs to the shore!! (The four swim off)
Pichu: Ugh. We still got a lot of searching to do. Come on Pichuette.
Pichuette: You come on Pichuette! Those sharks are just way too scary now that we're up close. (Pichu jumps on top of her and dunks her under) WAH!
Squirtle: Yes! Got one! (Holds up a tip)
(On the beach)
Rhydon: The Athletes and Ice Skaters continue searching the sand for tips but it looks like they don't have the place to themselves anymore. (The New Friends, Gardeners, Dancers and Acquaintances all arrive at the beach)
Togedemaru: What no shovels? Did this show cheap out or something?
Oricorio: Hmph. A complainer I see.
Togedemaru: Hey who are you calling a complainer?
Bellossom: (grabs Oricorio's feather) Come on, let's just start digging okay? (She agrees)
Primeape: Yeah baby, looks like we're in the top six teams. You're welcome Tepig.
Tepig: Oh, um, thank you! (Smiles)
Primeape: Thank you? Was that some wise ass comment!? (Growls and then starts chasing after Tepig)
Tepig: Yeah, I'm covered in bruises. And yeah, doing this with Primeape was probably a mistake. A BIG mistake.
Weavile: (digging) Ugh! There are no seashells over here. This challenge has to be rigged!!!
Machoke: I think I got something Weavile. (Pulls up a bomb) Uh oh... (the bomb exploded, dazing Machoke) Ugh...
Weavile: UGH! MACHOKE!!!
Surskit: Yikes. Are you okay?
Weavile: Oh don't worry about us. We'll still finish first. Like four legged Pokémon like you two will beat us at this! Ha!
Delcatty: I FOUND IT! (Lifts up a golden seashell)
Surskit: Way to go Delcatty! Best skater friend ever.
Delcatty: Let's head over to the ferry. (They leave as Weavile screams in anger)
(Back by the water again)
Rhydon: As more teams manage to avoid the sharks and grab their tips. (The screen shows Chespin and Buizel getting tips) It looks like the Pichu Twins and Gamers are tied for last in the diving challenge.
Pichuette: This is hopeless. We're in the bottom two down here.
Pichu: I hear negatives!
Pichuette: But seriously, how can two kids like us compete!?
Pichu: Because we've got something they don't. You know what we do best!
Pichuette: Um, scurry around and play games and occasionally create mischief for Uncle Raichu?
Pichu: No... We have that youthful energy or whatever Uncle Raichu calls it. If we hurry we can grab a tip and win!
Pichuette: You're right. TWIN POWER!!! (Dives under and punches the shark away with the help of Pichu and then grabs a tip and surfaces) YEAH!!! I DID IT! (The twins hug) Let's go!
Meowstic: Oh no there goes the last team.
Shinx: Wait what happened to the Huggers and Fortune Tellers anyway?
Meowstic: They chose running don't you remember?
Shinx: Oh sorry, I was daydreaming about a video game again. But I'll find us this tip and quick. (Dives underwater)
(In Confessional)
Meowstic: Yeah, Shinx isn't as mature as I am. We are just a year apart but he still has trouble focusing on things. His mind is just always on gaming, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Shinx: (swims back up with a tip) Bingo! Let's go!
(On the beach, the teams are busy digging. In addition to the teams already there, the Love Birds, Eeveelution Siblings, Eeveelution Twins, Jokesters, Artists, Fashion Designers, and Lifelong Friends are now searching for tips)
Bewear: (gives Smoochum a hug as they reach the Rhydon Box) You get the tip. I insist.
Smoochum: Thanks BBF. That's best Bewear friend! (The two continue hugging)
Togedemaru: What a bunch of loons.
Pachirisu: (sternly) Togedemaru, please focus!!
Piplup: (accidentally digs up a bomb) AH! This must be Raichu's doing! (Chucks the bomb before it blows. It lands in front of Pachirisu and blows her up. Piplup covers her mouth in horror but then starts laughing)
Turtwig: Piplup! What did you do?
Piplup: Okay you're not gonna believe me but that honestly was an accident.
Pachirisu: Grrr. Piplup! Can't you just play fair for once? (Electricity sparks from her cheeks and the two start to battle each other)
Turtwig: Noooo! Now's not the time for this!
(On the other side of the beach)
Squirtle: Man oh man does this bring back memories of the first challenge.
Bulbasaur: Yeah. I remember Treecko got stuck in a pit and I had to rescue him.
Squirtle: Yeah and then my team ended up winning because of... Oshawott. Looks like an advantage for him and his cousin.
Squirtle: (reaches into the sand and pulls up a shell) Oh yeah! Golden seashell!
Bulbasaur: Nice work. (They run off) Hang in there Tepig!
Weavile: Finally I got one! (Turns to see Machoke regaining consciousness) Come on let's go! Follow that turtle and that plant dinosaur thing. (They leave)
Turtwig: (to Weavile) Um, you do know they have classifications right?
Rhydon: (to the camera) So the teams continue to try and find shells as the Cousins, Pichu Twins, Boyfriend and Girlfriend, and Gamers arrive. And soon enough, one by one teams are deemed successful in finding the gold shell (the screen shows several teams completing the challenge). But now, it a competition to not finish in last.
Litten: Nope, stupid blue shell. (Throws it back as he digs up something else) Nope, stupid red shell. (Tosses it back in frustration) UGH! Smeargle I could use a little help.
Smeargle: La-de-da-do-da. (Paints shells with his tail)
Litten: Come on dude help out or- WAIT! STOP! (Smeargle stops as Litten races over) You were about to paint a gold shell! You found a gold shell and said nothing?
Smeargle: Um, I guess. Sorry Litten
Litten: It's fine now let's just hurry and leave.
Oshawott: Um, Buizel. Are you sure you don't want me to help?
Buizel: Yes. I don't want you trying to find it and get pinched by a crab and then cry like a baby.
Oshawott: B-but I actually am really good at this. (Buizel ignores) Could you please listen to me!?!
Buizel: There. Asking like a real man. (Pauses) Sure go ahead. (Oshawott uses his scalchop to dig super fast and finds a shell almost instantly) Okay... Wow. Sorry I doubted you cous. (The two head off)
Bewear: Oh no! We're last. Hopefully we find a shell soon. (Smoochum finds a gold shell) Yay! (The two hug before leaving. Then the Fortune Tellers show up and Rhydon approaches them)
Rhydon: Um, yeah, I'm sorry but WHERE WERE YOU GUYS!?!?
Froslass: We were walking along the beach.
Banette: Yeah, we figured that since it was a non elimination leg to get the race started why bother using up our energy. (Spookily laughs)
Rhydon: Fine. Guess there's nothing wrong with that. Just head over to the ferry and we'll call it a day.
Froslass: Cool.
(Team Confessional)
Froslass: Don't get us wrong, we aren't lazy. We just see things as, why bother trying if it is for nothing. Why waste our energy. (Banette creepily smiles and nods)
Rhydon: (to the camera) The Fortune Tellers finally reach the airport. (The Fortune Tellers are shown getting plane tickets) And now, finally, the three flights to India have been booked! The teams on flight one are... (pictures of the teams are shown as Rhydon says their names) the Ice Skaters, Athletes, Lifelong Friends, Gardeners, Eeveelution Siblings, Eeveelution Twins, and New Friends. The second flight, which also holds seven teams, has the Jokesters, Boyfriend and Girlfriend, Contest Stars, Fashion Designers, Dancers, Acquaintances and Love Birds. And the teams that struggled today and ended up on flight three are the Artists, Huggers, Cousins, Gamers, Fortune Tellers and Pichu Twins. Still, it is anyone's game! Which team will be the first to be cut? Find out next time, on the Rhydonculous Race!
Well, now this chapter is outta the way. Sorry that no one has been eliminated yet but that will change next time! Also, please let me know what you think of the writing style and such. Also, I feel like I'plan to start developing characters more as things go, it's difficult with so many of them but with time it'll happen I assure you.
Thanks to everyone for reading. Especially Gurrtastic Sean1153 LittleLitten11 TorchicTrooper TotalEpicness123 Howler176 __Glaceon__ Catanzy Darumaka25 LBWriter123 slothzilla124 UnderverseFanGirl Dedenne14 xxTheGamingWolfxx Captain_Komodo
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