SwallowsClan is a group of cats living in a swamp. They are primarily focused on the Radiant of others, often your looks affect the way you are treated in the Clan. Higher beauty, higher respect with our Monarch of course being the more popular.
Here loners are always welcome, they either add to an already beautiful clan or at least make the rest of us look better with their.... well unique features.
The Clan has many many ranks, both high and low but everything is equal in a way.
King ( or Queen in some cases. );
The leader and ruler of the group. They have the final say on everything and can rule the clan however they see fit. Often they are groomed into this as a kit by the previous Monarch. ( Suffix is -bright )
The Monarch's first spouse is required to be of the opposite biologic sex to have an heir, if they are masculine they are the King, feminine they are called Queen. ( You can be a female and still be King [na, whatever you identify with. )
The Imperial Family
Queen; ( First Spouse of the King. )
The Queen or Virtuous ( if the Monarch is called Queen ) of the Monarch is often there for looks. They are tasked with having babies but can do other small duties like hunting and keeping an eye on the kits running around. They are the "main" hunting leader and can force other cats below guards to hunt until their paws fall off.
Imperials; ( Other Spouses )
The other spouses of the Monarch, are often there as a reminder that the first spouse is replaceable ( so are they ) They do small tasks like hunting and bearing kids.
Crowned; ( Heir )
The firstborn child of the Monarch. They can be from any spouse or even just a one-time fling. While they just need to share blood with the Monarch, they are looked down on to be from anyone the ruler isn't already married to. If it happens to be from another cat, she/he gets ranked up to Marquess right away from being the giver of the next gen. Can only be replaced if a sibling has a much higher Radiant Score.
Guards ( Closest to the King. )
" Parliament ", Advisors or Council of The Clan. They help the Imperial family make decisions and assign mentors. They fight and hunt though it's not as common as the other ranks. They are commonly made out of the King's siblings or kits, cats who share blood and won't disobey the royals. If the King and Crowned are unable to lead the oldest royal sibling takes over until they are back. If the King dies without a Crowned, the oldest takes over as King. They are also the first to fight in any attack, if they don't they are ranked down to commoners! The only rank that scars are seen as a beauty bonus, they can only be mates with Royals or Marquis/Marquess.
- Kits of the King also go here!
Priests ( Healing )
The " healers" of the group, but can do other things. They heal, forage and have a lot of herb knowledge that is useful for The Clan. They aren't allowed to have mates as it is seen as a distraction.
Marquis/Marquess ( High rank )
The higher class. They are often born into this role unless they have a radiant scare below 15. These cats are the ones who can marry into royalty but also marry the lower rank ( though it is looked down on. ) They can be moved down for anything, if they commit a sin they lose their rank permanently.
Commoners ( Lower Class )
These are the citizens who live within the Clan including the mentors. They live, hunt, and fight for the Monarch as well as train the younger ones on ways to worship the King. They believe the Monarch was a gift from the heavens themselves. They have the "most" freedom.
Trainees ( Apprentices )
The lowest rank or young cats who are still learning. They learn the ways of the clan and when they are 16 moons, can join as full adults.
Mothers ( Pregnant or Nursing cats )
Cats who are about to have or are nursing kits. A cat becomes a mother when they become heavily pregnant and it can't continue with its duties. When they have their kits, they remain queen for a time to nurse them or if they wish, they may give them to another cat and return immediately. An ancient tradition is that the mothers name their kits after what they see when their kits are firstborn. They are treated like royalty until their kits are old enough to not need them anymore.
Younglings ( Kits )
young cats that are not yet training. They are too young to do duties, so they stay in the nursery with their mother. Kits stay a kit for six moons. They can begin training when they are six moons old.
AstralClan; Their warrior ancestors.
These are random things that can happen at any point in the game.
Flooding - Will kill any cats not hiding, destroys the prey and herbs stockpile
Ant Nest - destroys half of the prey and herbs
Windstorms - kill any cat that didn't run away
Predator Attack - Only happens when the border is low
Black Death - Only happens when a cat hasn't been active in three moons -
| kills them
Twoleg traps - will only happen in Greenleaf, if a cat gets caught, it will die or be injured
Depression - happens when too many cats die, after a tragic event or there isn't enough food or bonding going on.
can be fatal.
Love is in the air - kits... just a lot of kits
Accident Litters - Happens between mates who have been together for two moons or more, can happen at any moment
CREDIT TO --Burning_Lands- for starting the beauty score in command games!
CREDIT TO equinoxz for making the Radiant Score Chart!
This is the Radiant Score chart and everyone has it! This can help or harm your reputation within the Clan! Even so, Some traits are preferable in feminine cats to masculine and vis versus.
Despite this, Trans cats will fall into what they align with not their biological sex.
Pelt Color
White — 4 pts
( +4 F , -2 M )
Cream — 4 pts
Golden — 4 pts
Dark/Pale Fawn — 3 pts
Red — 3 pts
Ginger — 2 pts
Blue Gray — 2 pts
Black — 2 pts
Gray — 2 pts
Dark Brown — 1 pt
Brown — 1 pt
Silver — 1 pt
Pelt Markings
Rosettes — 4 pts
( Masculine 3 )
Marbling — 3 pts
Half Markings — 4 pts
Masks — 3 pts
Colour Point — 3 pts
( Masculine -3 )
Calico — 2 pts
( Masculine +3 )
Solid — 1 pt
( Feminine 0 )
Freckles — 2 pts
Tortoiseshells — 2 pts
Socks — 1 pt
Tabbies — 1 pt
Spots — 1 pt
Bicoloring — 1 pt
Stripes — 1 pt
Eye Colors
Golden — 4 pts
Heterochromia — 3 pts
Violet/lilac — 3 pts
Red — 3 pts
Green — 2 pts
Hazel — 2 pts
Blue — 2 pts
Black — 1 pt
Brown — 1 pt
Amber — 1 pt
Yellow — 1 pt
Body Traits
Heavy Set — 4 pts
( Masculine -4 )
Skinny Frame — 4 pts
( Females -4 )
Curled Fur — 4 pts
( Masculine -2 )
Plumed tail — 3 pts
Tufted ears — 3 pts
Pointed ears — 3 pts
Fluffy/tail — 3 pts
Long fur — 2 pts
Scruffy fur — 2 pts
Pointed face — 2 pts
Rounded face — 2 pts
Short bobbed tail — 1 pt
Small — 1 pt
Large Built — 1 pt
( Masculine +, Feminine - )
Scars — 1 to 5 pts
( Masculine +, Feminine - )
Accents — 1 - 3 pts
game inspired by Mind Games
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