Chapter 18: "I am Groot." "No!"
A bunch of Sovereign ships appeared. They chased the Guardian's small yellow ship around Ego's core. Everyone held on throughout the rough ride. Drax, Gamora and Mantis fell out the open door and landed on their feet on the surface below. They watched the others as their ship flew quickly away from the angry Sovereigns.
"Why aren't you firing the lasers?" Peter asked down to Rocket like he was crazy.
"They blew out the generator. I think I packed a small detonator." Rocket replied as he emptied a small bag. (Y/N) walked past him over to Quill.
"A detonator is worthless without explosives." Nebula explained.
"Well, we got these." Rocket suggested as he held the Anulax Batteries he stole earlier.
"Is that thing strong enough to kill Ego?" Peter asked frantically.
"If it is, it'll cause a chain reaction throughout his entire nervous system." (Y/N) answered.
"Meaning what?"
"The entire planet will explode. We'll have to get out of here fast. I rigged a timer." Rocket explained as he put on his jetpack and Quill put on his mask. The two of them, and (Y/N), jumped out of the ship and flew over to Ego's core.
"Go!" Quill yelled. As they flew, they dodged ships and lazers. They entered through the large hole their ships red lazers had created. They stood as Rocket switched on his torch.
"The metal's too thick. For the bomb to work, we'd actually need to place it on Ego's core. But our fat butts ain't gonna fit through those tiny holes." Rocket noted.
"Well..." Peter started as he looked to Groot, who stood on (Y/N)'s left shoulder. (Y/N) looked to Quill, then Groot, then back to Quill.
"That's a terrible idea." She blurted out.
"Which is the only kind of idea we have left." Peter said to (Y/N) then looked to Rocket. Rocket stared at (Y/N) as if he was saying: no way... But (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders before she lowered Groot down to Rocket.
Rocket groaned, "unbelievable. 'Rocket, do this. Rocket, do that.'" As he walked down the decent sized hole that lead to much smaller ones. Groot rode on his shoulder. Peter and (Y/N) stood at the edge of the hole. Quill twirled his guns.
"What a day." He sighed.
"God, tell me about it.." (Y/N) agreed with him as they both jumped off the edge and flew back into battle.
"All right, first you flick this switch, then this switch. That activates it. Then you push this button which will give you five minutes to get out of there. Now, whatever you do... don't push this button... because that will set off the bomb immediately and we'll all be dead. Now, repeat back what I just said." Rocket explained to Baby Groot who watched him with wide eyes.
"I am Groot." Replied Groot.
"Uh-huh." Rocket agreed.
"I am Groot."
"That's right."
"...I am Groot." Groot said as he pointed to the wrong button.
"No! No, that's the button that will kill everyone! Try again."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"...I am Groot." Groot said as he pointed to the wrong button, again.
"No! That's exactly what you just said! How's that even possible? Which button is the button you're supposed to push? Point to it." Rocket exclaimed in a stressed manner. Groot pointed to same button, to which Rocket exclaimed again. "No!"
"Hey, you're making him nervous!" Peter yelled from the outside through the small window-like gap.
"Shut up and get me some tape! Does anybody have any tape out there. I wanna put some tape over the death button." Rocket asked.
"I don't have any tape. Let me check." Quill said before he put his mask back on and flew around to everyone. "Yo, Yondu! Do you ha- ow! Do you have any tape? Gamora? Do you have any tape? Tape! Nevermind, ow! (Y/N)? What about you? No? Drax, do you have any tape? Yeah, scotch tape would work. Then why did you ask me if scotch tape would work, if you don't have any?!" He came back over to Rocket and Groot. "Nobody has any tape!"
"Not a single person has tape?" Rocket asked annoyed.
"Nope!" Peter replied.
"Did you ask Nebula?"
Peter hesitated. "Yes!"
"Are you sure?" Rocket asked, unconvinced.
"I asked Yondu and she was sitting next to him!"
"I knew you were lying!"
"You have priceless batteries and an atomic bomb in your bag. If anybody's gonna have tape, it's you!"
"That's exactly my point! I have to do everything!"
"You are wasting a lot of time here!" Peter yelled. Rocket rolled his eyes and turned around to see Groot running away with the small explosive device deeper into Ego's core. His high pitch cheers echoed. Rocket looked down and sighed.
"We're all gonna die..." He said.
The yellow ship Yondu and Nebula were in started to fall. "Rear thrusters are out again! We're done for without that generator!" Yondu yelled as he tried to take control of the ship. Nebula opened up her mechanical arm.
Peter and (Y/N) flew into the side of the falling ship and looked out the large opening they flew through. All the Sovereign ships looked directly towards them. "Guardians..." The high priestness' voice was heard through a loud speaker. "Perhaps it will provide you solace that your deaths are not without a purpose. They will serve as a warning to all of those tempted with betraying us. Don't screw with the Sovereign." The whole Sovereign fleet blasted the small yellow ship. Meanwhile, Nebula connected her robotic arm with wires to the front dash of the ship.
"This is gonna hurt." Yondu warned.
"Promises, promises." Nebula said before Yondu smirked and flipped a switch. Nebula screamed in pain as electricity ran through her arm and into the ship. Red beams came from their ship and destroyed all the Sovereigns. Fire reached into the opened side where Peter and (Y/N) stood.
"We're gonna blow!" Quill yelled. Yondu made a loud whistle before the ship exploded.
"Peter! No!" Gamora screamed. Rocket looked out the opening of the outside layer of Ego's core to see debris from their ship fall to the planet's surface. His eyes widened, hoping everyone had made it out alive. especially (Y/N). He was silent as his breathing stopped and his heart dropped. Nebula landed on the ground and looked at Gamora. She looked up to watched Quill, (Y/N) and Yondu lower themselves down. Peter used his jetpack, (Y/N) used her wings and Yondu used his arrow like an umbrella. Quill laughed.
"What?" Yondu asked, unsure of Peter's laughter.
"You look like Mary Poppins."
"Is he cool?"
"...Hell yeah, he's cool."
"I'm Mary Poppins, ya'll!" Everyone landed on the surface next to Mantis, who continued to hold her hand in a hole in the ground that connected with Ego. She made sure to keep him asleep. Rocket flew down with his jetpack and hugged (Y/N).
"I thought you exploded!" He held her shoulders, while hovering in the air, and said, " scared me, (Y/N)."
"Don't worry, I won't do it again." (Y/N) agreed before they joined the others in their joined heroic stance. That was until Mantis was knocked out with a boulder.
"Mantis! Look out!" Drax called out two seconds after she'd been hit. The whole place began to light up bright blue. Ego had awoken.
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