Chapter 3: The worst place to be
He was sure the sea was mocking him, like the smug, endless prison it had come to be. Everywhere Lucius looked, there it was, waves splashing against the ship as if warning him to not try jumping in and swimming away.
How hard would it be to steal a ship's boat though? He glanced longingly towards one of the deck hatches where smaller boats had been tied down, considering the possibility but ultimately giving up on it. How would he escape what had turned out to be a crew consisting mainly of vampires? If he had any chance of avoiding them it would be during the day when the human crew was up but escaping in broad daylight seemed unlikely as well, especially since at least one of his mortal friends would notice sooner rather than later.
His gaze still lingered on the smaller boat as he daydreamed about rowing back home. It was the one thing keeping inner, crawling sensations at bay. As soon as he remembered his hopeless situation his skin began to writhe, almost literally, and he felt the urge to kick at least one person off the ship just because.
"Even if you did manage to get it into the water without being noticed somehow, I'm making an educated guess that you don't know how to navigate at sea."
Lucius' mood sank, frustration building and skin cringing accordingly as his bubble of distraction was popped.
"Just dreaming, Captain," he said to Abram, whose presence in the sunset's red light was yet another obstacle. "All I can do on this archon-forsaken journey."
"And what are those dreams like?" Abram inquired as he leaned against the rail, holding a deep blue umbrella to shield his back. "Rowing all the way back to South Kerilia while those veins of yours just up and disappear?"
"Mainly what it would feel like to whack young Lord Clausson in the face with an oar."
Abram chuckled.
"That is a more realistic dream, I suppose, but not one I can condone."
"Would you condone the other one?" Lucius raised an eyebrow and Abram's smile widened enough to show fangs.
"Afraid not."
"Because Ethan wouldn't want you to?"
"Even if I disregard Ethan I wouldn't want to lose a boat either." Abram folded his arms, exaggerating a look of disapproval. "And additionally I wouldn't wish the wrath of Lord Hargreaves on anyone, and that's what you'd be facing back there."
Lucius pouted, and Abram's shoulders sank as he let out a sigh.
"I understand you're under a lot of stress, and I can relate to your contempt regarding Lord Hargreaves, but Ethan is right that you don't have a choice right now. You need to let us help you."
"With my life being what it is I find trusting people tremendously difficult." Lucius curled his lip. "So you'll have to excuse my hesitation towards being trapped on a ship full of strangers in the middle of nowhere."
"For what it's worth, the crew of strangers seems to like you even despite the scene you caused the other day," Abram pointed out, attempting a smile bright enough to cheer Lucius up. "Remember Haytham? Second mate? He said hi to you, and he hates everyone."
"Hurray." Lucius couldn't remember the person but he wasn't interested in finding new friends on his unfortunate trip anyway. He reckoned his deal with the Scourge could be the source of the unexpected fondness too, so he doubted they'd get along for real.
Still, he was curious.
"What about you?" he wanted to know, lifting an eyebrow at Abram. "What's your impression of me so far?"
"Honestly?" Abram grimaced. "Ominous."
Lucius had to laugh despite taking offence.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, like the others I do find your company pleasant, but... Isn't that odd when you think about it? We've barely met. And also..." Abram glanced at Lucius' chest. "... Your blood has a strange smell."
Lucius frowned.
"Strange?" He thought back to when Ethan had tried to suck his blood while the veins were there. His blood had made him sick, but he'd never commented on any smell before.
"It's not so strange given your condition," Abram tried to comfort him. "At least nothing new I imagine, though I'm surprised Mr. Ambervale hasn't said anything. Shifters have a better sense of smell than other vampires, but we're still no match for a werewolf's nose."
"Yeah, well... Now that you mention it I think he's been avoiding me." Lucius wrinkled his eyebrows as he thought about it. "Then again while he's not as bad as Tom, Richard is not the most talkative person either."
"But they're still your good friends, aren't they?" Abram asked. "They're doing all this for you, so talkative or not I would have thought he'd tell you."
"Maybe..." Lucius mumbled, having given it little thought. They were first and foremost Anthony's friends so chances were they were doing it for him, and in a way it was comforting because that meant they believed he would come back, but there was also a chance they just cared about Lucius. Somehow Lucius found himself wishing for the first option though, so he wouldn't be alone in his search later.
"What about Ethan?" Abram continued on a more lighthearted note. "Is he also a 'maybe' friend?"
Lucius smiled at that, but had to shrug.
"I guess I've gotten along better with him than Tom or Richard. Untimely pranks and daddy issues aside, he's a good person and enjoyable to be around."
Abram laughed before nodding in agreement, eyes crinkling and Lucius only then noticed the golden lines above his eyelashes.
"That's Ethan for you. Brightening things up everywhere he goes."
He released a wistful sigh as he watched the setting sun, and Lucius squinted at him.
"Something wrong?"
"Not really..." Abram shifted his focus to Lucius again. "... It's just that this red evening means we'll have good weather tomorrow as well."
Lucius tilted his head skywards.
"I would have thought that's preferable at sea."
"Yes, but some clouds would have been nice," Abram said, longing spreading to his voice. "And clear skies means more moonlight, which is bad news for me."
Lucius' eyes wandered from Abram's umbrella to the protective canvases that could be unfurled over the riggings in case of emergency sun-or moonlight exposure. Even with precautions like that vampires were risking a lot just by leaving the dark for a while.
Still, the concern that filled Lucius at the time was unrelated to vampires.
"And tonight will be even brighter than usual," he said, unable to hide an accusatory glance that wasn't specifically meant for Abram. "With the full moon to thank for that."
Abram tilted his head at him, daring to smile.
"Are you worried about me?"
"It's not—" Lucius pressed his lips together. Claiming he wasn't would be harsh, but Abram's health was not his main issue.
"I'm joking." Abram grinned, which Lucius rewarded with an eyeroll. "I know what you mean."
"Why did he have to come along anyway?" Lucius shook his head. "They knew the full moon was coming."
"Mr. Reed had to come along, after all. He's the only one with a chance of knowing what you're in for over there."
"But Tom and Richard are not the same person just because they're always together otherwise." Lucius was not convinced. "Being stuck on a ship with a feral werewolf doesn't seem worth the risk."
"Well, Mr. Reed can't leave Mr. Ambervale, so there's not much to do about it."
Lucius had many opinions on the clinginess of Richard, but much like with every other problem he was dealing with, there was no fixing it while they were on a ship in the middle of the ocean. He would just have to deal.
"If it makes you feel better, I'm placing a guard who can keep an eye out through the grate up on the forecastle as well, and even if the bars or barricades wouldn't hold him back we'll still have guards outside. Not to mention the rest of the vampire crew," Abram tried to comfort him. "Even a werewolf should struggle with that."
Lucius only wrinkled his nose as a reply. He wasn't fond of the idea that Richard would have to be subdued by vampires. As worried about the ferocity of his nature as he was, he still didn't want him hurt.
"Despite my worries, that does seem excessive if each of them is like Ethan."
"Not even close." Abram glanced over his shoulder to make sure no one was passing by. "They're all relatively young for vampires. This tends to be a brief stop that allows them to figure their undead lives out while also learning from others with the same fate, and then they take off and we seek out new ones to help in the same way. So, no. They're not as strong as Ethan or me, who've been around significantly longer."
"So they're not as dangerous then?"
"They're more impulsive," Abram admitted. "More likely to give in to urges, which is why it's so important to have people who look after the mortal crew."
Then he frowned, giving Lucius a questioning look.
"On that topic, weren't you supposed to be helping Mr. Harmon with checking on other mortals before nightfall?"
Lucius scoffed with a dry smile on his lips.
"He made the mistake of taking a look at me first, deciding that I was in much worse condition than anyone there and should get some rest, but I don't need it so I came up here for air instead."
"Another side effect of the veins I assume." Abram narrowed his eyes in thought, but Lucius shook his head.
"No, it's nothing new. I just don't eat or sleep well."
Abram, instead of looking enlightened, gave him a stern look.
"Then why are you up here? Go do something about that instead."
"I don't need—"
Abram grabbed his shoulder to spin him around, decisively pushing him towards the stairs.
"Go eat something before you're off to sleep, and I better see you sleeping later, young man, or else."
Lucius groaned.
"But I don't need to eat."
"And I don't need to hide from the moonlight every night, but I also prefer not to die twice so I do it anyway."
Lucius chewed the inside of his cheeks, too exhausted to argue which he had to admit was probably because of the thing he was being scolded for, but he would still pout about it as they reached below deck.
"I'll see how Mr. Ambervale is doing while I'm here. You know your way to the galley, right?" Abram patted his shoulder before heading towards the front of the deck where the barricaded sick bay was located. "Just below and forward. Make sure you actually eat something."
"Mm-hmm," Lucius uttered before they parted ways, uncertain he would uphold the agreement.
The dining area was surprisingly empty as he reached the middle deck, with only one table being surrounded by familiar faces.
"Oh, come join us, Lucius," Eliza said, waving to him as if he hadn't spotted her along with Tom, Ethan and Frey yet. "You can help me read."
"You're... Learning how to read?" Lucius asked as he sat down on a creaky chair next to her, giving everyone's projects on the table a confused look. "All of you?"
"You think I don't know how to read after three hundred years?" Ethan scoffed, and while Tom looked equally offended, Lucius' stare suggested that he keep quiet about his objection.
"I'm teaching Mr. Reed some Hrimska," Frey said with his disgustingly cheery attitude, pointing down at the book in front of him. "It could come in handy since he'll be going through many books once we're there, and Miss Garlic was interested as well so I thought I might as well teach her how to read some."
Lucius had high doubts Frey was teaching them out of good nature, but he sat down without starting arguments.
"How kind of you." He then felt the need to address the strange atmosphere. "But... Where is everyone? I know it's getting late but why would it be this empty?"
"Oh, they all left." Frey looked pleased with himself. "I accidentally brought up some rumours I'd overheard among them and everyone started fighting, and now they're not talking and we get to be here alone."
Lucius wanted to take back the comment on Frey's kindness.
"Accidentally, huh?"
"How am I supposed to know what's secret or not?" Frey blinked with big, innocent eyes and Lucius sighed before turning his attention to the request from earlier.
It wasn't a bad pastime. Teaching Eliza, who was pleasant company already, how to read was both relaxing and boosted his sense of validation. Aside from an underhanded remark from Frey about his 'commoner's handwriting', it was nice enough to let Lucius forget about the stressful journey for a while.
After an hour or so Abram came downstairs, first nodding to Tom.
"He's beginning to feel it, so if you want to wish him a good night or so, the time would be now."
Then he turned to Ethan.
"A word before I go to sleep?"
Lucius sent Ethan an inquisitive look which the latter only acknowledged with a hair toss before following Abram.
"You know, perhaps it's time for a break," Eliza suggested, stretching her arms as she stood up. "I can only sit for so long and I'd like to take a walk before we turn in for the night."
"I could use some rest," Frey agreed, smile having gradually decreased in energy. "I'll retreat to the officer's cabin then."
"Why?" Lucius whispered as Frey and Eliza walked away, and Tom glanced up from a new book he'd brought out.
"Apparently he doesn't do well around people and noise for too long, so Captain Vandelay rearranged for him to stay there when needed."
"Sounds like he's got them wrapped around his finger as well," Lucius muttered, but Tom had gone back to reading and was unlikely to reply.
Lucius eyed his book. It looked old and gritty enough to surely be a strange one. Possibly occult and most likely blasphemous, if not illegal.
Tom flipped a page, revealing a sketch of bones and a grinder.
"Hang on." Lucius stopped Tom's hand from turning another page. "What's that?"
"Just bone meal, I think." Tom shrugged. "If I didn't misunderstand some of what young Lord Clausson taught me."
"But are those... Human bones?" Lucius squinted, and Tom looked at the sketch with indifferent eyes.
"Looks like it, but honestly if what I'm reading is right, human bones might be the least of our problems."
Lucius gawked.
"Wait, this is for that? For— For what we're doing? Where the Waste are we gonna get human bones? And what other, worse things are we getting?"
Tom's face was shifting into his common, uncomfortable face, and Lucius knew he'd be impossible to talk to in a matter of seconds if things continued.
"Alright, fine." He held up his hands. "I'll drop it, for now."
Tom nodded without any hint of appreciation or relief, just turning the page to immerse himself in the book again.
"By the way," Lucius began, with Tom pursing his lips together as his reading was interrupted for a third time. "Has, uh... Richard said anything to you about my veins?"
"Yes," Tom replied as if it made no difference to anything. "He says they have an unpleasant smell. Very unpleasant, actually."
"And this didn't seem important to tell me?" Lucius objected but Tom shrugged, eyes flickering back and forth as they wished to focus back on his research.
"It doesn't seem that surprising to me. They're not exactly pleasant looking."
Lucius couldn't argue with that he supposed, despite his wishes to be made aware of any changes.
A series of loud thuds and growling noises sounded above them, and Lucius made a face. Precautions or not, having a werewolf so close was frightening and with Lucius' usual luck he wouldn't be surprised if Richard's feral self somehow broke through the barricade just to spite everyone. Recalling the fight between him and the garm, Lucius had no doubt it was possible.
He chewed on his lip, remembering another thing he still hadn't asked Tom about.
"So..." he began, and Tom's eyes flashed with exasperation before he once again tore them away from his book. "... Can I talk to you about something?"
"With the kind of conversations you like to have, it would be against my better judgement."
"Great," Lucius said before Tom could give him a proper 'no'. "It's about the Larkspur order."
Dread spilled over Tom's face and he threw a hasty, concerned glance upwards where scraping sounds of claws could be heard against the wooden floor above them.
"That's the last thing I want to talk about."
"And I don't want to be stuck on a ship, but we are, and there's no way to escape."
Tom looked like he was considering the option to try though.
"I'm serious, I don't want to talk—"
"Can they bring humans back to life?" Lucius interrupted him, making his words choke.
"I'm... Sorry?" Tom finally managed, and Lucius shook his head as if he considered himself ridiculous as well.
"I..." He leaned closer to whisper, putting a firm hand on Tom's shoulder as he tried to shy away. "... I saw my friend. The one who died, who'd disappeared from her grave, who'd been buried near that Larkspur hideout. I saw her corpse walking around, and she talked to me."
Tom did not look as surprised as Lucius wished he would have. He actually seemed to light up at the thought.
"Really? What did she look like?"
Lucius glared.
"You can't honestly be treating my friend being a walking, rotting corpse as a fascinating discovery."
"Then why tell me?" Tom gave him an accusatory look. "You know the kind of person you're talking to."
"I thought there was a limit." Lucius held his hands out before getting things back on track again. "I just... Want to know if that's something the Larkspur people can do? Could they be behind it after all?"
"I doubt that." Tom shook his head while averting his eyes, sending another glance up at the ceiling as a louder, deeper growl reached their ears. "As far as life and death goes, they only ever focused on the healing properties of werewolves. If they've switched their focus—"
He paled, lips pressing together as he stared down at the table, and Lucius knew what that meant.
"No, Tom. You are not backing out now," he said, tugging at the man's shoulder as if it would prevent his words from retreating. "For once, deal with uncomfortable conversations. You're so good at causing them already."
"I'm feeling sick," Tom mumbled, picking the book up to more or less bury his nose into it, and Lucius wanted to shake him for real.
"You gotta be kidding me." He tried to grab the book from him but struck air as Tom made an impressively agile manoeuvre before standing up.
"Actually I should go to Richard." He held the book in front of him as if it was a shield. "I'm a little concerned about the noi—"
A bone-chilling howl suddenly surged through the ship, accompanied by a crash and the sound of wood breaking before being replaced by the clang of metal bars hitting against one another.
Tom and Lucius exchanged a look, both of them pressing their lips together.
"Captain!" someone who Lucius could only assume was one of Richard's guards yelled while running with heavy steps on the deck above them, and Tom drew a breath.
"He's loose."
"Yeah... Sounds about right," Lucius said with a sigh as the room was filled with a panicked crew and voices yelled from everywhere.
Why couldn't he be wrong for once?
Author's note:
Hey! Update was a little late this week, mostly because I'm a little insecure about this chapter. Still I'd love to hear your thoughts regardless!
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