Chapter 4. - Updated
AN: Hey guys! How've you been? I'm excited to write this next chapter! Jack and Hiccup won't be officially meeting until a little later, but bare with me guys, it's all for better quality. Who wants to read a rushed story? But anyway, enjoy chapter four of,'The Power of Change'! Oh! Almost forgot! I'm probably going to be writing another Hijack fanfiction with a World of Warcraft theme! And possibly another one with The Big Four going to Hogwarts! That one will also be Hijack! I know that there are many of those, but, I just really want to write one of those. Also, this chapter has a TRIGGER WARNING! Please don't rad if easily triggered! Sorry guys! This is a long A.N but no worries! No more wait. Enjoy chapter four!
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Hiccup's POV
I trudged through the dark forest, the moonlight peeking through the thick leafy canopy overhead. Nearing Raven's Point, I thought of how much I missed Toothless. I felt bad for not visiting him the day before. I sighed. I should just stay out here with Toothless. No one in the village would care. Not even his gods' damned father! I stumbled and fell as I tripped on a tree root, sticking out of the soft soil. I felt a bolt of pain shoot up my leg from my ankle and immediately knew it was sprained.
"Just my luck." I mutter bitterly to myself, through clenched teeth. I had, had sprains before, so that was how I had been able to rule it out so quickly. I rolled myself off of my stomach and onto my back, sitting up slightly. As I inspected the damage I remembered what I had done to Toothless only months before. I had wanted so badly to prove myself to my father that I had decided to create a machine that could take down a dragon. I had waited on a cliff, hoping to spot a legendary Night Fury. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. In the night sky at the time, I had been lucky enough to spot movement and had taken the shot. I had brought down the mighty beast and the next day went and found it, in a tangled mess of ropes. I had been tempted to kill it, and almost did, until I looked it in the eye, and saw myself. It's eyes seemed to reflect my own soul.
I had cut it free only to have it pin me up against a rock, its large, intelligent, green eyes filled with fierce confidence. At that moment in time, I had remembered Gobber's words,'A dragon will always go for the kill.' I had prepared myself for death but instead got a mighty roar and the dragon took of into the sky only to fly a couple meters then fall into a large hole in the ground. I had stood, shocked, took a few feeble steps, let a shaky moan escape my lips, and collapsed onto the ground, unconscious. When I had woken up I went home, thinking about the Night Fury. If dragons always go for the kill, why didn't that one?
Remembering this brought back better memories when he didn't hear the other Vikings words and completely agree.
"Ow, ow, ow." I groaned, standing up with my freshly sprained ankle. It hurt but it didn't hurt enough for him to go back. He was going to see Toothless no matter what. I walked through the normal route to our little alcove, as I like to call it.
At first I didn't notice my reptilian friend. I knew that he couldn't fly on his own so he must be around here somewhere. I limp around the place, looking for my best friend. I don't have to look very long. A giant black form crashed into my body and sent me tumbling to the ground.
I gave a rare laugh. "Hey bud, I missed you too." Toothless licked my face, me raising my hands to shield my face from his sticky slobber. Toothless was the one thing that made me happy on this forsaken island.
"Alright bud, get off!" I said with a smile dancing across my lips. I finally managed to get Toothless off of me and stood up to mount for a fly around Berk, but, as usual, I was always careful to stay away from the village. I brushed my auburn hair out of my eyes.
"Okay Toothless, you ready to fly?" At this, the dragons green eyes light up. Toothless loved getting out of their alcove, and the only way for him to do that was for Hiccup to help him fly. As I mounted up, the sun was just barely peeking out from the backs of mountains. The people of Berk would be getting up soon. It had been a long walk here and even longer trying to get Toothless to settle down. Sometimes the dragon could be so hyper. Not to mention the fact that Toothless seemed to be very bothered that I had not gone to see him yesterday.
I flew up into the rapidly lightening sky, the wind blowing in my face, but I didn't feel cold. All I felt was free. Free. That was the only way to describe how I felt when up here, with Toothless, my best friend. I was free from all the worries of proving myself to my father, free from the villagers disapproving looks, and free from life! I mean, it was amazing to feel like this. It was the only thing keeping me. I looked down to his wrists. There were some pink lines running down them. He sighed, thinking about that night a month ago.
I had been really feeling down. I had been yelled at by everyone in the village. No one had been in a good mood since their last exposition for the dragons nest had been unfruitful. Since I was always the problem, they decided to blame me for not finding anything and having to come home early because of their lack of food. After a long day, getting punched and kicked by Snotlout and his gang, I had come home, locking myself in my room. A little while later, I had sneaked downstairs, took a small knife, ran into the bathroom. I had been scared to make the first cut. Very scared. I'd put the sharp blade up to my wrist, then pull it away. U'd put it up to my wrist, then pull it away. I continued like this for 15 long, minutes more, then finally did it. I made the first cut. It had stung, and I immediately dropped the knife, grabbing my wrist, hissing in pain.
In all the pain it caused me, I didn't regret my actions. I deserved this. I picked up the knife from the ground, and continued to make various cuts along my right wrist, using my dominant, and left hand, to handle the knife. I didn't cut deep, though. In total, I made 8!cuts. The cuts felt like they were burning. I then wiped up the blood that had found its ways to the wooden floor. I was careful that there was no trace of what he had just done.
I did this again the next day, but in his room, rather than the bathroom. I played the people's scathing words over and over in his head as I preformed the painful deed. After the second day of that, I came to a conclusion. The first cut is the hardest. After that, it had been so much easier to do it again.
A purr of concern from Toothless shook me out of the memory.
"I'm okay Toothless." I try for a reassuring smile, but my body language said otherwise. He swooped down a little, and made a small sound in his throat, telling me he wanted to land.
"Okay, let's head back." He knew Toothless was concerned, and he appreciated that. It was comforting to know someone cares.
The sun was almost completely above the mountains now, casting it's warmth over Berk. The golden hues mixing with blue ones. He wanted to stay up here, but he wasn't going to make Toothless do that, so he turned the reptile around. They hadn't done a lot of their usual tricks and stunts, much to Toothless' disappointment. As they landed, I made sure to promise Toothless I would come back later today for some fun and said that they would for sure try out some of their new moves. I gave my reptilian friend a scratch behind the ears and left. As I, reluctantly, walked back to Berk, Limping on my sprained ankle, I couldn't help but let a sigh escape my lips, slightly chapped from the wind whipping at my face. I was not looking forward to another day, being the villages biggest disappointment.
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AN: So, how was that? I know I'm horrible for putting Hiccup through such emotional turmoil, but in my own twisted mind, I like for main or secondary characters to go through trauma. I know, I'm horrible. But that is just my story! There will be self harm in later chapters, so if you do not want to read that stuff, then I'm sorry, but you might not want to read this story. Anyway, there will also be some swearing. Only the word 'damned' or 'damn' and that is only on certain occasions. ... Boy! These chapters just get longer and longer each time! Anyhow, I won't take anymore of your time! Thank you guys for staying with me through this journey, and remember, leave comments! I'm always looking for suggestions and advice! I love you guys! Until next time! 😉
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