Y/N's P.O.V.
The next day of Y/N's life passed without incident, unless you count Neville melting his sixth cauldron in potions and almost scalding her fingers. Oh, and Cedric dropping her out of a window.
Currently, Y/N, Harry, Ron and Hermione were on their way to their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Moody. Harry's hand was holding hers-
Oh...you want to know about the window situation?
Right, so Y/N had met up with Cedric in the Hufflepuff common room for an evening, after classes, of goofing around on grounds and in the castle. He'd introduced her to his friends, Liana and Mathew, who kindly greeted her.
Liana, in Y/N's (professional) opinion, Liana was absolutely beautiful. Straight, ebony hair fell around her shoulders, framing her soft face, set with brown doe-like eyes and red, rosy cheeks. She was the sweetest.
Mathew, well, he was okay. Not that he wasn't good-lookin - just not Y/N's cup of tea. A strong build, sandy brown hair, brown eyes. He was a nice guy, though.
Cedric had told Y/N beforehand that Liana and Mathew were dating, just don't bring it up, because they get shy.
Liana had complimented Y/N's bracelet, the one with the medieval shield that Cedric gave her. Y/N, flustered, murmured a, "Thank you!"
Ever the bragger, Cedric held up his own wrist. "We're matching! Protection bracelets - well, they're not charmed, but they're shields. We made a promise when she was five and I was eight to protect each other!" he said. "I bought it for her," he added proudly.
Mathew and Liana put their hands to their hearts and "Awe-d."
Announcing that they had places to be, Cedric pulled Y/N out of the Hufflepuff Common Room.
"Bye, Y/N!" they said to her, completely ignoring Cedric. Y/N smiled back, and smiled even harder when she heard Liana whisper to Mathew, "I like her, she's nice."
Y/N and Cedric left the couple cuddling on one of Hufflepuff couches, leaving with Cedric's broom. They stopped by at the Hogwarts Broom Shed to pick up a broom for Y/N, since she left her Nimbus 2000 (an additional gift from Remus) at home. Running through the front doors, Y/N had to sprint to keep up with Cedric's long legs.
"Keep up!" Cedric yelled.
"It's not my fault that you're built like a beanpole!" Y/N shouted back, huffing and puffing.
"Well, it's not my fault that you're built like a-"
"Built like a what, Diggory?" Y/N asked once they had stopped, finding a large patch of grass. She shifted the Forever-Flying Quaffle that Ron had gotten her for her birthday in her hands, glaring at Cedric.
Y/N and Cedric mounted their brooms. He would be playing Keeper against Y/N and her Quaffle. They marked the goalpost between two tall trees.
After playing a couple of rounds, (Y/N got thirty-seven goals in total) they called it a day, since the sky was darkening.
"You should try out next year," Cedric said nonchalantly. "You'd make a great Chaser - would give Mathew a run for his galleons."
Y/N laughed and shook her head, "Nah. I like Quidditch, I just don't wanna be on the team," she explained. "Don't wanna steal Harry's spotlight," Y/N added jokingly.
Rolling his eyes, but not pushing it further, Cedric slyly smiled and re-mounted his broom. "Last one to the Astronomy Tower is a Blast-Ended Skrewt!"
And he took off.
"Oh, you're on!"
Y/N swiftly mounted her broom as well and shot after Cedric, gaining on him in just a few seconds. The Astronomy Tower was a little ways away, giving Y/N time to whoop into the now-navy sky.
The wind whipped her hair and stung at her eyes, but Y/N found herself tying with Cedric as they both landed at the same time, soaring through one of the Astronomy Tower's giant archways.
"Fuckin' loser," Cedric stuck out his tongue, dismounting.
"We landed at the same time!"
"My feet touched the floor first."
Cedric just laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. As they walked through the corridors (he was dropping her off to Gryffindor Tower) he snatched the Forever-Flying Quaffle out of Y/N's hands.
She raised as brow as he barged into a (thankfully) empty classroom. Y/N trailed behind him as he threw the ball out of the window and observed it. Getting to the sill of the open window, Y/N leaned forward to see what he was trying to do.
Cedric, the brightest student alive (not), decided, in that moment, to nudge her. She was already so leaned forward that the action caused the girl to topple over the sill of the window.
Y/N fell freely for about five seconds before she realized she had a broom in her hands.
Through her struggling, she swung a leg over her broom, still screaming curses at the sky.
Cedric had just pushed her out of a window! She was absolutely fuming - not at him, she wasn't exactly mad at him. She was mad at the way her heart basically stopped and her stomach jolted. She was mad at her fear. Y/N's eyes stung, and she knew they must be...glowing.
At least it would give Cedric a right fright. So deserved, by the way.
When she zoomed back up through the window, she knew that Cedric knew he was a dead man.
"I JUST WANTED TO SEE IF THE QUAFFLE WOULD COME BACK!" Cedric pleaded. The Quaffle had indeed returned, as it was in his hands.
Y/N raised a brow, eyes glowing white, unimpressed.
So, anyways, Y/N, Harry and were on their way to their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Moody. Harry's hand was holding hers and the girl was fighting back a grin and a blush.
As they walked, their bracelets clanged together like always. Harry looked down at her wrist, a smile forming on his face.
"Did you put the flowers around the bracelet?" he asked, his voice full of happiness.
"Mhm," said Y/N. "I like having them with me - they calm me down."
Harry made a sound that sounded like a mix between a sigh and a groan. "Godric, Silv. Could you get more perfect?"
The sound he made...
Don't think about it.
Y/N knew she was a light shade of pink, even when Harry continued, embarrassed, trying to clarify, "I meant, like...could the bracelet get more perfect?"
The boy gave a weak laugh. Y/N decided to just say, "Nope, it's top-tier. Plus," she said, hoping the addition would make Harry happy, "It outshines Elijah's, now."
He squeezed her hand in thanks, a slow, content smile spreading across his face.
Y/N still didn't understand Harry's problem with Elijah. Yes, she liked Elijah's bracelet, but Harry's...it was just better.
Even so, as she glanced at her own wrist, Elijah's bracelet seemed to stick out. The beads were simple, yet beautiful. The beauty was pulling her in -
"I'm still here, y'know," Ron grumbled. Then, he got close to Harry's ear and whispered something that made the boy's face pinken.
"Sorry, Ronnie," Y/N apologized teasingly as they reached the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.
She deviated from Harry and Ron (Who were glaring?) when she saw a familiar, dirty blond boy in the hallway.
Earlier that day, Y/N had seen Elijah in the hallway, and was all-too-surprised to bump into him. He was leaving the classroom, but when Y/N peeked a head in, Moody was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Moody?" she asked.
Elijah shrugged, looking over his shoulder. "I dunno, I had to circle back, I forgot my bookbag. Maybe he went to get something from his office?"
"Yeah," said Y/N. Her gaze drifted to his hands, where he wore multiple rings. Some of these rings had snakes, or his family crest. One had a black gem in the middle of a silver circle, a deep red X slashed across.
It looked really good on him.
The beads on the bracelet he gave her felt heavy against her wrist. She supposed that was because he was around, so her thoughts immediately went to the bracelet.
"Anyways," said Y/N. "Are you coming to the common room tomorrow so we can plan with the twins?" she asked him, hope in her voice.
Elijah gave her a smile that was a borderline smirk. " 'course, pretty rascal. Wouldn't miss seeing your face for anything."
"Okay, handsome," she retorted, hoping Harry didn't hear. He always got weird when she spoke to Elijah. He would probably explode if he heard her, god forbid, flirting with Elijah.
Smiling now, Elijah took her hand and kissed her palm, looking at her with brown eyes. He uttered a simple, "See you," and left.
He left her standing there, flushed, on his way to his next class. How did he make her fluster so easy? It was like Harry, just with less intensity.
All the fourth years were so excited about Moody's lesson that they turned up early, forming a queue outside his classroom.
Y/N and Harry were laughing at a joke that Ron had made when Hermione came running towards them, huffing. "Sorry," she apologized. "Been in the-"
"Library," Harry finished as the bell rang in indication for them to enter. "We know. Now hurry up! Ron and I want to get good seats."
Y/N snorted. She never would've thought that Harry and Ron would have any interest whatsoever in their classes. Guess Moody changed that.
The quartet hurried into the four empty chairs in front of the teacher's desk. Y/N thought it was borderline teacher's pet behavior, but her friends were excited, so she didn't say anything. The whole class pulled their textbooks, The Dark Forces; A Guide to Self-Defense, out of their bags and waited patiently for Moody to arrive.
When he did, they heard the distinctive clunk of his fake leg. He entered, grisly as ever, and sat down at his desk. He glanced up at them. "You can put those away," he said gruffly. "Won't be needing them."
They returned their books to their bags. Ron looked excited.
"Right then," he said. "I've had a letter from Professor Lupin-"
The whole class whipped their heads in Y/N's direction. It was no secret that she was his niece. Every time Remus was mentioned, everyone in the vicinity who he had taught looked at her. It was so fucking annoying! Like, yeah, he was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Hogwarts would ever have, but...privacy, much?
"Oh?" Moody said. "You're his niece, aren't you?"
"Yes," Y/N said stiffly. She wasn't purposefully being rude - she just didn't want to talk about it.
Moody smiled. Or, at least, Y/N assumed he smiled, for the marred skin around his mouth morphed as the corner of his lip twitched up. "Well," he said. "You lot are very versed in dangerous creatures, yes?"
The class gave a general murmur of assent.
"But you're behind - very behind - on dealing with curses," Moody said. "So I'm here to show you what wizards can really do to each other. One year, and then I'm gone-"
"Why aren't you staying?" Ron asked.
Moody gave that terrifying smile once more, and looked at Ron's hair. "You'll be Arthur Weasley's son, eh? Your dad helped me out of a rough spot. I'm here as a favor to Dumbledore...one year, then it's back to my quiet retirement."
He gave a harsh laugh and clapped his hands. "So! Straight into it. Curses. Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm not supposed to show you what illegal Dark curses look like until you're in the sixth year. But Professor Dumbledore's got a higher opinion of your nerves," Moody explained.
For some odd reason, Y/N didn't feel comfortable around this man. The way he talked about curses, what wizards can really do to each other, felt like praise towards the Dark Arts. It sent shivers down her spine, but she brushed it off. Dumbledore hired this man for a reason. They needed to learn how to protect themselves.
"A wizard who is about to perform an illegal curse on you isn't going to warn you," Moody continued. "They won't do it nice and polite to your face. You need to be prepared. You need to be alert and watchful. You need to put that away, Miss Brown, when I'm talking."
Y/N turned, watching as Lavender jumped and blushed. She had been showing Parvati her completed horoscope under the desk.
Apparently Moody's magical eye could see through solid wood, as well as out of the back of his head.
That was mildly concerning. Could he...see through clothes? Disgusting. Who even let him have that thing? When their eyes get carved out, normal people get eye-patches.
"Mister Finnigan!" Moody roared. "If you stick gum under a desk again, I will shove it up your nose."
Seamus swore quietly. Moody scoffed and continued.
"So...do any of you know which curses are most heavily punished by wizarding law?"
A few hesitant hands were raised, including Y/N's and Ron's. Of course Y/N knew all this - Remus Lupin was her uncle.
Moody's eyes glazed over everyone, eventually settling on Ron. He pointed.
"Er," Ron said tentatively. "Dad told me about one...Is it called the Imperius Curse, or something?"
Yes, Ron, it is.
"Ah, yes," Moody said appreciatively. "Your father would know all about that. The spell gave the Ministry some great trouble."
As he said it, Y/N watched Moody get up and pull out one of his desk drawers. From inside, he took a glass jar. Looking closer, Y/N shifted her chair backwards slightly when she saw a large tarantula.
Faintly, she heard Ron whimper. He was absolutely terrified of spiders, arachnids in general. He had been scared out of his wits in second year when he and Harry went to Aragog's lair, while Hermione and Y/N were petrified.
Moody reached into the jar and grabbed hold of the spider, bringing it to his palm. He pointed the want at it and muttered, "Imperio."
Y/N narrowed her eyes. This man literally just performed an illegal curse in front of a classroom full of students. Should he not go to Azkaban for that?
The spider shot through the air, suspended by a fine line of silk. It landed on the windowsill and did a couple cartwheels, then began to tap-dance.
Everyone was laughing - everyone except Moody.
"You think it's funny, do you?" he growled. "You'd like it, would you, if I did that to you?"
The laughter died immediately.
"Total control," Moody said quietly. "I could make it jump out of the window, drown itself, throw itself down one of your throats..."
Ron, sitting beyond Harry on Y/N's left, gave an involuntary shudder.
"The Imperius Curse...was used years back. Too many people controlled. Ministry could barely figure it out," he said. "I'll be teaching you to resist it. Remember - CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" he barked, and everyone jumped.
"Now, does anyone know any others?"
Y/N raised her hand, along with Hermione, and many others. Moody, though, seemed only to see Neville, who, to Y/N's surprise, had his hand raised. Usually, Neville only participated in Herbology - the subject he was most confident in. He helped Y/N with Herbology a lot, since it...wasn't her strong suit.
"Yes?" Moody pointed to Neville. His mouth twitched again and he licked his lips.
"There's one - the Cruciatus Curse," Neville said in a small voice.
Moody nodded, then said, "You'd be Longbottom, yes?"
Neville gave a terrified nod. Y/N honestly felt bad for him.
Glancing at the creature in his hand, Moody said, "Should be larger to see how it works...Engorgio," he enlarged the spider. Ron pushed his chair as far back as he could. "Now...Crucio!"
At once, the spider's crumpled inwardly. It rolled over and began to twitch, not making a sound. Y/N was sure that if it had a voice, it would be screaming. Moody never removed his wand. The spider started to shudder and jerk violently.
"Stop it!" Hermione said shrilly from beside Y/N. "Stop it, can't you see it's hurting him?"
But the girl wasn't looking at the spider. Her eyes were on Neville, and Y/N understood. His face was warped, eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the spider.
Moody didn't stop.
"Didn't you hear her?" Y/N asked roughly. "Stop torturing the spider!"
Moody raised his wand. In his palm, the spider's legs relaxed, but it didn't stop twitching. "Reducio."
Y/N glanced back at Neville. His expression had softened slightly, but he still looked...disturbed.
"Pain," Moody said softly. "You don't need thumbscrews or knives..." his eyes trailed to Y/N. She met his gaze defiantly. Why had he looked at her? "...to torture someone when you have the Cruciatus Curse."
Deciding she didn't really like the professor, she felt wary of him, Y/N didn't raise her hand when Moody asked, "Anyone know any others?"
She knew, of course. She didn't want to say it - maybe she subconsciously didn't want that spider to die because of her. Obviously, he would perform the spell on it. It was absolutely atrocious, the killing curse in a fourth year classroom.
Hermione, as always, was the first to have her hand in the air. Finally, Moody picked her. "Yes?"
"Avada Kedavra," Hermione whispered.
Many students shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Moody dropped the spider onto Harry's desk and Y/N grabbed the boy's hand, eyeing as the spider as it scuttled around in panic.
Harry turned to see what the fuss was about, meeting Y/N's eyes. "Just...look away when he does it. Please," she whispered/mouthed.
"Why...? What does the spell do-"
"Avada Kedavra!"
There was a flash of green light and the spider just...stopped. It fell, unmarked, but unmistakably dead.
Ron had thrown himself backward and almost toppled off his seat as the spider skidded toward him. Moody swept the dead spider off the desk onto the floor.
"Not nice," he said calmly. "Not pleasant. And there's no counter curse. There's no blocking it. Only one known person has ever survived it, and he's sitting right in front of me."
Y/N winced. Could she hex the man's mouth shut? Would that be a bit much?
It was the same spell that had killed Harry's parents. Moody surely knew, nobody didn't know. Yet, he still used the curse in front of the boy.
Harry locked eyes with Y/N. He probably didn't realize, but slight tears rimmed his waterline. She squeezed his hand in comfort. It broke Y/N's heart to see him like that.
"Now... those three curses - Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and Cruciatus - are known as the Unforgivable Curses. The use of anyone of them on a fellow human being is enough to earn a life sentence in Azkaban," he said.
At this time, Y/N didn't know what was going to come in further lessons.
Moody continued, "You need to practice constant, never-ceasing vigilance. Get out your quills...copy this down..."
They spent the rest of the lesson copying down notes on each Unforgivable Curse. When the bell rang, Y/N practically dragged Harry out of the classroom.
Ron and Hermione caught up just as Y/N put her hands over Harry's ears. Some of the students in their class were praising what just happened - "Did you see that? The way it just dropped dead? So cool!"
Harry didn't need that.
Hermione pointed up a side passage of the hallway and said, with a frown, "Neville."
Neville was standing alone, halfway up the passage, staring at the stone wall opposite him with the same horrified, wide-eyed look he had worn when Moody had demonstrated the Cruciatus Curse.
"Neville?" Hermione said gently. Neville looked around.
"Oh hello," he said, his voice much higher than usual. "Interesting lesson, wasn't it? I wonder what's for dinner, I'm - I'm starving, aren't you?"
"Neville, are you all right?" said Y/N.
"Oh yes, I'm fine," Neville replied in the same unnaturally high voice. "Very interesting dinner - I mean lesson - what's for eating?"
Y/N sighed, "Neville, you're not okay-"
But the clump of Professor Moody's fake leg was heard again. The five of them fell silent as Moody said, "It's all right, sonny," to Neville, "Why don't you come up to my office? Come on, we can have a cup of tea...'
Neville gave them a pleading look, and Y/N was about to intervene, to say something, when Moody practically dragged the boy away and out of their sight.
Quickly, they went to their dorms and deposited their things in their rooms. Y/N changed, putting on an oversized tee with three small silver stars surrounding a crescent moon embroidered on it. She paired this with a comfortable pair of grey sweatpants, just in case she was too tired to change before bed.
After a hasty dinner, Hermione raced off "To the Library," again. Y/N just wanted to spend time with her best friend - was that too much to ask?
She, Harry and Ron began their way back to Gryffindor Tower. When they were on the correct floor (the seventh floor) Harry shouted, "Race you, Silv!"
Knowing that this was a race for their favorite chair by the fire, Y/N started at a sprint behind Harry while Ron gave a huge sigh, jogging to keep up.
They made it, huffing and puffing, to the portrait of the Fat Lady. She looked down at them, squinting her eyes. "What's with you lot?"
Harry didn't answer, only saying the password. "Balderdash."
The Fat Lady scoffed, but swung open. The common room was empty - everyone was still at dinner. Y/N launched herself through the entry, Harry quick on her heels.
She was going to win this shit.
Well, apparently not.
They were neck and neck, shooting past the couch near the fire. The soft, plushy armchair was in reach-
Harry got there first.
He had already seated himself into the cushions, but Y/N was unable to stop her momentum, and tripped on the leg of the chair, falling, basically, straight into Harry's arms.
They were almost nose to nose when Harry caught her around the waist, his fingers dipping below the hem of her shirt and sending tingles down Y/N's spine. Her breath hitched.
"Um-" Y/N managed out, face burning. "I'm sorry - er - I'll just...er...sorry," she mumbled.
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.
Harry quirked an eyebrow up, his mouth forming an all too attractive smirk. "It's all good, Silv," he said, a sly hint to his voice. It just made Y/N even more red. "You can stay, I don't mind..."
"Shove off, Potter," Y/N muttered, but she made no move to get up. She didn't exactly want to...but if Harry wanted her too, she would.
Their position was getting a little...awkward. Y/N was basically hovering over Harry, his hands on her waist. To make herself more comfortable, she placed one of her knees in between his legs to prop herself up.
Harry scoffed teasingly, "Telling me to shove off, but making yourself more comfortable?" He dragged Y/N down to sit beside him, since the chair was large enough. "Something tells me you don't want me stop, isn't that right, Silv?"
Y/N flushed again, "Harry, I swear-"
"Guys," Ron scowled. "I still exist. Can I please be acknowledged for five seconds?"
"Yeah? I'll acknowledge you," Harry said irritably. "Could you go get our Divination work? If I get up, this little Silvie," he referred to the Pixie-like creature, and to Y/N, "Will steal my spot."
"No," Ron said gruffly. "I'm getting my Divination work."
"Y/N has to get up anyway to get her Arithmancy homework," Ron pointed out. "Professor Vector finally decided to be normal."
Y/N was barely present in this little conversation, since she was trying to calm her heart, which was racing at about five-thousand kilometers per hour. It was insane.
"Right...yeah," Y/N said vaguely. "I'll just...yeah. I'll go to my dorm and get my Arithmancy. Would be better with Herms here, though."
"Am I not enough for you?" Harry scoffed.
"We," said Ron. "Are we not enough for you? I'm here - just letting you know."
With a light laugh, Y/N patted Harry on the cheek, then got up to ruffle Ron's hair. "You're enough. I see you, Ron," she said with playful, fake sympathy. "You're seen. You matter. You're so valid-"
"Go get your homework!"
Y/N laughed again, then went to climb up the staircase to the girl's dorm, knowing that she'd have to take a couple moments to calm herself and her racing heart down.
Harry's P.O.V.
He watched her figure depart, eyes on the oversized tee his fingers had slightly dipped under. It wasn't sexual in any way - Godric, no - he just liked holding her.
Ron noticed his stare and coughed loudly, pulling Harry by the arm and dragging him to the boy's dorm. "Harry James Potter what did I say about doing that shit in front of me?"
"You said not to do it..."
"And what did you do?"
"Did 'that shit,' in front of you..." Harry muttered. "I'm sorry, It's not my fault I like her-"
"Love," Ron corrected. "That's the only way to describe how you look at her."
Harry considered this. Yes, he adored and admired and wanted Y/N to be his. Did he love her? It felt like he did. It felt like if he had her, all his problems would be solved. He did have her, in a sense. She was one of his best friends. He wanted more.
"Let's just...go," Harry said, grabbing his Divination homework. Ron said nothing and did the same. They made their way down to the common room.
Seeing the empty chair by the fire, Ron quickly ran to it, leaving Harry to sit on the couch. A couple of people had trickled up from dinner, filling chairs and sofas.
Y/N came down the stairs, Arithmancy textbook in hand her hands, parchment, a quill and ink sitting precariously on top. She made it to Harry and Ron, then dumped her stuff on the table and took a seat next to Harry, sprawling herself on the couch.
"Don't say anything about anything. I'll hex your nose off and you know I'm not kidding," Y/N threatened Harry, wand out.
"Yes ma'am!" he said nervously.
The girl smiled at him, then leaned against the couch's armrest, her legs in Harry's lap, and began to do her Arithmancy work. He and Ron pried open their copies of Unfogging the Future and set to work. They had to make predictions of their lives for the coming months.
An hour and many suggestions from Y/N later, they had gotten almost nothing done. Y/N, however, had finished her Arithmancy homework and had time to finish the fifty pages of a book she was reading.
"I haven't got a clue of what this shit is supposed to mean," Harry said, staring at a long list of calculations.
"Just calculate it," Y/N yawned sleepily, her head now on Harry's shoulder.
"Helpful," Harry grumbled.
"You know," Ron said, running a hand through his ginger hair in stress. "I reckon we go back to the old Divination standby - make it up."
Ron swept their failed parchment papers off the table and took up his quill once more. On a new parchment, he spoke as he scribbled, "Next Monday, I am likely to develop a cough, owing to the unlucky conjunction of Mars and Jupiter." He looked up at Harry. "You know her - just put in loads of misery, she'll lap it up."
"Right," said Harry slowly. He began to work on his own list. Y/N was beginning to fall asleep - he really didn't want to wake her. He gazed into the fire. "Okay..." he said. "On Monday...I will be in danger of...er...burns."
"Yeah, you will be," Ron agreed. "We're seeing the Skrewts again on Monday."
"Noooo," Y/N complained, half asleep. She was adorable.
"Go to sleep," Harry whispered. He was overcome with the urge to kiss her on the forehead, but he restrained himself.
"Nuh uh," she said sleepily. But even as she said it, her breathing slowed and her eyes closed.
She fell asleep.
"On Tuesday I will..." Ron said, wracking his brains. "Erm..."
"Lose a treasured possession," Harry suggested, flipping through Unfogging the Future for ideas. He tried not to speak too loud, since Y/N's head was on his shoulder.
"Good one," Ron said absently, copying it down. "Because of...er...Mercury. Why don't you get stabbed in the back by someone you thought was a friend?"
Harry nodded. "Sure...yeah..." he said, scribbling it down. "Because...Venus is in the twelfth house."
"And on Wednesday, I think I'll come off worst in a fight!" Ron said, almost too excitedly. Y/N stirred on Harry's shoulder.
"Aaah, I was going to have a fight. Okay, I'll lose a bet," Harry sighed.
"Yeah, you'll be betting I'll win my fight..."
Y/N, now, apparently, fully awake, snorted. "Seems about right. You can't fight for shit."
Harry laughed at the offended expression on Ron's face. "Nuh uh," said Ron. "Remember when I lead in McGonagall's Chess Set when we fought Quirrel?"
"That wasn't exactly a fight, though," Y/N pointed out. "You just directed the pieces and got everyone but Harry chucked into piles of dead chess pieces."
Ron rolled his eyes and scoffed. Y/N contently closed her eyes again and drifted off against Harry, making him feel like the happiest boy in the world.
They continued their predictions, which got steadily more tragic, for an hour before the common room emptied as people went up to bed. Crookshanks leapt onto the couch and settled in Y/N's lap, purring contently. The cat gave Harry and Ron glares, emulating the look that Hermione would've given them if she knew they weren't doing their homework properly.
Some of the last people in the common room were Fred and George, huddled in a corner over a piece of parchment, talking about something in hushed voices. Harry caught a sentence, "No - that sounds like we're accusing him! Got to be careful," before the twins came over to Ron and Harry, saying good night.
They each gave Y/N a brotherly kiss on the top of her head, "'Night, prankster," they said, then retired to their dormitory.
Harry shifted as he felt Y/N's head start slipping. He repositioned her just as Hermione came bursting through the Portrait Hole, a triumphant smile on her face. She plopped down next to Y/N's sleeping form. "I've done it!" she exclaimed.
"Shh!" Harry said. "You'll wake-"
"So have I!" Ron said proudly, throwing his quill down onto his page.
These idiots.
Y/N had woken up again.
The girl groaned and complained about how it was "Too bright in here!" even though the only light came from the glow of the fire. To Harry's delight, she shoved his face in the crook of his neck to avoid the offending flames.
Hermione pulled Ron's predictions toward her. "Not going to have a very good month, are you?" she said sardonically as Crookshanks leapt off of Y/N curled up in her lap.
"Ah well, at least I'm forewarned," Ron yawned.
"You seem to be drowning twice," said Hermione.
"It was me, both times. I'm turning myself in," Y/N mumbled sleepily against Harry's neck. It shot tingles all down his spine.
"Oh am I?" said Ron, peering down at his predictions. "I'd better change one of them to getting trampled by a rampaging hippogriff."
"Don't you think it's a bit obvious you've made these up?" said Hermione.
"How dare you!" said Ron, in mock outrage. "We've been working like house elves here!"
Hermione raised her eyebrows.
"It's just an expression," said Ron hastily.
Harry laid down his quill too, having just finished predicting his own death by decapitation. Y/N laughed lightly, now awake. "What's in the box?" he asked, pointing at it.
"Funny you should ask," said Hermione, glaring at Ron. She took off the lid and showed them the contents. Inside were about fifty badges, all of different colors, but all bearing the same letters: S.P.E.W.
" 'Spew'?" said Harry, picking up a badge and looking at it. "What's this about?"
"Ugh," Y/N said in disgust, sticking out her tongue. "Like vomit?"
"Not spew," said Hermione impatiently. "It's S-P-E-W. Stands for the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare."
"Never heard of it," said Ron.
"Well, Ronnie," said Y/N. "You're not the most educated-"
"Well, of course you haven't," said Hermione briskly, "I've only just started it."
"Yeah?" said Ron in mild surprise. "How many members have you got?"
"Well, if you three join, four," said Hermione.
"And you think we want to walk around wearing badges saying 'spew,' do you?" said Ron. shuffling in his seat, eyes anywhere but Hermione.
"S-P-E-W!" corrected Hermione hotly. "I was going to put Stop the Outrageous Abuse of Our Fellow Magical Creatures and Campaign for a Change in Their Legal Status - but it wouldn't fit. So that's the heading of our manifesto."
She brandished the sheaf of parchment at them. "We start by recruiting members," said Hermione happily.
"Hmm, I could probably get Dean to join," said Y/N thoughtfully. "Maybe Elijah - from what he's told me, his mum treats their house elf horribly."
Again with Elijah Collins.
"Ooh! Cedric, too! Uncle Mossy and Aunt Ettie," she referred to Amos and Rosetta Diggory, "Are really cool about that stuff. They treat their house elf so well."
In all honesty, Harry was completely okay with Cedric, especially after he refered to Y/N as, "His sister," during her birthday get-together at the Burrow.
Hermione nodded at Y/N's suggestions, smiling. "I thought two Sickles to join - that buys a badge - and the proceeds can fund our leaflet campaign. You're treasurer, Ron - I've got you a collecting tin upstairs - and Harry, you're secretary, so you might want to write down everything I'm saying now, as a record of our first meeting."
"What am I?" asked Y/N.
"You're deputy manager," said Hermione. "Can't manage everything by myself, can I?"
There was a pause in which Hermione beamed at the them, and Harry sat, torn between exasperation at Hermione and amusement at the look on Ron's face. Y/N looked genuinely interested in the idea.
"Okay, Herms!" said Y/N cheerfully. "But...uh...we're gonna need to upgrade those badges..."
Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but just then, there was a tapping at the window, and Hedwig appeared. Harry allowed her inside, excited, for this was surely Sirius' response.
"She's got an answer!" said Ron excitedly, pointing at the grubby piece of parchment tied to Hedwig's leg.
Harry hastily untied it and sat down to read, whereupon Hedwig fluttered onto his knee, hooting softly.
"What does it say?" Hermione asked.
"Sirius?" Y/N said, still delirious from sleep.
The letter was very short, and looked as though it had been scrawled in a great hurry. Harry read it aloud:
"Harry - I'm flying north immediately. This news about your scar is the latest in a series of strange rumors that have reached me here. If it hurts again, go straight to Dumbledore — they're saying he's got Mad-Eye out of retirement, which means he's reading the signs, even if no one else is. I'll be in touch soon. My best to Ron, Hermione, and of course, Y/N.
- Sirius
P.S. I've just been with Remus, he came to visit me in my hiding spot. He says the same. Take care."
Worry boiled in the pit of Harry's stomach. I'm flying north immediately. No. Sirius was putting himself in danger for a twinge of pain in Harry's scar!
"He's flying north?" Hermione asked. "He's coming back?"
"It's made him think he's got to come back!" said Harry, now slamming his fist on the table so loud that Hedwig hooted indignantly. "Coming back, because he thinks I'm in trouble! And there's nothing wrong with me! And I haven't got anything for you," Harry snapped at Hedwig, who was clicking her beak expectantly, "you'll have to go up to the Owlery if you want food."
He felt a little bad when she flew off, disgruntled. He felt the same.
"I'm going to bed," Harry said shortly. "Good night."
Quickly collecting his homework, he trudged to his dormitory and dumped everything on the floor near the foot of his bed. He was about to get under the covers when he heard a whispered, "Harry!" in his favorite voice.
"Y/N?" Harry whispered back, trying not to wake his dormmates.
"No, Draco Malfoy," the girl said, coming to sit on the side of his bed.
"Don't be short with me," Y/N said suddenly. "I know you're worried about Sirius, but he'll be fine. He's more capable than you think."
"What if he gets caught?"
"Harry," Y/N sighed, pulling him down to sit beside her. They closed the curtains and sat criss-cross on the bed, facing each other. "He's escaped Azkaban. He's going to be okay. He can just turn into Padfoot and be all right."
"But," Harry said desperately, making to lay down against his pillows. Y/N came and sat near his head, stroking his hair. "I made him do so much work just because my stupid scar hurt a little!"
Y/N frowned. Her fingers ghosted over his lightning-shaped scar, pressing into his temple, massaging him. "Scarboy," she said firmly. "Your scar is cursed. This happens. At least you know why it happens. When Voldemort is near. I, on the other hand," she gave a weak chuckle, "Have flashlights for eyes and my hands burn every time I'm angry and I don't know why."
Harry nodded slowly. She was right, in a sense. At least he had some vague idea as to what the bloody hell was happening.
"Cursed things need to be monitored," Y/N continued. Her fingers found his scar once more and Harry sighed in content when she blew some air onto it. "And taken with caution and surveillance and that's what Sirius is doing. Because he cares for you."
"I guess you're right..." Harry mumbled.
"I'm always right," Y/N teased. "Go on, say it. 'Y/N, you're always right.'"
Harry sighed, feeling the corner of his lip lifting into a half smile. "Silv, you're always right."
"That's what I thought."
Harry barely remembered the rest of the conversation they had that night. Something about Silvies and scars, and Flos Lunaris, and, for some reason, pasta sauce.
It was such a comforting feeling, laying in bed with his Silv - well, not his, but the meaning got across just the same - and just talking. She kept his mind occupied until he fell asleep, hands in his hair, attention on him.
Harry Potter fell asleep that night feeling more loved than he had in a long time.
─── ☆: *.⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ .* :☆ ───
hi guys!!
there won't be any emoji's in this a/n bc...it's like rly late i don't have the mental capacity LMAOAOWODJAO cries falls asleep
ok so question!! should i write fleur's french accent like it is in the books? or should i js type normally?
lowkey a filler chapter, but if u squint hard enough, you'll see...some...clues...about...things...yes...
i won't be replying to comments about said clues because i don't wannnnaaaa <3
another question! what'd y'all do recently that you enjoyed?
me: i went to an arcade w two of my friends and won at the rigged claw machine seven times in a row!!
i love my plushies they're so ugly their names are skrunkledee and skrunkledoo :3
ok i need to pass out now i'll edit this in hte morni gmabe
remember to vote n comment if u liked it! as always, point out any mistakes !!
catch u on the flip side - don't say that ! - troublemakers <3
- dizzy
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