(TW: mentions abuse and SA, if you have difficulty with reading about these topics even briefly pls don't make yourself read it. These topics will continue for more of the story not just this chapter!)
SZA party tn, 9A.M 🤎
USER | replying to @SZA
💬18 ❤️555 🔁 289
USER2| replying to USER
💬6 ❤️89 🔁 1988
USER3 | replying to @SZA
anybody else kinda feel bad for Jack? She's like Taylor Swift
💬7 ❤️58 🔁 889
USER4 | replying @SZA
WOW, can I come to the party
💬3 ❤️22 🔁 777
USER5 | replying @USER4
we should sneak in fr!
💬10 ❤️10 🔁 25
JACKHARLOW | replying @SZA
you forgot to invite me
💬1010 ❤️773 🔁 1,284
USER6 | replying @jackharlow
USER7 | replying @jackharlow
USER8 | replying @jackharlow
you can come to my party 💔 it's my little sisters third birthday
DOJACAT | replying @SZA
💬1010 ❤️773 🔁 3,000
to be kicked off the premises
fight me.
drew, monty, jack
jack 🥷
did both of you guys get an invite
to SZA party ?
drew 🍃
course not...
monty 🤠
jack 🥷
drew when did you even become
friends with her ??
drew 🍃
after you played her and she
said there's free shrimp so
honestly we're kinda besties atp
monty 🤠
excuse you, we just went to Starbucks
and she ordered FOR ME
drew 🍃
okay and? Making her your slave
don't mean nothing
monty 🤠
At least I'm not using her for
shrimp 😂😂
jack 🥷
Love the bro code moment we're
having here
monty 🤠
You clearly don't follow relationship
codes so why....
jack 🥷
Nas. You remember Claire?
how we had that thing ?
monty 🤠
Relationship issues?
drew 🍃
WTF 🤣🤣
he's talking about the NDA
monty 🤠
jack 🥷
wait drew you knew?
drew 🍃
yeah mont told me
jack 🥷
bro Montero ... so why have you
been acting like I cheated??? 😐
monty 🤠
in my defense I wasn't supposed to
talk about it so I was just tryna be
there for her
jack 🥷
how was she today?
monty 🤠
you want the truth?
jack 🥷
monty 🤠
she's great, she's excited for her
party today and she hasn't really
mentioned you a lot
jack 🥷
and yesterday?
monty 🤠
she wouldn't eat or get out of
jack 🥷
Shit. I swear Claire has been
accusing me of crazy shit
including abuse and sexual harassment
like my manager and lawyer said not
to contact her or discuss the details
with anybody, like deadass
something about confidentiality
monty 🤠
man I'm sorry that's insane.
jack 🥷
Especially since Sol won't believe me
The court barely will, she was the one
doing that shit to me but nobody is
gonna see that cus I'm a male. Atp idek
if SZA would believe me, she would
probably laugh in my face, when I told
her to trust me she said she wouldn't
It broke my heart
monty 🤠
She wouldn't laugh at you,
I'll tell her to invite you to the
party so y'all can talk it out
drew 🍃
he still can't talk about the NDA
so it kinda doesn't matter
jack 🥷
It does I'm not gonna let her go
monty 🤠
She said she'll think about it but
I got the address anyways 😗
jack 🥷
thanks mont
I fr appreciate it, tell her I miss
her real quick
monty 🤠
she said choke on a spoon
well not a spoon but yk
jack 🥷
My manager said I can talk about
the NDA after the trail, a month
from now
monty 🤠
alright so in a month y'all should
be cool
jack 🥷
I hope so.
I scrolled through Twitter looking at the new followers and old followers hyping me up. An energy sparked in my chest at the sight. I was getting recognition for my song.
It was definitely different from other stuff I've written. And still people loved it. I remembered that Montero was talking and decided to look at him. Giving him a death stare he stopped speaking.
"Just invite him to the party!" He said as I rolled my eyes, he was wearing white khaki pants and a black button up, he was already dressed for my party. He had a slight bit of silver across his eyes to match his rings. He looked great.
"No." I snapped shortly as he rolled his eyes back at me. Just this morning he was promising to squeeze the life out of Jack if he every saw him. Now after getting on his phone he needed him to come to my party.
My phone buzzed in my palm as I got a new notification. "FROM CLAIRE" I almost ignored it but I seemed weird to ignore a message from a celebrity so I clicked on it.
What's your relationship with Jack?
SZAS eyebrows furrowed at the question. She couldn't believe this woman had 1MILLION followers and was in her dms asking her such an inappropriate question. She must have thought it was bold or challenging but it was just weird.
It made her feel uncomfortable so she flashed the phone to Montero who gasped and then composed himself, "wait what's wrong?" Now this might be serious because Montero looked terrified like he might throw up.
"That's the women that was with Jack. They dated for five years." He admitted like he was trying to decide how much he should expose. She wanted the whole story though. "It's who he was on the phone with when you guys broke up."
Her heart raced at the truth. This women came between her and Jack. Because he let her. She studied her face before reeling in the insecurities, she was skinny and blonde with blue eyes. She was basic and yet she reeked confidence as if she knew people were looking at her, always.
"She's... she really hurt Jack." He finally admitted before staring at the wall. Her hands shook as she held the phone tighter. She'd never been more confused, Montero was giving her tons of mixed signals. Was she supposed to feel bad for Jack or think he was a piece of shit?
"I'll invite him." She'd just have to find out.
an: please vote and comment
also if you have experience with anything I mentioned im terribly sorry, I mentioned it for the story but it's obviously not fake or a joke.
stay safe guys!
Also I hope you guys aren't confused, what's happening might seem random but between the past
of both their toxic exes it's not. Kinda like right person wrong time since Claire's deciding to act up, I might write her getting hit by a train 😍
honestly tempted.
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