Chapter seven🐾
Jin was right, Kwan is harmless.
Kwan has spent the whole day with me, teaching me how to use this phone and everything inside it. He was very helpful and told me more about his life growing up on the farm with his family. I wish I lived in a farm after hearing him talk so fondly about it. Like the animals and the growing of food and even the scenery he described to me as if he was telling a story all sounded great.
I also told him about my life in the woods, only a little though but still nothing about my family. Still not ready to tell anyone about that but Kwan didn't push me to say anything which I was thankful for.
Kwan and I together was actually not that bad, we talked and joked and it almost felt like I knew him all my life. We just clicked straight away and not to mention he taught me all about this phone and how to use it.
He told me that there's this list of saved phone numbers to contact other peoples numbers on their phones. I had his number in it already and everyone else's that lives in this house. I only met Namjoon and Jin our of all of them but remember seeing another three the day I came here but I don't know their names. But I remember Jin telling me about Taehyung so it scared me to know I had his number so I double checked that I would never use that number to call him. He scares me a little just by what Jin told me of how he's not happy I'm here so I'm still awaiting my death from at least that hybrid.
Kwan and I were still talking on my bed and I was in the middle of telling him about how I found the cave. I didn't say anything abort how it was after I had to bury my older sister but I was telling him how the water of the water fall seemed to hide my scent from
Passing hybrids that wasn't a lot but I also questioned how that guy managed to see me and find me out. I still don't get that one bit but Kwan didn't say anything about it either.
In mid conversation there was a knock on the door and it opened slowly and Kwan turned around to face whoever it was that came in.
I watched Namjoon step inside the bedroom slowly and close the door behind him and Kwan stood up and bowed his head to him and then sat back down when Namjoon nodded. What was that about?
Namjoon smiled at me just like he had done yesterday when I last seen him. His smile came across as sad but yet cautious to be around me. I didn't move from my seated position on my knees on my bed but watched Namjoon walk over to the bed and come to a stop just beside Kwan's legs.
"Hello y/n, how are you?" Namjoon
"I'm fine thank you. How are you?"
I repeated his question to which his eyes slightly grew in size and he looked down while a light airy chuckle.
"I'm okay thanks. What do you think of the phone?" Namjoon
He pointed to the object in my hand. I glanced down at it with a smile since I'm now very fond on this thing. I learned to take pictures on it just like the pictures I have on paper in my bag with pictures of my family and myself as a baby. It's just I don't have any pictures of Nari since she was born after the take over. It saddens me to think that way but I have my memories with her and as I told Kwan already I plan to take a lot of pictures, if I live long enough that is.
"It's great thank you. I love it!"
I almost squealed in delight but stopped myself from over excitement to show through but when I looked back up at Namjoon he was staring back at me with a sparkle in his eyes, something I hadn't seen anyone look at me like that before so I didn't know what that was.
"Good I'm glad you like it." Namjoon
"Yes I do. Kwan showed me how to use it. It's a very fascinating object."
His smile dropped a little and turned to look down at Kwan who pressed his lips together and both men shared the same sad expression which made me confused.
"Y/n you didn't know what a phone was before Kwan showed you?" Namjoon
He asked me turning back to me and putting his hands in the pocket of his trousers. I shook my head and caressed the phone gently with the tip of my fingers.
"No but I do now!"
I exclaimed excitedly but surprising myself with how I was showing Namjoon my happy side but I guess it's because I don't feel so threatened and intimidated like I did yesterday.
Namjoon glanced at Kwan again and hummed just to reach around to the back of his neck to scratch and then put the hand back in his pocket.
"Well I just wanted to come say hello but I also wanted to tell you a few things too, if that's okay?" Namjoon
I nodded and shifted my sitting position to sit on my butt instead of my knees.
"First I just wanted to mention that whenever you feel ready to leave the bedroom and explore just let myself, Kwan or even Jin know of your decision. It would be good to get you out the bedroom and take a look around since you're more than free to do so." Namjoon
I gulped nervously since I didn't feel ready for that yet, I'm still getting use toy the fact that I'm even here in this bedroom with all this stuff around me.
"B-but what about that Taehyung guy. Jin told me he doesn't like me here."
Namjoon sighed and pushed up his glasses from the tip of his nose.
"You don't need to worry about him y/n. Trust me he's it a problem and you would have one of us with you anyway. Taehyung wouldn't be able to touch you." Namjoon
I nodded at that and lowers my gaze to the bed while I continued to listen to whatever else Namjoon had to say.
"There's no pressure to come out the bedroom I just thought I could suggest it for when you're ready." Namjoon
There was a pause in the room but I still didn't look up at Namjoon and only processed what he was telling me. I don't get why he's allowing me to wonder in his home. It's nice to know I have that option but why?
"Then once you're comfortable with staying here with us and instead of being cooked up in here all the time in the house we could take you out shopping or something. But only if you want to. There would have to be some things out in place first for your safety bu-" Namjoon
"My safety? Like what would need put in place?"
I was beyond confused to all this. He'd allow me to leave the house too? And shopping? What the hell is shopping?
"Well yes you're safety. Unfortunately you would have to wear a collar around your neck with one of our names on it I'm afraid but if someone were to see our names on you no one could touch you. I promise you that." Namjoon
When he mentioned the word neck I reached to touch my own neck, brushing my fingers along the skin of my neck and looked at Kwan who looked more sadder than ever.
But the word safety keeps ringing in my mind. I don't care about the collar whatever that is around my neck but what keeps going through my brain is safety. Why does he care about my safety? I'm gonna die here right?
Namjoon looked ready to speak again but I cut him off when my own question.
"When am I going to die?"
Kwan squeaked in surprise and even Namjoon stumbled back in shock, eyes wide and lips parted and his hand resting over his chest lightly tapping himself.
"I'm sorry but what?" Namjoon
He clearly didn't expect my question so I repeated it again.
"When am I going to die? Aren't you still going to kill me? I just don't understand why you're being so nice and allowing me to walk around your house and talk about going out shopping and stuff."
I explained a little bit more because right now I'm clueless. As far as I was aware he was going to kill me or someone else was. To live here freely seemed a bit unrealistic to me.
Namjoon glanced at Kwan who also looked at him too from the sitting position on the edge of the bed. I could tell I made them both uncomfortable so I sighed and looked down at the phone resting in my lap.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't of said anything. If I die here then I die here. It's not like I have anything to live for anyway."
I mumbled the last part but both hybrids shot me a look that I couldn't read with the ears twitching on the top of their heads.
"Y/n I already told you yesterday I don't want to kill you and no one else in this house wants to anyway so plea-" Namjoon
"But Taehyung wants to."
I pouted and Namjoon slumped his shoulders and ran his fingers through his hair with a loud groan.
"I'm gonna hurt Jin for telling her that." Namjoon
I heard him whisper under his breath but leaned close to Kwan so I assumed it was for him to hear but I heard it.
"Look y/n I can assure you, you're not going to die by the hands of any one in this house I promise you. I won't allow it and when I said I wanted to help you I meant it. Living out in the woods like that isn't suitable living conditions and I'm surprised enough that your still alive and breathing to be honest. So please just let me, let us help you and give you a life here. Please." Namjoon
He dropped to his knees and clapped his hands together as if he was begging. Even his eyes were pleading with me and I just didn't know what to do. I looked up at Kwan who was shocked to see Namjoon in his knees for some reason.
What Namjoon said and the way he's acting right now, it made me think he seems genuine in wanting to help me and do the things he talks about. So shall I just trust him?
I mean if something happens and I do die it's no big loss really. It's not like I had family and friends that were alive before this so what else could be worse?
"Okay fine. I'll trust you."
I was not completely sure of my own words but the look on Namjoons face shows relief just before he exhaled and dropped his face to the bed, face planting the soft sheets.
"Thank god! Y/n I promise you, you won't regret this." Namjoon
He spoke almost excitedly when he looked back up at me from the bed. I couldn't help but smile back at him just to see him happy. Come to think of it, Namjoon doesn't seem that bad either.
If Namjoon, Jin and Kwan were okay then the others that I have yet to meet shouldn't be that bad right?
Except Taehyung. I'll stay far away from him when I find out which one he is.
Far away.
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