nialldatsmiledoe has been on Wattpad since June 2014. She currently has 3 works on her profile.
Have you enjoyed Wattpad so far?
Yeah, it's been really fun, and I haven't encountered any haters yet, which is a plus!
When did you fall in love with 1D and 5SOS?
1D was about two years ago, I admit I wasn't there from the beginning, and 5SOS about half a year ago? Again, not the beginning.
Out of your 3 works, which one is your favourite and why?
Out of my published ones, Professional Badgirl, although I do love Dear Kellen, Dear Niall. I like Professional Badgirl because Ella Mae is so different from me!!
What is your favourite book on Wattpad?
I would have to say Shattered by my friend on Wattpad, Taffy! It's got me enthralled already!!
Do you have a message for your readers?
Thank you for reading, even if there is not many of you. I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to read, it means so much! :)
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