Part 13- A new hero appears
*Years later*
???'s POV
I stepped onto the old prison grounds, my blond hair dangling into my face. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the pictures. One was of the prison, the other of my father.
The prison was in much better shape when my dad got out of here. The building looked new, now it looked old and crumbling.
My dad smiled up at me from the picture of him. Everyone said I looked like him but our eyes were totally different. His brown, well they were both once brown. He was blind in one eye making it look foggy. Mine are a stunning dark blue with flecks of gold.
I put the pictures away and walked towards the prison. My leather jacket flapped behind me in the wind. I felt like some kind of superhero. I walked to the prison and yanked open the door with ease.
No one was there of course. No one ever came to see them anymore. My boots tapped on the stone as I walked up some stairs. I turned right and opened another door with my key.
There in chambers of light blue liquid were the seven heroes or maybe it would be better to say the nine heroes. Each had a breathing mask in there chamber and they looked the same as they did the day they got shot. The chambers stopped the aging process till the overlords could find a way to control them.
I reached into my pocket and grabbed out a knife. I cut the wires on all the chambers and the liquid began to drain out of the chambers. A girl with long black hair opened her eyes first. She looked pretty I have to say with her long hair and hazel eyes.
She looked at me and then screamed, waking many others. I picked up my knife and stabbed at her chamber till a large piece of glass fell away from it.
"You can come out now." By now the liquid was gone and everyone was staring at us. The girl stepped out and looked at me. She was shorter than me and I felt my heart tug at the look in her eyes.
I turned away and broke into the other chambers. I got to one of the last ones when I got a look at the person inside. He had blond hair that fell into his eyes.
One of his eyes was foggy with blindness and the other was a light brown.
I shakily reached into my pocket and pulled out the picture of my dad. I head it next to this guy's face.
It matched.
My dad was once apart of the seven. Everyone had said he had only been 17 when I was born. So he's 17 now and I'm 16. I now meet my dad at 16.
I broke down the chamber and walked away to the last one as my dad crawled out. I looked in at the girl inside.
Her eyes locked with mine and it felt like I was looking at a reflection. At least for the eyes. Hers were a striking dark blue with flecks of gold. I broke down the chamber and the girl stared at me.
"You have my family's eyes." She whispered. I stared at her.
Is this my mom?
"Exactly like mine." She crawled out and stared at me then looked at my dad. She looked slightly younger than him about 15 or 16.
"What did you do?" She yelled at my dad. He looked down and backed away. She went to run at him but a girl with red hair held her back. I backed away and bumped into a guy. His hand wrapped around my arm and I stared up at him.
"Who are you kid?" He had red hair and looked pretty angry. I struggled to find my voice.
"I'm Leo. I came here to save you." My voice sounded braver than I felt. I began to calm down.
"He did save us." The red head looked at another guy. He had brown hair that stuck out all over the place and he looked like it took all he had to say that without running away to hide.
"Fine then.... Leo." The red head released me and I looked over at my dad.
"He looks like Camren." It was the first girl who said that. Suddenly everyone was staring at me and my dad, Camren.
"What happened?" A guy with shades and a ponytail asked.
"He's my son." I looked over at my dad. He stood there, looking somewhat defeated. The girl with my eyes ran at him. She grabbed the front of his shirt.
"You messed up big time! You hear me!?" She yelled into his face. He closed his eyes and tried to get away from her but her grip held fast.
"I told you to come save us and instead you had a child!?" The red headed girl finally managed to get her away from my dad. She looked at me and our eyes locked again.
"Your eyes look like mine." I said. I wanted to make her feel some blame too. She had to be my mom.
She had to be.
"Kid you're not mine. I was too busy saving people from monsters to have a kid." She snapped at me.
"You have your hearing back." A guy with a camera mask said.
"Of course I do. I worked hard to get it back." She snapped again. She reminded me of a firecracker.
That's how everyone describes me.
"You have to be my mom! You have my eyes and you act like me!" Everyone stared at me. The girl who has to be my mom got up and walked over to me. Then she slapped me.
I went flying from the sheer force of her slap. I tumbled to the ground feet away from where I once stood. I held a hand to my check and looked at her, tears threatening to spill over.
"You're not my child. I've never fallen in love with anyone. Stop insisting you are my son." Everything seemed to freeze as she said those words.
"Your mother is dead." I stared at my dad. He looked at me with tears in his eyes.
"She died the night I got caught." He looked away from me. I felt rage bubble up inside me. This man was a huge pansy. He couldn't even look me in the eye for longer than a few seconds.
"SPLIT THEM UP!" It was the first girl again. Someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. I saw someone grab my dad and another person grab who I thought was my mom. They took me to a cell and threw me inside.
Son of a b-
"Explain yourself!" The red headed boy yelled. I glared at him and the girl with dark hair. They couldn't just lock me up.
"You do kind of look like Delaney." The girl said, tilting her head.
"Sitting there glaring at us with pure hatred in your eyes. It's like looking at a younger Delaney." She said and I slammed my hands against the bars.
"Do not mention her to me." I growled.
"Like an exact replica." The red head said, staring at me. I huffed and replayed the scene in my head.
"Kid you're not mine. I was too busy saving people from monsters to have a kid."
Those words really stung for some reason. If that woman has been my mom, shouldn't she have known just looking at me, like my dad did?
I felt my cheek where she had slapped me. It was a little sore but I would live.
Did she slap me to get the thought out of my head?
"LEO!" I looked back over to the boy and girl. My dad now stood with them, the look of defeat still on his face.
"Don't talk to me you pansy." I huffed. More defeat crept onto his face.
"I know you're mad. I abandoned you when you were young. You grew up with a name I didn't even pick out for you." I stared at this man who called himself my father.
"My name is Leo! For Leonardo! The bravest man in the war!" I shouted, rage bubbling up inside me.
"No. Your name is Castel. Cas for short. After my brother." His words were a whisper.
My heart pounded as he opened the cell door and walked in. He looked at me with disbelief on his face. I looked over his shoulder and saw he left the door open.
I bolted faster than an Olympic runner. I dashed past him and the others. I ran down the halls as fast as my feet would go. I turned onto another corridor and a hand grabbed my shirt, yanking me back. I gagged against the sudden choking but then was able to breathe.
"Where are you going?" The voice was calm and soft. I turned around and there, stood the girl I called my mother.
I think her name is Delaney.
"I heard everything. I'm still gonna call you Leo. Leo after the brave man who was in the war." I stared at her.
"The brave man who's life I saved." Her voice was barely above a whisper.
"Leonardo Valckerum." I said and she smiled then nodded.
"Believe it or not I met him. Don't listen to Camren. Your name is Leonardo and that's it. He can do nothing about it." I stood frozen in front of her.
"You're nothing like Camren." She said and I felt my heart skip a best or two.
How would she know
"You're a brave kid. Much braver than he is or ever was. I assume you have some sort of plan." I nodded and reached into my pocket. I pulled out a single ring, made of sliver and gold twisting together. She took it from me and slipped it on her finger.
"Where'd you find this?" She asked.
"It'd be better to explain to everyone at the same time." She nodded as I said that and we walked back to the others.
Shelby's POV
I don't understand what's even happening. I mean one day I'm escaping from prison the next I'm being freed by a person who looks like Camren?
"Guys. Leo wants to explain some things." Everyone looked at Delaney and Leo who had just walked in.
"His name i-"
"Shut your face." Delaney said, cutting Camren off. He sighed and looked at his son.
"What's your name son?" Leo clenched his fists as Camren spoke.
"I'm Leonardo. Everyone calls me Leo. I was born to a seven and was abandoned as a baby." Camren went to speak but Leo sped up and spoke louder.
"I grew up on my own. I joined the rebel army at 10 where I loaded cannons. I got my name there after I saved a kid from getting stabbed." Camren glared at him but he kept speaking.
"I learned about the seven or nine or how ever many there are of you. I finally got a picture of my father and I vowed to myself to free the seven. If I did this war would be won."
"A war that started because the government released monsters and someone got their hands on them. They rule over us and the rebels want things to go back to normal." Delaney explained and Leo nodded.
"So I freed all of you. You were kept in chambers that made sure you didn't age till someone was able to control you. The only reason I didn't get caught is cause I took out the guards yesterday." Leo explained.
"So.... we're experiments?" Jin asked.
"No. You're the seven, some of the most powerful people on earth. So I request your help. Help me defeat this unjust government and you can be remembered as heroes." Leo looked over us.
"I'm in." Ross said.
"As am I." I said.
Everyone said they were in except Camren and Delaney.
"Well?" Sky said, looking at Delaney. She burst into a grin.
"Let's do this." She said. Everyone glanced at Camren.
"Go get yourselves killed I don't care." He huffed and turned around. As he walked away there was a sound.
"DAD!" Leo yelled but it was too late. A guard appeared at Camren's side and with one swift motion plunged his blade into Camren's chest.
"HEY!" A blast of energy hit the guard and they went flying. I looked over at Delaney and saw her pointing her hand at the where the guard had stood, smoke curling up from her palm. More guards appeared and then we were running again. We got outside and ran off into the woods.
Dudes this was super long. Really really long. I'm sorry it's kind of late. But yeah. See yah next time
Words count- 2159
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