Chapter 7 | You're an assassin like I am a seamstress
When Lana came to, she felt a familiar binding around her arms that was rough and tight.
"Fucking.Whore," she said aloud before opening her eyes. Her head hurt something fierce, and she finally looked down to see that it was rope that bound her. It stretched from her shoulders down to her forearms.
"You snagged good wine," Clegane said and she slowly moved her gaze to him, squinting through the pain in her head. He took a small swig of it before corking it.
They were at a small fire in an area she didn't recognize, deep in some kind of woods. Once again her captivity was surrounded by lovely forestry, with the sound of leaves brushing against each other in the wind and birds chirping. All it was missing was a nearby stream.
She could also do without being bound and captive again. But apparently that was too much to ask for in this life.
"Sorry about all of this," Arya said to her, and Lana eyed the wolf girl who was eating bread that Lana stole.
"Why did you knock me out?" she asked, looking to Clegane, ignoring the girl for the moment.
"There is a bounty on your head," he said, not looking at her as he ate his own portion of bread. Lana tensed up at those words, furrowing her brow, completely confused. "How did you know? I just found out."
"Word travels faster than you think around here."
Lana glared at the Hound, who ignored her. Like always. "Are you really taking me for the bounty?"
"Heard it was fifty golden dragons," he said, finally looking at her with a smugness that she found both amusing, and unnerving. She clearly didn't know him well enough. What if he was serious about collecting the bounty on her?
"Thought you told the king to fuck off," she asked.
"Good thing I got a lot of time to figure out what to do with you," he said, eating more bread.
"Do I haveto be bound?"
"You tried to stab me with a nice blade. Might have gone through my armor, or given me an annoying scratch."
"Please?" she asked, trying for the little empathy that she knew he had.
When he looked at her, she saw that he gave about two shits about her predicament. "The more you ask, the longer I will keep you bound."
She was half tempted to stand up and headbutt him out of complete frustration. She couldn't believe that she had once been fascinated by this man. Here she was, absolutely not a threat, and yet he was treating her like she was a Faceless herself. Lana forgave No One, as she really was just doing her job. But a second time being captured? Bound and heading for an unknown location? It was already growing old.
"Why is there a bounty on your head?" Arya asked.
Lana yawned, her eyes watering, looking around to see if she could gauge the time of day while she wondered how to answer Arya. The sun was still out, but it seemed to be nestling closer to the horizon now. "I killed someone," Lana said indifferently.
Clegane chimed in, nodding his head at Lana as he spoke to Arya. "Bounty was for killing Lady Hornley. This one here was her handmaid. And she wonders why I don't trust her."
"What's your name?" Arya asked.
Arya leaned over, a morbid fascination about her. Then she asked, "So, Lana, did you really kill Lady Hornley?"
"Yes, I did."
"What for?"
"Was paid to do so," Lana said, figuring it couldn't hurt anymore.
Lana sighed, looking at the flames. She hated looking in them for guidance from R'hllor, but she wondered, if at some point, it would behoove her to do so. According to Sedona, the Lord of Light wanted Lana to aid Daenerys, although wouldn't mention how. And here Lana was, three months late, bound for a second time and far from where she needed to be. She sighed. Something told her to be honest with both of them, and she glanced back up to Arya. "I am an assassin," she said.
Clegane snickered, not looking at her as he cleaned his nails with a small knife. "An assassin?"
Lana tensed. There was something to him not believing her that she didn't like. "Yes. The fact that you are in disbelief is why I am one. People underestimate me."
"You're an assassin like I am a seamstress," Clegane said, a genuine smile on his face, amused by his own joke.
Lana slowly broke into a smile. That was actually funny. "Would pay a lot of money to see you sew a dress," she teased, seeing as he was now being humorous. Maybe that was a way in to gaining his favor?
He glared at her and his amusement completely vanished. "Already knocked you out once. Happy to do it again." I just don't get this fucker.
"Are you really an assassin?" Arya asked, interrupting the awkward tension.
Lana looked back at the girl. "I was. Lady Hornley was my last mission."
"How'd you kill her?" Arya asked, not skipping a beat.
Clegane laughed even harder. "Of fucking course. Such a woman's weapon."
Arya ignored Clegane. "Have you killed innocent people?"
"I personally didn't have the heart to do some jobs. There's always those willing to do whatever job. I took the ones that had some justification for them. I never killed anyone that went against my own morals, which is mostly small children."
"I want to learn to be a killer," Arya said.
"It's the opposite of a lady's life. You meet the nastiest of people," Lana cautioned, not sure where Arya's fascination for being an assassin came from.
"I think I could do it. If I can be around him, I can be around anyone," Arya said, glancing to Clegane, who took another swig of wine.
"Oh I've lived around men much worse than him," Lana said, catching that Clegane glanced in her direction.
"Liar," Arya said.
"The fact that you're alive, clothed and fed, tells me he is a lot better than some men that I have met," Lana said.
Arya grew ardent. "He's only doing it for the money. Plans to ransom me at the Twins to my family, during a wedding. He was mean to me when I had a cold. Told me to shut up, even though my head hurt, and so did my throat. He's not nice."
"I'm not saying he is a fairy princess, but on a scale of one to ten, when one is needlessly horrendous, and ten is his shit smells like roses," Lana said, contorting her face to show she was thinking. In her mind, he got a point for every time he helped Sansa. "I'd say he's about a solid three."
Arya snickered. "Yeah because his shit does not smell like roses."
Lana genuinely chuckled, trying to stifle it, and glanced to Clegane who stopped cleaning the dirt from is nails to glare at both of them. "I am about to cut one of your tongues out if you continue this yapping," he warned. Arya leaned back, looking to the fire, a smirk still on her face.
Lana was surprised that Arya ceased at his warning. What gave it away that he was serious about his threat? Clearly she had missed something, as she didn't take it seriously. It was starting to annoy her. If she couldn't figure him out, then how the fuck was she to gain his trust? She now relied on him trusting her to free her from these ropes, and if she got lucky, to get her to Essos. Lana stared at Arya. If the little wolf girl managed to be unbound, then clearly she had gained some form of his trust as well. Which meant that befriending Arya would be a useful alliance. He seemed to have a weakness for the Stark girls that Lana didn't understand at all.
Clegane pulled out his longsword from the sheath, got a whetstone, and began to sharpen it as the sky grew duller in brightness and more vibrant in color. The sound of metal singing became a small melody as Arya looked at a coin, that after a time, Lana recognized as one made of iron. Arya turned it in her hands, practicing flipping it. Seems she did come across the Faceless. Maybe that's where she heard the mantra. I wonder if she knows what that really is
Lana decided not to ask Arya about the coin, at least not yet. She wanted to know the girl better before divulging too much information. So, in her boredom, Lana periodically glanced over at Clegane, watching him sharpen his blade. Eventually, she started taking in his features. She kept noticing his hands, which were large and rugged, and yet nimble with his weapon. Lana thought back to Kari and quickly found herself thinking of the Hound in a different way.
She thought it rather curious that without the burn, Clegane might be regarded as somewhat handsome by many. But the burned flesh clearly scarred more than his face, and many women in this world did not handle such a coarse man well. I bet there's some deep issues with that in him.
He glared at her when she stared for too long. "The fuck you staring for?"
"Wondering if you're really going to sell me to the Lannisters," she said, pulling it from thin air.
"Don't know, but it's not going to hurt you to keep you bound for now. Now quit staring, or I'll blind you too."
She looked away, her heart beating just a little faster. He made her nervous. She didn't understand him at all, and that was dangerous. He already smacked her head once, so she knew he was not above hurting her.
"Sorry you have to be stuck with him," Arya said. "He's a real shit."
Lana chuckled, staring at Arya, thinking that over. Lana feared the man, but she didn't hate him. "Why do you hate him so much?" she asked.
Arya huffed. "It isn't obvious?"
Lana tried to shrug her shoulder, but it didn't work. "He's rude, I won't deny it, but I don't hate him. At least not yet. Hate is a very powerful emotion," Lana said.
"He kidnapped you," Arya said, incredulous.
"I have a bounty on my head. It's the nature of my work. Lost a few friends to bounties myself. This is literally my second kidnapping in three months, and I didn't hate that person either," Lana said. She saw Clegane glance at her through her peripheral.
"Yeah, well, he's a murderer," Arya said.
"So am I," Lana said coldly.
"Yes, but he killed my friend Mycah. A boy," Arya said with fervent eyes. "At least you have morals against that."
"What for?" Lana slowly asked, moving only her eyes to Clegane.
"Joffrey's orders," Clegane finally chimed in, not looking at either of them as he swiped his gigantic sword with one stroke, the sword singing loudly.
"Doesn't matter. You should have denied them," Arya said.
"And get my head chopped off? Did you learn nothing about your daddy getting his neck snipped? Fuck off with that shit. Your butcher's boy shouldn't have been playing swords with a lady of Winterfell. Once Joffrey got involved, he was a dead boy running, no matter who came for him."
Arya picked up a large rock, aiming it at him. Clegane's eyes hardened. "I'm sharpening my fucking sword, and you want to throw a rock at me. Go on. Throw it. Let's see if you're as dull as the butcher's boy. Maybe I will kill you so you can see your little friend again."
Arya seethed, took a step towards him, but he didn't move. Lana panted, her eyes wide as she watched them. Then Arya threw the rock at the woods, hitting the ground with a dull thud. "See? He is awful. I hate him," Arya said to Lana as she squatted back in her area, stabbing the ground with sticks.
"Well, if it's true that it was Joffrey who ordered it, there's not much he could have done, " Lana said softly, to which Arya threw a hot glare at her, and then Lana finished with, "Can't defend his attitude though. He's got the manners of a donkey's ass."
"Are you really defending him at all?" Arya asked, not even smiling in the least at the joke.
"I grew up around a lot of poverty, where people kill for anything. All the time. Children, women, old people, all of it. If you were strong enough to fight, then you did the dirty work of those that paid you well. It's survival."
"It's wrong."
Lana opened her mouth to retort, but closed it. The passion in Arya's eyes told Lana that this was not an opinion that would change overnight. Lana still needed Arya's approval to keep her alive, if she failed with Clegane. She lightly nodded, and Arya continue to direct her anger at the ground.
They relaxed into the night as they all leaned on something, whether it be a rock or one of their bags, and the stars eventually started to shine through the leaves. Arya had helped Lana to relieve herself in the woods for the night, which was completely demeaning. As they walked, the sound of rocks and twigs breaking underfoot filled in the silence between them. She walked past Clegane who came up to her chest while sitting on his rock. Walking by such a hefty, unreadable, threatening man ignited her nerves.
She was still in dangerous waters. He could sell her at any point for a bounty, or just kill her and be done with it.
Even with that knowledge, it didn't stop her from making her next plea. She really hated that the Stark girl had to help her with her dressings. Lana leaned against her stump after sitting down and said softly to Clegane, "You can unbind the rope, and just tie my hands. This is ridiculous."
"You managed."
"At least untie it whenever I have to relieve myself. Give the girl a blade. She can stab me if I try to run."
"Don't want to untie the ropes every time."
"I can do it," Arya said, vouching for Lana. "It's not fair for her."
"So you can cut her ropes and take off with her? Fat chance."
Lana laughed, imaging running through the woods with Arya. Unless Arya knew the lands, they'd be lost by sundown.
"Why you laughing?" Clegane asked, his patience visibly thin.
"I am shit with directions. Even if Arya and I managed to run away, I'd probably wind up taking us to the Iron Islands, or Dorne."
He sighed. "When the wolf girl is given back to her family, I'll untie the damned rope and keep your wrists bound. But for now, you stay bound."
Lana looked up at the leaves that were gently reflecting the orange of the fire, curtly sighing through her nose. She was struggling to get through to him. "I am willing to forgive all of this, you know. I would do the same if I were your shoes. My offer still stands. Get the Stark girl to her family, and then help me get back to Essos. Unbound. If you agree to get me to Essos safely, I will pay you, and even extend the job offer to a permanent position. Like I said, I was an assassin. I am moving on in the world," she said, desperate to be freed.
Then again, the more she said it, the more she realized having someone as capable and apathetic as him would be incredibly useful. He was like an unsullied, but with a shit attitude, and still had his dick. As soon as she thought of that, her cheeks began to warm, and she tried to forget ever picturing that. The last thing that she needed was to develop any attraction towards him.
"Go ahead. Tell me whatever it is you're keeping a secret, and I will consider it."
Her muscles tensed as she frowned, his statement pulling her from her thougths. "I've got no secret."
"You really think I didn't learn a thing or two about keeping secrets while being around the Lannisters all my life? Everyone thinks they're so smart, but it's easy to sniff out. You keep mentioning your pile of money, but won't say how you got it. Why should I trust you if you won't even tell me that much? If you haven't mentioned it, then that means you're hiding how you got it. If you have it at all."
She glanced between him and the fire a few times. She ran her tongue on the backside of her teeth as she considered this. She looked back to him, his hostile eyes revealing a keenness that she underestimated. That was always dangerous, and getting herself strung in a web of lies would only hurt her with someone like him. It oddly made her respect him more. "I am the bastard of Aerys Targeryen. The king before Robert," she said with an unblinking gaze.
His eyes barely flinched, the rest of his face not budging in expression. That only deepened her curiosity further.
"He had a bastard?" Arya asked skepticism, and Lana looked to the Stark girl.
"Don't know if he had more than me, but aye, I am his daughter."
"Would explain the coloring of your eyes and hair," Clegane said. "But you can't prove it."
"My sister is Daenerys Targeryen in Meereen. The dragon queen. After this mission, I am to return to her, and Dany is to make me a Lady of Dragonstone, when she finally sails for here. Already got Barriston Selmy at her side. He confirmed my story, and can confirm it for you as well."
"Ser Barriston?" Clegane asked, snorting. "Cersei didn't think that one through. Dumb bitch."
He stood up and re-sheathed his sword. Lana was going to retort, but the way he suddenly towered over her, handily wielding a blade that Lana would struggle to lift even with two hands, rendered her slightly speechless. When his sword was back in its sheath, he looked down at her. "You realize that means you're worth even more to the Lannisters? You killed the betrothed to Tommen, got a bounty on your head, and you're a bastard of the dragons. Even though the blonde cunts of Cersei are probably bastards themselves, you've got more claim to throne than them. Bet if I turned you in, they'd forget I ever left them in the first place. Maybe even knight me, although I'd deny it."
The same impatience that she had for Lord Morton returned, as she had no interest in squabbling about the potential of who she was. Someone either respected it, or they didn't. She looked up at him, letting go of any fear that she had of him. "If you seriously take me to the Lannisters, I'll make sure to annoy you so greatly that you have no option but to either free me, or bash my skull in and leave me for the vultures. I am not going to them, and I am not afraid of death."
He looked her over a few times before he said, "I got a lot of discipline and patience for gold. I know what kind of life awaits me with the Lannisters if I went back to them, but I don't know a thing about your supposed family in Essos. So shut the fuck up about it until we drop off the wolf girl. However much they pay me depends on how serious you and I talk."
He stared her down, and she finally looked at the fire, letting it go. He knew everything now, and it would be up to him as to what he decided. Although, Lana wouldn't stop trying to understand the Hound, or gain his favor. She still didn't know what Sansa had done to earn his more gentle moments, and the longer Lana was around him, the more she wanted to find out.
If Lana could figure him out, then not only would she make it of this out alive, but she could have a new guard at her side. One that many would fear. There was a lot of strategy in having him as her fighter.
Lana settled down onto the ground, wishing now more than ever that she had her arms freed. She lied on her back, as that the only comfortable position. Despite her predicament, she slept relatively well. She chalked it up to Clegane being near, his presence threatening to any. The night came and went relatively fast, and before she knew it, she sat up with dew all over her rope. When Lana and Arya came back from relieving themselves in the woods, Clegane was standing by Lana's horse. He motioned for her.
"Put your foot in the stirrup. I'll do the rest," he commanded with little interest. The soft glow of morning gently lit everything around, his armor softly glistening as dew was on it as well.
She glared at him, needing to look up just to see his face, which showed nothing but disregard. She ignored that she liked to look at him from this angle. "This is silly," she said. "The ropes, I mean. This is making things much more complicated."
"Get the fuck over it," he said, his eyes completely unmerciful. He got behind her and placed his hands on her hips. He was nearly double her size and weight, and she quickly found balance in his hands as she put her left foot in the stirrup.
When he tightened his grip on her hips to prop her up with ease, her right leg swinging over the horse, she grit her teeth as an unexpected wave of hormonal fever flooded her. He put a hand on her back to aid her as she found a balance while settling into her saddle.
Lana didn't look at him, not after what she just felt. Clearly Kari's words had an unintended impact on Lana, as she could only think of one thing about him gripping her body like that. It also made her realize that he could have fucked her plenty by now, and he didn't. She took note of that. So there is some honor in there, after all.
When she seemed settled into her horse, Clegane brought the reigns to her hands, helping her grip them as she could hardly move.
"If you try to ride off, I'll catch you, then gag you, and blindfold you. Make it hard on me, and I'll break your feet too," he said, the grim truth of his personality evident in his tone.
"I can't catch myself if I fall like this," she said softly, a genuine fear of hers, still avoiding his gaze.
"Then don't fall," he said. He walked away, got on Stranger, and then helped Arya up.
They rode forward and Lana kept her eyes on the back of him, despite knowing she needed to distance herself from him. She wondered what would actually happen if she took off. Would he really catch her? Then again, she couldn't ride the horse at any real speed without the use of her arms.
Either way, it was not worth risking. Not yet.
If this all worked out and she was set free, found her way to Essos, and secured the Hound as a bodyguard, then playing along for a little bit longer would be worthit.
She just wondered what in seven hells it would take to gain his trust.
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