"Entry 1:
Sirens are one of the more hidden creatures. They don't like to be seen by others unless of course they have chosen them as one of their victims.
They pick a person then try to charm them into doing anything they want. This can be because of their shape shifting into a land, air, or water creature. (Meaning, their victim can't escape no matter where they go). Dangers are all around them all the time so if you encounter one please do not get too close to it.
This is because they are made to use others with manipulation and other methods.
Most sailors brush them off as a folk tale or something similar because they don't want to face the truth of these confusing creatures."
Shuichi looked up for a moment and felt some tears in his eyes. So I was right...it's in his nature to use others...so he must just be using me after all. He took in a shaky breath and turned the page.
He was still surprised his father had found out so much about sirens. That man was always going to be a mystery to him. Always surrounded by adventure and always having the time of his life. Learning more than he ever could in a lifetime.
"Entry 2:
After encountering one myself when I was a younger boy I remember being enthralled by these creatures. Always surrounded by mystery.
Now on a voyage I have gone on at Shinwa-jo no kemono I have been able to encounter one of these creatures. I have found that they are not as dangerous as some other writings make them seem.
They have families just as we do but the children leave and are ready to start going on their own when they are really young. They even use their manipulation and other abilities to find food and even get some off of the humans on the docs.
Some of them love to talk to humans and befriend them, but sadly enough they have to pretend and lie about who they really are to even get close. This is mostly because of all the media people are putting out for them. Most of the writers hear or find false information about them and post it to the public making it even harder for them not to be seen as anything more than dangerous prey."
The entries started describing this family of Sirens he met in the town. Shuichi was in shock about how misinformation can make something seem so much worse than it is. So people believe they are dangerous when really we are kind of similar to each other. He put his head in his hands. He felt worry begin to come to his chest.
But what if Kokichi is just using me. He contemplated this for a moment before he thought to himself again. What even hurt him in the first place...I wouldn't be surprised if it was some fisherman or a human that hurt him that badly...
"Entry 3:
Sirens are really good company. Talking with this family of Sirens has shown me how similar we are.
Sani Sani is the mother of her only son while her husband Akune is always working to make sure no sailors come towards their home grounds. Sani Sani has told me they have been attacked before at their home ground when their son was just a little boy.
I understand how she feels because I just had a son of my own. And the thing about being a parent is you finally realize how scary life is. I thought being as adventurous as I was I would never be afraid of anything...but then that all changed when I felt real worry about my beloved son and wife."
Shuichi smiled when he was mentioned in the entry. He didn't think his dad was ever afraid of anything so this was definitely an eye opener for him.
I never thought he was worried about me and mom...he never seemed afraid...but I guess that just shows how deceiving our minds can be... Life is always a scary place for anyone, but for Shuichi he learned even the bravest people are scared. This made him feel a little better about all of his anxiety surrounding Kokichi and how worried he is about him.
"Entry 4:
After spending time with Sani Sani and her family, I've become to grow attached to them.
All the stories that have been made about them are true in some ways, but mostly false and made up or running on nasty rumors. I don't understand where they came from, I'll have to do some research but being with Sani Sani made me happy
I want to protect her from any harm, keep her and her family safe from those who attack the sirens and sell them for their own gain. She and other sirens don't deserve that, I see that now more than ever. They're like us, just different. Having their own family to take care of and to thrive"
Shuichi got a warm feeling when he read this, he understood how his dad felt. He always wants to protect Kokichi and make sure he isn't harmed, to keep him safe and happy. Being close with Kokichi has given him some insight on how sirens behave, he realizes that not all of them are monsters or as the stories have told.
He had decided to call it a day and was going to put the book back,, he then glanced down at the it before noticing there was something else added to the end of it, slowly he read it "Being different makes you unique and that isn't a bad thing, I want to tell my son that some day"
Shuichi thought about that sentence for a moment, while stuck in his thoughts he got a bit curious seeing there was still more, turning the page he sees that something was ripped out. He raises a brow as he sees what remains of those pages but there is nothing left, just the evidence that it was there. Before he could investigate further the library door slowly opened
He quickly closed the book, unintentionally making a loud noise as he slammed the table. He turned around and saw kokichi, he smiled gently trying to shake off the last words he read "Kokichi? Shouldn't you be resting?" He asked concerned and stood up, rushing to his side and leaving the book
"I was asleep for a bit, but then I saw you weren't there and went to find you" He explained and leaned against shuichi before noticing the book on the table, he tilts his head to see better but cant read the title "What's that?" He questioned and gestured towards the book.
Shuichi glanced over and saw it "Oh its nothing" He lied and smiled before gently coaxing them both out of the room, once out he closed the door behind them "Well, do you think you need to sleep more?" He asked in a tone concerned, getting the same expression on his face
Kokichi blinked for a few seconds, suspicious of his actions but decided to explore on that later. Shrugging his shoulders he smiled brightly "I don't need anymore rest!! What I need is for my beloved to carry me!!" He said and wrapped his arms around shuichi and looked up at him. Shuichi blushed lightly and averted his eyes, thinking about it before nodding his head and carried kokichi the same he did when he first met him I'll have to come back for it later... He said making a mental small note
-I'm glad I was able to write another part in this! I'm excited for where this is going!!-
-I don't have much to say but hope you're still liking the story so far!-
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