Chapter 39: Goodbye Drum Island! Alabasta's Hero!
"So let's give him a warm welcome!"
"This...." Chopper begins. "Is the most fun I've ever had!" He laughs, making Nami smile.
"Cheers!" Usopp yells. "To Chopper!"
The following day....
"Aaah....Zoro...I want to die..." you groan, laid up in bed with an ice pack on your head. Chopper and Zoro were both at your bedside, shaking their heads in disapproval.
"If you couldn't handle drinking, why did you?" he asks rolling his eyes.
"Y/n..." Mist shudders. "Don't ever try to make me drink again...Please." he begs.
"I won't, I won't." you groan, feeling like the whole world was spinning. "Long as you look out for me too...."
"What a bunch of wimps." Zoro crosses his arms over his chest, earning a scolding from Chopper.
"You shouldn't drink at all to begin with!" He says, "It's bad for your health!" Chopper hops down from his small metal stool, heading out the door. "I'll be right back!" He declares.
And with that, Zoro stands as well, letting out a loud exhale. "Well, I had a card game with Usopp and that damn Love Cook." He muttered. "See ya,"
Now you were were completely alone in the room, with an awful hangover. You let out a sigh, which only sent a pang of pain throughout your head and making it much worse.
Around thirty minutes later, you finally came out of your room, hissing and squinting your eyes from the bright sunlight as it hit your face. You could see Chopper was sitting on the railing next to the Merry head, where Luffy is sat. On the other side of the deck, was Sanji, Zoro and Usopp who were in the middle of a card game. Mist was talking with Vivi, which you found to be quite odd.
'They sure have been hanging out a lot recently...'
"Amazing!" Your attention focuses back on Chopper, who stares at the sea with a gleam of joy in his eyes. "The sea is so big!"
"Of course!" Luffy replies, "And the ones who get to go on adventures on the sea are pirates!"
"Wow! Pirates are incredible after all- eh?" Chopper looks up as a large shadow passes over the Merry. You follow his gaze upward, only to see a very large bird. It was practically two times the size of the Merry!
"What is that?!" Chopper screeches.
"A seagull," Luffy says calmly making you facepalm.
"That's way too big to be a seagull Luffy." you sigh, shaking your head at the male. Honestly, this boy....
"Oh, Y/n!" Luffy looks at you with realization. "You're better now? You're done being sick? Wanna play tag?"
"Whoa whoa take it easy Rubber Man." you wave your hands in a sort of panicked manner. "Let's focus on the situation at hand." you point back at the so-called, "seagull"
"Oh, right." Luffy begins to wave to the bird. "Oii!!! Seagull!! Over here!"
The bird makes a sharp turn, and starts coming for the Merry at full speed. It's then you get a closer look and see that it was indeed the face of a seagull. "Ah I see..." you mutter nodding your head.
"That's not important!!" Nami hisses. "It's coming because you told that idiot to call it!"
The seagull opens it's mouth, revealing its' sharp teeth, and scoops up Luffy, taking him into the sky. You, Nami and Chopper visibly pale seeing the bottom half of Luffy's body in its' mouth.
"L-Luffy!" you shout. "Get out of there! Don't become bird food!!"
"AAH! IT'S BAD!!" Chopper screams running round the deck. "A BIRD ATE LUFFY!!" Chopper continues to run around in circles around the three males playing cards. "This is no time to be playing around!! Luffy's in trouble!!"
Usopp shuffles the cards around before they each take five. "Did he ask for help?" Zoro asks not even looking up from his cards.
"N-No." Chopper stutters, stopping running.
"Then don't worry about it. It'll be fine," Zoro shrugs, before Chopper looks up at the bird overhead. Luffy's arms stretch out of the mouth, winding up.
"Gum Gum...Propeller!"
Luffy's arms grab the bird's beak, forcing it open as he easily slips out and spins the bird around with ease. Chopper looks up in awe aside you before you notice the bird starting to fall. "Ah Chopper get out of the way!" you drag the small reindeer out of the way, just as the bird shakes the whole deck, and knocks down the card players.
Luffy pops out from under the bird, with a bright smile. "Oh, Sanji I've got some meat! Hm?" he notices the three lying on the deck. "What's wrong with you guys? Are you sleeping or something??"
"IT'S YOUR FAULT!!" All three shout in unison.
"How are you gonna make up for this?!" Usopp yells. "I had a good hand!"
"Really?" Luffy laughs. "Sorry."
Sanji then looks at the large bird behind Luffy in surprise. "Oh wow, that is pretty big."
"Now we can have some decent meals." Zoro adds, the three of them much calmer now. You noticed that Chopper was rather quiet, so you decide to check up on him. "Are you okay, Chopper?"
"Y-yeah.." he stutters, his little blue nose twitching. "It's just that....Pirates are....Pirates are so amazing!!"
You felt your heart gush at how adorable he was being. You scoop him up in your arms and twirl around, "Aww you're so cute cute cute!!" you chant, snuggling the furry friend close to you.
"Hey you guys!" Nami comes up the steps, hands on her hips, "We're going to be at Alabasta soon. This is no time to be playing around!" she scolds.
"Yeah Y/n!" Luffy sticks out his tongue at you. "Stop playing with Chopper and pay attention!"
"Eeehh?!" You shout. "Says the one who almost got eaten with a bird!" you huff, putting down Chopper. "Hmph!"
Nami lets out a groan seeing this. "The two of you better knock it off and come down right now!" she hisses, making you and Luffy instantly shut up, and follow the rest of the crew to the main deck.
Below, was Vivi and Mist, who were still talking. It was quite odd. You wondered what it meant. "So what is Alabasta?" Luffy asks hopping down onto the deck next to Vivi.
"It's the country that Vivi's father governs," Nami explains. "One of the Seven Warlords, Crocodile is currently trying to take over Alabasta."
"Seven Warlords?" Chopper repeats in confusion.
"They're the seven pirates the World Government authorizes." Mist interjects, "And they're really strong. They crush other pirates, one by one, which is why the government allows them to exist."
"Crocodile...I can't wait to see him." Luffy says with a determined grin, already getting excited to fight the Warlord.
"In Alabasta he's seen as a hero because he crushes all of the pirates that try to attack the towns." Vivi looks down with a grimace. "That's only what he wants them to see though. Behind the scenes, he's pulling strings to force Alabasta into an all out civil war, so he can take over." she grits her teeth in frustration, her anger slowly rising. "No one has even noticed it. My father, the people, no one..."
"Alright! So then all we have to do is beat up that Crocodile right?" Luffy asks, not needing all the other details.
"Yes, if we can stop the civil war and get rid of Baroque Works."
"Baroque Works...?" Chopper once again, was confused, and Usopp lets out a sigh. "You don't know about them either huh? Well I guess their system is pretty hard to figure out.
Vivi quirks an eyebrow. "It's actually rather simple. At the top there's the boss, Crocodile, also known as Mr. 0. There are twelve agents and one animal who receive the orders from the boss directly. Each of the twelve agents operates separately as a pair with a female agent. First, there's Mr. 1 and Miss Double Finger. Mr. 2, doesn't have a partner though."
"Mr. 3 is the man we met in Little Garden right?" Zoro asks. "Yeah, and his partner was that little girl, Miss Golden Week." Mist finishes.
Vivi continues to list the remaining agents and partners. "Mr. 4 is with Miss Merry Christmas. I don't know much about these two either."
"And there's the booger dude, Mr. 5 right?!" you add, with a shudder, remembering how gross he was. "And his partner was that annoying blonde... Miss Valentine." you practically spat, making Zoro sweat drop. "Such a child..." Nami shakes her head.
"The agents Mr. 1 through Mr. 5 are all called officer agents. They all have a Devil Fruit and only go on really important missions. For Mr. 6 through Mr. 13 it's their jobs to fund raise for the company by leading the employees at the entrance of the Grand Line."
Sanji recalls the two strange animals in the wax house. "Oh come to think of it there was that annoying bird."
"That's Mr. 13 and Miss Friday. They're a punishment squad. They punish agents that don't finish their missions. Other than these people, there are roughly 200 subordinates called 'Billions' under the officer agents and 1800 subordinates called 'Millions' under frontier agents."
"Whoa...That's a lot...Like 2000 subordinates?!" Usopp exclaims in shock.
"Oh, I get it now!!" Luffy grins, "So all we have to do is beat Crocodile right?!"
"I'm sure you don't get it at all..." Mist says with a sigh.
"Wait, if Alabasta is the last big job of Baroque Works, doesn't that mean..." you begin, only for Nami to nod with a grimace. "All of the agents, officers and all, will gather in Alabasta."
"I see!" Luffy says once again. "Then as long as we beat that Crocodile guy-"
"Shut up." Sanji hisses. "You're just repeating yourself over and over!"
"Yes yes Luffy," you say patting the male on the head. "We need to defeat Crocodile but it's not that simple. Be patient okay?"
Luffy blinks a few times in surprise, before nodding slowly. "Okay... If you say so Y/n, then I'll believe you!"
And so the Merry continued to head to Alabasta, everyone determined to take down the secret organization Baroque Works and save the kingdom.
"Luffy don't lie!"
On the deck, Luffy was sat down, looking away from Sanji who was standing over the male. He narrows his eyes, crouching down and grabbing the male's face to make him face him. "Why are you looking away? Look me in the eye!"
Zoro was asleep on the deck on the other side, with Chopper, Usopp and Karoo all fishing. Nami, Vivi and Mist were on the upper deck, checking the map to see how far the ship is from Alabasta. You were sat from afar, watching the show- er, Luffy's terrible fate. Luffy tears his face away from Sanji's grip, making an awful poker face. "Well...I really don't know anything..."
"Then let me ask you," Sanji sighs, making a mental note that Luffy could not lie. "How did enough for food ten people, which I carefully divided so that it would last til we get to Alabasta disappear overnight?"
Luffy's eyes keep darting around the ship, trying to find somewhere else to look besides Sanji. "Stop fighting, it's pointless!!" Sanji grabs his face yet again. "You have a terrible poker face!" He sighs yet again, standing up. "Oh, you have something around your mouth."
"Ah crap!" Luffy slaps his hands over his mouth. "Leftovers?!"
"SO IT WAS YOU!!" Sanji yells before kicking Luffy across the deck as he hits face first into the door leading to the boys' room.
"Geez.... Ah, Nami-swan you saw that right?" Sanji looks up to the three on the deck. "That large rat trap isn't enough anymore. Please buy a refrigerator with a lock."
Nami sighs, "I'll think about it...Since it appears to be a life or death matter."
At the same time, Karoo, Chopper and Usopp had been eating what was left of the said food that was supposed to last til Alabasta. Usopp is first to finish swallowing his food, Chopper and Karoo close to finishing.
"W-Well! We'd better catch something for Sanji!" he stutters with a nervous laugh.
"Hey, any luck fishing?" Sanji asks, walking over in a calm manner, sending a shiver down the three's spine. You, yourself had been guilty of eating with them as well, but were smart enough to hide into your room before going on deck.
"W-well! Not yet....?"
Sanji wastes no time, in grabbing their heads, smacking them together as they fall onto the deck out cold. You sigh, walking over to Luffy who was still on the ground, "Geez you need to work on your poker face if you're gonna get away with anything~" you whisper in a teasing tone.
And so, Luffy and you join the three in the long wait of fishing. You were sat on the deck next to Luffy and Usopp, with no luck whatsoever in the fish coming. Luffy and Usopp were using Karoo as bait, which you had no protest to at this point, seeing all of the bait had been eaten. Luffy's stomach lets out a loud growl, followed by a sigh of sadness. "Ah... I'm starving... The fish aren't coming..."
"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" You and Usopp shout in unison. "You ate all of the bait!!"
"If we don't have any bait the fish won't bite on the hooks!!" You hiss.
"But you ate it too Usopp!!" Luffy whines.
"Just the stuff on the bait box!!" At this time, Vivi comes down where the three of you are sat. "Have you guys had any luck in catchi-AAAAHH!!" she screams seeing Karoo as the bait.
"I wonder if we can catch a shark or something?" you tilt your head slightly.
"Ooh how about a Sea King?" Usopp grins, before Vivi becomes angry. "WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING TO KAROO?!" and once again, she slams your heads together, making you wince.
"Aahhh....Why did I get punished?! They're the ones dangling him!!" You cry. Suddenly your gaze falls ahead seeing a strange light yellow and green mist. "What is that...?"
"I wonder if it's cotton candy...." Luffy whines, his mouth watering at the thought of food.
"I'll go get Nami!" Vivi runs up the steps, and heads into the room where Nami was drawing a map, Chopper at her side. Mist and Sanji were inside as well. "Nami please look outside!"
Nami looks up and remains calm. "Oh don't worry. It's just steam."
"From the sea???" Vivi says in confusion.
"Yes, it's a hot spot."
"It's an area where magma is produced from the volcanoes underneath the sea there," Mist explains, crossing his arms over his chest. "There are more that exist underwater than above water." Mist looks to you. "You should know that Y/n, we discussed this a few years ago," he says sharply making you sweat drop.
"H-hey...Can you blame me...? What is this a test of some sort?" you chuckle nervously, feeling all eyes on you. At this time, Usopp and Luffy use this distraction to their advantage, making Karoo the bait once more.
Once the Merry is through the smoke, Usopp and Luffy let out a surprised yell seeing a man wearing a swan on his back, and a pink coat, along with heavy make up on his face, grabbing onto Karoo. "A WEIRD FISH!!" Both males scream.
"Oh dear, how did I get caught by a duck?!" The strange male suddenly lets go of Karoo, falling into the water below. "Help me please!!" he begs, "I can't swim!!" before he starts to sink under.
It wasn't long before you used your powers to bring the male onto the deck. He sits hunched over for a few minutes, panting as he was soaked before regaining his composure. "Swan thanks, young lady!" he says bowing briefly to you. "My life has been saved by complete stranger pirates! I am forever in your debt! Do you think I could have a warm bowl of soup?"
"NO WAY!" You and the rest of the crew shout at the male. "We're the ones starving here!" Zoro adds. At the top of the deck, Vivi and Mist were there, staring at the strange swan man with odd looks. "Ooh you're so cute~ Definitely my type!" He winks to Vivi.
The blue haired female visibly cringes, looking to Mist. 'What a creepy guy...' they both thought in unison.
"So you can't swim?" Luffy asks casually, crouching besides the male.
"Nope! I've eaten a Devil Fruit!" he replies.
"Really? Which one?" Usopp asks, watching as the man stands now. "Well since there's no need to rush until my ship picks me up, I can entertain you a bit."
Luffy grins, awaiting for his power to be revealed. "Behold my power!" He suddenly slaps Luffy in the face, sending him flying back and making everyone suddenly tense. Zoro and you are first to react, drawing your katanas.
"Why you...!-" Zoro and you are about to charge until you hear an all too familiar voice. "Wait wait wait!" he says, "I told you this is all part of my act!" When he moves his hands away, you visibly pale seeing it was Luffy's face.
Luffy gasps. "It's me!!" he shouts in surprise.
"Surprise! Surprise!" The man cackles, "If I touch my face with my left hand," his face reverts back to his original, shocking the rest of the crew. "I become myself again! This is the power of the Clone Clone Fruit!"
"Even the voice and the body were the same..!" Mist exclaims in shock.
"Amazing!!" Luffy and you shout in unison, stars in your eyes. Luffy and Chopper watch in awe as the male gracefully turns around in a circle. "Well, I certainly don't have to knock you down, now watch!"
He touches his face again, and becomes Usopp. "All I have to do is..." He touches his face once again, turning to Zoro. "Touch faces with my right hand." he changes to Chopper. "As you can see, I can," and finally changes to Nami. "Mimic anyone! Bodies too!" he pulls his clothes off from the front, revealing Nami's body and making Usopp, Luffy and Chopper gasp in shock before Nami smacks the male on the head.
You wince, going over to the male, "Are you alright? No one can survive Nami's punches upon the first time receiving them."
"I'm sorry, but I can't show you any more of my powers," he says with a sigh.
"You're amazing do more!!"
"More more more!!"
Usopp whistles while Luffy and Chopper cheer with him. You smile watching this, wanting to see more but there was some odd feeling in your chest, telling you this man was more than just what you were witnessing.
"Well~ If you insist~!" he does another twirl, "Now then! Memory Feature!" He touches his face four more times, each a new male that appears to be random pirates, but what really catches Vivi's eye is seeing her father appear as one of the faces.
You and Mist were quick to notice the subtle change, as you join the two on the upper deck so you weren't heard. "Vivi, what's wrong?" you mutter quietly. Before she could answer, a ship looking like a swan appears.
"It's already time to say goodbye?" he says, standing on the railing with his hands on his hips. "What a shame..."
"EEEEH?!" all three crew members scream who were watching and dancing with the male in joy. "Don't go!!" Usopp sobs, followed by Chopper who mimics the same thing."
"Don't be discouraged! Journeys always accompany a farewell! But don't ever forget this!" He turns to the side, briefly wiping away a tear. "Friendship, has nothing to do with how long we've known each other!" and with that he hops off the ship, gracefully landing on his own.
"Now, let's go men!" he says, directing the crew mates, as the ships' gears turn and make a speedy farewell from the Going Merry.
"Yes, Mr. 2 Bon Clay-sama!"
To Be Continued.........
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