Chapter 12: The Three Sword Style's Past!
The person pins you down on the bed, holding your wrists with their hands and using their knees to pin your thighs down. When you look up at the culprit, it's none other than Zoro.
"Oi, what's with the Navy brand on your back?"
You thrash around, trying to get away from the moss head, but he only tightened his grip on your wrists. "OI!! ANSWER!!" You try to keep your cool, acting like it's nothing. "What are you talking about? There's nothing there. You're just seeing things."
Zoro only becomes irritated at your little act, "Shut up! I'm not stupid!! Why is it there?! And those scars?!" You sigh softly. "You're not gonna leave me alone until I answer, are you?" Zoro scowls. He looks very pissed, but under his hard glare, you can see a bit of concern in his eyes."Look just te-"
"GYAAAAHHHH!!! Sanji-SAN!! HELP!!!" Not even half a second later, Sanji bursts through the room door, with a fire in his eyes. Luffy follows in too, and sends his fist flying into Zoro's face, knocking him off you. "Y/N-CHAN!!!!! WHO HURT MY Y/N-CHAN!!!"
'Not how I expected that to happen, but oh well!'
You got up from the bed, smoothing the wrinkles out of your clothes and standing up. "You okay Y/n?!" Luffy cries. "Yeah, thank you Captain!!" You pull him into a tight hug, leaving an irritated Zoro, and a disappointed Sanji. "I wasn't fast enough to help my y/n-chan........."
"Luffy! What the hell are you-" Zoro is cut off when he has to block Sanji's kick with his katana. "Just what were you doing with y/n-chan marimo?!"
"Who are you calling "marimo" you curly eyed bastard?!"
You decide to let those two's bickering as a escape route. You and Luffy sneak out of the room, shutting the door. "Thanks for saving me there, Captain." Only, when you turn to look at Luffy, he has an adorable pouty that makes you giggle. "What's wrong Captain?" "Nothing's wrong....."
You deadpan as you notice that Luffy has absolutely no skill in keeping a poker face. You sigh, and hit him on the head, hard. "OUCH!!! That hurt y/n......"
"Then tell me what's wrong!!" Luffy makes the pouty face again, still not wanting to say anything. Then, you get an idea. You hate it, and you don't want to say it, but you do it. "I'll give you......M-my m-meat......."
Luffy's eyes lit up. "Really?! Yay!!!" You mutter under your breath, something to the effect of. "The things I do for you...." "What was that?" he asks. "Nothing! Now tell me what's wrong!"
"You called for Sanji.." You raise an eyebrow. "And?" Luffy continues, "Why didn't you call for me to help?" You were shocked to hear such an odd question. "I don't know.....I just wanted to get away from that stupid marimo, and Sanji-san is always so weird around me.....
You laugh sheepishly. If there was one thing you didn't know about, it was romance. "Can you blame me though? It's not like I have or will like anyone like that........."
You jump seeing Nami come from behind you and Luffy, slamming your heads together, as a new bump forms onto your heads. "OUCH!! What was that for Nami?!" you cry. "Why are Zoro and Sanji-kun fighting?!" Nami growls. "Oh yeah. My bad, my bad!"
Nami sighs, hands on her hips. "Why did you hit me Nami?!" Luffy whines. "Because you were involved in this too!!! You and Sanji burst in on y/n while she was getting dressed!"
"Uhm, actually Nami; Zoro was in the room the entire ti-" Zoro comes up from behind you, clasping his hand over your mouth. You try to yank it off, as your words were mufflled. "Mohv yah hann orhn imm gonn choh it hoff!!!!"
(Move your hand or I'm going to chop it off!!!!)
Zoro whispers. "Swear you won't say anything." "Zoro!" Nami yells. "Are you trying to suffocate the poor girl?!" "Well?" he awaits your answer. You roll your eyes, but nod. Zoro releases his hand, and you let out a gasp, thankful that his hand was gone.
"Phew, any longer and I would've had to lick your hand marimo!" Zoro looks at his hand, noticing a long clear line of spit. "YOU ALREADY DID!! DISGUSTING!!" Zoro tries to wipe it off on Nami's shirt, only for her to kick him, heal first, into the ground.
"DON'T WIPE IT ON ME!!!" She looks back at you, with anger in her eyes, but it disappears when she sees you in the outfit. "Ooooohh y/n-chan!!! You look so much better than before!!"
Nami looks you up and down, taking in the outfit. "Do you like it?" she asks. You shrug. "It could cover up a little more, but it's okay." Nami shakes her head furiously. "Baka! You don't want to cover up!" "Eh? Why not?" you ask. Nami sighs shaking her head. "We have a long way to go."
"Oh yeah I forgot!!" You hold up a bra that matches the same shade of green/blue as your outfit. "What is this???" "EEEEHHHH!?!??!" Nami exclaims. Luffy grabs it, stretching the straps a bit, with a puzzled look on his face. "Yeah, what is it Nami?"
Nami snatches it away, then grabs your wrist dragging you away. You flail your arms around, trying to get away from the horrors that could possibly await you.
~~A few minutes later~~
"So.....I have to wear it?"
Nami groans. "Yes. It supports and covers your chest. Understand?"
You nod. The both of you were in the women's room, and Nami explained to you what a bra was, and why you have to show off for the men. You felt a little awkward, but now you understood why Sanji was all over you two. "Good. Now take off the top if that outfit, so I can put it on for you."
You start to panic, backing away from Nami a bit. "T-T-That's okay! I'll figure it out!!" Nami shakes her head. "No, I have to show you first!"
Nami grabs the fabric of your outfit, starting to take it off. "Come on, are you really that self consciou-"
"Stop!" You slap Nami's hand away, backing away to the other side of the room. Nami clutches her hand, it still red from when you slapped it. You gasp, walking over to her cautiously. "I'm.....Sorry. But, please......"
Nami grimaces, but nods. She tell you how to do the clasps, and how to adjust the straps, then walks out of the room, closing the door. When she leaves, you collapse on your back, flat on the bed. You place one hand on your forehead, feeling awful. "Why did I do that?" you muter.
'What's wrong with me?'
You hear a knock on the door, and jump up off the bed, making sure your outfit doesn't show any of your scars. "Who is it?"
"It's me."
You recognize the deep voice as Zoro's, and sigh. You open the door a crack, finding yourself face to face with the swordsman. "You wanna talk about the scars?" you ask, knowing that was probably it. His silence answers your question. "Fine." You pull him in, slamming the door before anyone notices.
"I guess I can't keep playing it off, or lying anymore......" you begin. "Yeah......" he mutters back. You and Zoro hug each other, trying to keep your tears from streaming down your face, and you succeed. "I missed you, Big Brother."
Zoro sighs. "You idiot.............I missed you to." You chuckle softly. "Sorry for getting Sanji-san on you......." Zoro's eye twitches at this. "You're gonna pay for that."
"Yeah, should've seen that coming." You stand there in silence, allowing Zoro's warmth, to embrace you, and give you a sense of safety. You pull away, taking in Zoro's looks. "So you mastered Three-Sword-Style huh?"
Zoro crosses his arms over his chest with a grin. "And you're a Devil Fruit user." You laugh. "Yeah."
"You were surprisingly good at playing dumb."
"I could say the same. The last thing we need is the Navy finding out we're close." Zoro sits down on the bed. "I'm glad to see you're safe though. I almost didn't recognize you. You changed your hair from o/h/c (old hair color) to n/h/c (new hair color)."
"Yeah, I just couldn't forget that moss hair of yours though!" Zoro lets out a chuckle, "Yeah yeah yeah. Laugh all you want." But you stop at the same time, for Zoro's next words. "But seriously, what happened?"
You sit down next to the male. Oh yeah...... you didn't see my scars before....." He grabs your hands, and makes you look up at him. "What happened?"
You explained everything, starting from your mother's death, to how you father whisked you away, how you knew Luffy and wanted to find him. You left out the details about Vanya and the torture, just saying that you were trapped at the Marine Base instead. Zoro just sits there quietly, listening intently. When you finish, Zoro is silent. "I know, it's a lot to take in bu-"
"I'm sorry." he mutters, cutting you off. You look at him, shocked at first. "What?"
"I shouldn't have let you leave that day........."
Before you lived in Foosha Village, you had lived temporarily in Shimotsuki village. Honestly, that's where you were born, and also where your father got his first job. You were 6, and walking around town with your mom, in your f/c dress, along with simple sandals, looking for something to do, until you came along Isshin Dojo. "Mom, what's this place?"
Your mother smiles. "This is a dojo. Remember how your father joined the Navy?"
"Well, because of that, the Navy suggested that you take some classes in swordsmanship."
Back then, you were determined to become a Navy officer, just like your father. But boy, how fate would take a turn for you. You and your mother enter the dojo, and you see rows of boys, each having a wooden sword and a green gi on, as they chant, raising the sword up and down. The dojo master walks over to the two of you, with a warm smile. "Welcome. You must be the L/n's. I'm Koushiro. This is my dojo."
Your mother shakes his hand, returning the warm smile. "I'm M/n. This is my daughter, Y/n." You look up at the man, putting on a smile, and bowing. "Nice to meet you sir, I wish to take your lessons." The man smiles warmly. "There's no need to be so formal. Come, we'll get you started."
It has been about two weeks since you started. Overall, you liked the lessons, and being that you and Kuina were the only girls in the dojo you have tried to talk to her, but were afraid. After all, you were considered the second strongest, so there was a little competition there. One day, you were doing your warm ups, when a boy with green hair and a white shirt, and rolled up loose jeans, showed up at the front of the doji. "Send your strongest swordsmen out! I challenge your dojo!"
Koushiro looks up in surprise. "Oh? Dojo challenges are certainly rare these days." "You shouldn't take me lightly just because I'm a kid. I am unrivaled in the next village over." Koushiro smiles, liking his determination."Very well. I accept."
"If I win, I get your dojo!"
"And if you lose?"
"T-t-then uh...."
"He'll become a student here!" Koushiro is startled to find you next to him, then turns at the crowd of kids hiding behind the door. "Good idea, Y/n." He pats your head, and you giggle. You look at Zoro, who turns away with a tough look on his face. You frown, but think nothing of it.
"Go back with the other boys, Y/n." You nod. "Yes, sensei!" Koushiro chuckles softly seeing how happy you were. "Now then, Kuina!!!" Kuina steps out through the crowd of boys, her wooden sword in hand. She has a white tank top and green baggy pants. You run past Kuina. "Yes, Father?"
Young Zoro looks in shock. "What?! You're not going to fight me?!"
"Kuina may be a girl, but she is stronger than the adults in the dojo." Zoro pauses for a moment before sighing and nodding. "Then, come inside." Koushiro leads Zoro to the inside of the dojo, to the pile of wooden swords. "I can use any I want?"
"To your heart's content." Zoro spits out the piece of wheat he was chewing on. He grabs nine swords, three in each hand, and three in his mouth. "Alright! Let's begin!" You talk to one of the nearby boys, you were all sitting in a circle around Kuina and Zoro's fighting spot. "Why nine?" you whisper. "Beats me." another boy whispers back.
"Bow before the gods."
Kuina and Zoro do, causing Zoro to drop one of the swords.
"Are you stupid or something..?" you mutter.
They bow to each other, Zoro dropping another sword, now only one in his mouth. "Begin!"
Well, let's just say that Zoro was absolutely stupid. He lost easy to Kuina, and now was forced to join the dojo. After class, you walked up to the boy, curious. You tapped him lightly on the shoulder, and he turned harshly to you. "What do you want?!"
"How rude!" you yell back. "I just wanted to say, you're stupid!" Zoro becomes irritated at this. "What?! You stupid girl! I'm stronger than you! You can't say that!"
"Yes I can! What idiot uses that many swords?!"
"I do! So what?!"
You both stand there, heads clashing. Eventually you both go quiet. You stand there, watching Zoro's annoyed face, and burst out laughing. "What's so funny?!" he demands. You start to calm down to answer his question. "I came here, to ask if you wanted to train with me, and I ended up arguing with you!"
Zoro bites his lip, trying to not laugh, but he fails gravely. You both stand there, laughing, but he stops when you hold out your hand to him. "I'm Y/f/n. What's your name?"
"Roronoa Zoro."
Over the next few months, you and Zoro had grown closer and closer. He was always training hard, and you were there to support him. Whether it was getting him new swords, him carrying you on his shoulders during runs, from letting him beat you, or even just cheering him on.
One day, Kuina had made her 2000 win, and losses, 0. Of course, it was Zoro that lost. But Kuina went a little too far, in your opinion of course. She called him weak, and said he would never beat her. You didn't hate Kuina, but damn. After that match, Zoro went to wash his face. You were about to follow him, until the boys start to tease you. "Oi Y/n!"
You turn to face the male. "What?" "Are you and Zoro boyfriend and girlfriend or something?" You shook your head furiously. "What?! No! I think of him as a brother!"
"It's so obvious! She follows him like a lost pup!"
You run out of the dojo, not wanting to hear anymore. You run to find Zoro by the well, and you sit down on it, next to him. "Hey Y/n?" you turn slightly to face the male. "Yeah?" Zoro suddenly stands. "Why can't I beat Kuina?! I'm going to be the strongest man in the world, so why?!"
You snap your fingers. "Hey I have an idea!" He looks over at you, excited now. "What is it?!"
"Why don't y-"
Before you can say anything more to Zoro, you feel a stinging pain on your right cheek. You look up from Zoro and see your mother. She has bags under her eyes, her hair is messy and sticking up. She is panting hard and has a small cut on her right cheek. Her eyes have a crazed look in them and she is pissed. She grabs the collar of your shirt, lifting you up so your legs are dangling. "What the hell are you doing?! Why are you hanging out with this pile of shit?!"
She gestures to Zoro, who looks pissed. You are shaking; your mother would never cuss around you. Not even get physical with you. "M-m-mom?" you stutter in shock. "We're leaving!" she snaps. "Your father got a higher ranking in the Navy, but he transferred locations."
Your mother drags you away from Zoro, who is reaching out for your hand. Your hands meet, and you wriggle out of your mother's grip, despite her yelling and screaming at you. The two of you, hand in hand, run away, til your are deeper into the building where your mom won't find you. You finally decided to hide in a small cabinet. When you stop, Zoro looks at you, pissed. "What the hell is her deal?!"
"I-I I don't know.........she has never acted like that before!" you say, already feeling tears pool in your eyes. Zoro tched. "Well, clearly she doesn't like me."
"I-I don't care!!" you stutter, making Zoro surprised. "Y-Y-You're like my big brother. Yeah! Big Brother Zoro!!" Zoro is confused at first, but lets out a laugh, then gives you a hug. "Yeah, then you're my little sister Y/n! And it's my job to protect you from now on!"
You smile, but quiet down when you hear footsteps coming in your direction. It sounds like one- no, two people. Before either of you can react, the door opens, revealing Koushiro-sensei and M/n.
Your mother grabs you by your h/l h/c, pulling you out of there. "We're leaving. Now." You just nod, your whole body shaking, as your mother proceeds to take you away. But your mother cries out in pain, and you turn around to see Zoro, using a wooden sword to smack your mother's back. "Zoro!" you and Koushiro yell.
Your mom falls on onto her knees, but gets back up, delivering an uppercut to Zoro's chin. He goes flying back into the wall, knocking down the stack of swords laid against the wall. "You stupid old hag! Who hurts their own daughter like that?!"
Zoro gets up to charge at M/n again, Kuroshiro holds Zoro back. "Zoro! I understand you want to protect y/n, but you can't go attacking her mother! She has her own way of raising her child, and we can't interfere with that." "B-but!"
"Don't worry Zoro!"
All eyes are on you. You have a sincere smile on your face as you skip up to Zoro, giving him one last hug. He accepts it, whispering something in your ear. "Don't you dare join that shitty Navy. When I am the greatest swordsman, I will find you, and I swear I will protect you." You smile at this, feeling the tears finally escape down your cheeks. "Yeah. I know you will."
With your last words of farewell, you and your mother board a Navy Ship, heading for a small village called Foosha village.
~~End Flashback~~
"Your mother still pisses me off, just thinking about her." You let out a half-hearted laugh. It's true, you hated your mother partly for what she had done, but you still loved her, for the times she took care of you before. "Yeah.....But on a lighter subject, how's Kuina?"
Zoro's calm look fades, and is replaced with one of sorrow. ".....She's dead." You gasp, your eyes widen in shock. "It was an accident. She fell down the stairs, breaking her neck. "She used to always ask about you, blaming me for you leaving..."
You shake your head. "Well, it wasn't! I had no choice; my piece of shit father had gotten a promotion." Zoro nods. "I know. I never said it was my fault. I thought you would be okay, until Kuroshiro said something about "Navy Weapon", and there was a picture of you."
Your eyes dilate in horror, remembering Vanya, and you father. The screams, the blood, the knife digging deeper and deeper into your back. Your father just leaving you there. Vanya's laugh echoing through your ears. "Oi, you still with me?"
"Y-yeah....." you stutter. Zoro sighs. "You scared me to death. I didn't know what to believe; were you the still y/n from before? Or did you surrender to the Navy?"
"Of course I didn't! It's just that-" Suddenly the ship rocks, causing you to lose balance, and grabbing onto Zoro's arm for support. Zoro steadies you, quickly letting go of your arm. You and Zoro run out, only to find a Navy ship against the Going Merry. There is a man with dark skin and pink hair, and has metal knuckles on his right hand, standing on the railing of the ship, staring down at the crew. "You damn brats! Don't you dare mock a former Navy HQ Lieutenant! We'll just have to fight you hand to hand!"
You let out a long exasperated sigh, stepping forward. Usopp and Luffy notice you, moving out of your way. A small water bird forms into the palm of your hand, then grows bigger and bigger, until it's the size of the two ships. "EH?!! SO COOL!!!" Luffy has stars in his eyes, while the Navy men and Usopp are screaming in panic.
Zoro just stares with a blank expression. "Wow. A bird." Fullbody looks scared, but shakes it off, jumping off the railing and charging toward you. "Fight on men!!!" The beak on your bird opens, and with all your strength you heave the bird forward at the Navy men, as it swallows them in its' beak. Fullbody manages to dodge, but the remaining men fall into the water.
"WOW!! Y/N!!! THAT WAS SO COOL!!!!" Luffy exclaims.
Fullbody scowls, looking back at you. As he looks at you, a light blush is dusted onto his cheeks, upon seeing your cleavage. Zoro notices, sending a deathly glare at the man, but Luffy beats him to the punch, literally. Fullbody goes flying into the railing of the Merry, clutching his cheek in pain. Fullbody lets out a scream when he sees Sanji hovering above him, a frying pan in one hand, and wearing a pink apron. "You've got some balls, staring at my y/n-chan, and interrupting during mealtime. Don't got any soup bowls. You planning to lick the deck or something?"
You were confused at Sanji, and Fullbody for being frightened, but decided to roll with it. Fullbody lets out a scream of terror, jumping off the ship. When all of their men are onboard, you decide to play with them a little more. You create a large wave, lifting your arm up slowly, then swipe downward in a circle motion, as the wave shoots down behind the Navy ship, sending them forward at an incredible speed.
You let out a satisfied sigh, while Luffy is in total awe. Usopp's jaw has hit the floor, and Sanji and Zoro have their usual poker faces. Nami is sitting on her lounge chair, reading the newspaper. "Come on you guys! Keep it down!" You nod, "Yeah, sorry Nami!"
"Jeez, I can't even read a newspaper in peace." she mutters. "Nami-swaaan! Y/n-chaan!! I have both of your meals made!" Luffy grins. "Yay! Food! Food!" he chants.
All of you head into the kitchen. You sit down at the edge of the table, Zoro in front of you on the opposite side. Nami sits next to Zoro, Usopp on her opposite side. Sanji looks mad, but sees no one sitting next to you. Luffy goes to slide in next to you, but Sanji beats him to the punch. Luffy pouts, going to sit next to Zoro's opposite side from Nami.
You are ready to dig into your meal, until Luffy reaches his hand over your meal. Sanji stabs his hand with a fork. "Ouch! Oi Y/n! You said I get your food!" You let out a small hum, putting your pointer finger on your lips, pretending to look confused. "Hmmm No I didn't."
"OI!" You stick out your tongue playfully, receiving a laugh from everyone. "Yes you did!!"
"I really don't remember doing that....."
"Stop lying N/n!!" You pause hearing this. "Eh? N/n? Why did you call me N/n?"
"Because it's cute! Shishsishi!"
You blush for a moment, causing you to get distracted as you watch Luffy eat your lunch. It takes you a moment to register what happened, before you yell in surprise. "Luffy!!! No fair!!! You tricked me!!"
"Shishishsi I win!!!" The crew is dying of laughter, Nami and Usopp are slamming their hand on the table over and over, Zoro is doing his classic catchy laugh, and even Sanji found himself chuckling.
You felt so happy with this crew. It almost made you forget that burden you were carrying, the one with the title "Navy Weapon"
To Be Continued.......................
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