A Day Out- A Fanloon One-Shot
Fandom: Inanimate Insanity
Ships?: FANLOON!
Extras?: Fanloon is fucking adorable. Also. Nickel is a dick. AND! SNOW CONES ARE FUCKING YUMMY!
*Fan's P.O.V*
I was just kinda chilling in my room, writing on my blog cause I don't have much to do at the moment. Yea I was bored, but it never stopped me from being on my laptop!
Though, I guess nothing much was going on nowadays. With I.I 2 being on hiatus, it's been slow and I didn't like it.
Like, come on now, what am I supposed to do?! I have so much free time and I have no idea what to do with myself!
Man, I was bored out of my mind! Sighing, I put up my laptop and laid down on my bed.
What should I do that wasn't being on my laptop? Hmm. I could hang out with Test Tube, but she was probably too busy to notice me.
Paintbrush? Nah, they're probably painting. I don't wanna disturb them, they're scary when mad.
Ugh, there was nothing to do! Lightbulb was still on the show grounds, so I couldn't hang with her either!
.... Is this a sign to get some more friends?? .... Probably actually. Well I'll take the advice then.
Standing up, I walked over to my door and walked out of my room. I walked down the hallway and down the stairs to the main lobby floor.
Hang on, I could've taken the elevator down huh? ... I'll take it on the way upstairs actually.
Right, now that I was out and about, what should I do? .... Maybe get something to snack on?
Food sounds rather nice thinking about it. To the kitchen I go then!
Walking over to the kitchen, I walk to the pantry to see what I can get. Hmm, nothing looks really appetizing at the moment.
Man, this sucks! .... Was my life really this bland? Just not finding anything fun and just being on my laptop 24/7?
Gosh, I didn't even think about that. I guess Painty was right about me spending too much time on my laptop.
Maybe I should do something nice for myself! Ooo! I think I'll go-
"Dude! Did you see the look on his face?!", a snarky voice laughed.
Huh? What was going on? I should check it out. I walked over towards the living room to hear better.
Looks like Nickel, Knife and Baseball were chatting. Well, more like laughing, which was confusing to me.
"Fuck yea! Man! How pathetic do you have to be?!", Knife laughed.
"I know! Like. Bro. Who the fuck would like, let alone love, Balloon?!", Nickel laughed.
Balloon? So this was about him huh? Wait, what even happened?
"Maybe you should've been a little bit nicer about the whole thing Nick... Balloon did look rather upset.", Baseball said.
"Nicer? Pft- HAH! As if I'll ever be nice to that manipulative bastard!", Nickel remarked.
"Come on. He's done nothing bad... All of that was just the past anyways.", Baseball reasoned.
"So? It doesn't matter. Once a manipulator. ALWAYS a manipulator. Besides, it was so pathetic the way he tried to confess to me.", Nickel gagged.
"But still. You could've rejected him in a nicer way... instead of pouring soda all over him and making a scene.", Baseball sighed.
"It was fucking funny though.", Nickel snickered.
"Yea. Especially since I got it on tape!", Knife laughed.
The three continue to bicker and banter while I stood there, pretty pissed off. 1st off, how rude of them to talk shit about Balloon like that!
Sure, I didn't know him well, but still. It's not right to talk shit about somebody who was already suffering from severe depression!
2nd, that really is a horrible way to reject a person! Like, gosh. Some people are just assholes and love to cause scenes!
Balloon probably felt awful right about now. Hmm. Maybe I should go over and help him out.
I went upstairs to Balloon's room and went inside once I reached it. Wait, I don't have his room key to get inside his room.
Well shit, I need to get him some spare clothes. Hmm... maybe there's some in the wash room?
Eh, it was worth a try! I walked over to the wash room and looked around. Hey! I found something his size! Sweet!
Right, I should grab a bag so I can put his dirty clothes in there. Oh! I'll use my bag that I take my laptop in.
Jogging towards my room, I went in and grabbed my laptop bag and put Balloon's spare clothes in there. Right! I'm ready for a nice date with Balloon!
...... Hang on. DID I SAY DATE?! Surely this was just a simple hangout with him! Haha. I didn't like him like that!
.... Did I? Do I have a crush on Balloon? Sure he was nice and all, but do I have a crush on somebody as cute as him?
.... Fuck, I think I do! Well, maybe I could use this to get to know him better! Yea, and maybe confess I don't know.
I rushed downstairs and ran out of the hotel, ready to hangout with Balloon! Man, I was so excited for this!
Making it to the city thanks to my car, I began to search for Balloon. It didn't take too long since I found him at a nearby park!
Parking my car, I got up and made my way over towards him. He didn't notice me yet, which was good.
Gosh, I was getting nervous. But I was determined to help Balloon and cheer him up!
*Narrator P.O.V*
Balloon was just silently sobbing to himself. His confession to Nickel failed, and it broke his heart.
Why was it so hard to be loved? Everything he tried and did failed. It was like it wasn't worth even trying.
Maybe he shouldn't try anymore. Perhaps it was better if he didn't find love and-
"Hey!", a voice called out.
Hearing the voice startled Balloon quite a bit. Jumping from his spot, Balloon looked up and saw Fan standing in front of him.
What was Fan doing here? Why did he come all this way for somebody as pathetic as him?
'Fan was probably here to make fun of me...', Balloon thought solemnly.
"Um..... h-hi...", Balloon greets.
"Hey! Sorry for um.... Startling ya! Heh.", Fan apologized.
"I-it's.... Okay. Um. What are you doing here? S-sorry if that sounded rude.", Balloon asked.
"Nah it's alright! I um... actually came to check up on you.", Fan replied, rather flustered.
"Check up..... O-on me? Why?", Balloon questioned, confused and shocked.
"Well. I um. Heard what happened earlier. So... I came to make sure you were okay!", Fan answered.
"R-really? I-i mean. I'm not..... The most liked person...", Balloon frowned.
"I don't really care. You're trying your best to be a different person, so why not make friends with ya?", Fan said, blushing a bit.
".... T-that's... the nicest thing anyone's said about me....", Balloon muttered, tearing up.
"Oh gosh! I'm sorry! I-i didn't mean to make you upset!", Fan apologized, worried.
"I-i'm fine. I'm just... happy actually.", Balloon smiled weakly.
"Ah. Thank gosh. Heh. Well. Um. Are you okay?", Fan questioned.
"Kinda. Thanks.", Balloon replied.
"No problem! .... You wanna hang out? I know you just got rejected, but maybe a nice day out will help you.", Fan asked.
"... S-sure. W-we can hang...", Balloon stuttered, blushing a tad bit.
"Cool! Oh! I also brought you some spare clothes. Since, well... your's are um... sticky.", Fan explained.
"... Y-you... did that... for m-me?", Balloon asked, shocked.
"Yea! I mean. Being in sticky and dirty clothes isn't fun. So I thought you would want to freshen up!", Fan smiled.
"T-thank you. T-that... means a lot... simple yea, but to me it means a lot.", Balloon replies, tearing up a bit.
"Like I said. Anytime. I don't want you to be uncomfortable after all! Come on, let's find a store so you can change.", Fan said, smiling.
Fan brushed away the tears from Balloon's face and led him to the car. Once the two were in said car, Fan began to drive to a nearby Walmart.
After driving there, the two got out and walked inside the store. Fan led Balloon to the restrooms and handed him the bag where the clothes were.
Though Balloon didn't want to use Fan's laptop bag to store the dirty clothes in, he did so anyway per Fan's request. So with a freshen up Balloon, the two set out on a nice day out.
From getting lunch, to doing a bit of shopping, the two had a really nice day. Balloon's mood changed throughout the day as Fan brought out happiness that he never had before.
Seeing how Balloon was having such a good day, Fan smiled as the two reached their final destination for the day. A nice snow cone parlor to end a nice day with.
Balloon and Fan ordered 2 snowcones to munch on as they chilled at the park nearby. Balloon got a mango flavor while Fan ordered a blue coconut flavor.
After their snow cones were made, they walked out and walked to the park and sat down on a bench. They snacked on their icy treats when Fan popped a question.
"So. Um. Did you enjoy today?", Fan asked.
"Mhm! I had a nice day. T-thanks again.", Balloon replied.
"Of course! Heh. We should do this more often. I really love hanging out with you.", Fan smiled.
"Y-you do? But. I'm not.... Anything special.... I'm just... nothing.", Balloon frowned.
"Nothing? Well... god. I think you're really cute.", Fan blurted.
".... C-cute?", Balloon asked, blushing.
".... OH CRAP! D-did I say that out loud?!", Fan asked, very flustered.
"I-i... Y-yea.", Balloon said.
"Oh gosh! I-i'm sorry! I didn't- oh wow. That's really embarrassing...", Fan groaned, hiding his face.
"Heh. I-i.... t-thank you. For the compliment...", Balloon thanked.
"No problem. And. I... I mean it.", Fan said.
"R-really?", Balloon questioned.
"Mhm. Y-your really cute. And really nice. Like, gosh. I could just hang out with you all day.", Fan sighed, smiling at Balloon.
Balloon blushes more at the compliment Fan said. Was he really all of that? Did Fan really think that of him?
"Y-you... mean it?", Balloon asked.
"Yea. And. I-i know... you're getting over a heartbreak... but... Um...", Fan began.
"Hm?", Balloon questioned.
"... I-i.. was wondering... if... you... wanted to um.. Maybe date?", Fan confessed, blushing a lot.
"D-date? A-as... in boyfriends?", Balloon pried, blushing a lot as well.
"Y-ya. I understand if you don't want to! Haha. This was a bad idea.", Fan replied, frowning.
"N-no. I-i... I wouldn't... mind being boyfriends.", Balloon confessed, blushing more.
"W-wha-? Really?", Fan asked, shocked.
"Yea. I... like you.", Balloon smiled.
"I like you too! I'm glad you agreed to this!", Fan smiled as well.
And without thinking, the two slowly leaned in closer together. Like something out of a fantasy, they closed the gap as they kissed.
The kiss felt like magic to the two of them. Fireworks went off in both Balloon and Fan's heart and mind.
It felt like hours before the two parted the kiss, both with blushing faces. Fan smiled at Balloon as the latter did the same to the former.
Some minutes later, the two left the park and made their way back to the hotel. When they arrived, they spent the rest of the day in Fan's room, watching YouTube.
Balloon had fallen asleep and Fan noticed this. Smiling, he made Balloon comfortable as he wrote on his blog.
'Update. I hung out with Balloon today. He's not as bad as everyone says he is. Also. We're dating now. SUCK IT NICKEL, YOU FUCKING ASS DICK! *middle finger emoji*'
'*SarcasticCoin reacted to your post*'
'*SarcasticCoin left a message on your post*'
'SarcasticCoin: Fuck you nerd *middle finger emoji*'
I hoped you all enjoyed this one-shot!!!
Yea I know...
A random ass one-shot out of nowhere. How fun!
I am working on Chapter 16 for Forgotten Memories on A03 don't worry.
I just has a small inspiration for a one-shot cause why not.
So i hope you enjoyed this Fanloon one-shot!!!
Fuel up my Fanloon shippers ^^
I swear. I don't mean to be mean to anyone who ships Nickloon.
I respect all ships including Nickloon. I may not ship it as much as I used to...
But I still respect it. No I don't hate Nickloon, I just.... see them as close friends.
Rant over, I'll see you all in the next one-shot!!!
-M <3
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